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Everything posted by partyof5

  1. YES! To that same musical! Les Mis has gotten me each of the 4 times I've seen it since my high school French teacher took us some 20 years ago... love it though! Psstt.... sometimes just the soundtrack can still bring a tear!
  2. And one more thing...:D You mentioned how unsure you were about how to evaluate student writing. I think that as you work through CW with your child, you will be so familiar with the models you will be able to assess whether or not their writing accurately reflects the essence of the model. Essentially, you are first looking for an adequate basic summary. Probably, your understanding of what to expect in your child will grow along with the program because you will be so familiar with the models too! I also recommend trying to do the work alongside your child, (without their knowledge perhaps?) and see what you identify to be the most essential elements to include in your paraphrase. You can probably judge this pretty well in your own writing and it just may provide a bit of a baseline of what elements you can expect your child to include as well. I'm just rambling here, but I hope this helps a little, and I would definitely spend some time in the other forums for more detailed responses from people with actual experience with CW! :lol:
  3. CW yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ClassicalWriting/ CW message board on their site: http://lene.proboards15.com/index.cgi As for kwo, I teach a co-op class in this still... At first, we do line by line keyword of a single paragraph on a single topic, choosing only 3 important words per sentence. From this outline, the students write their own paragraph without referencing the original model. After much practice, we move to other activities, like completing a story sequence chart about a fable. This requires that they find details about characters, setting, plot, etc. without going line by line. I love this transition because it introduces the notion of thinking about the text as a whole rather than sentence by sentence. Finally, we go to longer non-fiction and apply the story sequence way of thinking...working on identifying a few key words for an entire paragraph. Now that we have moved to CW, these are the kinds of skills I am having the transfer from their IEW work to CW.
  4. I am only 3 weeks into CW here, but I have some thoughts, as I am very familiar with IEW as well. Regarding outlining, I have not seen explicit instructions on outlining (yet) in CW, but since in our house we are pros at KWO with IEW, we use that, and I recommend you do too if it already works. It's a wonderful system. That being said, I wouldn't encourage line by line KWO with longer models. IEW teaches a transition point with story sequence and eventually research and in these cases, you must read longer sections and pull key words. Otherwise line by line will be cumbersome and unrealistic as the child matures in this skill. There is a yahoo group for CW as well as very helpful message boards on their website. One portion of the message board is for posting student work, and the moderators/authors respond...you might try this if you are unsure at first. I know this doesn't answer all your questions, but it's a start. We are loving CW and using both Aesop and Homer. I am keeping some of our IEW skills in use and moving along quite nicely.
  5. As the mom of 3 dancers who are treated kindly at every class session every week of the whole long year, I say it's time for a new studio. I'm not saying this is an easy thing to consider, but clearly you are not posting about a one-time offense. Nothing will change unless you do. Vote with your checkbook on this. Our instructor/director is firm in her expectation for behavior but never speaks condescendingly to kids...never. They all adore her and perform well for her. There are other ways to get results than by the methods used in your studio. The trade off for us? We are not in a competitive studio, so no Disney trips for us, just excellent dance instruction with a year-end recital. Wishing you the best!
  6. We are brand new to CW, but already we're finding R&S English works well, and it's what we were using before CW. I had reserached here and found CW paired with various grammar programs successfully, though CW authors recommend Harvey's.
  7. :lol::lol: I call these decrees, which means nothing to my youngest but my 10yo does an eyeroll. My most recent: Playdoh can only be opened in the mornings. Why? I need the crumbs on the floor to have time to dry up so I can vacuum them up before dinner!
  8. This is not a CD recommendation, but there is a website that offers midi audio files of hymns, and pages of hymn lyrics. You can subscribe to their email and each week they will send you a hymn and link to a page with extensive history about the hymn. www.biblestudycharts.com Using this alongside a nice CD of hymns would be wonderful.
