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Everything posted by Blossom'sGirl

  1. I need to decide now between Foerster and Lial's as we are ready to start algebra next week. I own: Foerster: Student book and Teacher's edition which has all the answers but no written out solutions which I may not need. Lial's: Student book, Annotated Instructor's Edition, DVTs, Printed test bank (very helpful when they bomb a test), and the student solutions manual. I have been making a list of pros and cons with each program. I am wondering if I do go with Foerster's should I get the solutions manual or doesn't it really add much to what I already have in the TM? In that case I may invest in Math Without Borders. For those who have used Foerster's Algebra did you find you need more practice for the one test available? Did you quiz? Did you add any cumulative review or is it built into the exercises? Any input on either of these programs is more than welcome.
  2. My version of RS A was 6 years old, and the worksheets were in the back of the book (I think I have since sold it so I am going by memory). I got all of my manipulatives individually from Rainbow Resources. Obviously the abacus (I have 2 big ones and one mini made with beads and popsicle sticks) is important and I do like the bigger one better for little fingers but the little one would do. Other important items are the place value cards, colored tiles, geoboard, math game cards, abacus tiles, and the clock. I bought a bag of craft popsicle sticks for tally sticks, and used a mirror for reflecting. I keep a jar of change for working with money. I also just bought a cheap calculator from RR. I never used the "Yellow as the Sun" poem because it did not help my kids. I changed the lines so that the number would rhyme with what you are calculating. For instance, "Mix the clouds with sun, Six is five and one", Heaven will shine through, seven is five and two" and so on. So I wouldn't bother with the cd. If you are planning on using RS all the way to level E, then the manipulatives are well worth it. I have used this program with all 4 of my boys (the youngest is in level B) and my teacher books are falling apart, and I have had to replace the geared clock and the geoboard, but it has been a good investment. If you think you will continue with this program, I would buy some of the kits that RR has put together even if you may not need it all this year. If I did have to eliminate an item, it would probably be the math balance which I think starts with level B. We have not used it much in comparison to what I paid for it.
  3. All four of my ds have used or are using RS. I start them with Challenging Word Problems 2 (from Singapore) when they start Lev. C. in second grade. I don't try to get through each CWP level in the year. My one ds is half-way through Lev. D but has been working on CWP 2 since last year. I also have them work on a problem or two weekdays during summer break. I don't know the sequence of the newer CWP, but Singapore introduces some concepts before RS so they may have problems requiring multiplication or division when they have not officially learned it yet. Depending on the student I either teach them it on the fly or skip the problem. I usually require a problem or two per day during the school year.
  4. I am going to be testing on this Monday, but I am still confused. If anyone could go to the link and look on the textbook page 211 question 8. The TM says that the pointed end of the nail is a North pole, but my thumb keeps pointing to the head of the nail. sms.hermiston.k12.or.us/sites/alms.hermiston.k12.or.us/files/File/science-texts/PhysicalScience/PSN-Unit4.pdf Thanks!
  5. I am thinking of trying Science Shepherd Life Science next year for my 7th grader. We did CPO Earth Science last year, and are doing Physical this year so it may fit us better than a general science. I wish I could hear some reviews from those who are using this.
  6. Oh duh! I totally missed the four batteries. That's what I get for trying to multi-task during science class. I guess I have to remember that when I get on the kids' cases for not reading the problem carefully. Thanks!
  7. Thank you Julia for your clear description of AHL. I have been seriously considering this next year for my upcoming 9th grader who will be going back to Ancient History while his younger 3 brothers will be doing the 2nd half of American History. I think TOG is just too much information for me. I have free access to World Book online to look up information as needed.
  8. This is a question copied directly out of the CPO Physical Science book using ohm's law I=V/R I get .75 ohms not 3 ohms. Am I missing something. (I hate studying electricity, that is why I went into mechanical engineering) b. A motor in a toy car needs 2 amps of current to work properly. If the car runs on four 1.5-volt batteries, what is the motor’s resistance? Answer: 3 ohms You can look at the book here: We are in the Physical science book, Unit 4, p.200 http://alms.hermiston.k12.or.us/science-text-books
  9. The dynamics are a little different on my husband's side of the family where homeschooling is the norm. Dh and his brother were both home schooled. Recently dh's brother put his children in public school, and we are trying to be supportive for that.
  10. I like it, but my recipe is a little different. My brothers used to call it "The Recipe" (named after the dog food) when we were kids.
  11. How about a Mandala Maker. My younger 3 boys like them and they use them to not only make Mandalas for themselves, but they like to make mandala books to give as presents. My boys have the classic maker, not the pink one I listed. I only wish they sold the discs separately. I linked Amazon, but it is cheaper at Rainbow Resources (Item 049049) http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=deco+madala&x=0&y=0
  12. I voted obligatory other because I planted 7 rows of green beans this summer and I snapped the 1st picking on both ends. My MIL informed me that she never snaps the tips off and, facing three buckets of beans which needed snapping, I thought that sounded good. Now that we have eaten some, I don't notice any difference. Home frozen green beans are the best.
