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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I've been thinking about this topic for some time now and have come to the conclusion that the internet robs me of passion to do anything else. I don't understand it... and I'm sure it isn't the only factor (age definitely being another). But, for me, the interest is a huge time waster.
  2. no. Sometimes we'll do something together. Sometimes it's just dinner and other times it's a bit more like a get away. But that is rare.
  3. Aww.. I'm sorry. Hugs. It's okay to be sad about these changes. It's part of the grieving process. Maybe it will be comforting to be back in a place you have happy memories, even if you can't go back to the actual house. As for family fighting and working around their schedules: Can you arrange to be at a park or some other picnic type of spot and tell everyone... "We'll be here at this time, if anyone wants to come visit with us.. bring a picnic lunch!"
  4. I'd love to know what kind of things I might already have that can be used for storage?
  5. This made me laugh thinking about my son. He eats chips at his computer whilst gaming. If I put a pie cabinet and mini fridge over there he'd never get up 😄
  6. There was a time when I shopped fairly regularly at Sam's (like Costco). That time has past. I find I can save just as much money (if not more sometimes) at the regular grocery store when things are on sale. My kids are almost all out of the house now. The only time I shop at Sam's is when I'm feeding a crowd - which is about 1-2x per year.
  7. okay, I found the lady who recommended the shelves from years ago. My response about the carts reminded me of her. She also recommended lazy susans for shelves. I purchased a couple at that time that *just* fit my shelves. It worked just okay... mainly due to non-compliance from other family members 🙄 Of course, it only worked for a few types of items, of which I only a few of - things like peanut butter/jelly type containers as well as oils, sauces, etc. that come in glass jars. It didn't work for box type things like rice-a-roni, mac/cheese boxes. Here's her video, if you're at all interested...otherwise skip (obviously! 😄)
  8. That one is pricey. I don't think I bought that one exactly, but one like it. I doubt I would pay $85 for one either!
  9. Does the bottom shelf come out? IF so I would be tempted to take it out and put in one or two of these: https://www.amazon.com/Safco-Products-5214BL-Construction-Mobility/dp/B003LU23WE/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=small+cart+mesh&qid=1563028358&s=gateway&sr=8-8 I did that at my old house with a similar pantry. I didn't put the wheels on (didn't fit) and I loved that I had pull-out shelves. I got the idea... off Youtube LOL!
  10. I'll commiserate with you!! I suck at organization and I've also been watching YouTube videos. I'm so tired of people telling me all the great things I can do with stuff from Ikea or the Dollar Store... 🤔 I hope you figure it out.
  11. I did that too!! Almost put my SIL through the windshield once depressing the break like it was the clutch. Ooops. 😏
  12. we tried it with my granddaughter, who suffers terribly from mosquito bites and it didn't work at all. Sorry. I then tried the Dynatrap. It worked OKAY... it depended on the area that it was placed. We also have a 1 acre lot, which it definitely didn't cover. Back of house is shady, front of house is partly sunny. This year we've moved to the chemicals via a company that comes out every 3weeks...which I hate doing for other reasons, but we can actually go outside now. I'm happy to report that I haven't noticed any difference in the bee or butterfly population, which is much healthier at this new house than at the previous house.
  13. What??!!! Seriously. How is that even possible? (fwiw, my dh also works with satellites - software part). Edited to add... just told my husband this one and he got a good laugh.
  14. I had to look it up too. My aunt had one with the Venus statue in the middle. It was very cool to a pre-teenager. It looked pretty tacky by the time I was a young adult. 🙄
  15. That was the first thing that came to my mind too.
  16. I'd recommend getting TwinXL for anyone buying a bed for someone over 8-10yrs old. It's worth the money. My kids currently don't have headboards. I think it does make it uncomfortable if you like to read in bed or prop up. I think it may help keep the wall behind the bed a little cleaner, but I'm not sure it's absolutely necessary. You can always make a simple one out of used wood and screw it into the frame
  17. Why judge? There is already a thread about the legality of Epstein's case. If you'd like to start another one related to who knows him, and who may be indicted as well, you are free to do so.
  18. No worries. I wondered if it was simply a difference in colloquialisms between countries. It's an older term that used to be used here in America (many moons ago)... but modern PC sensibilities have caused it to go out of use because of the above ugly assumptions.
  19. Me too. I was also surprised when someone mentioned here Kate was criticized for re-wearing some clothes. That was not what I had read in the press.
  20. I so agree. there's so many other people I'd love to put on that list too, But, it is just a pipe dream.
  21. whoa, that's really ramping up the conversation several notches. I don't think anyone is suggesting we get in her face and click photos like a herd of paparazzi. no, the duchess is not the event, but by grandstanding she made herself the event. She's hogging the limelight and saying, "Don't pay any attention to me!" at the same time. She's acting like an B-movie actress rather than a Royal, IMHO. That's the way I read it.
  22. It's summer and I'm bored... Apparently the Duchess of Sussex requested (demanded) that no photos be taken of her while at Wimbledon. Which is silly because they *always* show who's in the royal box (area?) on TV - several times during the game. I do realize that have a camera on you occasionally from a distance is very different than having thousands of cells phones pointed at you at closer range. But, isn't all the demanding and secrecy just asking for MORE issues with photographers? But, still... should she be given privacy in such an instance? Isn't part of the royal duties to be a public figure and represent the royalty??
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