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Everything posted by beansprouts

  1. Love it with feta cheese! I use mozzarella also and chopped fresh tomatoes if I have them.
  2. I am convinced God knew what he was doing when he made toddlers SO cute...
  3. You did earn it, Kelli, that's what got you to the point where a few extra could put you over the top. ;)
  4. She is right. Maybe you could just work on his snack habits for the rest of the day, but leave this one alone (At least for now). I like this idea from anj:
  5. Well you know that reading and writing stuff is overrated anyways... :rolleyes:
  6. I attend a Baptist church, but I do not really fit in with any denomination.
  7. And with websites like Amazon, you have to post a comment. As a buyer, I find the comments even more useful then the rating. I see your point...
  8. I meant it was totally lame that somebody gave you negative rep with no apparent reason or explanation. And I'm not stingy, I am more than willing to share Toni's rum :D I just brewed some coffee - would you like a cup?
  9. I have been wondering where you got your name. Was it from the book A Porcupine Named Fluffy? Can I give rep points for interesting screen names? I do agree it is fun to sling rep :)
  10. You can highlight and delete the part you don't want to quote. You can also copy/paste a line from another post, highlight it and click the "quote" icon (it looks like a comic strip bubble that shows somebody saying something.)
  11. Totally lame. I wish I hadn't wasted your rep point on that bottle of rum (I still have some, BTW...)
  12. Originally Posted by Kelli in TN I agree. I give out rep to people who have a long, positive, encouraging posting history. Perhaps they have not said anything in particular that I wish to comment on, perhaps I just wish to acknowledge their continued contribution to all that is good about these forums. I usually just send a blank, anon. rep when I do this. Actually I repped WTMindy today for that exact reason. It isn't hard to find a reason to give rep points if you are looking for one :D
  13. I think it is perfectly appropriate to give rep for quick & helpful responses :) I still plan to give out points pretty liberally. I just want to give them for a reason so they mean something (IOW no more trading rep for keys to the booze cabinet...)
  14. You know I think I am with Kelli on this. If we just keep slingin around rep points to boost numbers they very quickly will cease to have value. I do appreciate the people who have given me rep points "just for fun", but the rep I earned by writing well thought out posts means the most to me. And for that, Kelli, here is some honest rep :)
  15. Actually I think those little grey squares count for half a point. I got two in a row recently and gained a full point.
  16. I got Toni during one of the recent rep-fests. Says I hafta "spread it around" first...
  17. Luanne, it sounds like you two have had a really rough time. You've been hurt too, very deeply. I want you to know my heart goes out to you both {{HUGS}}
  18. I would rather my children eat very moderate amounts of real sugar than artificial sweetener. You can find bars of dark chocolate (70% cocoa, etc.,) Which have very little sugar. You can even find natural/organic chocolate which has no artificial ingredients. They're very rich so a tiny bit satisfies a chocolate craving. Other healthy substitutions could be a few raisins, or a bite of fruit or cheese or a spoonful of peanut butter. My kids are big fans of frozen fruit - especially frozen grapes. I like the smoothie idea, if you blend fruit and/or juices or milk with ice it really does taste like a milk shake or slushie. I like to use (unsweetened) coconut milk because it has lots of healthy efa's. I often freeze fruit in chunks then blend with a small amount of liquid to make a "sorbet'. My kids love it - they think it is ice cream ;-) Popcorn is another favorite snack around here, so are plain salted tortilla chips - both are whole grain. Watch for trans fats in any prepackaged snacks (most are dropping them now...)
  19. No. Absolutely not. If Grandpa wants a relationship with your children it can be short supervised visits. I agree that your dh has accepted this behavior as "normal", but you know better. You need to put your foot down here. Your FIL can not be trusted alone with your kids.
  20. Well I hope the situation works out as it will be so nice for your girls to have a friend their age. One thing to remember is this neighbor girl is a child, and will tend to act and behave like one. Children tend to be selfish, and selfish behavior is annoying and hurtful. The mother, otoh should know better. But communication may very well solve the problem. These people are also relative strangers to you, and it seems all three of them may have difficulty in accurately presenting reality. (Though it is entirely possible they are operating on some twisted sense of "family loyalty".) If you are able to work out an arrangement, I hope you will require them to play where you can easily check on them. I would not at this point have my children playing inside their home unless I am there with them. With time maybe you could build enough trust to let them play unsupervised.
  21. I did take her to the doc this afternoon. They did not tell me anything unexpected, but at least I know we are doing all the right things.
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