  9. I second the Duck Tour! It's a must-see for out of towners. Also, consider the Freedom Trail, or portions of it. I'm not sure where the hotel is that you're staying in, though I would add a meal at Legal Seafood if possible, and if you like high-end scrumptious chocolate desserts, you've got to try "finale" in the theater district. Which reminds me...see if any good shows are running while you're in town.
  10. Dave Ramsey has been our "rescue" from a similar lifestyle. We took his Financial Peace University course at church but his books have similar teaching if the course is unavailable (though I HIGHLY recommend FPU if you can attend!). It is a mindset, a lifestyle change, a total new way of thinking. Without this, you are right in likening it to dieting. It's the nibbles of extra food that create unwanted weight, not one single meal. Likewise, small it's-just-a-buck-or-two thinking will lead to massive debt. We too struggled with not enough income to make the budget work and to look at getting to the point of purposeful money-saving/investing. The solution? First, stop spending by creating an air-tight budget with no frills. Sell stuff and buy nothing. If you still can't pay for things your family NEEDS, then you must make more money. Extra part-time jobs, short-term, were pretty much the only solution (for us) in that case. Now we are living in an entirely different mindset. Budgeting every dollar. For us, attending FPU TOGETHER, (or perhaps reading the books together would work for you), were what helped us get to EXACTLY the same page, not sort of kind of trying to make it work, but working diligently, purposefully, together as a couple. I'm sure there are other helpful programs out there, but I think Dave Ramsey does a wonderful job integrating financial information with the need for teamwork within marriage, and most importantly, relying on God...pray your way through this together. Dave's "Baby Steps" are helpful in prioritizing what to tackle first, which also sounds like something that would be helpful for you.
  11. It's a popular move up in New England, to be sure. It makes me fume every time...my dh (a born and bred Massachusetts driver) calls it "banging a left"...you know, when someone comes barreling out into the intersection at the first hint of green light and they bang a left before you've even hit the gas pedal. (sigh) Anyway, I'm fuming on your behalf but I'm glad you're all safe!
  12. Aaah... Lewes/Rehoboth...my oldest dd was born in Lewes and we have fond memories of the whole area... I taught middle school there for a few years before moving north again. I think your Rehoboth beach-front hotel sounds ideal. Plenty of dining, family-friendly, more to walk/see/do than Bethany, imho. I agree with others that the bay-bridge tunnel is a great choice as you head south. I think your kids would love it too--it's kind of odd to be out on the "island" as you travel. Truly, Lewes is right up the road (less than 15 minutes) so visiting there is certainly an option if you wish. Our favorite pizza in Rehoboth is Nicola's on 2nd St. I believe, though locals will direct you to "Grotto's"...I'd pass. :tongue_smilie: I'm jealous...we have such wonderful friends there and have been contemplating another visit to the area (sigh)...enjoy your trip!!
  13. Bought it and used it to completion (Physics I) when dd was in 3rd grade. She loved the books and experiments, and I loved the scheduling. It offered a nice blend of independent work and mom-intensive work, and we enjoyed being engaged in science twice a week (2 day schedule for us). It was not particularly challenging, so it's best suited for the youngers, IMHO. We would have continued, but decided to go a different direction now that we are schooling all 3 kiddos, and since dh is a scientist, he has taken on some of the science instruction in our home. I have not sold my Physics set because I do plan to go through it again with my younger two, it was that good for us.
  14. We LOVE the Geometry lessons in our house, and the ability to actually work with and understand the geometric principles in such a hands-on way is what makes it so valuable. I highly recommend NOT skipping these lessons. If dc have trouble making the drawings at first, this is when I stand behind them and help hold the tools in place until they get the hang of it. Otherwise, it would certainly be frustrating for small hands. I'm not sure I understand the frustration and distaste for it when so few lessons involve the tools in level C. Truly, to enjoy level D and beyond, you will need to become well-versed in the use of the tools, as a PP stated. The future lessons involve fantastic geometric concepts that made my visual learner (dd10) fall in love, and sure enough, she is now in RS Geometry and excelling. Dd7 is in level C right now and her tiny hands had some trouble at first, but with diligent practice (and my hovering closely for a week) she is independent and loving it. I highly recommend giving the drawing tools a fair try.
