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Everything posted by mom2myboys

  1. I am right there with you on the budget. I am close to having the list all worked out and will begin my search for used items. *fingers crossed* for us both! I have done well with getting some things used in the past and that does definitely help. ETA: What is helping me a bit is knowing that several things will be reused by younger children. And some things are being reused right now.
  2. I found this blog series helpful when planning for our participation in a local one this year. I am thinking about purchasing the ebook for a bit more help for next year. And I second the recommendation for posts by Ruth in New Zealand. Her input is always helpful to me.
  3. So glad that he is being treated and that you were able to talk to him. Hoping for the best possible outcome. Sending good thoughts.
  4. I love your adaptation of the RRPs! What a great idea! It almost makes me wish I had another baby to CD. Almost. ;)
  5. Does microfiber need to be prepped to reach full absorbency like cotton and hemp?
  6. I have never used a bar, but could it leave a residue in the dryer? Maybe try stripping the inserts with Dawn dish soap and line drying to see if that helps the absorbency? Sometimes the trouble shooting at the beginning is a hassle, but once you get into the groove you can just relax and enjoy the savings.
  7. Do you have anything cotton that you could use in addition to the microfiber insert? Microfiber absorbs quite a bit, but is slower than cotton. If he wets quickly or forcefully, maybe it is not giving the insert time to catch it all? I noticed that my microfiber kitchen towels are nowhere near as quick to absorb as my cotton ones. Also, do you use fabric softener at all? (Even not in with the diapers). It can coat diapers and cause them to repel instead of absorb.
  8. Flour sack towels work great too and are very inexpensive. Just be sure to wash several times on hot or boil them for a few minutes to prep the fabric.
  9. I had good luck with sewing some cotton flannel fitteds (I used Rita's Rump Pocket pattern, it is free) and I would pick up flannel when it went on sale super cheap at JoAnn's. I stuffed them with padfolded cotton flats. I just needed a few covers. Very economical way to cloth diaper IMO. I also pinned flats and prefolds on him and those worked just as well. The flannel fitteds were easier at first, but as my confidence increased I used the prefolds and flats just as they were.
  10. Economics with a minor in dance.
  11. Thank you so much! I will email him and see what he says. It doesn't hurt to ask, right? If not, we could figure something out.
  12. Any idea how long they are running the sale? Will need to wait until next payday on Friday...
  13. 1. If I purchased a year access to a course, what happens to the records of the course once completed? Do you get a transcript or something to show what work was completed for the class before your access runs out? 2. Can I have access on multiple devices? For example, on my son's tablet as well as my laptop so that he can have the option of working on either and I can check his progress on my laptop? Also, don't want the excuse, "I can't do my math because my tablet is not charged." ;) ETA: Found the answer to my second question I think. Looks like I can download the lesson videos to a mobile device. ETA: And I found the answer to my first question after some more looking. Sorry. Should have searched their site better. :blush:
  14. So TabletClass Pre-A would be a good transition into AoPS Algebra? My son does well with Singapore, it really seems to be the way he thinks. I am trying to decide between staying with Singapore or transitioning to something else. My concern is the fact that many say that the teacher resources for the higher levels of Singapore can be lacking and it has been many years since I have done higher math. Also, I am finding that while the Singapore approach speaks to me (wish I was taught that way), I don't naturally think that way. Once it is shown to me it is like a light bulb goes off and I say, "Why didn't someone put it that way when I was learning? This makes more sense." But I cannot always make that leap myself as my brain doesn't quite work that way. My son seems to intuitively "get" math and I want to make sure he is challenged and reaches his full potential. And I am very nervous about the decision since he is my oldest and I am new to this whole prepping for high school thing. Thinking about math is giving me fits. :unsure:
  15. What would be the leap going from 5A/5B to something like Tablet Class Pre-Algebra instead of AoPS? Still need to do 6A/6B first?
  16. Has anyone gone over to talk to the parents the minute they see the children doing something or do they wait until later? Maybe that would be one way to talk to the parents is to head right over as soon as the children are spotted in someone's yard or doing something they are not supposed to be doing? I would hope that the parents are home and are just letting the kids go out and play. If they were not home at all while their little ones were roaming around, that would change the way I would handle things.
  17. I am very sorry about your friend. :crying: Breast cancer hits close to home here too with several friends being survivors and one no longer with us. :crying: You are right. Nothing cute about it.
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