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Everything posted by partyof5

  1. :bigear: I keep looking at this and would love to hear thoughts...
  2. Great link. A good friend of mine attends Greg Boyd's church and his ideas have been part of many a long phone chat! Always stimulating and frequently controversial. He was on the CNN series "God's Warriors" with Christiane Amanpour talking about the way we blend politics & faith in this country. His personal blog/website has more of his writings as well as links to the books. I haven't read any entire books yet myself but every time his name comes up I am reminded that it would be a good exercise to do so! www.gregboyd.org ...in case anyone's interested.
  3. I have a friend using BJU 5 right now, so I think I'll get my hands on it for a weekend to see before buying it. And I do happen to own the BJU "spread your wings" book (not "stretch" as I had thought) so I can skim that today to assess the basic content as well. These are tough things to talk through online because it is hard to interpret someone else's kids but I appreciate all you've shared! If nothing else, it provides perspectives I can't always consider until I invite an outsider to peek in and give opinions. :001_smile: Thanks again. I don't feel "butt in" to at all. You've been incredibly helpful.
  4. Elizabeth, I understand what you are suggesting and I definitely need to take this into consideration. I suspect that it may be what you are saying--that she is unable to move faster from lack of intensive practive these recent years, and not just that it's boring. This is a hard realization, as we really love RS and saw a lot of growth in skills & understanding. (I'm not loving the fact that it didn't provide "enough" of something...especially since I have 2 more dd's coming up through it.) She doesn't love math though she has succeeded with minimal trouble all these years, which makes this crossroads we're at all the more frustrating. I'm torn between not wanting to frustrate her further and pushing her through a wall that needs to be pushed through, if that is indeed the reality we are facing! :) I looked at the chapter tests as you suggested and looking ahead, I think we are in for some more challenging work in the future, though I may test her out of the first chapter, and possibly the 2nd. Meanwhile, I spent some time online looking at the Stretch book for grade 6. I can see why you would like it and require it in addition to Spring. I expected them to be more duplicates of each other than they are. For $12, this may just the right thing. I agree that 45 minutes or so is more than reasonable for this age in math. Big sigh as I prepare to tackle some new realities. Ugh. Luckily for her, dd is out today at a state fair with my parents, so I won't go experiment with her immediately! Tomorrow will be a new day and I think that trying to work through the pages faster is a great way to assess ability vs. attitude. Grateful for the "whomp" on the head,:smash:
  5. Thanks for sharing this idea. I believe I own the grade 5 "stretch" book, given by a friend. Hmmm...options, options.
  6. I have eaten oatmeal nearly daily for over 3 years, but I can only stand it because it's a blend I make, thanks to a NP's recommendation for good healthy breakfasts. I love it. I make a huge batch and keep it in the freezer, scooping out just 1/2 cup a day. Ingredients include old fasioned oats, oat bran, ground flax seed, sesame seeds, almond meal, and some other things you could leave out for dietary reasons: dry milk and soy flour. It's super easy, cooks on the stove in 3 minutes, is microwavable if you prefer mushier, and has TEXTURE and more flavor than just oatmeal. Plus flax is a healthy addition to the diet. I do add cinnamon, sometimes a dash of milk, and either a bit of local honey or real maple syrup to sweeten it a bit, but lots of other suggestions I've read here would be tasty too. If anyone wants proportions, I'd be happy to share more.
  7. FOUND IT! Just did a search and found a post by you about Primary Challenge Math by Zaccaro?? Have you ever used this or looked at it carefully? And if so, how does it compare to BJU? I know you're past due and probably not in the mood for the RS Inquisition!
  8. This might explain why I think I saw a recommendation from RS for another math program alongside geometry?? I'm sure it wasn't BJU but I can't quickly find it or even remember what it was...maybe it's in a former thread here. Do you know if the other middle school level books are being written at all?
  9. Elizabeth, The Spring pages are 2 sided, but only one page per lesson, if that's what you mean. They are VERY repetitive and much like the student text, so one or the other would be sufficient. One geometry lesson is enough work for one day in some cases, especialy since we're still in the early lessons and it's not too challenging yet. But with lining up her paper on the board and getting materials and writing some definitions, I think any more than one lesson would be too much. Again, I sincerely appreciate you thinking through this with me. Just putting it all out in words is a good exercise for me... I should do this more often!
