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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. Does anyone else feel slightly freaked out by this list knowing neither of their children could do MOST of what's on this list (including 8 yo)?? I realize it's a good goal list, I am more than just slightly daunted.
  2. I was just going to post that homeschool in the woods had a free Civil War unit study, but then I saw someone else posted it. I haven't used anything of theirs, but it looks really good. Check it out first before you do all the work yourself. :)
  3. A few years ago I was in Walmart with a friend. My baby was hungry and friend was still looking at clothes. So I plopped myself down on the floor near her and started nursing. One employee said loudly to another. "I can't believe she's doing that right there." " Oh, it's not right." They went on. (I don't think there had been any complaints, just their own issues. One of them came over and asked if I would go do that in a dressing room. I said "No.They're the dressing rooms arent clean enough." I mean, why should I? I remember even going into one that someone had urinated in. Yuck. Nothing more happened and my ds was done nursing. I was incensed too. And really, this society is just ridiculous about breasts. You can see more with what many teenagers wear these days. It's just that breastfeeding is still a strange idea here. That is why I tried to make an effort when I had a little one to do it in public. People need to see it more and get used to it. It's normal!! Okay, I'm starting to rant too. I'm done.
  4. A few years ago I was in Walmart with a friend. My baby was hungry and friend was still looking at clothes. So I plopped myself down on the floor near her and started nursing. One employee said loudly to another. "I can't believe she's doing that right there." " Oh, it's not right." They went on. (I don't think there had been any complaints, just their own issues. One of them came over and asked if I would go do that in a dressing room. I said "No.They're not clean enough." I mean, why should I? I remember even going into one that someone had urinated in. Yuck. Nothing more happened and my ds was done nursing. I was incensed too. And really, this society is just ridiculous about breasts. You can see more with what many teenagers wear these days. It's just that breastfeeding is still a strange idea here. That is why I tried to make an effort when I had a little one to do it in public. People need to see it more and get used to it. It's normal!! Okay, I'm starting to rant too. I'm done.
  5. Well, it looks like Aubrey hasn't posted in awhile. I think that's good. Maybe she's too busy. I hope she called the midwife. She must've by now..... And did she post that one of her labor's was 19 minutes?!!!! I understand (a bit) about wanting to do it herself, but with labors as short as those, I would've wanted the midwife camped out there as soon as possible. Good luck, Aubrey! (((((hugs)))))))
  6. I am very impressed with what I've seen so far and excited too. Yes, some of it is stuff that you think,"I knew that" but never do it. Other things there are new to me. Much of it is, however, a new way of thinking about something I *thought* I understood. It also ties so much together. Some more questions....How much does The Writer's Jungle add to what you can get from the website,blog,and e-mails? And if I do decide to get it, can anyone tell me what is different from the first edition to the second. It's quite expensive and getting it used would save a bit,but I have only seen the first edition available used. Thanks again for any help.
  7. Thank you all for your help. I took some more time and went back to the website. I looked at the if your new to bravewriter section which was very helpful. Then I found the lifestyle section which is also very good. I see there is much to read there. I am very interested and will give this more time.
  8. Peela, I'm curious, you said you like to give each term it's own theme. Could you give an example?
  9. I'm doing a bit of both this year. I started off with a pre-planned curriculum for history, but I have changed so much I'd say it's really my own at this point. For some other subjects I think I will pretty much follow what I've bought and for others I'll just do my own thing.:)
  10. I've read about this in several places. I went to their website, but didn't really get the sense of what this is. I admit, I didn't have much time then to look. I am wondering, though, if any of you here can tell me more about it and/or review it? Thanks.
  11. Oh, I'm sure the baby has been listening all along and knows just when he/she is supposed to be born. And of course, you know, this is the child that really will listen to everything and do everything you say! Seriously, I'm betting on tomorrow!
  12. I had been thinking that copywork might help with reading.....??? Not sure, but it seems like they would be focusing so much on the letters and if you tell them what it says, it might help them learn reading too. I read somewhere that for the younger ages, they should do just one word or so.
  13. I don't know. I'm not you,but you're home and your life right now sounds so beautiful. I'd lean toward staying......
  14. There's just too much good reading on these boards to read every post! I went back and read it and this is actually very relevant to my upcoming year. Although we did a bit of Am. history last year and scattered readings on other time periods, this year is the first year we are really delving into history. I have STOW and am planning to use that, but I also read some negative opinions on that. So then I considered CHOW and A Little History of the World. And in each case, some people felt that there were inaccuracies in these books. So, I finally came back to the point that history is really written from personal perspectives and therefore subject to some limitations. I've been mulling over whether I want to get into this with dc (8 and 5) as it makes it sound like any history we read may not be factual. If they feel they are to take it all "with a grain of salt" will it not start to feel more like fiction than non-fiction? I have not resolved this yet for myself, but I am thinking that I will perhaps briefly explain this idea but not dwell on it. I haven't read the other responses yet, so I am interested to see what others have to say.
