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Everything posted by Tylianna

  1. Those plumped up chickens/hams are plumped up because they are injected with stuff. (bad stuff, but stuff lol) You can buy an injector and inject it with your own stuff. (the good stuff!) lol This should work on ham, too. I used to have one, but it broke. I loved to inject chicken with a homemade marinade and cook it.
  2. No, but I am getting some books from the library about it. I know I saw one SOMEWHERE!!! BTW, broccoli is not a bad choice anywhere!!!
  3. Mine was camel. I spelled it camle. The winning word was limousine. I knew THAT word. Ironically, a few years later, my mom met a guy who smoked Camels... :lol:
  4. Ok, really... who here uses the Elkhart Public library? EVERY time I go to put a hold on a book that is recommended here, it is gone... :001_huh: Thanks for the recommendation! I'll get it in a few weeks !
  5. I use Horizons math, and supplement with whatever I feel like at the time. right now we are using Calculadders. I have read math books (Hello math) and checked out other mathy type books from the library. I also do real life math when we bake, eat, etc. Technically, I use ONE math curriculum, and we like it. I don't want them to not like math! But, whatever works for your family, is best for your family :)
  6. Make sure she signs up for all the freebies! Go to any baby company website and they have stuff for new or soon to be mommies! I remember getting diaper bags from the formula companies, even though I nursed exclusively. The hospital also gives out formula and freebies (well, mine did). Try not to go to the "freebie" websites. A lot of those just want your information or try to make you sign up for stuff. If you find a legit one, good, but going straight to the baby companies is best!
  7. I used to have a JC Penny's card, but since we went to the no credit system, I cut it up and paid it off. I liked it for the 'credit only' coupons and sales. The $ off coupons and the % off coupons can be mixed and matched along with their sales! I remember my HUUUUGE receipts of clearanced stuff, w/ my coupons!!! I would pay less than $100 for $2,000 worth of stuff... But, those days are over... lol Receipt would look like this: Item Regular Price -% clearance sale -% coupon -$ off coupon (they prorated it for all the items) =Total price paid for item This would continue for all the items, if you bought 10 items, your receipt would be 2 feet long! At the bottom of the receipt would be the total you SAVED Ahhh, those were the days.. I miss it! lol
  8. What you have is good. A baby doesn't NEED bath tub toys, diaper pail and a changing table. A basinette will last until the baby is about 3 months old. Onesies are NICE, though! They are not too expensive. I had 3 babies and NEVER had a changing table or diaper pail. In fact, I didn't even have a CRIB until my baby was getting too big for the crib. All the clothes that I had for my first baby fit in the basket on the bottom of the basinette, along with diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream. NEEDS: Somewhere for the baby to sleep (basinette, crib, pack n play, your bed) Clothes (onesies, gowns, outfits, socks) Carseat (rear facing, convertible if possible) Diapers (size one, or newborn if baby is small) Wipes Blankets and extra sheets for whatever baby is sleeping in Diaper rash ointment (I prefer Desitin) Baby wash Cotton balls and rubbing alcohol (for the umbilical cord) Sanitary napkins (for the mommy) I used to make care packages for mommies that I worked with that had TONS of wipes, baby wash, ointment and sanitary napkins. (I used to coupon LIKE CRAZY and these things were free/cheap) Some people would wonder why I gave them 5+ boxes of pads, but the mothers... they knew, and appreciated it lol! I also included whatever else I could get for free that babies needed. DO NOT pass up ANY sales on diapers! If you can get a pack of diapers for less than $7, GET THEM! These are the BARE BONES needs. Of course you already have some extra stuff that is more than that. Some Pack n plays have a changing table built in, I think some have a basinette. If you don't buy a basinette, there is NOTHING wrong with the baby sleeping in the car seat!! I have babysat for babies, and since I don't have baby stuff anymore, they slept in their carseat, unless they brought a playpen (pack n play) Extras: Baby towels and washcloths (softer for baby's skin) Pacifiers Baby Monitor Basinette Burp cloths (I used all the receiving blankets that I had) Baby sling Swing (my kids hated this, though) Boppy pillow Don't get frustrated with NOT having everything.. just take care of the needs first, then the rest will follow. Especially if there is a baby shower happening. People just LOVE to buy cute and new baby stuff!
  9. :iagree: Dh and I often joke that he would be dirt poor if we split up. With 3 kids to pay support and alimony for me. :grouphug: for you through this hard time
  10. Calvert has the same policy. You can't even use it for ANOTHER CHILD in your immediate family! I spent a lot of money on it for grade 2 and Kg. I almost did it again for 3, 1, and KG... But, I changed my mind and used Sonlight. I remember talking to a Sonlight counselor on the phone and they encourage you to sell it when you are done. Sonlight forums even have a used Sonlight forum that you can post on.
