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Everything posted by UmMusa

  1. To Stripe and Jadedone80, thank you for pointing out my generlaizations. My bad. Speaking for myself, I can say I don't know what it's like to stress over holidays. I'm hoping Jean in Newcastle can enjoy her holidays.
  2. I realized just recently (as a grown up) that my religion, Islam, is very free of pomp and circumstance, of ceremony, and of excess. What I mean is we have 2 holidays a year. The main thing you do on these days is to go to the mosque and do a short prayer in congregration, give food to others less fortunate than you (either by paying a distributor to do it or by doing it yourself depending on where you live), and that's it. Of course families gather around a meal, etc, but that is just icing on the cake. Religious duties are simple, don't require extra clothes, extra decorations, or extra gifts. The extra time is even minimal. We don't stress much (as a group) over holidays like I see Christians stress over Christmas and other holidays. Consumerism hasn't hit us yet! I hope it never does. Our holidays are more to observe the religious part of it and not so much to play games. Because we celebrate only two holidays only, that means we don't celebrate things like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, yada yada yada. If you tried hard enough you could find a holiday each day of the calendar! Hope you don't stress about your holidays and that you can enjoy and celebrate them for what they are.
  3. I've loved reading these replies, y'all are so creative. :) To the OP, I think you have a new little one? You know that can make a person take TeA off the menu for a while! Just know that you'll feel like having some later on, and for now, maybe tell your OB/GYN that you're not in the mood for it at all. Maybe there are hormonal reasons behind this, too. Being postpartum is not to be taken lightly. It can be the culprit for many many personal issues for a good year after baby is born. You're physical and emotionally drained, so I can see why you don't find it interesting at all. Maybe you two can figure out a way, or maybe you will just have to give it some time for you to be 'there' again. My first thought, though, was that the hormonal roller coaster might be the main thing here.
  4. Ooooh, ya it stinks to be ready for it to happen and then it doesn't. Even though 3 months is hardly 'long', it feels like eternity when you want it NOW!!! Hang in there... Another couple of weeks to eat healthy and get ready for another round :)
  5. Oh dear I hope you don't lose friends over homeschooling!!!
  6. That's what I'm thinking, too. Hopefully during back to school sales the other items will be marked down, too.
  7. I'm looking to buy this, too, and I'm getting Level1 for my 6year old mostly b/c she is not a very good artist. She can't draw well, and she does not like to draw when I ask her to illustrated something. My two older kids are 8 and 10. I will get Level 4 for them,mostly b/c the 8yr old is a fantastic artist. Supplies: $40 for what looks like supplies I can get for less from a craft shop of WalMart. What do you think? I think we can share the paints, crayons, and papers.
  8. Thanks! Are those mostly for the learning-to-read crowd?
  9. Hi, Does the Homeschool Co-Op have sales for Atelier? Has anyone seen it for less anywhere else? Not sure about almost $200 for art. :bigear: I'm wanting to start with Level 1 Module A, in case anyone here wants to sell me theirs!
  10. After reading this thread I think I'm going to go for it! Thanks.
  11. I would love to do that, however, each time I've tried it it's ended up being a bigger fiasco than staying home. Then again I have four little ones to pack for and a toddler to run around. It's not always worth the effort.
  12. I don't think, in the grand scheme of things, that that is too much time to spend with the older child while the younger one does something else. Maybe you can find a way to let it be more convenient rather than feel like you're neglecting the 5yr old. I do our FLL/WWE while DD2 naps. DD5 sits near us and writes, colors, or just plays games. Oops, DD5 just turned 6 so that would be DD6^ :)
  13. I just love reading all these ideas! My first thought, though, is to first ascertain the intention of your husband. Is he doing it out of habit and just 'is' like that, or is he trying to push your buttons or trying to find something so say to derail the topic? Or does he think he's being smart and quick? I think knowing where he is coming from would shape my reaction. If he's honestly not trying to be mean, but it's something his family just does, then I'd talk to him privately and tell him how you feel. Then tell him you're not going to let the kids fall into the same thing. There are a few habits my DH has gotten from his mom that i really dislike. Thing is, I am pretty sure that when he says the things he says he doesn't mean it to be hurtful. Me, being sensitive, I take it too personally and get offended. I tell him, and he says that I'm 'difficult' and can't take it easy about anything. Maybe your DH is just doing what he is used to growing up with.