  15. You've got me thinking. I'm kind of liking the idea of school uniforms, though I'm betting the kids would not. It seems like it might put more seriousness towards school. hmmmm......
  16. When ds was about 4 we were at a playground. And for no reason I could understand he suddely bellows the word "V*GINA!!!" He said it a few more times and then was done. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what it meant and hasn't said it since. I looked around but the place seemed to be empty. (Or maybe it cleared out right after that! Lol.) Here's another funny one, but it wasn't in public. Both of my children were born by cesarean. Ds knows that. And has an idea of what that means. So one day he says to me, "Mommy, if the Dr. hadn't cut open your tummy and taken us out, how would we've gotten out? It's not like there's a hole there or anything." And I said, "Actually, there is." Shock registered on his sweet little face.(He was about 6 at the time.)
  17. That's funny, because when the tooth fairy has left notes here, it has been very small delicate writing. (I would even say no loopiness or curlicues.) Do you think she has an assistant?
  18. We just got a book out of the library called The Illustrated Book of Myths- Tales and Legends of the World. It is by Neil Phlip. I'm not sure what age level it would be for, but I don't think it would be too young. It covers a lot. The different sections are: Creation Myths, Beginnings, Fertility and Cultivation, Gods and People, Gods and Animals, Visions of the End, Gods and Pantheons. I liked that in the creation section it really covered quite a bit of the world. There are stories from Serbia, China, Japan, Australia, Iran, Siberia, Native American, Norse, and Sumeria. So far,I have found it to be well written.
  19. I'm going to see if I can get Science in Mesopotamia and some others from that series through InterLibrary Loan. I'm trying to do less buying. I checked and I can get it through the library so I will check it out. I was also wondering if the Story of Inventions (Or is that History of Inventions?) goes back as far as the Ancients. Does anyone know?
  20. I also bought back issues from another hser. I've rarely used them,but plan to more this year with our study of Ancients. They are really well done. I recently saw some used on vegsource I think.
  21. Jessica, Thank you! ANd sorry to take so long to get back to you. I still am not sure if any of those are it. They don't quite look right, but I don't even know anymore. Those are all good links,though. I guess I'll only know if I stumble on it again,lol. Thanks for all the help.
  22. Well, we read Adventure in the Ice Age. It's part of The Good Times Travel Agency series. It's a bit silly, but it was a good start, especially for younger ds. Older ds wanted to go right out and "be a cave boy". Talk about hands on activity! I love when they get really into what we're reading. I'm hoping soon we'll hike up the hillside and spend a day "living in prehistoric times." Next we read Wolf Child, by Dennis Nolan. Older ds could've heard it all in one sitting.( 39 pp.) But not younger ds. We really enjoyed that book. Next up is 11,000 Years Lost. It is a time travel book. Long. I'm not sure if younger ds will want to hear this one or not. I may read bits and pieces to him and the whole book to older ds. I think after this we'll be on to Mesopotamia.....Gilgamesh,etc. This is going so nicely so far. Thanks for the ideas.
  23. Thanks everyone! Well, I do think I have a lot of reading aloud planned. We'll have to see how it goes with younger ds. I'd say with all subjects it will be anywhere from 1 hour minimum to 3 plus if possible. I am trying to create time with each of them that is one on one while the other is in his room, so this may help. It seems much of what I've chosen is literature based, which is great for older ds, but younger will need more hands on stuff. I'm working on getting him to listen but do something else at the same time. Got my fingers crossed.
  24. You know, I thought I had finally decided to get this, then I re-read Peela's response. I am thinking I sound a lot like you Peela and then this book will be one more expensive book sitting on my bookshelf. I'm interested in what you said at the end, that Charlotte Mason said later in life that she would emphasize habits less. I see the value in this, but there seem to be so few good habits here. My own need work as well. Also, I think with behaviour issues, if the perspective changes from needing to work on behavior to working on changing habits, it might be a better approach for us. And I think maybe I need help to make some changes here. So maybe I am back to getting it.......Still thinking....:confused1:
  25. At our coop, it depends on the class. The teacher can set pretty much whatever limit he/she thinks appropiate. Depending on age and content of the class the limit might be different. I don't think any of the classes have had more than 12 or so. I noticed this session there are even a few with just 2!
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