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Everything posted by Perry

  1. :iagree: I wouldn't take legal advice from a doctor. Talk to a lawyer. :grouphug:
  2. Bugs me too. Unfortunately, even with a straightforward spelling, people can butcher it if it's not a mainstream name. One of my dds is named Bryn. Seems like the pronunciation is obvious. She is usually called Bryan, although she has also heard Brine, Bren, Breanne, Bree, and Burn. :glare: I'm probably forgetting some.
  3. Not a thread, but the post I most look forward to every year is Julie in Austin's "What My Boys Said This Year".
  4. With influenza, you are contagious for about 24 hours before symptoms start, and then are at your most contagious for the first few days after developing symptoms. How long someone is contagious depends on their age and health. Kids and people with compromised immune systems can shed virus for weeks, although most are probably contagious for a week or less. You shed less virus as time goes on and as symptoms subside, so are less contagious. I'd cancel.
  5. I'm always shocked when people posts lists of things they've read in the past year. How do you remember that? I remember truly remarkable books, but other than that, forget it. I can barely remember what I read last week. How many of you keep track of books you read? Maybe I'll do a poll.
  6. 1. Outlander. Gave up after a few hundred pages. 2. All of the James Patterson mysteries. Awful.
  7. Since you aren't getting better, and you don't have the *hallmark* symptom of bronchitis, I think you need more tests to rule out other things. Sounds like your doctor doesn't want to do any more tests, so I'd go somewhere else. Good luck. :grouphug:
  8. But if you don't have a cough, a diagnosis of bronchitis is unusual. And even if it is bronchitis, you should be getting better, not worse. There are other things that can cause shortness of breath and pain. I'd go back to your doctor tomorrow but if she doesn't order some tests, go somewhere else. Tomorrow.
  9. you know you are getting old when.... You are older than the POTUS You realize that the person you've been thinking looks really old is actually younger than you
  10. I do think people can change, but more often they don't. Many people with addictions also have a personality disorder. Even if they are able to stop the addictive behavior, the personality disorder is still there. My alcoholic mother quit drinking when I was 10. Unfortunately, she was still an extremely challenging person, and she struggled in many other ways. Life with her was very, very difficult, even though she wasn't drinking.
  11. I had the same EXACT thing happen last year! I wasn't in any hurry, and was enjoying my time alone. I encountered this woman and her daughter in one aisle, and waited patiently while they completely blocked the aisle. I wasn't giving them dirty looks or anything, I was off in my own little world. Eventually they moved on, and I got what I needed. I turned the corner, and there they were again. I stopped, and was daydreaming about what kind of cereal I should get, when the lady suddenly started yelling at me for being rude! I was :confused:. I smiled and said I wasn't in any hurry, and that really set her off! I mumbled something about rude people who block the aisle and don't pay attention to their surroundings, but I got out of there pronto because she looked like she was going to punch me. It still bothers me. :glare:
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