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kortney in AL

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Everything posted by kortney in AL

  1. and did you allow your son or daughter to get one as soon as they were old enough? In Alabama you can get your license at 16. We didn't allow our son to get one as soon as he turned 16 because we didn't feel he was ready. It just seems like we're in the minority. All his friends got theirs as soon as they could and most got a new vehicle. Sometimes I feel like we're the only ones that can't afford to put our child immediately into a new car. I'm just curious about what the rest of you have done.
  2. ABeka writing is not taught in the classical style (modeling). Seeing that we are on a classical discussion board, I'm guessing that's why most don't care for it. I don't care for WS either, but there are other wonderful writing programs out there that teach by modeling from another source.
  3. We loved these books also. Two more of our favorites are A Zooful of Animals and An Arkful of Animals, both by William Cole. I don't know how old your children are, but my 16 year old daughter still loves The Random House Book of Poetry for Children. We also have A Treasury of Poetry for Young People which is a nice selection of American poets like Frost and Sandburg. You'll find more serious poems in this book.
  4. I read through this thread late last night and found it highly amusing. Anyway, it was good to have a good laugh!
  5. We had some real bad one time when we forgot about some bananas. This may sound strange, but my daughter and I would get the vacuum cleaner hose and stand in the kitchen and suck up all the ones we saw. Then we would rubber band a piece of plastic wrap over the end of the hose so they couldn't fly back out. We did that for several days in a row and then threw out the vacuum bag. It was pretty effective, and quick.
  6. I do realize that high school testing is needed for college acceptance, but I do hate having to test in elementary and middle school. Our homeschool covering requires that we test from 3rd grade up. For the lower grade testing I have never bothered with any test prep except for the first time they tested and I wanted to get them familiar with filling in the little bubbles, etc. All the public schools do in our district is prepare for testing, and they do it all year. In fact, they only teach what is going to be required on the SATs. The high school out here doesn't teach proofs in geometry because they're not on the SATs. Like somebody else said here, THAT's the reason we homeschool! I do love our homeschool group, but that's the only thing I would change about it.
  7. My former church has held a mother/daughter formal tea for the past few years. It was always well attended. It is a predominantly white southern Baptist church. My daughter and I always enjoyed it. We learned alot about "high tea etiquette"
  8. This author wasn't on your list, but I'd include some of O. Henry's stories. We did American Lit this year and my son (who hates reading) actually enjoyed those. The stories are usually short and the endings have a bit of a twist.
  9. You know we have one of those guys in our neighborhood. He might as well just wear a speedo. His running shorts barely cover him.
  10. Milestone Ministries sells R&S books. I've ordered from them several times with a credit card.
  11. I've seen these in Rite-Aid drug stores around here. I've been tempted to try one, too. Now I will. Thanks!
  12. We loved the Sutcliff books, also!
  13. I switched my 5th grader from Just Write to WT2 this year. It is working very well.
  14. I had severe cystic acne from 8th grade on into adulthood. I took Acutane right after college and it was the best thing I ever did. It worked wonders and changed my life!! Anytime I see a teenager now with really bad acne I want to stop them and tell them about this drug. I'd recommend it to anybody.
  15. I noticed on a few posts that some of you are against vaccinating your daughters with the new Gardisal (I'm not sure I'm spelling this correctly) vaccine. I'm just curious as to why you wouldn't. I've thought about this for my daughter but haven't really wanted to do it. (Can't give a reason, though) Anyway, I'd just like to hear your thoughts about this as we try to make a decision. Thanks!
  16. I watch Barefoot Countessa alot and she's always adding expresso powder to her chocolate recipes. I've looked at Publix, Wal-Mart Super Center, and Kroger, but none of these stores carry it. I really don't want to have to order it online. Do any of you know of a chain store that carries this? Thanks!
  17. Our favorite of all time read alouds were: Black Ships Before Troy The Wanderings of Odysseus, both by Rosemary Sutcliff These books have gorgeous artwork! (I did have to keep a sticky note pasted on top of a couple of the pictures)
  18. IEW History of the U.S. by Joy Hakim I know this is not curriculum, but my COPIER!!
  19. My biggest adjustment was going from two to three. When I had my fourth child it didn't seem like any big deal.
  20. You have alot of good books on your list. My personal favorites are: History of the US (for middle school up) History Pockets Sign of the Beaver
  21. We got a Canon PC940 from Staples on sale a couple of years ago. I'm very pleased with it. I don't know how I ever survived all those years without one.
  22. Next to my husband, my Mom has been my biggest cheerleader for homeschooling. My inlaws, however, have never approved. We've been at this for over ten years and my mother-in-law will still not even let my kids talk about their schoolwork, etc. to her. (She's a retired elementary school principal) It's sad and frustrating, but my husband and I believe strongly that this is best for our kids. While I would love the approval of everyone, it's just not going to happen. Hang in there and stick to your guns!
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