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Status Updates posted by *Lulu*

  1. What do you call that place where the kids are still too sick to do normal stuff, but not too sick to annoy each other?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fourisenough


      I was going to say Hell, but someone beat me to it!

    3. *Lulu*


      oh it is definitely some special parenting hell!

    4. musicianmom


      My kids are never too sick to annoy each other.

  2. When I ask why you are sitting on your brother. "Because I love him and wanted to give him a hug" is not going to cut it.

  3. Homeschool problem #12- your child spends more energy trying to convince you that Psych is an educational show than he does on his math for the day.

  4. It's official, the children are fluent in my first language, sarcasm.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. swimmermom3


      Oh punish them! Too soon, they will suggest that perhaps you, instead of them, should take a time out.

    3. *Lulu*


      We've tried that.....they don't buy the "give mom a time out" thing anymore.


    4. Chelle in MO
  5. I have been childless most of the day. It has been so...quiet. On the plus side, I have had time to devote myself to finding the *perfect* song titles for the Yoga Pant Sluts new album!

    1. GailV


      Time well spent! I assume you were slutting around in yoga pants while contemplating this.

    2. *Lulu*


      Au naturale of course!

  6. It really is the little things. I found $50 worth of gift cards to Chili's- impromptu date night! (The best kind- I get to curl up on the couch in my pjs, pick the show on Netflix, and I didn't have to cook.)

  7. The thread calling Other John has left me in the mood for a Firefly marathon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kim in Appalachia
    3. kiana


      It is very difficult NOT to be in the mood for a Firefly marathon.

    4. RootAnn


      On a related but different note, Other John was in my dream last night (very old (ISCA) BBS-style interface). Weird stuff.

  8. There is something simply delightful about sneaking double stuffed Oreos and milk after the kids are in bed!

  9. One cup of Starbucks = very good...two cups = caffeination overkill!!

    1. quark


      It all depends on the precise volume of each cup! ;)

  10. Having a "What about Bob" sorta day...... Baby steps people, baby steps!

  11. Must.teach.my.children. Oh Wednesday.....why can't you be Friday?

  12. Contemplating curriculum purchases in October isn't nearly as fun, or sexy, as it is in March.

  13. Full blown Aspie meltdown in progress......give me strength.......and booze. I think this requires booze.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dandelion


      BTDT. Hugs. Glad he calmed down and I hope you both get some good sleep tonight!

    3. melmichigan


      Hugs, we seem to have this combined with teenage PMS this week.

    4. *Lulu*


      Thanks y'all!

      Compared to yesterday today was sweetness and light.

  14. Yea for working Internet!

  15. Nooooooo! I have a RR back order! *sob*

  16. Why does on screen vomiting seem so much worse than on screen bleeding? Yuck.

  17. Facebook just threw a Mike Huckabee homeschool post/page up because I *might* like it. WTH did I ever post/like on facebook to make them think I'd wanna see that?

    1. nmoira


      I'm sorry, but take comfort that it's not just what you like, it's what your friends like. I wouldn't go so far as ditching your friends though. :D

    2. *Lulu*
  18. Thank goodness the Internet is back up! (And that all my family didn't need to crash at my house in the power outages last night!)

  19. Is it bad that I spent most of my free time today mapping out my 2014 curriculum?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wildiris


      This is a good thing.

    3. Wildiris


      This is a good thing.

    4. Down_the_Rabbit_Hole


      i have notebooks with several 2014, 2015 and so on plans. Never a bad thing to have a plan.


  20. It is school time; damn the 8yo drama, full speed ahead!

    1. Dana


      Man the torpedoes! Good luck!

  21. Motown and art this morning, math, Latin, and literacy this afternoon.......having a day in the groove is fabulous!

  22. I hate the feeling when you realize that YOU are the reason the morning is bumpy. *sigh* Time for a pot of coffee.

  23. You know it has been one of *those* days when after supper the kids have to finish their schoolwork!

  24. I am so tired of Transformers, My Little Pony, and whatever this bug going around our family is.

  25. It is like they sense that today we need to finish early and are taking 3x longer on.every.stinking.thing. just to screw with me.

    1. freeindeed


      I hate that. It's like they have a sixth sense!

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