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Everything posted by nata

  1. I'm just curious too. Whose formal body of knowledge? The pharmaceutical company's or an unrelated third party? Or better yet several third parties. And over what time span? 2 years...10 years...at least a generation? I'm tempted to believe that anything not tested for at least a generation basically equals us and our children being "guinea pigs" in a huge experiment, one which, BTW, benefits the pharmaceutical companies like gangbusters...this goes for meds as well as vax. I'd truly like to know where one can access this information. Thanks!
  2. I take lots of vitamin C & have a few cups of tea with lemon and honey...in fact I did it this am and got through the day as usual. If I'm still feeling funky by noon, I go nap if at all possible and usually feel good as new by the next day.
  3. Both of mine attended preschool and it was the best decision we made...but then we were very isolated here, as folks keep to themselves on their "estates." At Preschool, the kids finally made friends with whom they remain the best of friends till now. It worked for us.
  4. Thanks! That's what I was hoping for! Now to skip over to the WTB board...
  5. Is this something that we could cover once a week over the course of a year? How many lessons are there and what is covered in a typical lesson? Any info on this would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  6. Just a head's up...I'd be very careful with Essential Oils on cats, especially Tea Tree---they can be toxic. The best defense against fleas is a strong immune system...might want to supplement with an omega 3 source like Salmon Oil. This was a bad year for fleas...:ack2:
  7. Honestly, no problem here. They ship the same day, I get it in 1-2 days and another 2-3 days priority mail to you so probably @$8 shipping costs on top of the kits...if it's worth it to you just LMK! Would be a weeks wait though...:)
  8. Sounds like a good place to start. Very curious about this...keep us updated!
  9. I second this...plus not all shots must be given. My cats only get rabies. In fact my vet is against over-vaccinating. The worms on the other hand are a serious problem and should be addressed right away. We have a WONDERFUL mobile van here in CT that does low cost spay/neuter, shots and worming. Check it out here http://www.everyanimalmatters.org/new.html#worming%20your%20cat The worming kit is as follows: Complete Worming Kit Contains four treatments that will rid your cat of all worms, including tapeworms. Cats 1 - 10 lbs $10 Cats 11 lbs+ $12 Plus shipping & Handling. These kits are only available to Ct residents, but I'd be happy to buy them for you and mail them on to you. Email me if interested natika@optonline.net I have personally used this kit and if you can get the stuff down, it does work!
  10. Very strange...I'm stumped. Any new routines, changes, etc. to the family or household?
  11. Vacuum...every.single.day...at least once and dispose of the bags quickly. Also, try shaking borax onto the carpets and letting it sit for a while before vacuuming. The borax treatment can be repeated in 2 weeks if fleas are still an issue. Sound like the dogs themselves have gotten all the right measures, but now the house needs to be treated top to bottom...everything fabric washed in hot water or dusted with borax and then vacuumed. Then just keep up the vacuuming for 2-3 weeks until all the eggs have hatched. It will work. We had an infestation so bad that the fleas were jumping all over our legs when we walked on the carpet. This did it and we've never had a problem again. Just keep the dogs away from the borax.
  12. I would definitely mention that you'd like to be consulted in the future. That said, I'm sure she only meant well. My 5th grade teacher send a note home requesting my parents to get me deodorant, because they just never "noticed" it was time. I was mortified. I wish there had been someone in the family who would have spoken up before it got to that. Just my experience...
  13. How old are they, what sex, and have they been spayed/neutered? Definitely sounds like territorial issues to me...
  14. Could be a reaction to the vaccines. If you can get your hands on some homeopathic Thuja 30C and give one dose 3x a day for a couple days, you could try that. Couldn't hurt in any case. My vet as a matter of course gives our pets a dose of Thuja when ever any vaccines are given.
