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Everything posted by beansprouts

  1. Personally, I think if there is a spin to this story it is on the family's professed faith. The decision to homeschool may just be another way of showing what religious nuts these people are. (You know only religious nuts in blue denim jumpers pull their kids out of public schools, don't you??) Apparently they have been successful as a few here have responded negatively to Christians based on the choices of a very small minority. Most Christians realise that God has blessed us with a health care system which still succeeds more than it fails, and we do use it when we need it.
  2. My guess is you still look both ways before crossing the street ;)
  3. Been busy lately, and just popped onto the boards for a few... You guys are still going eh?? :lol:
  4. Awwwe poor baby!! (reminds me how I thought someone was going to call the police when I had my last homebirth...)
  5. I bought each of my kids a chocolate bunny, and a bunch of small toys. No candy for stealing.
  6. You have already given me a lot to think about. Rebecca has expressed some of my concerns very well... TBH Right now my home is pretty chaotic during school time. I am hoping my toddler will mature some over the summer (he will be two in July). But as long as the chaos continues, the environment might not even be the best for a hyperactive child. The family has a painful history (Mom is deceased, I don't think they know where Daddy is...) There are definitely emotional issues and probably organic issues. The girl's little brother is dx'd ADHD and on meds. Auntie is not lenient on discipline, but I think she often just doesn't know what to do with these beautiful, yet rambunctious children. I believe she would support any rules I impose. I think Auntie would be okay. I am more worried about how the child would take it if things did not work out. I wouldn't want her to think I gave up on her, etc., Basically I don't want to get into it unless I am willing to take whatever comes and keep at it for the long haul. Laws in my state are very lenient. We would probably have Auntie withdraw her from school and file the "intent to homeschool" forms. Beyond that the state will hardly care.
  7. Thank you - I like your idea about the email form. I am this moment learning about creating forms. What information would you request on an email form (place for sender's email and message, etc.,)
  8. I know you are out there... I have recently decided to learn web design, and it is quickly becoming my new obsession. :) I am having a problem with this command in xhtml: a href=mailto:anybody@anywhere.com It opens the email program just like it is supposed to, but it also opens a blank browser page. How can I stop this from happening? Thanks!
  9. In IE If you click the <page> button at the top right of your browser window you can choose to "zoom" and make the whole page bigger or smaller or you can select "text size" and change the size of the text only.
  10. We have a close friend who is practically a family member and soon to become dh's business partner. My kids call her "Auntie". Auntie is a single woman raising two grandchildren. One of them is a girl my dd's age who is a delightful, but impulsive and probably hyperactive child. Because of this she is running into problems with her school. I have been playing with the idea of offering to homeschool her. She would be a grade behind my daughter, and I will also be juggling a pre/k'er and a toddler. What issues do I take into consideration (pros/cons)? Are there any legal issues with homeschooling another person's child? What other questions should I be asking? Please share any advice and experiences you have.
  11. I completely understand how easy it is to get caught up in a message board. In the past I have left groups of people whom I had come to enjoy immensely simply because I was taking away too much time from my own family. I respect your very wise and mature decision, and I want you to know your wisdom will be missed.
  12. Just a bunch of us trying to prove that one of us is THE thread killer, and nobody wants to give anybody else that honor! :smilielol5:
  13. These are all good suggestions, I have nothing really to add. I just wanted to offer my sympathy. My dd was sick all week last week, and is still recovering now. My boys aren't feeling well either... {{hugs}}
  14. I have a pomeranian who could use a good home. :biggrinjester: I'll even throw in a few of my neighbor's dogs who "use" my yard every day... :banghead:
  15. Hmm... There's something to be said for a job that allows you to stick sharp objects into people and get away with it! :D
  16. I hope he doesn't have what my dd is recovering from. She was sick for a week, and is easily tired even today.
  17. Fine with me as long as someone else cleans up their nasty little carcasses... Have I mentioned I don't do dead things?
  18. Toni, you are not stupid! Quite the opposite, in fact...
  19. Haven't read the rest of the thread yet and probably by now this is either redundant or irrelevant - but I think she has some good ideas. I was also wondering if you had considered tattoo art. (Yes, this CC homeschooling mama has a tattoo - shh! Don't tell my Baptist friends! My nonexistant denim jumper hides it most of the time anyways...)
  20. I am not so worried about the business side of things. Dh already owns a small corporation (complete with business partner and about 20 employees). He does have a lawyer already - He knows what he is doing ;) There is a physical therapy office in our town called "Crossroads". They are Christian, but one wouldn't know it from the name alone. That is the kind of name we want. We definitely need a good print company, thank you for the recommendation.
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