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Everything posted by StartingOver

  1. I know exactly LOL. DD1 40 weeks and 2 days, NICU 2 weeks. I was extremely upset at the 2 days LOL. DS 1 32 weeks, but came straight home. DS 2 34.3 weeks, NICU 2 months. DS3 35.5 weeks, NICU 6 weeks. DD2 39 weeks 5 days came straight home. ( I was extremely shocked that I made it to full term )
  2. :iagree: I have had to call on a family member, it was very hard. But my nephews are better off. No one in my family knew it was me, I called from a pay phone. Gave them all the info I had. I wanted them to get help. I wrote out what I wanted to say before and discussed it with my husband so we didn't give to many details, but enough to warrant and investigation.
  3. I really hate it when people use homeschooling as an excuse. These parents ( and I think I know what case you are talking about ) are sick. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with homeschooling. They could have just said that she went to live with an aunt, grandparents, cousins. Or other excuse. I don't know the answer but I feel that the lack of community is the issue. It used to be that people lived in towns with their extended families. Cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles were near by. People used to sit on the front porch and visit with neighbors. People in the neighborhood were involved. I know it isn't always the answer, and wasn't even back then. But I think we really lost something when people started not wanting to get involved. We are a nation of protecting our own small families, not wanting to step on others toes. There really is no answer. But there had to be neighbors, family members, the mail man, etc....... someone missed seeing this child. Someone could have spoken up. If it was the case I believe it is, the siblings could have spoken up. But then again we are a nation that mind our own business, sadly.
  4. I have had 2 late term premies, and 2 earlier premies. All of them has a more lax suck-latch, and less energy and required more sleeping before they were full term ( gestational age ). In your position I would just nurse them every chance you get, latch, latch, latch. Forget the schedule. Pump too, and suppliment if needed. Count the wet diapers, get a scale or run into the peds to weigh them. As long as they are getting enough just keep working towards full BFing. Freeze what breast milk you don't use for later. Undress the babies, tickle their feet, give them a bath just before nursing. But nurse, nurse, nurse as much as possible. It takes time, hang in there. You are doing great. :grouphug: Eventually they will catch up !
  5. Is there a workbook for the study of diacritical marks. I remember doing these many times when I was a child. Identifying the marks for each word ?
  6. ALILAC - are you related to me? My family is like this, and always has been. I have 2 brothers that will help out, offer, ask, etc. Then I have 4 that won't, and all the neices and nephews are like this too. I have always been pretty tolerant. But this last year I had my say LOL. Well the relatives don't come around as much ( thank goodness ) but when they do, they at least ask to help out. I have one brother who has not been back in my home since. I say his loss, I was totally prepared for it. I do admit that I miss him and his family though.
  7. My children all potty trained at different times, DD 22 mo., DS 2.5 yrs, DS 2 yrs, DS 3.5, DD 20 mo. I always wait for readiness, then get the training pants and plastic pants to go over them. I start with the clock for regular trips to the potty. IF that doesn't work we go to the rubber pants, these hold most of the mess in and are pretty uncomfortable when wet. They usually do the trick. Pull ups are only for bedtime and car rides here.
  8. My son will sit with me when I read, sometimes he has things to play with. My daughter is getting into reading. But I always wait till she brings me a book. I have tons of board books, that are on a shelf she can reach. Other wise she listens in while playing, running, etc. while I read to her brother. You would think most times that neither of them are listening, but I can hear things that I have read in their play.
  9. Quince will be 4.3 when we start a secular run at Sonlight's Core K ( that is my best guess anyway ). So we will most likely start SOTW CD at that time, and SOTW 1 just when he turns 5. But we can always go back and revisit other things if he isn't ready. We will be doing Sonlight Cores ( only the cores ) and WTM together forever I think. I love the reading selections from Sonlight.
