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Everything posted by amo_mea_filiis.

  1. I started the registration process online as soon as they left for school!!! :D:D My father is here this weekend, so I can't have them do the placement tests yet, but I will get every other thing done TODAY!!!
  2. I sort of after school with singapore K. Sort of means we do it when he's willing! He was really stuck for a while on sorting, so we worked on hands-on sorting for a few weeks. I really have no idea where he is with math. He was recently tested using Key Math 3, and the Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (G-MADE). He scored all below to well below grade level. However, some of the scores with age equiv. were only a month or 2 off. Most things he scored at beginning K or late pre-k. Hopefully these scores will help with proper placement in cyber school. The teacher seemed to really like EM, but maybe it's because it's the only option and she's grown to love it. Either way, I don't get it!
  3. DS had an IEP meeting last week to add a 1-on-1 math pull out with the learning support teacher. I asked why they felt it was better to keep him with the everyday math curicculum instead of the mastery based program used in the special ed math group. The regular teacher said something about EM giving the foundation, or understanding in math topics. I can't remember her exact words, but it seemed to go against what I've learned about EM and how confusing it can be. I'm not overly concerned because I'm registering both kids for cyber school (TODAY :D) and he will not be using EM next year. I'm just curious, I guess what EM was trying to get at with their curicculum, but maybe missed.
  4. It depends where you're from. We just moved from NY and I am more up to date on their laws; So I can tell you that in NY, if you HS your child, you are no longer eligible for any special ed services like speech.
  5. I've never had a pedicure. I have gotten massages during physical therapy, 3x per week for months .... He was very good looking, and I'm sure that played a role!
  6. Thank you all! I've always been thin. My go-to example is my physical after my son was born (he was about 7-8 months old) before I started working. I was a healthy 98lbs. I'm only 5' so right around 100 is okay. I fit nicely in size 3 pants. Not too tight, and certainly not loose. I lost the baby weight without trying after both kids were born. It wasn't until my son was 3ish that I started gaining. I recently had a miscarriage and wonder if my thyroid played a part in that. The endo did run the hashimoto's antibody test. The range is 0-35 and mine says <10. It doesn't matter when or what I eat, I'm always tired after eating and it's getting really annoying. So how in the world do I go about finding a Doc that will look at the whole picture and not just the "normal" range of TSH, T4, and antibodies? My biggest problem is that the Docs (endo and primary) are sure something is wrong based on history, signs and symptoms, but once the bloodwork comes back, or the nuclear thyroid uptake, they say I'm fine! I'm ot going to the Doc because I like it, I go because I have signs and symptoms of a medical problem.
  7. My father seems to have the opposite problem. He hates cheese. He'll order a hamburger but still have to be specific and say no cheese! Same thing with my son. He wants a hamburger with pickles and ketchup. "Do you want cheese?" Um, no. "Do you want onions?" Nope either! It drives me crazy because I'm trying to teach him how to order food, but he can't yet handle the extra questions. He did just say exactly what he wanted. At the diner we ordered a hamburger on an english muffin. The english muffin was not toasted (not sure how many would consider that odd, but we found it very odd).
  8. I have gained 60lbs in the last 3 years. I developed obstructive sleep apnea before any weight gain. My hair and nails look horrible. I am beyond tired all the darn time (OSA is treated properly with the right pressure). My thyroid is enlarged on the left and I have nodules on both sides. Yet all the blood tests are in the average range (except vit D). (for anyone interested- TSH is 1.40 with a lab range of 0.27-4.2, T4 is 1.13 range is 0.7-1.7, Thyroid peroxidase was <10, and vit D was 11.2 with a range of 30-100) I finally went to endocrine thinking he would treat based on symptoms, an extremely strong family history (most women on both sides of my faimily have/had a thyroid problem), and secretly "hoping" that he could find something worth treating. Before he ran bloodwork he was pretty sure I had Hashimoto's, but that I wasn't yet hypo. Bloodwork showed no antibodies, so no hashimoto's. I was severely vit D deficent, so I've been taking an insane amount of that for the last few weeks. It has not changed anything. There is nothing else that fits all of my signs and symptoms except hypothyroidism. And since endocrine said hashimoto's, maybe that's the underlying cause. How many of you have a thyroid problem? Anyone difficult to diagnose? Anyone have any natural suggestions? Is anyone healthy and "normal" with thyroid levels outside the normal range? :bigear:
  9. This is our issue. I'm "only" 27 and not really considered an adult in most of my family's eyes. I'm single. My father does pay our rent, but only because it's better for him and his wife. He makes more money paying our rent than when we were living with him. Of course he'll be much better off once we're completely on our own! I now pay all of the other bills, as I should, but didn't when we lived with him. It doesn't help at all that he visits every 3 weeks. His wife is a PS principal in NYC. If the topic of HS ever comes up, I've been told more than once to get over myself, and that I can't do it. The basis for this arguement is that I usually have dishes or laundry that needs to be done (you know, like most normal people!). I would love his support especially with my little man. My father is a contractor, and life long carpenter. He's amazing at what he does, and I would love for him to include ds in projects. DS so far isn't very book smart. He needs to do everything hands on, just like my father (and ds's father).
  10. :hurray: :cheers2: :party: That's awesome! Good luck on your journey.
