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Everything posted by *lifeoftheparty*

  1. What's the name of the book??? My DH has been showing me how to lift weights... a book would be nice too.
  2. Did you read the link that Dawn put upthread? Several reasons- the blood moons, 500 days until climate chaos, that Jade Helm military exercise ending, the day the Pope addresses Congress... all of those events will happen at the end of September- oh, and an asteroid too...
  3. Yes. This. My DH thinks that I'm over exaggerating- sorta- I think he's coming around.... I told him I want him to call his parents to talk to them about maybe going up there (we live 5 hours away, and refuse to go to his house) during that time.... I already told him that if he wont call, I will.
  4. He didn't say.... it sounded like he took the time off to spend his last days with his family type thing....
  5. Yep. That's the one.... and the Pope speaking to Congress and that guy who said we'll have a climate crisis in 500 days or something.... Oh, and the moon landing was fake.... because freemasons.
  6. .... believes the world is going to end -or- at the very least, that the "end times" will begin this September :-/ *********PLEASE do not quote!********* He has taken off of work from September 24-28 because of it. He has written a book about it that is now for sale on Amazon prime. He is trying to get my husband to "see the truth" because my husband works for the Intelligence Community and he "fears for his soul." He is a middle school teacher, and sports coach for said children. He's a narcissist, has anger management issues, has been arrested several times, been in a mental hospital twice, had police remove all guns from his home, and he tried to commit suicide after my sil left him. Yes. The man is still a teacher and in charge of middle school kids. She has since forgiven him, and moved back in, with the kids. She believes the crap he is spewing, (or at least is not letting on if she doesn't) and even shared and promoted his book on Facebook. She is "so proud of him". I'm scared that come Oct. 1st, when nothing went the way he said it would- he's going to go off the deep end and make them all drink poisoned kool-aid or something. I just needed to vent about this, but can't do it on Facebook, or in person, or anything- lest I create strife within' the family and all that crap, and hurt sil's feelings..... Please tell me you knew/know an idiot like this, and they *didn't* go on to murder their family and/or go postal somewhere.
  7. We also use Blue Lizard Baby- it fits all of your criteria. We tested several brands of all natural stuff... And BL was hands down the best. You didn't have to rub it in as long/hard. It doesn't feel greasy. And comes right off in the shower. And most importantly- it works! We do not get burnt when we use it. (We fried to a crisp with Badger...) I get mine on Amazon- around $15 to $20 for a good size bottle. I bought 3 bottles last summer... I still haven't had to buy more. I have 1.5 bottles left... I'll probably have to buy one more bottle before this summer is over.
  8. He was an idiot! We had a top secret clearance as Privates!
  9. Agree with Whole Foods and Trader Joes.... I'm there all the time anyways, lol! And Whole Foods gives you a 20% discount! I don't really need a job, but sometimes, when I fantasize about getting away from the kids, I dream about having a job at Whole Foods, haha!
  10. DH works 40 hours a week- 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. He's home by 3:00 pm everyday. No weekends. No overtime. And his job deals with classified stuff- so no phone calls or emails about work allowed, and especially no to taking work home. It's a pretty sweet deal we have going on.
  11. We've been to VA Beach in September a few times- still hot enough to swim, and everything is open, but prices are lower.... We stayed at a Springhill Suites (Marriott) that was beachfront- we really liked it. The pool was big, nice and had a pool bar with yummy food. Plus they had an indoor pool too- and free fruit infused water in the lobby :) We paid like, $189 (?) for a 1 bedroom, ocean front room.
  12. Ditto everything said here.... Especially about Natchez... We went last year- I do not consider that place a vacation destination... and was not impressed. In New Orleans- you HAVE to go to the "new" World War 2 museum- oh my word it was awesome!!! WW2 vets volunteer there, and we met a guy who parachuted into Normandy on D-Day, and so many other veterans- oh my word- it was the highlight of our visit home. So much stuff to see- and the restaurant there was fantastic!! We have to visit the Audubon Zoo and City Park every time we go- and the French Quarter, of course. Those are the 3 that I *cannot* miss. My dad's wife kinda works for that LA School of Cooking, the classes are awesome- get some "Joes Stuff", it's yummy. It's expensive, but, we took my Nanny out on her birthday to Sunday Brunch at Commaders Palace, and it's still one of the best meals I've ever eaten.
  13. Easy off fume free oven cleaner (blue can) Spray it on, leave it for 1 or more hours, depending on build up.... Then spray and wipe clean. Best. Ever.
  14. Some here recommended the blog www.lahowind.com when talking about sailing- and I have been following them on their year long voyage sailing around the Caribbean- they just got back- so start at the beginning! It's FABULOUS!!! Her pictures are GORGEOUS!
  15. Someone on my newsfeed posted this- the fact that someone "in authority" from the Southern Baptists wrote it, makes me hopeful. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/06/19/southern-baptists-russell-moore-its-time-to-take-down-the-confederate-flag/
  16. I'm bumping this thread because I have the exact same question!! I'm thinking about starting with the electricity unit... Isn't there anyone out there who has used this version of Supercharged Science??
  17. I've had gestational diabetes twice (once controlled with diet/exercise, once I had to take glyburide), am currently pre-diabetic, and last year, was officially diabetic. The only natural thing that helps me, is following the 21 day sugar detox (a book by Dianne Sanfilippo) for the 21 days, and then eating about 75 carbs a day. I highly *highly* recommend this book, and her cookbook. It is the only way my fasting numbers go down, and the only way I lose weight. I like it because unlike other "diets" and gimmicks- you eat come tell natural and whole foods. No sweeteners, no packaged junk, no calorie counting. Most of the recipes are really good too, which is surprising. She talks about supplementing for pregnancy in the book. Seriously, it's a great investment- I think I paid $23 for each book? They are on Amazon. Don't follow whatever the nutritionist tells you :-/ Mine told me I could have 65g of carbs at each meal, and 25g for each snack, twice a day. No wonder I ended upon medication :-/
  18. I organize 15-20 field trips a year for my homeschool group- about every other week. I realized that one big issue was that no one was speaking up to let people know how big of a problem is. No one was confronting the people doing this. My first year organizing, I had these flaking out problems. The second year, I typed up two pages of "rules" that I sent out with my field trips. At the start of the year orientation night, I get up and explain to everyone about "our" bad reputation and talk about how much effort goes into planning these trips, and that blowing them off is rude, etc. AND-here is the important part- in the rare event that someone is a no-show, I email them right away, and am very blunt (still polite) about the fact that they didn't show up, and that it meant other families on the waiting list missed out on the trip because of them. I let them know they have strike one, two more and you're off the list. Now I regulary have groups of 30-60 people sign up, and, show up. They all pay me in advance, and show up on time, it's great :) We have a wonderful time. And yes, I only keep people in my cc group, or that I know personally, on my list- the only two people who have been deleted from my list are people who I rarely see. I would never ever set up trips for the "Maryland Homeschoolers" group on Facebook, for instance.
  19. It got me pregnant! After 6 years of not using any kind of birth control, and not conceiving- I started that cream to help my PCOS and BLAM! Pregnant.
  20. Us too!! We just got back last week from 2 weeks in Orlando- we rented a 3 Bedroom condo from Florida Sun Vacation Homes (at Windsor Hills). This is the 3rd time we have rented from them, and haven't had a single issue. The condos always look exactly, or better than, the pictures- and they have excellent prices.
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