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Everything posted by pixelroper

  1. What is Wrong With the World a personal favorite followed by Eugenics and Other Evils I do not mean 'read in this order', just my first & second recommendation
  2. I do not have any either, I was told by several (dentist & doc), it may be I have an acidic ph in my mouth, bacteria do not like this. Dh and dd are not so lucky. Makes you wonder doesn't it.
  3. UGH. Yes, cleaning all the time. And it never seems to look like I do, which is the source of my frustration. I do have a system-- we are here all the time and cooking what seems like all day, etc. :banghead:
  4. I am in the process of moving, when I asked my doc about finding a new doc that was an osteopath or homeopathic/traditional medical doc: Find a compounding pharmacy and get a list of docs who refer people there. Also asking a message therapist or an acupuncturist for medical doctors who refer to them. I'm offering this as a way to find another doc in your area who would be more willing to work w/you. I do think you need to get this checked and more than one doc has told me saliva is more accurate than blood. I know we discussed other underlining problems being the cause (as in my case), so really, you might find a doc that insists on both, as mine did. You could just get the saliva test yourself and then armed w/the results go see a doc. The saliva test results took two weeks to get back to me.
  5. Haven't read cover to cover either. I do refer to it a couple times a year and find it useful.
  6. If I remember right, they also do this as a way to work the problem in their head. It is just another way to look at it. Dd liked knowing this. That said, I'd skip if it seems to not be worth it.
  7. :lol: men... I will jump in and share, at a Babies R Us to get baby stuff, mom harassed me into motion as I had 1.5 mon until due date, feeling out of my element and very tired, discussing stroller features w/sales guy. guy: boy or girl? me: I do not know, wanting a surprise guy: I'm guessing a boy, b/c we had a girl and my wife was beautiful for the whole pregnancy. me::001_huh: hmmmmm..... Thanks for the laugh and letting me butt in
  8. 78.33-- but I did ask dh about a handful, and a good bunch involved a lucky pick between two of the choices. So I still feel I need a little more work in that department, UGH.
  9. DK Merriam Webster Children's Dict. we might phase/add in a more mature one here soon, this has been great for the younger years and will continue to be used for several more. Dd really likes it.
  10. We have just used the AG and library for extra reading....
  11. I've been on this journey. In ps (at least three times) and again in college and yet again several times since. I still maintain a ride in the time machine might solve it. But that would be for me, I would still have to prove that my time machine ride actually occurred through time if I wanted anyone else to buy it.
  12. I never said I had a theory. It really sounds as though you think I do. I also never said theories were just pulled out of thin air. The burden of proof is the same all around. I'm not trying to be a smarty pants, I'm trying to not get sucked into a camp of thought based on assumptions, my own or other's. There are groups/individuals who feel the efforts of their labor are not getting addressed. I really think that is the issue of Ben Stein's movie. That creationists are excited is only natural. That does not mean creationism is supposed to be given special treatment or that the movie exists to promote creationism. Now I may watch it and feel differently, I don't know as I haven't even watched it yet! But I am going to watch it. Ask you, "who is being censored?"?....Why are you censoring?? I do not know anyone personally who is claiming to be censored. But there are those claiming to be, that is why I'm watching the movie. It is tedious and I only need one example that is not in micro evolution as I already noted the existence of evidence put forward for that. Peace:)
  13. To my untrained eye, and armed w/the definition of species and a chart depicting the hierarchy of scientific classification. Individuals w/in a Species can breed. What does this evidence have to do with macro evolution?:blink: How do you go from fish to biped? or quadped? or what ever, a fruit fly is still a fruit fly. I'm looking for examples such as a dog to something not dog. Thank you for the reference though.:)
  14. I believe I've already implied my unqualified scientific status. :blink: So by definition of a theory is just sits there until........what?
  15. olives(any kind you like), and capers if the happen to be around...
  16. How is a lay person supposed to know this?:confused: I respectfully disagree w/this. I find that it is often ignored. I wasn't even aware of the debate until I ended up in a predominately evangelical community. This is not to say I agree or disagree w/these theories! As I understand it: the censorship comes in w/the peer review & publication end of it, not the work end. If it is a bunch of hogwash than refute it point by point and publish the refutation. Do not offer another theory to refute a theory. Is that to much to ask?:confused:
  17. With out going in to all my details, my doc felt that there were other things that could cause the symptoms indicating hormones. When the tests came in it was discovered I was deficient in vit D, since I started correcting the D my symptoms that fall in the hormone category have either vanished or lessened. The saliva test came back screwy too. So now I must wait and retest to figure out if it was just the D. I find it frustrating to say the least, but I do feel better and had I just self medicated I never would have gotten the D deficiency corrected. I would insist your doc address the problems until they are fixed- not necessarily insist on hormone treatment. KWIM?? So you can have these symptoms but you want to get at the cause:).
  18. Absolutely- and to agree on another point--"clever"-- an excellent choice of words, I would also add devious, calculating, dangerous and arrogant b/c of precisely what happened to my friend when she disagreed w/said statement. The reaction of other students was not reasoned, kind or contemplative. She was attacked. As an intellectually insecure(her words not mine) "student" she failed to find the educational value in the discussion, unless it was for her to learn to join the rest of the class in mindless agreement. Was this the intent, I have no idea. To clarify my intent in posting: I'm not trying to cause any undue conflict, as a hs mom I want my dd to be able to navigate these types of statements. The intent of my posting was not to draw lines but to get opinions on the nature of such statements. I feel there is much confusion over such things and I am still trying to sort out some of it so that I can approach such things correctly in the hs arena.
  19. First I think we agree more than disagree. I'm not sure what you are saying... I think there needs to be scientific evidence to support a theory. I did not mean to use it differently. I do not mean faith to be theory. I have heard of several theories by scientists trying to stick to Genesis literally. The theory of Gravity is not the same as gravity existing...gravity is "real," don't the theories try to explain the "why" or "how"? ID has claims of mathematical proof. This is probably the reason evolutionist do not care for it, if mathematical proof exists it is significantly better than anything evolution has. I would also point out that in order to make a theory "go away" disproving it is required, which if the mathematical proof exists for purposeful design it would negate the random(evolution). No one has brought up the mathematical proof stuff, maybe one more qualified will address that.
  20. ID is different than creationism. ID proponents include some Christians but many others, such as those who believe we might be the product of Aliens. It just speaks to an intelligent designer. Creationism and its theories are directly related to a literal reading of the Bible. Usually Christian ID proponents have more allegorical interpretations of Creation, while maintaining/believing God as the Creator. Really the whole thing is a hairball. :D
  21. No, and as a voracious reader, and a proponent of a Liberal education, Well roundedness is not a bad thing. This doesn't mean you can borrow from different cultures to avoid anomie. my point, is the statement is too vague and slightly twisted. For example: It is an argument against a narrow canon. Well by definition a canon is narrow. Widening the canon would render it no longer a canon.
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