  15. Thanks! I will post there as well...haven't really gotten to know that message board yet, but I'm sure I will. Page numbering sounds benign enough. I appreciate your reply.
  16. Can anyone tell me the differences (if any) between 2002 printings & 2005? I was about to order Aesop A on Lulu and I see that is 2007... I own Aesop B workbook & IG, both from 2005, purchased used. I own Aesop CORE dates 2002, purchased used. I need to purchase Aesop A to get started. I plan to purchase it new at this point, but want to know if there will be variations. Used would be great but none have been available. Thanks so much to anyone who can offer insight. If there are no differences between publication years, I'll buy it new later today.
  17. This budgeting thing is tough! We're facing the same challenges and are new to the DR plan ourselves. Here's what we do: Groceries in an evelope: Cash. Food ONLY. No exceptions. Gas: No envelope, just debit. Only Debit. Keep receipt and track at home. As for your Walmart expenses, this is where we went cold turkey. Just stop this kind of spending unless budgeted. To transition to this, we began a Walmart envelope with say $25 cash that would inclue health & beauty stuff, paper goods, and other incidentals at Walmart. Clothing for kids and adults is budgeted. Put cash in an envelope each month for this, and even if it is not used up, you'll have it next month when you need new socks or sneakers or something that is hard to anticipate months in advance. This system required our planning and our self discipline but it has been worth it. We have done a 180 on our spending and planning and I would never go back. The only rule is NEVER touch one envelope for something other than what its allocated. Never. :) It will work but it's only as good as the one holding the envelope. ;) Hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but I think it's the kind of harshness I needed to make it work in our house. All the best,
  18. One last thought and then I'll stop ;)... Is this new teacher Montessori trained & certified? I'm wondering about the school's standards for this...this would be a gentle way of addressing your concerns about the teacher's manner with the kids? Our Montessori experience was SO calm that I felt like a one-girl party-Mom when I visited. They spoke quietly and gently and expected excellent behavior...which they got!
  19. Jessica, Doesn't sound like Montessori style with 18 kids and one teacher?! I would speak to the director. Your concern is valid, and I wonder if anyone has observed this new teacher yet to assist her with this transition? Actually, these numbers seem high for ANY preschool setting. I think the issue of "coldness" on the part of the teacher would likely be a non-issue if it weren't for other conditions, so I'd speak to the classroom numbers & need for assistance before I'd discuss the teaching style just yet...
  20. OH! I love this...I have to use this next time. I always hear what my kids say about us while at my in-laws and I always feel like I have explaining to do! Then we get home and I hear about movies, TV, unhealthy food for every meal, etc. Time to turn the tables. ;)
  21. So we're at a family birthday party the other day, and I hear through the grapevine about something my 5yo dd said to dh's aunt a few weeks before. DD has been home from a full-time preschool since the first of the year, which has been the subject of conversation from time to time, but never like this! Aunt: So, are you enjoying being home and doing school with your sisters? DD5: Yup. (big smile) Aunt: What are you learning? Dd5: Oh, I don't learn anything...I'm homeschooled! :001_huh: Despite this, let me assure any wary readers that my in-law family is supportive of our homeschooling, thank goodness!:lol:
  22. You're not alone. :D My mother-in-law has done this and it overwhelms me AND my kids sometimes to play with boxes and boxes of old toys. For me? We'll...I'm on the Dave Ramsey plan and should be able to buy something new by the time I have grandkids!! :lol:
  23. Ice cream snob here. Breyer's or nothin'....I will have no ice cream for weeks until it goes on sale.
  24. My CW is en route as well. It's a regular bandwagon!! :lol:
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