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Everything posted by Aura

  1. If there were no wounds, are you sure that the dog actually bit him, as opposed to just barking/snapping to warn him he'd crossed a line? :iagree:I would make sure the dog understands where his place is in the family pack, and make sure the toddler understands how to treat the dog, but I've yelled and reacted strongly when I've been bitten while nursing and ended up scaring the baby. :sad: If I can't even sit still without reacting when I've been hurt, how can I expect an animal to?
  2. I am planning on getting the box LEGO sorter, mentioned earlier. It won't store all the LEGOs, but it should help them sort a bit better and then I'm planning on storing them in plastic drawers. I also have plans for a Lego center: a table with the drawers & sorter underneath and shelves above for creations. I might also put up a bulletin board to pin up instruction booklets/pictures/etc.
  3. It's not uncommon for this to happen. As mortified as you both are, I would just let it go. There's no reason to make it more than it is. If you make it into something that he should be freaked out about, then he will absolutely freak out even more. If you make it more of, "Honey, we're married. That's what married folks do for fun--in private, of course! Make sure you knock next time, okay?" and shrug it off, he'll eventually shrug it off to crazy adult behavior.
  4. When I make my own laundry detergent, I hate trying to melt/mix things into a liquid. I also hate using soap. I just don't like the way it works with my laundry. I use washing soda, borax, baking soda, BIZ (enzyme laundry booster), and tri-sodium phosphate (TSP-you can get this at Lowe's in the the paint section with the cleaners). I think I used 1 cup each of the washing soda, borax, baking soda, and BIZ, and 1/2 cup of TSP. I generally use 1/4 cup of this for a super size load, maybe more if it's a really dirty load. So far, it's working great. This is just what I do. It works for us. If you don't like the idea of using phosphates, then don't do it.
  5. Aside from all the other comments, this is the one that gets me the most. This is only my opinion, but the guy didn't say or do anything because he already knew about it! When he walked into that room and saw what was going on, the first thing that entered his mind was probably along the lines of: I guess the rumors are true...and I need to get out of here! I'm willing to bet that a there were lots of rumors floating around and probably some people that knew more than just rumors. People like the GA and the janitor didn't do anything more because they had already covered this ground somewhere in the dark recesses of their mind. They'd heard enough to know that this was going on, but until then, there was no evidence, just hearsay. But they knew. It wasn't a surprise. That's why they acted the way they did. I don't see how anything this atrocious could be going on and only a handful of people know anything. Nope. Don't buy it. People knew or at least knew of it. They didn't do anything because it was only hearsay, at first. Then after a few years it became a locker room joke. And when it finally hit them in the face, they were desensitized enough to not act. The depth of what is being revealed here chills me to my bones. ETA: This is also why they (esp. the janitor) could discuss this with others--this topic had already been discussed before, just perhaps without the eyewitness.
  6. I ordered a box of chicken from them in September. I was an idiot, though, and for some reason deleted my confirmation email. Now, they've completely lost my order. It doesn't look like they charged me, but now I don't get my chicken. :glare: I was really looking forward to it, too.
  7. Are you saying that people do this now, or are you saying that people should do this? Aura
  8. We have issues with sores in the mouth. I KNOW that lysine helps. I take it myself, and for the ones that can swallow a pill, they take it, to. It helps more than anything else. But my 3-year-old busted his lip and I know from past experiences, that it's going to result in a sore if he doesn't get the lysine. Myself and my ds 14 take 1500 mg of lysine twice a day when we need it (feel a sore coming on). I just finished reading where kids need MORE lysine than adults. :eek: Right now, all I have is the Super Lysine+ liquid--a horrible, HORRIBLE tasting alcohol extract. And it doesn't say exactly how much lysine is in it. The propietary blend (lysine w/ other herbs) is 300 mg per dose. I'm giving ds3 one dose of the liquid extract 3-4 times a day. He hates it, but bless his heart, he takes it. I feel so bad for him.:( Does anyone know of a child's version of lysine? The only kind I can find is the Appeton brand, which comes with lysine in a multivitamin syrup or tablet. The lysine content is only 100 mg/tsp in the syrup, and that's more than the tablets. That might be good for maintenance, but I just don't think that's enough to stop a break-out that's coming. I have found a lysine powder, but I've tasted uncoated lysine tablets before, and they're horrible tasting. I don't see how the powder would be any more helpful than the liquid extract I've got. Does anyone know of there is a children's lysine supplement? :confused:
