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Everything posted by amo_mea_filiis.

  1. The kindy book is yellow, beginning 1st is orange, last part of 1st is red. Either we're using different programs/versions, or you're in the second half of 1st. He did ok in the kindy book, but it was pretty much the same thing. He did great in the beginning when it was mostly word family words. Once he got to words being completely different on each review line, he stalled for months and was refusing. I don't have Bob books, I'll have to get some. He's 2 stickers away from finishing this half of 1st and I doubt he'd be willing to go back. I will pull out the kindy readers and have him read them again. I hope to take more time in the next workbook and try to get him to reread things. He's repeating 1st grade next year (going from regular PS to cyber PS) so I want him to get a really good foundation over the summer and next year. I'm considering paying him x amount per page, maybe a dime or quarter. So if he repeats the page, he'll get more. I think I want to look into OPGTR since I see it all over these boards.
  2. Unsure of progress. My 6 y/o ds is nearing the end of the Orange HOP book, which is 1/2 way through 1st grade. He will not repeat lessons, or reread things. I can't figure out how he's doing. Last night he was unable to read kitten (and a few other words I can't remember). He consistently says prode for prod and words like it. Most of the reading is in the orange workbook, but when he reads one of the little books or stories, there is no flow and no comprehension. He's just reading the words one word at a time, and painfully sounds out every part of them. Very few words are read without stopping to sound out, and those would be the helper words. Oh, last night he read "when" correctly, but then commented how that word can be "when" or "what." :confused: I did read it with him and had him say all the sounds to see that there is no way it could be "what." I'm not sure he got it. He's impulsive as well. If there are a few SL (slap, slam) words followed by FL (flat) he tries to put an S in there. So he'll sound out flat as f sl at, and then try to put fslat together and move on to the next word! What do I do? Is HOP a good program and should we stay with it? (K and 1st were given to us. I would have to buy 2nd and up).
  3. I just hope we don't have any problems. I have to watch for a rash for the next couple months.
  4. I would give him something. I dropped out of highschool at 16, right after 10th grade. The following May I got pregnant with my daughter. That September I went back to school and went to a BOCES program. June of 2001 I graduated ON TIME when I should have if I didn't leave. Not GED, regular regents highschool diploma. My family did nothing for me.
  5. My little man is 6. I still bathe him, and he still wears diapers at night. So tonight he had another one of his unknown rashes, so I was trying to get some pictures right out of the bath (keeping the boy stuff covered). Then he did his reading. Then I went to put his diaper on. I noticed a little "fuzz" on the underside of his penis. Told him to flick it off. It didn't move. I thought for a second it could be a mole, but I've seen him in his birthday suit way too many times to not have noticed before. Looked a bit closer ... My poor little man had a tick on his penis! :eek: It was teeny tiny, and could not have been there more than a day if even that long. This evening, I am glad he needs me to help bathe and that he's still in diapers! (Called Dr. Since he's frequently rashy, she wasn't concerned. Got the entire tick out, and just have to watch for a rash on his boy parts)
  6. I was pretty shocked when my dd was diagnosed. I got over the shock quickly and moved on with life. It wasn't until she was asked to leave an autism social skills group that I lost it. She was too "normal" for the autism group, but too "autistic" for the regular group. This is pretty much where we are now. I really hope that the social skills group through the cyber school will help. I was relieved when my son was diagnosed. It started with sensory processing disorder, severe expressive language delay, hyperkenesis, and disruptive behavior disorder (fancy names for ADHD in a toddler). Since then we've added PDD-NOS, ADHD, ODD, and some medical issues. As time went on, the Drs who had originally diagnosed him started questioning it, and stopped helping me advocate for his school needs. In a few months, he's meeting with a team of Drs to sort out his diagnoses, retest, figure out what's really going on and properly diagnose him.
  7. I love my smoothies. It's 1 cup vanilla activia yogurt, 1 frozen banana, 1/2ish cup frozen strawberries. I top it with homemade granola and it's an ice cream substitute.
  8. Thank you for the help everyone! Of course she ended up upset because she could not show her work in the little box provided. I told her to bring the piece of paper with the work (divided into 3rds, and 4ths and she understood it) but she said her teacher would be mad! I just reminded her that there are 7 more weeks of school, then summer vacation, then cyber school. She gets at least a year away from the fear of upsetting her teacher (so she doesn't get "yelled" at), and a year away from crying about not doing things the "right" way. We're taking it a year at a time.
