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Everything posted by Sweetbeebie

  1. I find them very strange also. My oldest was in public school last yr and of course 90% of the yr was devoted to pretesting for the FCAT. Every week I would get a pretest booklet sent home with oddly specific questions. The questions in the reading section my dd got counted off for me and my hubby felt could also be a possible answer to the question. So after several booklets sent home with 1/4 of the questions marked wrong I went in for a conference. There her teacher agreed that the answers my daughter provided were possible answers but not the answer they wanted. HUH??? It seems my daughter put too much thought into the question thus getting a different conclusion than the test wanted. I just don't understand how or why they would have questions that have multiple answers when any thought is applied...thus making it wrong...
  2. He doesn't have a clue what the girls are going to open for Christmas. I think it's the all girls thing...if we had a son then he would feel more comfortable/able to do it. Poor guy will periodically ask them if they want some semi boyish toy only to get shot down:) Plus he can't stand to go shopping,even for himself. It works out to be perfect since I LOVE doing all of it!! Well except for groceries:glare:
  3. Does he know what he wants to be when he grows up? It's helped one of my girls to work towards a goal instead of just seeing miles and miles of seeming useless work. If he says a sport ask for a back up:) Sometimes kids just need to see the purpose in school applied to everyday life. Instead of bumping heads try to find the reason he has to know things.. Does he have a coach that you could team up with? Instead of you threating I would talk to the coach and have him have a talk with your son. As far as the room goes....does he mind if friends see it that messy? I don't let the girls have any friends over until it's clean. Plus I've threatened to invite a boy they like over to see their lovely room:)
  4. fpea.com is the main one for Florida..They may have more info on the site as far as national. :)
  5. Low iron can cause symptoms like that too. I have that problem and it seems like more and more mom's I meet do also:(
  6. This may not work for you but....:) When that happen to me I made sure it was completely cooled and put the "messed" up side on the bottom. I first reconstructed the missing pieces using a little icing to make them stick back in place(doing this gave me a level cake to flip)..from there I placed the new dish on top of the cake and flipped. Once that was done I brushed off all the excess crumbs and iced. Good luck :)
  7. All the above suggestions are great:) Those didn't work for my dd's(9,6)... The one thing that did was a discussion about her future, what kind of life/profession she was looking to do etc. From then I informed her that none of it would be possible without a good education and a huge effort on her part. If she wished to continue to be lazy and whine at every little request...I'm sure there is a fry basket at some burger joint that will be waiting for her instead.:D
  8. Did you order the colors package?? That one isn't completed yet:( and is only a preorder.
  9. I believe it said on the website that they were in the process of reprinting most/all their text. Plus they posted the colors set isn't finished, but you could order it now at the reduced $$ and get it next yr....I think?? Hopefully you didn't order that one for this yr:)
  10. Being gifted has been a blessing and curse for my oldest. She has struggled from day one with peers, mostly due to her "adult" like thought processing. Even in first and second grade she would come home from school irritated about recess. She just didn't understand why kids would want to run around, play chase and do all those silly things kids that age do. It's very important to help these little smarties socially....they are so smart yet clueless at times when it comes to basic human interactions. What has helped my daughter is to find a sport she loves and really stick with it. I started her young(3) and that has help combat the not so coordinated faze. It gives them a common bond with children in their age range, which is so important. I really think the huge issue for gifted adults is the lack of social skills. If it's taken care of now, then they can grow up to be much happier adults:)
  11. Thanks everyone, you were great help. What Penelope said really hit home,when referring to "bad" habits are hard to break. We have girls join my dd's team that received improper gymnastics coaching all the time. They end up spending the better part of a yr struggling and relearn how to do even the most basic skill. Some get so aggravated they end up quiting:( Since it's something that's she's shown the interest in I need to start her off with the right violin and teacher. I guess I need to start researching violins now:) I'm just so glad she didn't choose a really loud instrument:) thx!
  12. I'm sure this is not what you want to hear but... You could always order it online and if she returns home before receiving it just send it as a gift. It's super easy to mail things overseas. You really don't see her items as much as a few yrs ago.