  9. We went earlier this year (June). Yes, it was hot, but not unbearable to us Georgia folks. Over-all the trip was nice, but I was disappointed on several levels. I was very disappointed with the way the whole mall looked. They were doing some sort of construction or something. There were temporary fences and tents everywhere, and it was very much an eye sore. I envisioned nice, pretty green areas between all the buildings and such. It was definitely NOT what I imagined. So if you're expecting pretty grass and trees and such, be prepared that's not what you'll get. And make sure you bring lots of hand sanitizer and tissue. I was appalled at the dirtiness, especially the bathrooms. The streets and such were cleaner than I remember NYC being, but several of the bathrooms (not all) were terrible and most of them did not have soap. At the McDonald's close to the zoo, you have to pay a quarter to get into the bathroom. After a very disgusting earlier experience, I happily paid the quarter.:tongue_smilie: But dh found that you could get a token from the counter if you're a customer (we were). We stayed up in MD and rode the Metro quite a bit. During the day, it wasn't crowded, but when rush hour hits--you'll know how a sardine feels. Also, if you're taking the Metro, be prepared to encounter escalators that don't work. We had more escalators that didn't work than did, and the lines for elevators were always long. You should have heard one of the locals fussing loudly (probably aimed at the officials in the booth nearby) about the escalators being down AGAIN and "see what your tax dollars are going toward!" ...he was preaching it! :D I thought it was amusing listening to him rant, but that was when we got off the metro for the first time. After we had climbed about 5 stories worth of escalators (not at the same time), I was heartily agreeing with him. Don't plan on parking in any decks if your vehicle is over 6 feet tall. Street parking is available, but most of it has a time limit (2 hours, I think), and it's not easy to find a place. The actual museums and monuments were impressive, but the city itself seemed neglected. The people were friendly. I don't think I encountered anyone that wasn't, but I think the city really needs some serious infrastructure upgrading--which is not likely to happen in this economy, but should have happened years ago! Aura
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I completely agree with PPs who said that you NEED to rest. I know it's not always possible, and I hate that some women don't have the support they need after childbirth. :mad: But it sounds like you have a good husband, so make sure you're both on the same page and REST. Do NOT let your body or your mind fool you into thinking that you don't need it. In a couple of weeks, as you're feeling better, remind yourself that you MUST give your body the chance to heal. You really need to be laying down as much as is possible for the first six weeks. Even sitting puts a lot of pressure on areas that need to be rested and given the opportunity to heal. Don't let crazy stories of mothers "way back when" who came in from the fields, gave birth and still had supper on the table for their husbands convince you to move off that bed. IF those stories are even true, they certainly weren't the norm. :glare: Fairfarmhand has it right. Traditionally, new moms were expected to STAY IN BED. One more thing, and it's only a theory that I have, but it seems to me that childbirth itself does a number on all your pelvic muscles and if they're not given the chance to rest and heal properly, they're not going to be able to continue holding things in place the way they're supposed to. (I don't believe that all prolapse is caused by insufficient resting after giving birth, but I do believe that insuffcient resting can significantly contribute to prolapse, and other birth factors combined with it can even cause it.) This is coming from a mom of six who was notorious for NOT resting. :glare: If I ever have any more kids, I've already told my dh that I'm to STAY IN BED for six weeks, even if he has to tie me down. :tongue_smilie: Aura
  11. You might try taking Evening Primrose Oil, starting in your 36th week. Evening Primrose Oil is a natural source of prostaglandins, which is the stuff they can give you soften your cervix. I have good results with it. I have six kids, when I started taking EPO at 36 wks, I never went past due and my labors were much better. Personally, I HATE pitocin. But I also hate going past my due date and I'm fearful of meconium issues and such, so I will induce before I go much past my due date. I have found that if I have pitocin, I have to have the epidural. I can't handle the intensity of the contractions with the pitocin. For the births that I went early and avoided the pitocin, I was also able to avoid epidurals or any other meds. I really wish my doctor told me some of this stuff--EPO contains prostaglandins and pitocin causes more intense and painful contractions. I had to find out through experience and research. These are little things that can make a big difference in your labor plans. THIS IS ONLY WHAT I DID: I took 500 mg of EPO my 36th week and increased by 500 mg every week thereafter. If, after an exam on my 39th week, my cervix wasn't getting soft, I'd up the EPO even more. (I wasn't overly concerned with taking too much--I'd never read of a problem for taking high doses over a relatively small period of time and I wasn't swallowing a whole bottle-full at a time, but you'll have to research and decide for yourself.) IMPORTANT: DO NOT take EPO until you are getting close to delivery--it does contain prostaglandins and it will soften your cervix, which you do NOT want early in your pregnancy!
  12. Well, I'm not disagreeing with all of you--you've made some very valid points. But my question remains unanswered. I just wanted to know what the OFFICIAL POLICY is. Does the person who started a thread have the right to request it deleted? :confused: If no, then OP can request but, yes, it is up to the mod's discretion. If yes, then IMO, the OP should be sure that a mod sees the request (flagging or pm'ing), and if anyone else wants to continue the discussion after the OP requested it to be moved, well, then I suppose they should "pull up their big girl panties" and get over the fact that they lost 20+ pages of a thread when the mod finally does see the request and removes the thread. Seriously, though, I'm surprised this thread got this long. I'm just wondering what the SOP is.
