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Barry Goldwater

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Everything posted by Barry Goldwater

  1. I typically respond, "Yes, I am abundantly and richly blessed." or "Yes, I expect I'll be well-cared-for in my old age." I LOATHE the snide, demeaning remarks from stangers that attempt to diminish the value of children, whether boys or girls...as if I would prefer fewer girls than I have... Once I heard an old cranky man telling a new mom what a nuisance babies are, and that they're terribly expensive (to raise). I interrupted and said, 'correction, sir, babies aren't expensive, they are PRICELESS.' Shut that old coot right up and put a big smile on newmommy's face <snort>.
  2. I have a client that is a never-ending source of material for this...I store them in my Blackberry... Examples: "Higher Anarchy" instead of 'heirarchy' "allergy" instead of 'algae' The fighting "alumni" in place of the 'University of Illinois FIGHTING ILLINI' <snort> and my alltime favorite, "He's trying to make me the 'escape goat'" instead of 'scapegoat' :lol: well, if someone unfairly puts the blame on you, an escape goat that can spirit you out of there quickly could be handy, I suppose :tongue_smilie:
  3. If you read my post, I said, if I deemed it necessary. I never said anything about convenience. You are putting words in my mouth... I do live in the woods...I thoroughly enjoy all sorts of wildlife...but cell phones are not too reliable here, sooooo...guess MIL is a goner...It might take a week for a bear to eat my MIL...
  4. A week without being able to leave my house is a bit beyond inconvenient, I'd say. Having my MIL eaten would certainly be inconvenient...root for the bear if you like...I suppose this couple from rural PA should move too? This bear entered their home...the link is from the Associated Press. BILL...is that allowed?!? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_BEAR_IN_HOME_ATTACK?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-10-03-13-11-21
  5. Well, here's a partial list of demands I've been able to find in about 5 minutes of research... A $20/hour minimum wage. The right to receive this minimum wage whether you work or not. Cancellation of student loan debt (sidebar: Not bankruptcy discharge, which I support - just flat cancellation) Tariffs to stop wage and environmental arbitrage (sidebar #2:which I would consider maybe supporting) and wide-open borders (sidebar #3: disasterously bad idea) A right to a college education What should I call it, if not communism? Sounds just like "from each according to his means to each according to his need."
  6. Not on THIS thread, no. And I didn't bring up foxnews either. Not enough data in your 'hypothetical' to respond for sure, but as I said before, that amount of ground can be covered by a grizzly in less than 3 seconds...didn't I see that the location of some family members was indeterminant at the time? And how fast can I expect a response from the authorities? An hour? a day? a week? Do I have a phone? do I have cell coverage? And how long can I afford to be held hostage in my home by a deadly animal? What if I'm expecting visitors, like my tasty mother in law, and the beast is lying in wait to pounce on her? So, I can't answer definitively whether I'd shoot without knowing more...nor can I indict the person who shot, either...especially since foxnews had something to do with the reporting, who knows?!?:lol:
  7. Our financial markets resemble a kleptocracy more than a free market. But most of this 'mob' is made up of well organized communists...if they were demanding that current financial fraud laws be enforced, and that the TBTF banks/financial institutions should be required to mark assets to market value and accept the consequences, even if it leads to bankrupcy, I'd be with them...they are NOT advocating a return to genuine free market economics, as far as I can tell.
  8. Ho hum is right...your stabs have become a predictable corollary to Godwin's law...while THEHUFFINGTONPOST.com is lauded as objective...whatever, it's a free country...have fun. back to the OP, FWIW I also would have shot the grizzly...if I deemed it necessary.
  9. A grizzly can cover that distance in less than 3 seconds...not a lot of time to chamber a round, aim and fire, and repeat if necessary, particularly under the kind of pressure that one would feel when your life/your loved ones life is on the line. <snort> took you long enough...<snort>
  10. I pulled all my business from the TBTF banks after the 2008 collapse and subsequent TARP bailout, paid off any outstanding debts or rolled them over into local institutions out of disgust...we also scaled back all our spending to necessities...starve the beast...starve the beast I say :tongue_smilie:.