  10. Hidden Jewel, Thanks for sharing your question & answer with RS. I hadn't heard it quite like that from them. Somewhere along the way, I thought we were advised to supplement, but honestly, I don't know where that came from now. :001_huh: I think that doing geometry exclusively is something I will consider as we try out some new things these next couple of weeks. I'll look at the other program you mentioned as well. Thanks for replying!
  11. Elizabeth, Thanks for replying...you offer some good ideas, and one big DUH! moment for me. :tongue_smilie: Of course I should just test her out of the first chapter or two! Why is this so hard when I offer this advice to others all the time?! (sigh) I went for the 2 week plan because I was afraid that doing less than that would eliminate any hope of momentum or consistency in either program. I have a curriculum "disease" of sorts in which I have a hard time not using all components of a curriculum, which in the case of BJU, I am killing my dd with too much boring work. RS seemed to have such a nice appropriate amount, it's strange to me to have to have her do just half or skip most, or do nearly none of a student text or work book page. I have the whole kit and caboodle--the student text, workbook pages (in a pad?), and I believe I have the Spring into Action book. it's all just too much, so I often assign just 3-5 problems in the student text, a couple in the spring book, none of the workbook pad, and I feel that the joy is already gone and it's not October yet! SO, I will test her out and see if we can get to some more meaty material. Makes perfect sense. Then, I'll keep with my reduction of written work as I have been, assigning half or less of the problems, or maybe only spring pages instead of both spring AND student text. I think I'll stick with the 2 week plan for now, possibly reducing to 1 week, but any less won't work for my dd who needs to get in a groove in order to be productive. Daily swapping would drive her mad. Thanks for helping me think through this. I do appreciate it. I hate to throw things out without at least giving them a sensible try.
  12. here it is. I haven't done this in a while but with school back in full swing, I want to jump in again and play too! Great pics on all your blogs! Link below.
  13. My 5th grade dd has used Right Start math since grade 1. We loved it. We went all the way through Levels B thru E. Now we use the RS geometry program but I decided to use it slowly over a 2 year period so that I could intersperse more traditional math in there as well, in a 2 weeks Geometry/2 weeks BJU math pattern. The purpose of this was to not lose all her mathematics skills while we spent a year on a more focused program of Geometry. Well...dd loves the Geometry and hates the BJU--too slow and repetitive so far, and it's the grade 6 program. She does like the very independent nature of RS Geometry and this is exciting after our many years of very teacher-intensive RS instruction. I still want to use Geometry over two years but we need a new math program to weave in alongside it. I'm looking for something that will keep her multiplication/division/fractions type of skills up to par while not boring her to tears. I'd also love a program that dd can do fairly independently if possible. If this makes sense and you have some suggestions for programs that would piggyback nicely on our years with RS math, I would love your input. Thanks!!
  14. From Princess Bride: "Ma-wiiiidge....that SAcred insti-thution..." I'm not sure in what kind of conversation we use this, but it comes up a lot, and never ceases to make us giggle. We also quote lots of Yoda, or at least we change sentences into Yoda-speak, reversing subjects & predicates. Dh quotes Monty Python to the point where I think I'm actually now familiar with movies I've never seen. :glare: Fun thread--enjoyable reading!
  15. After FLL 1 & 2, we went with R&S and have found it to be easy to implement and VERY effective. I choose to blend a lot of oral work with a small amount of written with each assignment--I do not assign it all as written. My dd would just melt if I did that. The workbook is consumable and very inexpensive and that provides a quick and easy supplement as well. We've used R&S for a few years now (she's in 5th grade now) and I am quite pleased with what she has learned. I know SWB recommends a supplemental writing program with R&S because the writing component is not very strong or thorough. I have used a few different programs alongside R&S successfully.