  13. Was it worth the $20/year for you? I'm mainly looking for very beginner readers for dd5, but I don't want to spend $15/set of Bob books. Ds7 is reading The Primer by Harriette Taylor Treadwell, and those are too advanced for dd5. I'm thinking that the printable books might be just what she needs--I'm just not sure about paying for a membership. If I spend money, I prefer to get something concrete in return.:glare:
  14. We like Nature Friend. It is young earth creation based.
  15. If you start a thread and it takes a direction which you did not intend, do you have the right to request that the entire thread be deleted? I did look under the FAQs, but I didn't find the answer to this question. On other forums I visit, the person who created the thread has the right to request that it be deleted also. I'm wondering if that's true here, too, and if so, what are the procedures? Yes, this is because of Homemaker's thread. I noticed that on page 3 she requested that her thread be deleted, but it has continued on to 15 pages as of this post. So, I was wondering what the proper procedures are. A mod may have easily missed that request, so perhaps a PM may have been in order? Or is deleting a thread only at the mods' discretion? Just trying to understand. Thanks! :)
  16. Okay, I missed this when I posted in the playground thread, but I'll repost part of it. :tongue_smilie: Anyway, my kids would definitely do this all the time if I let them (and still do sometimes even when they know they'll get in trouble). I also have this crazy rule about not touching ANYTHING glass--not windows, not mirrors, not pictures, not the TV screen--you get the idea. That one, I'm having a lot harder time getting across. :glare: But I get so tired of all the fingerprints on EVERYTHING.
  17. Just a word of caution to those of you who let their kids climb walls. When they were kids, my dh & brothers did this in their hall. My dh was all the way up and then fell. My mil still has his cheeks (not the ones you kiss) imprinted on the wall. :lol: She covered the dent with a picture. The kids might not get hurt...but their surroundings are a different story. :D This is why I say things like: Don't climb the walls. You'll put a hole in the wall! Don't slide down the stairs on the mattress. You'll put a foot through the wall, and the mattress is in bad enough shape! :D Personally, I agree that there is a balance between safety, paranoia, and recklessness--for the kids' sake, for your home's sake, and for your sanity's sake! As for playgrounds, we don't go too much anymore. I would get all kinds of ugly looks when I let a toddler climb around or slide down a 3-foot slide while I'm standing back and watching instead of holding on to him. And heaven forbid one of their older siblings take them down the 5-foot slide. :glare:
  18. :iagree: I haven't had this problem, but I'm going to go to with this suggestion. It's amazing what people will put up with if they feel like they're really needed and wanted. :grouphug:
  19. Oh, no, this is certainly NOT the beginning. And IMO, it started way before the Patriot Act, too. And Impish, to a degree, I think you're right. Two wrongs never make a right. I refuse to condone that kind of thinking, and therefore, I cannot hold up what this lady did as a good thing. I'd much rather point to individuals like Rosa Parks. However, while the TSA agent was following orders, so were the workers at Auschwitz. The TSA agents should be taking a stand right along with the passengers...not against them. Just b/c you work at an institution doesn't give you the right to s*xually assault the customers. As for your comparison, well, does a person in his right mind have the right to sit in soiled pants all day long if he chooses? :confused: If he's in his right mind, then what right does anyone have to FORCE him to change? Demand that he change it himself, allow another to do it for him or to assist him, or demand that he leave the facility immediately, yes, but to force him? **sigh** But then, there's the threat of litigation against someone else if an individual were allowed to accept the consequences of his own actions. I guess that debate would require a whole other thread, but I still don't think the comparison works for the TSA screenings. In any case, I've stated my case and I think I shall rest now. :001_smile:
  20. I do agree that we're seeing lots of erosion of our rights. I also believe that TSA search procedures are one of the worst examples. As has been pointed out, under any other circumstances, their actions are illegal. It's another stepping stone on the road to tyranny. If someone were to start a thread listing all other "stepping stones" with no repetitions and only a list of personal rights being ignored or violated, how many pages would this thread be? Honestly, I'm afraid to find out. But what's even worse is that most likely, a thread justifying each of them would be much longer.
  21. I think the policy bothers people more, not because they "can't accept somebody touching our bodies, in even the most professional and cursory way" but because the policy is ineffiecient at best, most likely ineffective, and at worst, exactly what you say it isn't--a policy designed to humilate. The problem I have is that these security measures do a very poor job of actually protecting anyone. It's all reactionary. It's just waiting for another suicidal terrorist comes up a DIFFERENT way of killing us, then after thousands die that way, then they'll do ... what? Come up with some other after-the-fact way to supposedly protect us? I agree w/ a pp...it's security theatre. Which means that this... suddenly doesn't seem so ludicrous. To them, we are inferior. They don't actually have to protect us, just say they are. So if I continue down this train of thought, look where it leads me... IF, these measures don't really protect us BUT, they keep saying that they do THEN, they must believe I'm unintelligent and inferior to them. IF, they believe that I'm inferior to them THEN, they start reminding me of bullies who humilate their victims and then laugh at them. I agree, though, that But the abuse by the Nazi's didn't happen overnight. This, I believe, is a more accurate statement:
  22. We just got it last week, and we love it. Ds 6 really likes playing, though he hasn't won (yet). Dh or I usually coach him a little throughout the game, but he plays on his own.
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