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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. If the event were from 2-4pm on a Saturday, what sort of food would you expect/serve? It will be pretty laid back as the bride isn't super formal. I am thinking some appetizers, a dessert, and drinks. (Lemonade, Iced Tea and Water). Not super messy would be preferred! Up to 22 adults (so far) and 12 kids.
  2. Congrats on baby day! Not sure how the day will go, we let the girls stay up to watch the super bowl/enjoy our company. School laundry dishes research minecraft, we jumped on that bandwagon last night, now to use it to my advantage!
  3. Where did you fly into? Who did you rent the rv through? We are looking into a trip this spring or fall.
  4. The girls wake up on their own between 6:30 and 7:30. They are 6 and 8. It used to be earlier, around 6.
  5. Did school this morning lunch errands then the dentist. Full day.
  6. Done: Workout Shower/ready for the day Drop off some stuff at SIL's Attempt to get the truck washed, too long of line though Return library books Balance checking account In process: School Need to do: Menu plan the week Gather info for state homeschool conference Banking clean off counter (is anyone surprised that this is always on my list) Put corner by desk back in order (moved everything out of the way to move the phoneline) Fold load of whites Put load of darks in wash
  7. Good gravy, nothing ever goes as planned. ..decided not to reinstall the old toilet, it started to leak upon removal. Didn't get the new subfloor installed either. But got the phone line moved and all the old flooring removed.
  8. Take out bathroom floor and toilet (the only fixture left in there) and lay new subfloor. Install toilet again. Can't beat that kind of fun!
  9. Spent money on plywood, sheetrock and plumbing supplies! But sure is cheaper than hiring out the job.
  10. Workout...DONE school remove sheetrock in basement Menu plan the week find a new home for 3 ring binders clean off counter once again AWANA tonight
  11. Started out the week by returning extra plumbing supplies and shelf brackets, etc to Menards. $90 back to me! Spent $30 on coat rack hooks and screws to finish the entry way organization. I have a $30 return to Home Depot to do this week.
  12. Got some co op documents out (I am the registrar and 2nd semester starts Friday. Got items organized and back in the front closet. They are enjoying their new spots on the new shelving! The best part is that I have room for at least 10 more cube bins in there! I still have to figure out how I will hang the broom and dustpan. Dh and dd1 got started on her derby car. Menards trip...returning $90 in unneeded plumbing supplies. Moved the bulk of the much better organized photos to the basement. I still have some greeting cards to go through. Put the smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detector back on the wall and mounted the thermostat in its new spot. (These were taken down when I painted around New Years). 3 loads of laundry done. Productive holiday around here!
  13. We got the shelves installed in the entry closet! This week I will have to organize and put things back in it! Yesterday was working on hot water lines and church. A productive weekend so far. Dh has tomorrow off too so we will probably tackle a couple off odd jobs, and he was talking about working with dd1 on her derby car.
  14. Regular school day today. Running some errands after lunch...Aldi, grocery store, pick up perscription, pet store, Maybe lowes or home depot Kids are going to spend the night at the in-laws...I will tell them after lunch, it's easier that way (to be a last minute surprise to them) Tomorrow is re-doing the hot water lines, it should go much better than the cold side now that we have our system down. And if there is time(over the rest of the weekend), installing front closet shelving and the putting the tub in
  15. Today is a field trip to watch a physics circus at a local university. I have a board meeting tonight. We will run errands on the way back home. I decided to hole punch some old greeting cards into little books, so I will work on that if I get any spare moments
  16. I picked up my wall file at Ikea, they were remodeling so the other item I needed wasn't available. I bought myself lunch but it was kids eat free Tuesday, score!
  17. Work out...DONE Regular school day for the girls today chip away at projects...I feel like they will never end After lunch errands...Aldi/grocery store/library/Menards...maybe lowes or home Depot too
  18. Busy day, had an orchestra concert field trip this morning with co op friends. Took home a friend from co op after. I took all 3 girls to Ikea (in case you didn't know, kids eat free on Tuesday, so I just had to buy myself lunch. The kids played, I tidyed up and made supper then took them to AWANA a church. I started planning future SIL's bridal shower.
  19. This is how we buy cars. 5 of our 6 dealership purchases (5 Ford's new and one used from a dealership) we didn't buy the first day we went. If you are buying cash or financing on your own like through a credit union, consider financing for a few months with the dealer depending on current rebates being offered. I know most, if not all of ours had an additional $1,000-2,000 rebate if you financed through Ford credit. Paying a couple of months interest, you still come out quite a bit ahead. You can find all of Ford's pricing online, including the invoice amount. Not sure for other companies. Even if you buy at invoice they still make money, but you want to get as close to invoice price as you can.
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