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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I got the first three each a month apart. The kids watched the first until the second one came, and then a month later we got the third and they didn't want to watch the second one that they had memorized anymore. I got 4-6 a few weeks ago and they've been okay switching back, watching one than the other. But I don't schedule it.
  2. That's more experience than I have and I'm posting. Write about what you know. Write about people's reaction to hearing your little one wanting to do dissections ...on people. :D I love reading your posts. You have a lot to offer, even if it's just sharing stories and how you dealt with things being so different than usual.
  3. I grew up in an old house where it was usually the opposite of that , but not always. So didn't hear that until I did a wall climb at summer camp. Hot and cold were different on different sinks, too. And they weren't labeled. Now where we live the downstairs kitchen sink is labled but I still have to test the bathrooms to figure out which is which.
  4. Yup, I was watching that the other day. :D Love it!
  5. I was raised by my grandparents and if I woke up early enough I would find Granny reading her Bible or praying. She had tons of spiral notebooks filled with notes taken at church (and that church's services went 2 hours.) Then she would get the tape of the service and go back over her notes, pausing when she needed to. It was such a beautiful example of devotion and her love of God. I would love to be able to as inspiring to my children, but I am soooo not a morning person. I take a lot of notes in church, but what I do devotion wise usually is not in front of the kids. I've been thinking that I need to do more, to live it more. Thank you for the reminder. :001_smile:
  6. Maybe some of the kids could design a logo? I tried but....I'm terrible at drawing on paper what's in my head. :glare:
  7. :iagree: I have a very hands-on Builder Boy and I'd love to hear about something like this. He handed me something with blocks today that made me think he might have good visual/spacial thinking skills.
  8. Wow, that's a way better title than I would have made. Thanks! :001_smile:
  9. :grouphug: Sorry about all the "icky, brown, sticky" stuff happening in your life.
  10. Leapfrog is giving away a Leapster GS and a LeapPad 2 on facebook. One a week until July 16th. I really, really, really want it for Early Bird, but I figured you'all deserve a chance to enter, too. You do have to "like" them on facebook first. (Just in case you're wondering, I do not get paid for telling you this.)
  11. I haven't read any of the other posts so I don't know if this (Super Star Speech) has been mentioned or not. It's an at-home curriculum made by a homeschooling mom who is also a speech therapist. I got the e-book version and I liked it. It is very inexpensive and has an assessment at the beginning.
  12. I lived in an old old house growing up with my grandparents. Rats ran around in the space above the ceiling. One year one died above our dining table and magots dropped on me and my plate. :eek::ack2::willy_nilly: I didn't eat in that room for MONTHS afterwards. And there were big carpenter ants that the big ones with wings (young queens?) would crawl on me and bite me when I was in bed. :scared::cursing: So, yeah, I've got issues. I get ichy sometimes even if nothing's touched me sometimes. What helps me most is fully immersing my mind in something. A movie, favorite book, something that keeps me from thinking. Oh, and their are wasps in our building complex that love the holy tree RIGHT NEXT TO MY FRONT DOOR!!! And they won't do anything about it!
  13. Ds3 was the same way a month ago. We naked trained and he had lots of accidents before he finally went in the potty. I finally found out his incentive: LeapFrog videos. He didn't get to watch until he went. We watched a lot of tv the first 2 weeks, and he got chocolate chips, too. He got to the point that he could wear training diapers and he would take them off to go. But we stopped making such a big deal about it and he only gets chocolate chips for pooping, so he's reverting and going in the training pants. So it's back to naked butt now. I am REALLY hoping by the time we're out of training diapers (we got a big box at Sam's) that he won't pee in underwear. We'll see...
  14. :seeya: Hello, and welcome! I don't know how many responses you're going to get on a Sunday night (at least, that's what it is where I am,) but there is a intoduce yourself thread going on over on the General Board. Cute daughter and cute blog!
  15. MIL for cheap or even free -- make an offer! PMS question (One under the other :D)
  16. Only a homeschooled child would be super excited to ride on the fair-free-parking-transportation bus because it's like a school bus. :tongue_smilie: This is the kid who when we had to get a new vehicle begged for a school bus. We got a mini-van. :D
  17. I am a potential-future-project-material hoarder. I can NOT throw out/recycle something that looks like it could be turned into something. Where dh sees a pile of "trash" I see possibilities! (Except we never seem to actually do any activities...)
  18. :lurk5: I'm interested in this myself. I'd love to hear when people started with their kids and how it turned out.
  19. :lol::lol: If I'd been drinking something would have come out of my nose!
  20. :iagree: I'm addicted to sticky notes! Color coded sticky notes! I won't write the note if I don't have the right color sticky note. And I HATE IT when someone bends the corner of a book to mark the spot! (Even if it's their book and not mine. :leaving:)
  21. Hi, I'm Mrs. Warde. I married my high school sweetheart when I was 18 and we've made it past the 7 year mark. We first started thinking about homschooling when ds#1 was 6 months old. I put WTM and the Well Educated Mind on my Amazon wishlist and dh got them for me for Christmas and we've been convinced ever since. We've been doing a light kindergarten and we start 1st grade in August!! I have a tendency to panic when the kids start doing/learning something ahead of when I think they should learn, but ds3 is forcing me to work on that. :tongue_smilie:I am an Conservative Evangelical Christian who LOVES to wear long skirts all the time but I wear them because they're pretty (and go with my shape) not because I think I have to (and I have nothing against those who do think they have to.) I hate putting periods in front of smiles. I think they are perfect replacements for periods in this medium, but ever since someone posted that that wasn't grammatically correct I've done the period :tongue_smilie: (See? Doesn't that look more natural?!)
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