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Everything posted by Happy

  1. Febreeze has an unscented version which really seems to help tone down smells.
  2. Please alert the realtor that this guy did a HORRIBLE job. As an agent, when I recommend someone it's because I KNOW they do a great job. If one of my favorites does a crappy job I need to know it so I can take them off my list. I send a lot of business to tradespeople--they need to hear when my clients aren't satisfied. I'd be horrified if someone I recommended did this. Get the painter back out there and ask him what the heck he was thinking. Pressure wash the siding to see if it cleans up the streaks. Have the painter replace the damaged metal and paint the trim. Good luck with your sale.
  3. Happy

    GO TRIBE!!

    I will cheer anyone who is defeating the Jays! Go Tribe!
  4. I love my Roomba....I got a basic model just so I could try it out. He is random, but oddly enough he gets almost everywhere. Thick rugs in the bathroom catch him so I run him where I can listen for problems. He works so well, I want one I can program to clean at night. And the wet mop type as well. I call the Roomba 'The Droid" and I feel quite Star Wars-ish/Jetson-ish when I do.
  5. Google is your friend. There are good winterizing tips online. We take ours down each winter so I'm no help with actual experience. Gotta make sure the pump doesn't freeze.
  6. I wonder what happens when the technology changes...updates or complete removal...
  7. I have a home office so I have one, but, yeah, most people don't. Most of our medical offices email forms to us...which means you must be able to print them off, too. I find a lot of people aren't set up for that.
  8. My children are 31 and 26, plus we have a daughter in law and a granddaughter. We love doing a family vacation at some time during the year. It builds family memories and cohesiveness--I'm all about bonding together. So, yes, we pay for travel, meals, entertainment...etc. They pay for extras or souvenirs. It's a blast and I love that we can do it. That money is first I put away when I'm earning in the new year.
  9. Our family was watching The Profit a few weeks ago and decided Marcus Lemonis would make a dandy president. Can you imagine him applying his People, Process, & Product philosophy to America? :lurk5: SWB, Catwoman, and Tibbie or any combination there of...
  10. My husband has done the double red--it knocked him back a bit more than a regular donation, but nothing a good meal and a night's rest couldn't fix. Fewer people can give double red (I'm too short, for example) so if you can and have the time it's a good thing, imho.
  11. Mostly yes, he has. He was about 25 though before it really improved because you can add stubborn to your list. The three things that really turned him around--becoming a daddy to a sweet girl. There is something magic about a sweet girl who loves her daddy. Second...he whacked his head on a door frame (very tall and rushing through the doorway) to cause a significant concussion. We were warned that concussions can cause personality changes and braced ourselves for worse behavior. It turns out that he has sweeten and mellowed. My husband and I joke that we should have found a 2x4 years earlier--JOKING :) The third thing was me getting a cancer diagnosis--it just added to the mix of life that shaped him a bit. If you can afford it, see if you can find an anger management counselor. It might help smooth out those rough edges a lot sooner. We had some unpleasant and rough years before it got better.
  12. Well I love yoga, but I dislike downward dog intensely. It's hard to breathe and relax in that pose. I hope you are able to find a good stress relief solution--
  13. The news here reported a clown attempted to kidnap a young girl. Her mom scared him off... I only heard bits of the report...off to confirm what I heard.
  14. Short on time and have not read other replies.... YES! We moved from the family farm to the Dallas Fort Worth area 23 years ago....and we are still here. Yes it was worth it for us. Better opportunities for all of us.
  15. A bad battery? Why do these things happen when the hubby is not home??????
  16. What a good attitude you have! Hang in there, find as much to smile or even laugh about and keep hugging all those people and furry critters in your house. Passing you a couple of homemade oatmeal cookies made with dried cherries. Mmmmm....fiber that tastes good. ;)
  17. I don't do well working in offices day in and day out. Give me a barn or something outdoors all day long. At the very least my car....I was in my car ALL day yesterday. No heights, thank you very much. No cleaning....I'm just not good at it. I'm sure there are others.
  18. Happy


    You can pass any salted chocolate over my way--especially if it has caramel somewhere in it. :drool5:
  19. Green tomato salsa 2 gallons green tomatoes, cut up, allow to drain in a colander for a couple of hours. 1 gallon onions, cut up 1 qt. bell peppers, cut up 1/2 qt. jalapenos--fire roasted adds good flavor, but is not required. 5 Cups sugar 1 Cup salt 2 T. black pepper 1/2 cup Vinegar (more or less) Simmer slowly until tomatoes show discolor, at least 10 minutes. Can in clean jars, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  20. I have antique roses that used to be breathtaking in the spring. AWESOME--lush, colorful, and huge...unfortunately I've lost several in the past three years due to rose rosette disease. Deep sigh. I hope they find a cure or treatment for it before we lose all our great roses.
  21. I'm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I have daffodils through out the flowerbeds. I plant about this time of year--all the way to the beginning of November depending on weather. Now is better. One key is to plant a bunch of bulbs in bunches throughout a bed--clumps rather than rows, if you know what I mean. The hardest thing for me is to remember where the bulbs are after the foliage dies back. (Yes, you want those green tops to naturally fade before cutting off.) I've been known to dig in an area where bulbs are sleeping and disturb their rest. No real answer for that except to remember better. I used to keep a garden journal, but no longer do. Here the smaller the bulbs the better they do over the years. The big bags of bulbs you get at the big box stores will produce a great display the first year or two, then gradually fade. Tulips in our area do not get enough cold soaking to bloom correctly. I buy tulips and put them in the extra fridge for at least 45 days--no ripening fruit can be with them. Traditionally I plant them in middle to late December. They will bloom by middle to late February and into March, depending on type.These days I do it the easy way and fill up 6 or 8 large pots--more probably. I just bought 200 bulbs. It's easier to play with potting soil than to dig in cold clay flowerbeds. I can also keep the pots on my south facing back porch where they do lots better---a few get moved to the frigid front porch at the last minute. Because I consider them annuals as soon as the bloom is done on the tulips, they get pulled. Hyacinths do well for me in a large pot for two or three years. I keep the pot near my back porch so I can fully enjoy the amazing scent when they bloom.
  22. At my house....leftover Santa Fe soup, three double stuffed Oreo's, water.
  23. Is it harder because the things belong to your kiddoes? If they are old enough, have them decide. Otherwise, KonMari the heck out of the stuff--does it spark joy? If not, it goes. I have stuff like that as well that needs to go away. AND I'm so trying not to be the MIL/Grandmom who gives 'stuff' like that. Harder than it seems somedays...
  24. Hunting stores--Cabela's or Bass Pro Shop can have extra long socks. My oldest wears a size 17--tube socks are your friend. You might try Zappos for larger shoes. It's amazing to be able to see what shoes come in BIG sizes. I haven't bought socks for him in a few years--I'll ask his wife where they have been shopping lately.
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