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Everything posted by Perry

  1. He's 6, right? If he's reading well at 6, I wouldn't give phonics another thought. He'll get all the rules he needs when he does spelling and grammar later on.
  2. My girls spent the weekend at our local YMCA camp. They noticed that all the food (except the milk) were far past the expiration date. They commented to one of the counselors, who said it's all expired- they get it for free. Dd said the OJ was marked December 24, 2008, and it was brown and smelled bad. The kids were drinking it anyway. :ack2: So have you heard of this? I'm sending the director an email, but I doubt if they're going to change the policy just for me. :glare:
  3. This looks great! Is it secular? I can't tell from the website.
  4. I made this last night with kale. It was delicious, but a little on the salty side.
  5. I often say really stupid things when I'm uncomfortable. My dh calls it a leaky social filter.
  6. This may not be what you're looking for, but my son only began to understand long division after we worked on partial quotient division first. Once he got good at that, we transitioned to long division and the place value just made sense.
  7. Our district does blocks for some classes (English, science, history), and traditional for others (math, foreign languages, band/orchestra/vocal). My dd will start next year, so I don't have any personal experience yet, but most of the parents I know seem happy with it. They feel their kids are challenged adequately.
  8. I don't understand this reasoning. Doctors know and understand the causes of disease. They counsel people ALL THE TIME on prevention and treating underlying causes of illness. But people don't want to hear that they need to quit smoking, eat better, lose weight, exercise, wear seat belts, use helmets. There is no great mystery about the cause of most illnesses. I assure you doctors would be thrilled if people started taking care of themselves. Most people know how to do that and many choose not to. There isn't much doctors can do about that.
  9. Kids with routine cases are often discouraged from coming in to the office, to avoid spreading it to other patients. Eye involvement is rare, but can happen, so they will probably want to see her for that. Vaccination within 3-5 days after exposure reduces the likelihood of infection and decreases the severity of disease, so they will probably recommend that your 12 year old be vaccinated.
  10. I'm really curious about this. Your 6 year old son reads 200 wpm at a 4th-5th grade level with excellent comprehension, and he is dyslexic? Really? Did you have an evaluation? How did they arrive at that diagnosis? Thanks.
  11. I'm thinking of doing some volunteer work with young adults at our local Community College. I don't care for the program they use (Laubach). If you have tutored adults, what has worked well for you?
  12. I want to bake some chicken breasts for sandwiches. I'd like to marinate them first, but don't want anything with a real strong flavor. No Barbecue or soy sauce. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  13. I'd first read Reading Reflex, then switch over to ABeCeDarian. It's very similar to RR but much more user friendly and has the repetition we needed.
  14. Yes, I'm familiar with Morgellon's, and I find the "evidence" completely unconvincing. GM foods cause delusions Morgellons disease: the mystery unfolds The first paper written on Morgellons was by Raphael Stricker. It's difficult to take his work seriously. From http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/not93-177.html And Citovsky has made it clear that his results do not imply causation. The Agrobacterium could just as easily come from the fingernails of those scratching at their skin. Obviously, the control subjects wouldn't be scratching, since they didn't have sores. Clarification from Vitaly Citovsky Anyway, it's really beside the point. I'm no fan of GMOs. But this comment implies that you feel negatively about GMOs because they are microbes. Thus my comments.
  15. There is a difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. Lots of foods require bacteria or yeast- bread, alcohol, yogurt, cheese. The bacteria in a garbage can is likely to be of the non-helpful variety.
  16. :iagree: My 8th grader went back to school in January. She is having difficulty with French, but only because she has lots of trouble with spelling. Otherwise, she is sailing through her classes doing almost no work. In Language Arts, they are reading Hoot (4th grade reading level) and watching the movie. They spent a month on the book Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie, (6th grade reading level). She read it in one evening, and the teacher was very irritated because she wasn't supposed to read ahead. For the final grade on the unit, the kids were supposed to give a "party" for the characters, with invitations and cake. She thought it was ridiculous. She has written one one page paper in 3 months. She has a French test every week, but otherwise almost no homework. What amazes me the most is that this is supposed to be one of the best school districts in the state, and Iowa is supposed to be known for excellent schools. If this is the best we can do, we are in big trouble.
  17. I agree with the Shaywitz book. Here is an excerpt that might be helpful: Should My Child Be Evaluated for Dyslexia? At 7, I would approach reading instruction the same way whether she is dyslexic or just delayed, so personally I would wait on the testing and go ahead with a program like ABeCeDarian. It's great for struggling readers, regardless of the cause. If she isn't making any progress after a year, I might go ahead with testing. We went the testing route, and while it helped me understand what was going on with my son, it didn't change the way we handled it at all.
  18. I make this using baby back ribs. Super easy and delicious. Overnight might be a little long though. I cook it on low and it's done in about 8 hours.
  19. I've used both, and I find ABeCeDarian far superior. ABCD is based on PG, but the materials are much easier to use. There is a Yahoo group that is very helpful. Michael Bend, the author of the program, posts frequently and will answer any questions you might have. I would recommend reading the first few chapters of Reading Reflex (the library probably has it), then using ABCD.
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