  11. :iagree: I am going to buy a lot of pecans for holiday baking, but the rest go in the freezer!!!! I learned the hard way that they go rancid quickly... :tongue_smilie:
  12. I haven't read ALL 11 pages, so I don't know if what I am saying has been said already, but here I go. I would be scared, too. I also, would not know what to do at the exact moment. I hope no one here is making you feel like you are doing something wrong! Your DS did the RIGHT thing in telling you what happened! Good for you, that you raised your son to be able to tell you things like that! I agree that SOMEONE needs to be told. Telling the father is the best way to handle the relationship between your DS and his friend, since it doesn't involve paperwork or legalities. Sneaking behind his back and filing a report might make it worse. I would think that a police officer's son would have more responsibility than that, but I am nieve. You said that you had an issue with your son skateboarding without your permission, especially with this friend. You still let your son hang out with this friend, so that shows that you DO trust your DS and that you are not the one to cut ties with his friend for something 'minor' (I'm not saying a concussion is minor, but compared to a loaded gun, it is). If you were to set restrictions on a relationship with this friend, I hope that your DS would understand that it is the irresponsibility that his friend showed that provoked you to do that, and NOT because you don't want him to skateboard. Of course, you don't have to listen to MY advice... my oldest is only 9! But, I have teenaged neices and a nephew that I deal with constantly, and I remember the things I thought when I was a teenager. I don't know if I would have told my own mom if a gun was present anywhere that I was at, even if it was loaded and pointed at me. Like I said, kudos to you and your son for having the relationship to do so!
  13. http://www.gilt.com/account/register?pkey=mtvmen2 First time members can get a $20 credit for this website. They mostly sell fashion at reduced prices, but if you look in the Children's section there are books. Shipping is $7.95 BUT the credit can be used toward that!!! I bought a Junie B. Jones book set for .95!! This may or may not come in time for Christmas.
  14. I have no advice, but I am subscribing to this thread. I figured the 'lurking' smiley was not appropriate, with the popcorn and all :) I have a problem with eating, too. Most of my weight gain is from having kids, but I do keep adding a couple pounds here and there. The only thing I have found to help keep weight from adding up is drinking water constantly. But that does nothing to prevent the urge to eat.
  15. So, I need to HAVE the books to see the schedule. lol I'm just switching curriculum mid year (anyone ever do that? :001_huh: haha) I was curious since I read that WWE or FLL shouldn't be started with OPGTR. Thanks for the replies!
  16. I tried searching here, and on the internet for a schedule for WTM, FLL, WWE or even OPGTR. Do such creatures exist? Something like the weekly schedule for Sonlight or maybe just personal schedules? Even if it is only LA, or history or a generic schedule for everything. Like Day one, do one lesson of XX, listen to XX, do latin XX etc. Maybe I need to get off my butt and do my research in the book and make one myself. Thank you!
  17. Could you buy the field guide, then purchase the rocks separately? There are many places that sell them. Maybe I am thinking of something different...?
  18. I agree with other posters, that it was their mistake, their loss. But make sure you get other bids for the garage roof, so they don't 'add' more to the cost to make up for what they lost before!
  19. http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?pf_id=39926 This is supposed to be good, but I've never seen it. I sell Avon, (not online) and I have wanted one, but I don't like to spend much on my purses, either! I bought 2 purses a few years ago. One because I liked it (cost me $12) and the other because it came with a 'wallet' that I liked (cost me $8). They were on clearance at JCP
  20. 1. My oldest is only 9, but I believe that we would let them live with us as long as they needed to. DH and I would like to pay for their college, but may not be able to, so this may help them with the expenses. 2. I would encourage my daughters to do whatever they felt the calling for. 3. I do not believe that every woman is meant to be married. I do believe that women should be married if they desire a certain type of lifestyle. Another note: My mom had lived with us for a few years until she found a place that she could live. If our house was handicap accessible, then she would live with us again. I believe that it is our responsibility to take care of our family. Unmarried children (girls and boys) could help out around the house as well. Widowed spouses could be taken care of by the family, too. Sometimes I don't see the reason why there are separations between the genders when it comes to stuff like this.
  21. I measured small at the end of two of my pregnancies. That is the only way I was able to get insurance to cover the 3rd trimester ultrasounds. I was not given any other instructions, however. My third pregnancy, I was given an ultrasound to make sure my placenta had moved up (but I was not measuring small) and there were no instructions on rest or whatever at that time, either. The best thing to do is to listen to the dr and let your dd know that it is just to be on the safe side. If there were more worries than that, I believe that the dr would have done more than that. Another reason (extreme) could be that the baby has 'dropped'. Sometimes the measurements stay the same or get smaller once the baby's head has dropped lower, getting ready for birth. At 34 weeks, the baby is a bit premature, but there are GREAT results at a 34 week birth!! If she goes into labor make sure she calls the dr, right away. But, that is me being paranoid. Take what I say with a grain of salt!
  22. I actually have that on another tab in my IE! What a coinkydink! I was wanting a daily(or weekly) guide to do stuff.. :)
  23. Thanks for the info and the encouragement. I just need to get the books, right? lol
  24. I have that book, (from the library) and reading through it, I would prefer the workbooks, since it would be less for me to have to plan. Thanks for the reply
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