  14. Me too!! Our first year has gone so much better than I had anticipated. All praise due to God, I expected some type of transition out of public school, but to be honest we've all done just swimmingly. We have a few weeks left, not sure exactly how many b/c I didn't take all the breaks I thought we'd take. I've already bought a few of the same for next year, and I have also ditched one company's books and have found something better for us. Really looking forward to next year and am thankful everyday for the blessings that keep rolling in.
  15. Yes, I fast each year during Ramadan (I know this was CC but you asked if anyone's fasted before). We fast from dawn to sunset. Let me just say that doing it for the sake of God makes it do-able. It's not the same feeling as going for a long stretch between lunch and dinner with nothing to eat and feeling starving! I get up a bit before sunrise to eat a protein rich meal, to drink water, and to have my coffee. Like you said, too, praying for strength and patience helps. My biggest challenge is not so much being hungry, it's losing energy during the day. Also, knowing that fasting is cleansing for the body in that it shakes up the normal routine is nice to know. Your organs rest a lot more, especially during the day, and there are other benefits too. Of course it does also make you realize the blessings of the bounty you have. Keep it up!
  16. I looked into those blenders when I first started making green smoothies, and I was like 'no way am I going to pay $500 for a blender'. No Way!!! So I use a $20 blender (Oster maybe?) and it works great for me. I haven't seen the results that the Vitamix produces so I dont' know what I'm missing! I also only use spinach, so maybe that's different. I tried kale once and I hated it.. maybe it's because the pieces weren't actually liquifies. Bottom line: do you want to spend a few hundred dollars on a blender?
  17. I see your point and think it is wise to consider tweaking spelling (or maybe turning into vocabulary) rather than dropping it altogether. Practice makes perfect!
  18. I'm wondering the same thing. My current 4th grader is a very good speller, and SWO is pretty much 'busy work'.
  19. I posted a question about this about two weeks ago b/c I saw my friend's 11 year old son sucking his thumb not only at night but when he watched tv or played xbox. He also had to have his shred of a blankie, too. And after the replies I read, I learned that thumbsucking can last into high school!! I was really shocked to see a boy of his age sucking his thumb. I'm planning the demise of the pacificier for my 2yr old.
  20. As someone said, food culture is pretty personal. I don't agree with forcing kids to eat what's on their plate because I don't scientifically measure out the portion. In fact they often serve themselves. I tell them not to waste and ask them to finish their plates. I don't force them to if I see they're full. My husband was raised 'in luxury' (ahem, spoiled) and had a live-in maid to help his mom cook/clean, and they had a dessert chef come once a week and prepare sweets, and any type of sweet he fancied. So, to handle this type of eater (and the influence he has on our children), I normally have more than one main dish in the fridge. I put a variety of foods on the table, so most of the time everyone can find something they like. One son hates mushrooms, so he'll eat from the salad, bread, and other side dish instead of the main dish that might have some mushroom in it. This system also lets ME have the foods I like. DH and I like very different foods, so often I stagger dishes that we all like so that there's more than one thing offered up. It's actually no more work for me. For the OP it sounds like it's the attitude that's the bigger problem. Behavior can be changed and talked about. Hopefully he can be more respectful. It could be a stage.
  21. Men and Porsches! Mine set his eyes on a Cayman. Red. I'm glad it's not other women he thinks of, so I don't complain about the cars!!!
  22. Yes! My DD8's friend from (last year) public school came over a month ago, and my DD showed her our schoolroom. Within minutes they were set up along with toys and props and were playing school. I never thought about it before, but when I saw them I thought 'hey what a dream come true that would've been for me as a kid!' I used to love to play school. Imagine having a board, chairs, books, and supplies!! Woohoo!
  23. Good question. I don't schedule anything in particular, but I make sure they're outside in the afternoons (and in TX we don't have too many 'awful' days where they can't go out). They run, ride bikes, scooters, and hide from each other. Sometimes I'll sign one up for a sport through our city parks department, and those last a few weeks. I did like how in public school they had "jogging club" and ran daily. Just today, too, I was remember learning fun games like dodge ball and some other 'gym' games in PE. They don't know those, but they are active> I don't think it'll hold them back not knowing those gym games! Like a PP said, keeping the active and enjoying outdoor activities is my goal, and it's working so far.
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