  11. Registration is on Friday for our cyber school, then the kids will be tested and placed, and then ... I have to tell my father :glare:. The conversation will go something like, "DS is doing horribly, and you don't really care much anyway. DD is reading at an X grade level, behind in math, oh and can we make her a loft bed? Here's your steak!" He thinks it's awesome when DD texts him with something new learned, and I love that those new things are usually learned at home! ETA: I knew I had a point/question! LOL. Can anyone who has homeschooled or cyber schooled their child after a time in regular PS post their success? I want to have more info available because it will come up. SN kids would be a plus.
  12. Your neighbor sounds crazier than mine! He called the police on a SUNDAY at NOON claiming my kids were being too loud outside and he had to sleep for work (I guess work must be another word for hangover). Then he called for my car being on the wrong sinde of the road. It was on the wrong side, but there is no law that it can't be there. Either way it wasn't affecting him in the slightest.
  13. Thank you guys for all the wonderful support!!! Nance- We're in Wayne co.
  14. I know no one here "knows" me or my family, but I need some words of encouragement. Friday is the first day of registration for the cyber school I want to put both kids in. They're in a regular public school now, but I've had enough. My 6 y/o has not gotten more than 3 answers right on any math tests, and they're just now pulling him for one on one support. His speech teacher is sporadic and far from consistent. His reading progress went from nothing to almost a 1st grade level, but has stalled since. He's tired and cranky all the time. He just put on weight that was lost due to (I think) rushing lunch. ASL will be part of his curicculum at connections. My 10 y/o plays the violin, but there's not orchestra in her school. She's reading way above level (currently reading The Painted Drum at home). She's pretty behind in math. She loves anything art related but only has art once per week. She is looking forward to taking french and moving forward with ASL. Then of course there's the part that both kids have some type of autism and both are dumped in an over-stimulating regular class! I hope connections will be a step towards homeschooling them, but would be fine if it worked well for them.
  15. It could "just" be OCD. Constipation is much easier to handle!
  16. While it's possible that these are procrastination efforts, please keep in mind that some kids take a loooong time. My dd is chronically constipated and and it's worst, will be on the toilet an hour or more. My ds OTOH has no attention span. He'll go to the bathroom, wipe, flush and go to leave only to realize he didn't finish! For dd, she takes a capful of miralax daily and has bathroom time. Before school, and after school she has to spend 15 minutes on the toilet, and before bed is 30 minutes. I plan it so she can't try and get out of her chores. This is pretty new because she had been doing well. When considering the timing of things, you should take into account which foods and drinks were last consumed. Are you checking the remains in the toilet before dc flushes? Make sure dc is drinking enough fluids since that is a huge cause of hard to pass stools, and constipation.
  17. My dd started arguing more this year. What works for her is a simple "you have to clean your room, then when you're done you can let me know. Thank you." This pretty much works for everything, for now anyway. For ds, who started arguing the minute he was born, I have to give choices and ignore what follows. For example, if I offer this or that cereal, he's going to start a tantrum. If I pull away from it and give him no attention, he will pick one of what was offered and be happy. When I react to what he says or does, it turns into a fight. ETA: DS also does very well with "this, then" options. "When you pick up your clothes, then we can ..." If statements works better in the negative. "If you do ... you will ..." "If you choose to hit your sister, you will not play outside"
  18. I've found the best fit from kohl's, .... the brand just left my brain! I'll post as soon as I remember the brand. They've always fit my skinny man the best, and they last a while too.
  19. I only have 2 kids and I'm single, so obviously the dynamics are different. My ds goes through phases where he will not eat. Pediasure has always come to my rescue! Mine will lose weight during these no eating times, and he doesn't weigh enough for this to be ok. So for dinner he knows we are having X meal, and he can choose the food or have 2 pediasures. I'm not going to cater to his limited diet, but I do have to keep his health in mind. Maybe you could find some kind of nutritional drink he likes. Have you considered doing a behavior assessment to figure out why? In our case, ds will choke/gag on something and then stop eating. One week we had baked ziti and he loved it. He ate more in one sitting than I'd ever seen in the past. Baked ziti went on the menu for mondays. The following week he gagged on a piece, and has not touched baked ziti since. On my FBA, this goes down under sensory and medical with a ? and the charts will go to his Dr in a few months. (we are looking for a medical cause, but there may not be one)
  20. Thank you for the replies. I did get the shot this time, as well as with both kids and one other miscarriage. I was just wondering what could happen if you didn't know you were pregnant (like in my case, the embryo was at 2-3 weeks development, and without that endo appt, I would have assumed my period was just late that saturday morning).
  21. I think you can tape them down, or get a sports band type to switch to during those activities. I would not allow it to be taken off. Myself and both kids have one, and they have never been taken off. My son's was even left on during 2 surgeries.
  22. How important is the rhogam shot when there is a very early miscarriage? I'm O-. I was recently pregnant, no more than 4 weeks. I would never have even known except I had an endocrinology appt. and my cycle was important. It had been 2x per month for 4 months, then one normal, then I was possibly late at the appt. He ran the HCG beta with the other blood work. It was very, very low at 5 (repeated 2 days later and it was only 7). I started cramping and bleeding the following Saturday. Since I knew I was carrying an unhealthy pregnancy, I knew I had miscarried. I did get the rhogam shot. What are the possible consequences if one miscarries without knowing she was pregnant?
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