  13. Seriously, this guy pulls into my driveway and lays on the horn. Then he comes to the door with his pants hanging down, cigarette in hand, and frumpy hoodie. He starts talking to me like were going to make a drug deal ("This is good quality stuff") After saying no-thank-you about five times he goes away. I wouldn't eat anything he had even if he had paid me to take it. And the moral is: Children - if you have to sell door to door when you get bigger, please look, act and smell respectable.
  14. Thanks Jann for the voice of reason. I haven't corrected his test yet, but I already took him aside and informed him that I overreacted to him helping himself to the formula sheet and that next time he is to ask me first. I told him he will not need to retest on Monday if this one is good. I will still be a stickler for showing work, and I plan on taking some points off for me having to remind him. He was looking up the formula for a trapezoid.
  15. Oldest ds is almost finished with the Auffmann Pre-Algebra book. Today he took the test for the geometry section, and when I went to correct it, I noticed that there were no formulas written and no work shown. I have been telling him to SHOW HIS WORK forever and it is so annoying that he didn't. Anyway he walks off with his test (I told him to fix it) and the formula sheet from the back of the book. I never said he could use it. Am I being unreasonable that these should be committed to memory? I know when I went to engineering school we were allowed formula sheets, but this is basic geometry. I think the most complicated formula is the area of a cone. I informed him that he will be retaking the test on Monday and that no formula sheet will be allowed. He is going to start algebra in January, but I need an improved attitude.
  16. We don't, but there is an active forum on the Homesteading Today Forum that is devoted to it. http://www.homesteadingtoday.com/index.php
  17. I have a 8yo that has been very trying since K. With him I use SWB's advice, "Feed It!" (I don't think she phrases it just like that) Seriously I can see him decline throughout the day if he doesn't have something to eat every so often. I have had some of my older ds's wait for their lunch until something was finished, but it would be too much of a negative spiral with this child. This 8yo is my greatest challenge as far as homeschooling goes, but he has never flat out refused to work. Many days he throws himself when I call him to work, so I send him to sit on our bottom stair step until he can work with a good attitude. In fact today he lost two weeks of Wii privileges, which he will really miss, because he rolled his eyes at me just one too many times. The eye-rolling has been going on for a long time, but today I decided to do battle with it. I do have a written schedule for him so he can see that there is an end to each day's school grind and that getting done, along with a good attitude, can be rewarding. I do agree that discussing the problem with your dd may help. As long as she is compliant in other areas of life why not let her take a little responsibility with her work. If you explain that this is what needs to be done, how are we going to make it happen? Maybe you will get more cooperation.
  18. I picked up Dragonwings on tape several years ago from a used book sale. Not knowing much about it, we listened to it as a family during a long trip. I don't remember a lot about it, but I do recall some well described incidences with opium use and the users lifestyles. My oldest (now 13yo) has listened to it several times since, but it was over the heads of the others. Oldest is an airplane nut.
  19. I agree. We have found some errors also. I just was wondering where this problem came from as it doesn't seem to line up with anything previously presented. I think I will call this a misprint. regentrude - I will have to find and blow the dust off my statics and mechanics book to remember much about net forces, but you have a point that the net force would not be at a 45 degree angle.
  20. It is a very general problem designed for middle school students. My guys haven't even covered the Pythagorean Theorem yet, so I 'm not sure how they would solve it. The arrows shown on the diagram do not meet, they both extend from the box. I like your idea, Susan, but it seems too complicated for this level. The other problems are simple: A box with an arrow pointing up labeled 50N and one pointing down labeled 25N. Obviously the net force is 25N in the up direction. I was just wondering why I am not getting the same answer as the book.
  21. I know this is not really high school level, but I thought I may get a response here. This is on p. 105 of the CPO Middle School Physical science book A box has a force of 60N up and 80N to the east. What is the net force? I get 10N at a 45 degree angle in a north east direction. The book gets 11.8N at a 45 degree angle. I haven't done these in years but I thought it was a simple a squared + b squared = c squared.
  22. This is on p. 105 of the CPO Middle School Physical science book A box has a force of 60N up and 80N to the east. What is the net force? I get 100N at a 45 degree angle in a north east direction. The book gets 11.8N in the same direction. I haven't done these in years but I thought it was a simple a squared + b squared = c squared.
  23. I found this funny because I have been tempted to post this same sort of question on the high school board concerning 9th grade biology. It seems that science curriculums either go one way or the other, with the beginning of the universe, and never the two shall meet. I like the idea of Apologia because it is written with the home educator in mind. I like public school texts because they seem more visually interesting and scientifically accepted, but the evolution presented as an absolute fact seems too agenda orientated for me. I have yet to see how Apologia, BJU, and Abeka present both sides, if they even do.
  24. My representative never got back to me. I was looking for someway to have tests for the Middle School Physical science as I feel that was a weak point for us last year with Earth Science. I ended up finding something online that will work.
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