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Everything posted by JumpyTheFrog

  1. You know how the phone company is always leaving phones you don't use on your door step? I got one a few days ago and finally found a use for it. I gave it to my 2 year old and told him it was his to color in. He's having a great time and is very pleased to have his own phone book to color in. It ought to take at least a few weeks to use up.
  2. My son is going nuts for Mind Benders. He would like to do the whole book in one day, but they're too expensive for that. Are there any similar, but cheaper, products out there?
  3. When my adrenal glands weren't working right (I've had low cortisol "adrenal fatigue" and then later high cortisol levels), my ability to tolerate stress was very, very low. My body just couldn't handle everyday life stresses at the time. Now that my adrenals (and other various health problems) are mostly straightened out, my stress tolerance is back to normal. I would recommend looking into hormonal problems. You said the anxiety started after moving. Maybe the stress of moving triggered some hormonal problem.
  4. It is if you drive 100,000 miles in less than three years like I believe the OP did. 15 mpg would require 5,555 gallons while 18 mpg would require 6,666 gallons. That's at least a $3,000 difference in fuel. I would check the Consumer Reports ratings and see if one requires more repairs than another. Also ask your mechanic if parts for one cost much more than the other. Finally, consider how popular a model is. More popular models make it easier to find used parts at a junk yard (we bought used tail lights for one car and it saved about $150).
  5. Chick peas Potatoes Tomatoes Oil Garlic Onions Salt Curry powder Ginger Cilantro Hot pepper
  6. Thanks, I was looking for these as well.
  7. About 6 weeks ago, I bought a Kindle and the first Magic Tree House book for my son to read. (He still needs larger print to read easily.) He did well when we took turns reading it, but didn't seem especially interested. In the last two weeks, he's (or us together) has read about five more of them. Then today, he asked if we could read The Magician's Nephew together (which he's heard on audio book). He read's 1/2 page and I read 1 1/2 pages. He's doing pretty well, but obviously it's much harder and has many longer words. My questions: 1. Is a sudden interest in reading a much more difficult book common? 2. How do I find a balance between making him sound out long new words and just telling him what they are? I don't want to frustrate him too much, but I do want him to not just guess or give up when he sees a four syllable word. I want to thank the woman who pushes Webster's Speller. We aren't very far in (only on the second or third page of words after the syllable lessons), but what we've both learned has been very helpful in helping him sound out longer words. (We did Hooked on Phonics and a bunch of Phonics Pathways, too, but they aren't as helpful for long words.) Today he was able to sound out "indignantly" by himself, or at least recognize it after hearing it in the audio book version.
  8. If you want to get NC status, you need to have been here for a year. Owning property isn't necessary, but having your cars registered in another state will work against you. I suggest changing your drivers licenses and car and voter registrations now, if you intend to stay. They are evidence of your residence. I don't know about the appeal process, but it seems like you don't meet the residency requirements of either state. You aren't a resident of VA anymore, so why should they grant you in-state tuition? And you haven't been in NC long enough to meet their rules.
  9. You can use OpenOffice for free. It can use MS Office files on a PC or a Mac.
  10. The explanations about how insulin is used were accurate, based on all my reading elsewhere. I liked the graphics showing insulin as the baseball bat hitting glucose into cells.
  11. I personally wouldn't go, or I would be very careful of which speakers I went to. Many NCHE board members are into patriarchy and some of the speakers selected reflect that.
  12. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, so it is very stable. All those "healthy" unsaturated vegetable oils that people push are the ones that go rancid easily. Even olive oil (which is fine to use) should be kept in a dark bottle to store longer.
  13. Probably a tablespoon. I'll try to remember to ask him. They also started cooking with it. Everything tastes better with coconut oil!
  14. My parents use this to keep from feeling achey. When my dad goes off turmeric, the pain comes back.
  15. My dad started adding it to hos coffee and it helped clear up brain fog for him. He was already low-carb (for diabetes) which helped, but adding the coconut oil seemed to finish the job. He said he can think like he's twenty years younger again.
  16. "Lonestar! At last, we meet again for the first time, for the last time." "Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money is made!"
  17. When my 5 year old gets like this, it seems to coincide with not enough sleep, not enough food, or a growth spurt.
  18. Ds is is almost done with Singapore 2A. We do the workbook (and CWP 1), but lately we've been skipping the textbook because it seems like doing both is more practice than he needs, before moving on to a new topic. I've been thinking maybe I should introduce some other math topics (maybe from the blue MM series?) to work on, while he practices his SM math topics until they are completely automatic. He plays Dreambox, so he's a little familiar with negative numbers. We are on multiplication in SM, and he's starting to learn the times tables. What other topics can we add? Should we just start SM 2B? I already have MM fractions, so maybe I should work on that? Does anyone else work on different math topics in parallel, instead of waiting to move on until after a topic can be done by the student in his sleep?
  19. When I went on thyroid medication, my flow became much less, although still 5 days. I hadn't realized how much heavier it had been until it went back to normal.
  20. My 5 year old can be like this too, although he's average height, I think. He will go months without growing and then grow an inch in a few weeks. Making him eat a huge piece of meat at breakfast helps. Your daughter may need more good fats in her diet. I'd be curious if she feels less hungry if she has steak and eggs for breakfast. Veggies are great, but are low calorie and leave some people feeling starved.
  21. Rice is GF but most soy sauce is not. If only Chinese restaurants would use GF tamari sauce, I'd be able to eat much of their food.
  22. Raintree Nursery has Tristar strawberries, a variety that bears the first year. I gave my parents some last May and they were picking them until the end of November, in upstate NY. Everbearing strawberries produce fruit all season, until it gets too cold. June bearing or summer bearing produce one large crop in a short period of time. If you want berries all at once for canning, June bearing would be helpful. If you want to pick over many months, everbearing would be what you want.
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