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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Sure they do. It's a standard question, and a totally normal answer. He/she probably hears the same thing thirty times a day.
  2. Here's how I think about this problem: √(9.8*1000)= √(9.8*10*10*10)= I see that I can take out 10*10 so 10√(9.8*10)= 10√98 10√(49*2)= Since 49 is a perfect square I can take out 7 so 7*10√2= 70√2
  3. There are an awful lot of 12 year olds that have boyfriends, so obviously not everyone agrees with you.
  4. Thanks to all of you for responding. My initial reaction was "What on earth are these parents thinking?" But I recognize that not everyone shares my values, and began to wonder if I wasn't overreacting. It makes me feel better to know that most of you seem to agree. Also, I expect that I will soon be confronted by the mom about why my kids haven't been spending any time with her dd lately, and these responses have given me some ideas about how to respond.
  5. Maybe I should have added that this isn't about my girls dating. It has to do with a friend of my dds', and how much involvement I'm willing to let them have with this girl and her boyfriend. It has clearly gone past the kissing stage, and I need to make some decisions about the judgment of the girl and her family. I am appreciating all the responses.
  6. I worked at a Planned Parenthood years ago, so I understand. I've heard everything. NOTHING shocks me.
  7. Hypothetical question. Just wondering how you all feel about this. So, would you allow your (relatively mature) 12 year old daughter to have a boyfriend? If you say yes, what if you knew the boy had got drunk on one occasion? Does that make a difference to you? What if he says he made a mistake and won't do it again? If you say no, at what age do you allow boyfriends/girlfriends? Do you have rules about age differences? Thanks.
  8. We always gave TIG and the vax at the same time.
  9. Tetanus cases from insect bites have been reported, although the actual risk is probably low. The spores of the tetanus bacterium are widely found in soil and animal feces. Since insects have lots of contact with soil, they can carry the spores on their body and contaminate the site of a bite or sting. Giving a tetanus shot is standard of care for any animal bite or sting. From CDC:
  10. I know I am controlling and I'm sure that plays a part in my desire to homeschool. OTOH, if we had an excellent school available, they'd be there in a heartbeat. I'm an INTJ.
  11. I always just have them take the ITBS through the school district. They don't start until 3rd grade though, so that won't help you now. I've never used the portfolio option, so can't help you with that. Have you looked at the NICHE site? Maybe this will help. Portfolio option Testing option According to NICHE, the district has to provide testing for dual enrolled kids. I don't know what they would use for kids younger than 3rd grade. You might want to talk to your AEA or the district office.
  12. Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers' Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in China and the United States by Liping Ma Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but it's a great book about math pedagogy.
  13. Here's my favorite. I substitute 1 C. chocolate chips for the nuts. It's more like cake than bread. I don't make the toppings.
  14. That, and that they don't like to admit they made a mistake. Have you seen this? And that's just for first grade!
  15. My 8th grader is taking French at ps this year. She is barely passing it this semester, but it looks as though the great majority of her mistakes are spelling mistakes. I've never had her formally tested, but we've always suspected a mild LD. She's a pretty good reader now, but she has always had a terrible time with spelling and writing. I never took French, so maybe I'm off base, but it seems as though Spanish is much easier to spell. I am trying to convince her to switch to Spanish next year, but she really wants to stick with French. Any experience or suggestions?
  16. I use Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry sheets. Just thaw and lay it on top, then bake for about 45 minutes.
  17. Iowa allows dual enrollment, and we've used that option for the last few years. The kids have taken art, music, extracurricular sports, and a couple of classes at various times. They have always been very accommodating and easy to work with.
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