  16. Love it here! I'm a 38yo mom to 3 and I have spent $100s on years of unused gym memberships, even ones that are REALLY close to my house!:glare: Shame on me, I know... but with the Wii Fit I can squeeze it in anywhere, get the child-like motivation of a tracking chart ;) and no going out of the house. I have never been so dedicated to an exericse program...ever. I am working up a wonderful sweat, the likes of which I never thought I could do in my living room! The $$ is SO worth what I have already gained (no pun intended). I have lost some pounds, but more importantly I FEEL better, stronger, more energetic and this was very important to me, though I did start with a full 40 lbs. to lose. I'm picking away at it in the comfort of my own home. Love it, can you tell?
  17. Mint chocolate chip, but only by Breyer's (it's white not green in color!).
  18. Praying here. My heart sunk when I read your post, and then visiting her blog to see pics of the whole sweet family...(sigh)... I was struck by the wonderfully ordinary nature of her last post and pray that life will be just that normal again soon.
  19. Jennifer, I'm sorry Christmas is so difficult for you--I feel your pain but under different circumstances. My plan has been to do as some others have suggested and make sure that I don't let others drive my day, so to speak. I am at the wheel (with dh of course) and we set the tone. My kids are younger but even as they grow older, I will still: 1. Refuse to entertain guests or leave the house before noon on Christmas, allowing us to have quiet gift time, a special breakfast, etc. without the pressure of others. This has been something we fight HARD for every year with my in-laws who just can't understand why we won't drive to their house at 9am. 2. Maintain our Christmas Eve traditions, which for us is dinner with my parents and church services, followed by stories at home, opening one gift, etc. 3. Make sure to not put the pressure on the ONE day. We plan other special things and then re-hash them on Christmas again to remember what fun we've had together. We spend a little time doing something during each day of Advent, we make baklava as a gift for friends (which then involves delivery & visiting), we take advantage of local caroling, Nutcracker ballet, and other festivities, and we shop for other families who may need gifts for Christmas morning. In fact, I have made small albums for our kids of these pre-Christmas activities and this becomes a Christmas day gift from us to them, and a fond memory of the whole season. We don't do this yet, but you might consider serving a meal to seniors or at a homeless shelter on Christmas day. Perhaps you FIL would join you, and if not, it would place some boundaries on your time together and give you a little more influence on your family's activities. If you're into movies, plan an afternoon at one of the new releases that happens on Christmas day every year. Just some thoughts...
  20. OH MY! I can't see thru the tears to get my cursor in the right place on my screen!! I love a good laugh like this. THanks for sharing!! I think my favorites were the watermelon and the pregnant ones. SO glad I've never seen those at a party celebrating me! I'd wonder about my friends...
  21. Glad it's not just me that's obsessed with the stuff!! LOL! Do you use anything particular for toilet bowl cleaning? I've not found a specific Melaleuca product for this but I wonder if there is something that would make do.
  22. We're farily new Melaleuca customers here and big fans. I've used Seventh Generation but I prefer the tub & tile from melaleuca--my shower has never been so free of hard water stains! :) I've not found vinegar to do the trick on those toughest of cleaning jobs... Oh, and this means no more "bleach headaches" which tormented me for years. I always thought my headache was from the chore of cleaning, but it turns out that I am a bit chemical sensitive. Can't say cleaning is pure joy now but it certainly doesn't hurt anymore! ;)
  23. This is too funny. About a year ago I was at a book sale and was discussing Apologia books with a friend. I hadn't ever said it aloud I guess, but I went with what you all are saying is the correct pronunciation--good for me, right? Well, a woman in the aisle with us promptly corrected me in a not-so-subtle way with "We've been using Apolo-GEE-a for years" with extra emphasis on the word to be sure I got that I had said it wrong earlier. Point taken. I felt dumb but still felt the emphasis on "gee" sounded funny. So to read this conversation tonight makes me think "HEY!! I was right that day in the book store aisle!" :tongue_smilie: Who knew?! Apple-OH-gia it is! Thanks ladies!
  24. I just now heard them say that it will go live in 45 minutes or so, and it's 10:42 eastern time. I need to put some coffee on...
  25. Oh! Me too!! I need to update my oldest dd's age in my sig as well. Today is her birthday too!--we've entered double digits! Can't believe we have a 10 year old, but here we are... (sigh). Happy Birthday to all the August 13th babies!
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