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Everything posted by HiddenJewel

  1. Not sure yet. All I know is that we don't want just a computer-based program like Tell Me More or Rosetta Stone. We want actually class interaction without going to the community college.
  2. What are my options for online interactive (live) foreign language courses?
  3. I want to use them in my smoothie so puree.
  4. Can I do carrots in my Bosch Universal Plus blender?
  5. Thanks for the input. Since I cannot even come close to getting a Blendtec or Vitamix, I think I might just give it a try. I know I need something heavy duty.
  6. Which model of Ninja did you get? Does it have the same base as a regular blender so I could still use my quart canning jars with it?
  7. So the blender didn't blend very well?
  8. I have a Bosch Mixer and am looking at getting the blender attachment since my old blender is dying. I know it has the power but what all can I do with the blender? Thanks.
  9. As long as you are making sure your student can read AND write the phonograms (from sounds being dictated), I don't see using the cards essential.
  10. The first thing I would be checking is B12 levels. Easy to rule out and to fix. Levels do much better in the top part of the normal range. It is a blood test that not many doctors run. Fairly inexpensive and can solve a whole lot of issues if that is the root. And this is the actual B12 test, not just the CBC.
  11. That's a whole week away. From the sickness perspective, I would still go unless the boy gets worse by then. Germs aren't necessarily the issue. It is how healthy our immune system is to be able to handle being exposed.
  12. My understanding is that you only have to pay IF you want it to go to the person's regular inbox instead of the "Other" folder.
  13. We use garlic oil on the bottom of the feet which has helped thin the mucous so it could get gotten rid of.
  14. I didn't find that message. Can you link it please? Thanks.
  15. The Messaging system seems to not be working. Can you email me instead? Thanks.
  16. It would be good to know how severe her gluten avoidance must be. I have friends who have an anaphalactic response and some that just get a stomach ache from eating gluten. With the first, cross contamination is going to be a major issue.
  17. She may not need 3 doses. If you catch it right at the beginning, some only need 1 and are good to go. Homeopathics are such that you redose upon return of symptoms. So if the person takes the first dose and starts to feel better you wait and then then if he/she starts feels poorly again, it is time to redose. If he/she doesn't go downhill again, you just let the bug runs the rest of its course and let the immune system do its work.
  18. We use homeopathics all the time and usually only use 1-2 pellets per dose. However, for some reason with the Oscillococcinum it seems that taking the whole tube and then a second dose 6 hours later is what works the best. But, yes, taking it right upon having symptoms has the best result. Taking it 3 days in may not be as successful.
  19. I would email Maria and ask her. She is very helpful and replies quickly.
  20. My oldest graduates this year and hasn't been dual enrolled anywhere. If your dd is getting the foundation she needs to follow her path, I don't see why you should need to add anything extra.
  21. That doesn't surprise me. Facebook requires a person to be 13 years of age to create an account.
  22. Oscillococcinum has worked really well for us. Catching it within 24 hours really helps. But it usually only takes 1-2 doses before we are much better. I think you can find it at most stores that have a pharmacy. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_11?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=oscillococcinum&sprefix=oscillococc%2Caps%2C353
  23. Normal test ranges aren't always optimal. So you might do some checking into optimal ranges before getting too discouraged.
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