  9. I'd ask the ped to see a pediatric pulmonologist. If she has asthma, daily maintenance will reduce the frequency and severity of sickness. My ds used to be in the ER 4-5 times during the colder months until he was diagnosed with asthma just before he turned 4. That first winter he was only in the ER twice, and this year he has not needed ER help at all! We finally found the med that works for him and now he can run like a maniac without coughing, play in the snow, no night coughing, and he's been looking a lot healthier. He didn't even need oral steroids this winter.
  10. My ds has asthma and usually his only outward sign is coughing. Is she having any trouble breathing? Is she able to talk normally without the cough stopping her?
  11. Check out Southpaw Enterprises and/or google sensory toys. Our life savers have been music, a special needs stroller with straps that my ds can't get out of, pressure, and weights. I also have a harness type carseat that ds can't escape from, so if I'm doing something within view of the car, I will leave him. The harness is from ez-on products of florida, and was picked up at a local bus company.
  12. From my 4th grader's Everyday Math HW book, and it's been a while for me :001_huh:. Sari spends 1/3 of the day at school. Lunch, recess, music, gym, and art make up 1/4 of her total time at school. How many hours are spent at these activities? I realize this is a multi part question, and could probably do it myself, but wouldn't know how to explain it to her. So please help!
  13. I know this is probably still in the normal age range, and it doesn't help that ds also has some issues (currently; PDD-NOS, ADHD, ODD, etc.). DS, 6, is forever yelling at other people when HE does something. For example, when playing his nintendo ds, or the wii, he'll yell at his sister if he loses. It's "her fault" he lost because she was making noises, dancing, or even in her room! He gets beyond frustrated and freaks out. Rage freak out, like someone who needs anger managment. He leaves cups and bowls on the floor where his oblivious sister will accidently kick them, and then he'll yell at her. It could also be the computer's fault, the car's fault, my fault, etc. I could give a ton of examples. I do send him to his room to calm down, but it doesn't help. Then he gets mad that his sister did x and got him sent to his room. When he comes back down, he doesn't let it go. He doesn't have the language to sit and have a "conversation" about this. He has language, uses language, but when he's mad, he can't do much more than growl or scream. Talking to him after he's calmed down will get him angry again, and he'll still refuse to see that his sister did not do anything. Advice?
  14. Unless you think something medical is going on, don't worry about it. I can't imagine trying to wake my ds, and if I did I'd probably get peed on while taking him to the bathroom anyway! My ds has had a sleep study, which did not show significant drops in o2, and he's on magnesium. He's also had his blood sugar tested. He's had maybe 6 random dry nights, about 1 per year. He usually leaks through diapers and boosters too. He also will not wake if his bed is wet, with or without diapers. I asked ds when he plans on getting out of diapers and his response is "when I'm big like you, mom." So his goal is to stop wetting when he's 26. When he 18, he has to buy the diapers!
  15. Soy milk is a complete protein. Rice milk has the least amount of fat. Vanilla soy milk has 6g protein. Chocolate almond on has 1g.
  16. I can't personally find much to support the soy controversy, so my son does drink it. My dd's favorite alternative is dark chocolate almond milk.
  17. One of the comments made me LOL Studying Latin would have taught you that the plural of “curriculum” is “curricula”, not “curriculums”.
  18. Anonymous. The person is already helping a TON. It would feel really awkward for that same person to gift a very needed amount of money like that.
  19. Angel by Shaggy. First song played after my daughter was born. Was also the only song that soothed the 2am screaming.
  20. Unfortunately the house is small. She's capable of keeping the noise down if she's doing something she's not supposed to, so I don't think it's an energy thing. She takes a while to get going in the morning. I think chores are a great idea. I'll make a weekend list and if I'm rudely woken, they will do most of them. If they behave, they can do their normal chores. I can't tell them to play outside because of our neighbor (he's called the police at noon, and the police actually came out!). Nothing would ever come of the neighbor's complaints, but I don't like having the police here because it gives the kids the wrong idea of emergencies.
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