  10. My Emma is like this about everything, she just has to do whatever her big brother is doing.
  11. This is what I am planning on doing. I want to start with the Audio CD very soon. And move on to the activites at 5-ish. We will go farther and deeper, but he is ready for more than picture books. I really think it will work out wonderfully, as I think we will have to read many books along with it. Of my three graduates, they were all very, very different. So I understand completely. I did the poll because I have no experience with SOTW, but I am now comfortable with starting a little sooner than the average. We will move at his pace.
  12. Yes please vote, I am just looking for when you will or did start.
  13. I am interested in what people think is the best age to start their child / children on SOTW 1. Please vote on what age you plan to start, if you haven't already.
  14. Good luck with finding exciting. In 21 years of homeschooling, OPGTR is the best I have come across. I have notice too the resistance when I pull the book out. So I just don't. I play out his lesson for reading each day while he is watching Super Why. The only text book he likes around here is math LOL Singapore KB and Saxon ( because he gets to play with the manipulatives ).
  15. We use magnets, the white board, our Melissa and Doug wooden letters, our wooden blocks, chalk board, & write on the driveway. We have Sonlights K readers, HOP readers K -2nd, and tons of Dr. Suess. I try to change things up all the time. My son doesn't care to do the work of OPGTR, but I think it is necessary. He will read anything with a dinosaur on it hehehe. He will read what he loves, Little House, Dr. Suess, Peter Rabbit, and others. But will not read out of the OPGTR book at all. The time that they are using any phonics program is relatively small when you look at the big picture. I say just soldier on ! Then find something she is interested in, and don't read it to her LOL
  16. Hands down Goodnight moon. We have the large board book. My daughter loves it. Next is probably Eric Carle's Head to Toe.
  17. I totally agree, if my children couldn't control themselves while I used the bathroom, they would go with me. I don't leave my children unsupervised in the kitchen, the bathroom, or anywhere else I consider unsafe for long.
  18. I love the website, goybparenting.com . I have 3 older children, all were in diapers at the same time. I now have two are were in diapers at once. It is hard, but it can be done. Mine are now 3.5 and 20 months. I have foods that my children can get into at anytime. Neat finger foods. Everything else must be eaten at the table. I have little hooks at the top of every door, so they only go where allowed. I have hooks on the bathroom and kitchen cabinets. I have shelves up high for toys and shelves in closets. I also have a shop vac. Along with tons of storage space for toys. I have simple rules. If you play with it, clean it up. Or it goes into the closet or trash. The shop vac works well to suck up most toys in a hurry. ( I do remove these toys after a couple of days and try again. Third time is a charm and it gets packed away for months ). If there is food anywhere but in the kitchen, except for the neat finger foods. Then food will only be eaten at meals or when I am able to supervise. My kids can eat anything they want, but I refuse to vacuum 10 times a day. Of course at their age they do get assistance from me. And my house it lived in. But to mess up the play room, then to move into the living room they must clean up the playroom first. Otherwise my job would never ever get done. Making your house work for you, will make it much easier. At 6 and 4 they are plenty old enough to learn these lessons. Just my two cents....
  19. I am using Sonlight and TWTM together. WE are currently doing P 3/4 - P 4/5 and WTM Kindergarten. We will be using Core K next year and continuing with the WTM stuff I have now. Then going on to more of a WTM 1st grade, but I still want to use many of Sonlights books, so I will also order Core 1, that will make me heirloom. After Core 1 I will just purchase those books that fit into my WTM plan, or that are readers. Math will come from Sonlight as well as science for a while.
  20. :party: :thumbup: CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself ! I am so glad you found the problem. I know even though I nursed my older kids, I had to learn and research all over again with these two little ones. I felt like a new mom. :D Of my 4 daughters who all had babies last year, only one is still nursing. They all made it to the 6 month mark, but Misty is still going strong at the 10 month mark.
  21. It's Perfectly Normal has my vote. I would preview it though, it does talk about some topics some may not what their children educated in. I love, love, love it.
  22. Amazon - this isn't a black friday sale, but most of the stuff in my cart are 34- 42% off. Worth checking out. I am spending money like crazy, while it lasts.
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