  13. My oldest has expressed an interest in playing the violin. We already have a large monthly for her cheer and private tumble lessons...so... Anyone know a good online or DVD course I could let her use to avoid the $50 an hour lessons:D A mom can dream right???
  14. Just wondering if anyone has used David Smith's Mapping the world by heart? It looks interesting but doesn't seem to have too many positive reviews from homeschool moms, but plenty from school teachers. If anyone has positive or otherwise on this program please let me know:D Thanks!!
  15. Hair!! I have learned my lesson to never settle on cuts, highlights or anything else hair related:D
  16. You are not alone!! For me that's my mom.... I had almost the same thing happen with my B/6 while shopping for her b-day present. The only difference is in the car in the heat of her complaining about the $40 toy I handed her a $20 and said, "here I'm half it with you then." Of course she's like...what???...nooo!!! To my reply," It's her birthday, and this is what she really wants." So my mother who has plenty of $$ takes the twenty from me and all was quiet for the rest of the day:)
  17. My youngest with asthma has issues with that. All have allergies but the ONLY thing that would works for all three is Delsym cough relief. It's over the counter and if you give it to them about a half hour before bed they can almost make it the entire night without waking themselves up coughing when it's really bad. Works better than any prescription suppressant her ped gave us...good luck:)
  18. I had a friend of mine do it once and never again. She said it was very boring and long...lots of standing around waiting.
  19. The pedicure is way better than the manicure...although it is nice having pretty hands. Facials are really nice and a sea weed body wrap/hot stone therapy is possibility my favorite:) I used to get pedicures at a very nice popular salon here about every 4 or 5 weeks. That's until one day I got a nice foot fungus on the top of my foot from them:( After that I researched and found out if they don't disinfect everything every time you can run into some big problems. So just make sure your salon cleans out the tubs with bleach or disinfectant every time. Any way back to wraps and facials... The best is a half or whole spa day so you can experience a variety of wonderful things!
  20. sorry for you loss:( I hope each day gets better and better for you and your family:)
  21. I think the government needs to stay out of everyone personal choices. Not every child is going to grow up, go to college and get a great job. Making a child or family send their children to public school is not any guarantee that they will even keep a job at McDonald. The children who detest school and are forced to go become everyone else's problem at the school. My daughter was in public school last yr and there was a boy who already didn't like school(3rd grade). He spent his days being disruptive and rude to the teacher. Some days he was throwing books other days chairs.
  22. I was hoping once I actually had text/programs to use instead of piecing it together from the state standards page that it would go smoother and I would have more time for my 3 yr old. I've tried to get her involved but she's just not interested yet..there has been several days that I just look over at her playing quietly for 60% of the day and just feel terrible. I didn't send her back to her little half day "preschool" in hopes that we could all bond and learn together but she's gotten the bad end of the deal at the moment. As for my d/9 every subject except for math needs to be super challenging or she's just not happy. Which is why I started homeschooling her this yr after waiting till 3rd, testing and then finding out the gifted program was a bust here. Plus as a side note, it really disturbed me that they didn't teach the children AD and BC. My 9 yr old last yr came home telling me about BCE, before common era...ACE, after common era and had no clue what BC/AD was. I'm not super religious and are very accepting but this really bothered me..a little too politically correct for my liking. Sorry got off on a tangent! She loves to write, has a good grammar base and has asked to be taught sentence diagramming. I've heard and wonder if it's possible just to do the student intensive on the iew? I spent so much on getting the whole sets for the girls for rightstart that it pains me to spend almost $300 on another subject.
  23. thanks Jean:) I cheat a little on the science 4 kids making it less intensive. As for the rightstart math, I haven't received it in the mail yet. But math being my oldest "weak" subject I don't mind spending that extra time needed for the program. Your right though I have to be careful not to over schedule, or all will be unhappy. I thought not having to piece together subject work would alleviate me not being able to get anything done during the day. I guess that won't change if all my programs are so labor intensive. I still would like to know if the wwe is as dry as it appeared. I thought iew wasn't terribly intensive...isn't some of it video's?? I was thinking of having my 9 yr old watch the teaching cd's with me...
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