  15. Thanks! I needed a good laugh this am:lol:
  16. I HS in CT and quite frankly it's not an all "green light" situation, at least not in my town. Legally we are not *required* to do anything except provide names and ages for enumeration purposes, however my local board of education thinks nothing of harassing me by illegally stating that I MUST fill out and return a Notice of Intent and participate in a portfolio review at the end of the school year. They base this demand on the C-14 Guidelines which are just that...suggested guidelines, but they put it in such legal terms that unless you know the law very well, you will think these guidelines are the law. I had to contact an attorney, Deborah Stevenson, back in 2004 to get the board of Ed off my back and for 2 years things were quiet and then I again got letters in 2007 & 2008 requiring a NOI. I have not yet heard from the board this year, but wouldn't be surprised. My son attended K in PS and when I sent a letter of withdrawal in June 2003, I was called for in for a meeting with the principal and teacher to find out why I was withdrawing him. It made me VERY uncomfortable. While I had no further trouble with his withdrawal, I have heard of many instances in CT of children being labeled "truant" after withdrawal, through Deborah (she keeps us CT homeschoolers updated on everything affecting us in the state.) Another thing that I must mention is that many uninformed parents do choose to fill out the NOI, thus making it harder for those of us who do not choose to do. So, please, please, please no matter what state you live in green, red or otherwise...you MUST know the law intimately and *do not, not, not* give the state anything more than what is LEGALLY REQUIRED. Why? Because the "volunteers" give the lawmakers in your state capitol ammunition for requiring more and more from HSers in your state. Basically they say, "well, if this many people did this and this willingly, then certainly it's not too much to require it of everyone..." CT has been under attack for a number of years now to have more controlling legislation over homeschoolers. Our freedoms are under attack. I'm sure there must be places in CT which are much more HSer friendly, but Greenwich with its "some of the best public schools in the nation" is definitely offended by anyone wanting to homeschool. I know of only 2 other HS families in my town. I have a friend whose son has left the PS system in Greenwich for a technological HS in Stamford, CT. She was all excited to tell me that he can still participate in PS sports and has encouraged me to find out if my children qualify. I have not yet tried, but am pretty sure that my signing the NOI and doing the portfolio review would be a "requirement" in order for my kids to participate. I won't do it, unless some day the law changes and it is legally required. Sorry, this got so long, but I feel very strongly about this...
  17. Is Jump In consumable or more like a textbook? Just wondering if I might be able to find it used. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
  18. Thank you! I will look into IEW and Step Up to Writing as well. I appreciate all the suggestions! Blessings!
  19. Yup...add me to the art and music list. It's gotten to me so much that I plan on doing science 3x a week to fit art and music on the off days when we start SL core 5 in January. I still have a stack of the Music Masters Cds in the shrink wrap from 5 years ago!!
  20. No way! In fact that's me right now! Would you think less of me if you knew I'm usually a lurker and very shy IRL, but have been posting on here like crazy the last few days so that I can start to post for sale items because I REALLY need to buy core 5 in a few weeks and haven't saved any $ for it yet?
  21. No...same as above...I ended up doing all the work because I really wanted that A.
  22. This was aired back in April and is great movie http://www.hallmark.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/article|10001|10051|/HallmarkSite/HallmarkHallOfFame/HHOF_TOP we plan to watch it an a few weeks...should be fine for the 15yo--depends how sensitive your younger is. I also found The Pianist to be a VERY powerful movie, but maybe too strong for the 15yo...definitely for the younger child.
  23. I clean with soap and water and then use *very* sparingly Johnson & Johnson First Aid Cream. It is THE BEST--better than bactine, neosporin, and all the others. I once got a severe burn on my hand, put some on and never thought twice about it again. I say sparingly because I have not been able to get it around here for 3 or 4 years. Last year when we went to Chincoteague Island, a pharmacy had 4 tubes of it...I bought them all, and this year when we went back...there were none. Have they stopped making it? Probably...seems that anything that worked famously for me gets discontinued, like PMS formula from Pioneer Nutritional...sigh...
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