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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. the speed of his firing, etc. may have had something to do with the fact that there were rumors for years about him. But, yeah... women need more fellow-victims before they're believed, it seems. Same with children often times.
  2. I just went to see it yesterday with my aunt. We both enjoyed it quite a bit.
  3. So very sorry for both losses. hugs.
  4. You've got this... and you have a whole host of homeschooling mamas who are with you in spirit.. prayers and hugs.
  5. I remember that one too! Don't remember if there was ever an update.
  6. well, not really. That was also the 2nd time looking. I had looked for thoroughly the night before an couldn't find it. I thought that I'd re-look in the morning.
  7. And also it depends on the person. Some people will be traumatized (whether mildly or not) and others seem to shake some things off with a "Boy, that person is an asshat. Must avoid next time around." Just like siblings of alcoholics seem to process and handle it differently.
  8. well, here's the thing... When we first looked at this house the access to the crawl-space was completely open. Nothing was keeping anything from going in there. I asked the home inspector repeatedly if there were critters living under there. He said no - but there are a couple of side "rooms" that he may not have looked in that thoroughly - it's probably less than 3 feet high in there. We've since closed it off and put in an access panel that can only be opened from the outside. But, yeah I was actually a little worried about homeless people - in addition to snakes, raccoons, etc. I've been down there a few times as we are trying to put insulation around the perimeter...no evidence of people. Not so sure about the detached garage/workshop though :scared: I think I need to change all the locks on the house for starters.
  9. oh great. Thanks for telling me this one. We're hoping to start some renovations in our house this spring.
  10. I don't know... but i hope someone does a in-depth study on this. But, it is true, that we second-guess ourselves when it's manipulative behavior. I think it's often the thought of, "Did I just see that or is it just me over-reacting?" At least that's what goes through my mind.
  11. This breaks my heart on so many levels. I've always been the cold, judgy daughter. I was told repeatedly I was the problem with other people because of my cold judgmental ways** I was repeated made to feel guilty for not being loving and accepting. I always felt a bit like Cassandra. I never ever thought that it may have been that my family was groomed. **granted - I've always been very bad at faking it. If I don't like you *you* will know it. I could never be a frenimy.
  12. I agree with this statement so much. It's more than just seeing something or feeling that something is off - it's getting someone to believe you. Even if you're an adult it's hard. Add to that the whole Christian dynamic of "loving your enemies". I think just makes it SO much harder.
  13. Sparkly - So glad your mom finally stepped in. It reminded me of an experience I had with one of my children and the drs. My 2nd child about about 18months, maybe less. We went for a well-baby check up and I had gotten the older dr. in the practice who had started it way back when (It was a large practice). Baby check up seems to go fine until...son is totally undressed with no-diaper and dr. lifts him up and gives him a raspberry on on his belly... :huh: My son (who was already attached at the hip at that point) was having none of it. My mind was screaming "Danger Will Robinson!!" I vowed never to go back to him again. About a year later he retired from the practice. I've never heard anything since.
  14. This is an excellent article. I've shared it with my priest's wife and told her I think we should share it with Father and several others in leadership. As someone who has been abused, this was hard to read on so many levels
  15. I was thinking of setting traps. Not sure what that could be. What would appeal to someone who is sneaking around my house taking my toothbrush for the day. :laugh:
  16. I know, right? I told my dh that's what I wanted to do to, but I got "the look". So no one believes me. They think it was there all the time and I just didn't see it. I honestly don't know what to think. Food going missing in my house wouldn't really get noticed. But, we don't have a lot of places to hide. No basement, our attic is hard to get into (and very noisy). But, we do keep our doors unlocked except at night. We live far off the street. That will change.
  17. LOL - no. He's not that adventurous. I'm thinking there's something going on and the dog senses it. This is what I'm worried about... esp. with the dog acting weird: https://www.littlethings.com/hidden-camera-creeper-apartment/
  18. Last night as I was preparing for bed my toothbrush was missing. I figured my dh accidentally took it instead of his to the extra b-room. He will sometimes do that if he's hoping to leave extra early and doesn't want to wake me in the morning. However, a search of the house did not turn up my toothbrush. :huh: Everyone else was asleep so I thought I'd ask in the morning. I use a travel toothbrush I have. Next morning, no one knows what I'm talking about. I look around a bit again, just in case I put it somewhere weird in the bathroom (like the side of the tub or something). I go out to get my g-kids for the day. Come back .... my toothbrush is in its place in the medicine cabinet. Dh and son swear they are not pulling my leg and they have no idea what I'm talking about. I then remember that the dog has been acting weird for about a month or two (don't really know because we moved here in Oct.). My college daughter even commented on it when she was home during break. I start thinking paranoid thoughts. What says the Hive?
  19. I can't link on my tablet but did anyone read the nyt oped about this topic as it related to the peacock? It was either yesterday or sunday. The comments section unfolded almost exactly as thisistheday described....at least on fb comments it did.
  20. I really like him. I've been re-watching Frasier for the last several weeks and I realized what a wonderful actor he is/was. The best scenes are almost always ones with him in it. He will be missed. RIP
  21. Thanks everyone. I've been taking the syrup and lozenges religiously since yesterday. I read that incubation is 1-4 days... so far so good. I've been treating my 16yr old and my husband did one dose of Syrup and a few of the lozenges. Rest is less of an option. I just don't sleep well and I have g-kids today. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  22. Yes, I forgot to add that one. We tried it on another computer and Chat worked fine. That's when we started deleting cookies. We're thinking it's got to be something with this computer and Chrome.
  23. That sounds a lot like me. I avoid and stay away as much as I can. I have a veyr hard time saying what I feel so when I do it comes out quite badly and not very kind. Thanksfully, I've been sleeping okay through this. I think processing it through writing it (here) helped my brain not to go into overdrive, which it normally would.
  24. oh my goodness. hugs. I hope you slept okay last night. And I hope the news is good.
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