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Everything posted by livingnlearning

  1. I'm a member on this board and thought you might want to read this thread on RR's also: http://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/showthread.php?t=322661&highlight=rhodesian what's weird is there are a couple people with RR/Boxer crosses on that thread! LOL
  2. Did you read on dogbreedinfo.com? Their writeups are generally very accurate. Have you looked into a Blackmouth Cur? I have two, raised a litter and researched them extensively. Very similar to a RR, probably more trainable than both the breeds you've already mentioned. Just to complicate matters for you. :D My BMC's are often confused for RR-they look very similar.
  3. We had one when I was young, probably I was 7ish and my brother 3ish-he was a great dog, very protective of our family and us. I remember playing with him and my dad hunting with him and he was great. He was dog aggressive to strange dogs that got too close to the house/us and if a stranger came to the door he was the first one to greet them. But he was well trained and would come off when told. We had other dogs, a chi and a terrier if I remember right, and several cats and he was fine with them. A family friend used to raise them and they were very protective dogs. His daughter had a hard time learning how to swim b/c the dogs would get in the pool and pull her back out! LOL They are a strong dog, protective, more reserved with strangers than most hunting dogs in my experience, and in my experience through my vet tech years, they have all had some dog aggressiveness in them. But I really really like them if you're comfortable with the strong personality. Very protective. ETA so what I'm saying is: they're protective. LOL that is the operative word in my post.
  4. She looks like she does have a good mind-nice sweet soft eye.
  5. If it's an accident, it's a mutt. If it's on purpose, it's a "designer breed"! Either way, I don't think this Rhodesian Roxer or Bodesian RidgeBox or whatever is a good idea for a bred-on-purpose!
  6. She's cute! She sure doesn't like that saddle bouncing on her-you can see the bucks welling up in there! :D I just love watching them sort through it all. What does she do if you tighten the back cinch?
  7. I would be a little concerned that the boxer (are you sure it's boxer mixed in?) would dumb down and spaz out an already athletic independent alpha type of dog. I think this is a good breed description of them. Mixing some boxer in with this would give me pause. (I'm not a boxer fan-the ones I've known have been unhealthy and not very smart) http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/rhodesianridgeback.htm http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/boxer.htm
  8. what part do you use the pudding for? My SIL uses melted tootsie rolls and caramels for the poo, if that helps! I also could not bring myself to have any of that cake but the kids loved it! :D
  9. See, I think that's cute and great. They think that they're special because someone noticed all boys and they're proud of that aspect of their family. I think a crabby response would put a shadow over the kids or at least teach them to be crabby too... why not use the comment as a chance to make your kids feel great instead of snark a stranger? :confused:
  10. I'm trying to figure out why it bothers you? People can't make small talk?
  11. I go by catagory-garbage out first, laundry all in one big heap in my bathroom, dishes all to kitchen, books/papers/mail all to the desk area, ect. Then I usually have wide open spaces with heaps. Then I can start tackling the dishes, the laundry, the floors, ect. good luck-BTDT! I actually am on the homestretch of a horrible massive clean-up. Our house was trashed and now it's nearly empty, organized, clean, peaceful, not stressful. Hang in there, you'll make it! I also suggest getting someone to help you if can-I have a tendency to freak out while I'm doing massive cleaning and having someone calm around helps me keep it in context.
  12. My husband's family mixes peanut butter and bacon grease to put on pancakes! MIL is from Boston and FIL is a longtime Montana cowboy, I'm not sure where the peanut butter/bacon grease combo comes from.
  13. I think women were often malnourished back in the day, just as the men were. The school lunch program was instituted when the draft revealed that most of the recruits were malnourished! With health care and food advances people are getting bigger, men and women. I'm only 5 feet tall but built stocky-and I can't believe how tiny some of the vintage clothes are that I find in our museum and antique stores here. Our museum has a display of vintage clothes from the 1800's and early 1900's and the men and women's clothes are much smaller than they are now. The gloves, the SHOES? :eek: I also think to some degree the daily lives/activities of people then and now are much different. People walked, danced, worked, didn't sit all day as a general rule. And of course undergarments had their input also!
  14. You express your opinion with your vote. If you really feel the need to facebook your opinion you have to be fully willing to ride out the backlash. Should they respectfully listen to your opinion and consider your thoughts? Sure, that would be ideal. Could you end up alienated? Yep. I would really think about why you feel the urge to speak about it and how strongly you feel that way. If you really are just frustrated and have to vent it a bit, maybe here or through like minds is the best way. If you hope to influence others and it's a "hill to die on" for you then you should speak. People can vote issues and not talk about it. Discussion isn't always necessary. Sometimes you ARE against the tide. Doesn't mean you have to talk about it nor does it mean that you have to be quiet. People are still going to be people, though, and I would just be clear about what outcome you could get and if you're ready for it.
  15. We're house shopping right now and I wouldn't do that to you, having been on that side of the deal as well. I do get frustrated with realtors that take misleading pictures and then you arrive at the property and it's not at all as it was represented. I'm constantly google-earthing our potential places so I can tell if it's right off the highway even though it's not shown in the pictures. Or in a flood plain. Or next to the county dump! Such a time waster to not be up front about things like that. Not saying your house is but maybe the buyers had something that they were firm about and you place didn't fit the bill and they didn't know it until later. Or they bought the house they looked at before yours! It's a hassle for you, I know...firedrill time!
  16. I just really don't understand why a wealthy successful person is supposed to pay more taxes than the average person. I understand the system is skewed right now but I don't see how taxes should be a percentage of what you have instead of everyone pays their share. Sure that factory uses some public means but that factory owner isn't on disability or maybe they are sending their kids to a private school while still paying their taxes for the public school. Maybe they have no kids. Maybe they aren't causing legal problems that are causing a drain on the legal system and police department. I think a flat tax has to be the fairest tax. If our large family is pooling resources to buy a gift for MIL every family pays the same, the lowest amount that we can all afford. If someone wants to pay extra they kick in extra. If everyone can afford $10 that's what we ALL put in. We don't make the more well-off members of the family pay more, we divide it equally.
  17. I'm wondering about her age too-for a while they are just like babies and diapers, they can't really control or sense it. She couldn't have a UTI could she? That could make her very unpredictable.
  18. I applied to Leapforce a few weeks ago and after I took the first part of the employment test they said I did not pass. I thought my computer or their system might have timed out when I submitted the test but couldn't be sure and there wasn't anything to do about it. But they immediately emailed me back and invited me to retest. I was out of town and couldn't retest so missed the deadline and they emailed me again and told me that because I hadn't taken the test I was qualified. OK. Then they emailed me AGAIN and invited me to retest. Does this mean they really need people? Or am I caught in a testing vortex? It seems odd but now that I'm back home I'm thinking about retaking the test but to be honest, this has me wondering what's going on with it... TIA!
  19. I also read that if the tranq hits bone it (obviously) won't be absorbed properly if at all and since the animals were thin they had a better chance of hitting bone than flesh. Also read that the tranq'ed cat went down and when the vet went in the cat charged her and was shot to protect her. Everyone would be squawking if one of the tranq'ed cats had killed a child. Poor cops can't win!
  20. If it's about the whacky dictator I just saw a photo on the Today show that I really could have totally gone without. *I* didn't need to see the post mortem picture. :ack2:
  21. Sputterduck, I think it's so cool to get your insider perspective!
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