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Everything posted by pixelroper

  1. This would be difficult as we already have cut down. Gardening is being stepped up. I imagine I'll hit the second hand stores more often. Cut down on any extra hs supplements.
  2. I just saw a pair hanging from a line in a town about 40 miles away. I had no idea why they were there and dd was asking a million questions. It was in the main street area at a busy intersection. Dd was trying hard to figure it out. I didn't have an answer other than- "Somebody was fooling around." Now I'm curious.
  3. This is true, however I'm not sure that the government is capable of handling these things, IMO they haven't been very effective- meaning I question in whose interests they are acting-
  4. Thank you..:) As a talking point-it did interest me. I will investigate. According to the quiz I'm a Libertarian.
  5. Beauty is more important than efficiency. That is too vague for me to agree with. I'm guessing he is against form following function? Or not necessarily? Not at all sure where this is going. Beauty for the sake of beauty doesn't sound compatible with other crunchy con ideas, it is shallow. What am I missing. For the apartment complex example I would argue that its constructors might have been too narrow minded in addressing the whole problem or in even addressing the problem directly, a band-aid for the wound, not a cure for the disease. I guess it depends on the approach. I find beauty in simplicity all the time. Usually efficiency is simplifying the process. I also prefer form to follow function as a general rule. Convenience maybe more the term I'm looking for. Convenience can be efficient- but that usually addresses the short term. It may not be efficient to be convenient, convenience could lead to more troubles. Oh dear I'm forgetting my points... From an art history sense there is tons to say. I might be thinking too much. :001_huh:
  6. redistribution of wealth by the government(can be the people)- collective vs private- this is off the top of my head
  7. Why isn't it just a plain label for the purpose of being specific? I'm not sure I'm reading this right. My understanding of the label is that it specifically identifies the realm of science and the role of materialism.
  8. During my college years, under age drinking was in general, ridiculous. I really think that labeling people under 21 as unable to handle it therefore illegal, promotes even more immature attitudes and behavior. In fact I'd also say in general, any of this labeling stalls maturity. Most people strive to live up to expectations, if there aren't any- then what? I realize it is illegal- IME that hasn't stopped anyone from doing it along with other "illegal activity." Drugs and alcohol are very available to any who seek, regardless of their age. For the driving, I think it is important to be able to gain experience while young, better time to train reflexes and get good driving habits established w/supervision. Age of consent, still pondering stance there.
  9. FYI min drinking age being debated now- fox news story. I was just found this and was considering a thread-- so I'm sticking it here--
  10. "It is also highly likely that abuse to younger children did occur. Here, for example, is a video clip of Carolyn Jessop who describes water torture of babies." Her statements have been the only reference to water torturing babies, which for the life of me, I can't figure out what could possibly be the purpose of. And the claims of one do not point to anything being "highly likely." She claims it was to instill fear of the father in the children, why would anyone go to that much trouble when just being loud frightens most let alone babies? It makes no sense. Water torture has been all over the news for quite awhile, specifically involving Guantanamo and the military interrogations of captured and suspected terrorists. I have not heard of any civilians outside of a crime organization having done anything like this. Please point the way if this is more common in the civilian sphere than I thought.
  11. added according to a source I posted in the last thread on this, they changed the law from 14 to 16 b/c this FLDS group was building there.
  12. :iagree:This is an excellent point--we had to put filters on. Even needed one for the fax.
  13. We haven't been involved in one, I do not feel it is necessary. Dd gets her group fun from other activities. I wouldn't not do a co op just do not feel it is priority w/dd education.:)
  14. a friend had his general doc deal w/it, can't remember if an overnight sleep study was involved, I think it was-- he now wears a sticky thing on his nose at night.
  15. Could it be your browser? Some browsers have given me trouble..I have been using Firefox for awhile w/no trouble.
  16. :iagree: a fan of MP's Latin program. I had no prior real Latin experience and had no trouble w/PL. I did have to get the DVD's for LCI. Much easier as dd is a quicker study than I.
  17. I did switch our spelling to StWR, I'm happy with the decision, I didn't get the whole kit though, agree w/Beth the Alpha List is really the most helpful. With the Beg Poetry I did get more of the suggested resources. We will be using that this coming year, I do have dd working on the beg skills now whenever we read any poetry.
  18. We did! This is my dd's favorite part of the program. We usually do the derivative crossword together, she does the vocab cw and word search on her own. The hangman review is good and you could make up your own whenever you want. I find they are perfect for working with the newly introduced vocab.
  19. I would try a scrub first. Soak, then a scrub.
  20. I do not know...I wouldn't do it.:confused:
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