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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Oooh! I like this. Is this a Word doc? Would it be at possible to get a generic copy of what you have created? If not, I understand. :001_smile:
  2. We are doing Big Truths For Little Kids. The girls love it, and it is hilarious to hear my 3 yr old quiz my 5 yr old. :)
  3. Yes, that is what I am talking about... thanks for the links!
  4. I liked it, lots of good ideas in there.
  5. Do you have a pretty good idea of what topics you will cover from Kindergarten all the way through graduation? Do you just do one year at a time without an over-arching goal? Somewhere in between? What about curriculum? Do you re-evaluate every year? Only if something isn't working for some reason? TIA
  6. What are the other categories that I am forgetting? I have been learning a lot lately, and the more I know, the more I realize how much I don't know. Specifically in the area of theology.
  7. I have knee issues, and have done some Crossfit and P90X and Insanity with work. I like the P90X the best because it shows lots of modifications you can do for the various workouts. But I find my knee hurts the worst, strangely enough, after doing pullups. I think it has something to do with doing them assisted with a stool or chair. I think it is important to know your body and its capabilities and not try to go too far beyond that. That is when injuries occur.
  8. Do you all consider yourselves Classical homeschoolers, or something else?
  9. I have a book like that called An Incomplete Education.
  10. I was curious how closely everyone on here follows the suggestions and paths laid out in the WTM book? How much do you modify it? What do you do differently, and why? Thanks!
  11. I second the suggestion for Star Wars. Also, The Princess Bride?
  12. Well, pedophilia would a sexual attraction to someone who is pre-pubescent.
  13. A sexualized 18 year old (or even 16 year old, if that's the age of the character in the right panel) is not pedophila. Can we agree to that?
  14. Okay, that may be true. I thought you meant in this particular thread. Well, any porn watching is too much porn watching, in my opinion. But, I meant it is a more realistic style of art, as opposed to the left side, which is clearly a cartoon style.
  15. An awful lot of newbies? I can think of one. There may be another one or two that I missed, but I am not sure why you are thinking that.
  16. Ok fine. I give up, you are always right, I am always wrong. Forgive me for trying to have a different perspective.
  17. I never said they were the same... I am just saying it is scary. That is all. The potential for overdose is always there.
  18. OR, from a different perspective: The left side sees the world through rose-tinted glasses and assumes sweet and innocent intentions on all sides, and the right side is the more "realistic" version of what is actually going on! Not saying that is the intent or not, but the fact that most of you in here jumped immediately to worst-case scenario is sad.
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