  11. I respectfully disagree...in fact I do believe that if we kill any terrorist we find, we'll eventually run out of them. :lol: Not to make light, your original question is a good one and a thought-provoking post. My perspective is that we need to distinguish between crimes and the subsequent police/judicial response, and acts of war and the subsequent counter-measures...they're apples & oranges...even if he was a citizen, he was an enemy combatant...now he just...was... It's part of the problem with this new kind of war...we're not really at war with a nation-state...we're at war with an ideology, one that I characterize as Islamist Supremacism...And thank God that we've developed the kind of technology that allows us to target specific individuals over entire nations. Would it have been better to carpet bomb Riyadh after 9/11/01 because 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis? Or nuke Kandahar and Kabul because they harboured UBL at one time? The old paradigms we all grew up with are shifting, and making the old ways less and less applicable, IMHO. Some say it's a curse to live in "interesting times."
  12. You will find Ohio very accepting of your homeschool choice. The regulations are not particularly arduous, and there are rich resources available to support you...Don't be concerned :) In your shoes I would seek out a local homeschool support group or mom's group that matches your goals and worldview as soon as you get settled. You will find Ohioans friendly, hardy and stout of heart and true in spirit. signed, a transplanted Ohioan. ;)
  13. rolling up a pillow longways and then lying on my back on the hardwood floor, with the pillow across my shoulder blades and the back of my head resting on the floor works for me sometimes...need to breathe deeply, meditate and relax, and rest there for 15-30 minutes sometimes.
  14. Just as one can extol FDR for the New Deal or his courage in the face of the Nazis while not endorsing Japanese internment camps, I can recognize Jackson's justified suspicions of centralized banking without heralding his abuse of the Choctaws and Seminoles. Maybe if Jackson had Kelo v. New London for precedent he wouldn't be so vilified...
  15. There will always be opportunities to thrive financially for those that are clever enough to identify them, and nimble enough to capitalize on them. But sadly I think 9% reported unemployment rate and 16% or more effective unemployment rate are here for quite awhile...it's just the mathematical reality of our debt crisis and bubble economics that come with debt currencies...Andrew Jackson warned us. The next question for the West and particularly for the US is whether current civil governments can survive the turmoil that has come and will continue to grow with austerity measures and a general worsening of the standard of living that most have come to expect and, yes, feel entitled to...see Greece as one example...and history tells us that if representative republic govts. fall, what follows is hardly going to be...pleasant.:glare: My real challenge as a parent/homeschooler, is how to prepare my kids for a world I recognize less and less with each passing day. Some of the counsel from 20 years ago is somewhat moot in today's world, and tomorrows...
  16. How about these badges? "I'm a Christian/Jew/Muslim (fill in as appropriate) that posted in a 'question for Pagans' thread." "I'm an atheist that posted in a 'question for Christians' thread." [You could sub in the self-identifier for any of these] Alternately - I've started a post, "Well, I'm not a Christian, but I think..." in a 'Question for Christians' thread. Again, sub in description as appropriate. More: I've signed a SOF for a HS Co-Op. I've refused to sign a SOF for a HS Co-Op. I've signed a SOF that I didn't really believe for a HS Co-Op. I've been kicked out of a Co-Op over a SOF. I've quit a Co-Op over a SOF. I've started a thread that eventually got locked with multiple ban casualties concerning <any of the above>
  17. Graduating a homeschool child, WHO GOES ON TO HOMESCHOOL THEIR OWN CHILDREN. Knowing what Nanowrimo means. Child or family member successfully completes Nanowrimo. Been accused of being a troll. Outing a troll. Being a man and making it to 100 posts before being completely run off :tongue_smilie: Being a man and mistaken for a woman, even with a siggy that clearly identifies you as a man :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: Posting a swan song goodbye. Posting a swan song goodbye and then coming back :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:
  18. Typically, soaps and detergents you buy in the grocery store are made with softening chemicals to compensate for typically hard water. When these are used in the prescribed dosages with soft water, you get lots of extra suds and 'residues,' because there is no hardness for the chemicals to 'work on.' There are soaps available made for only soft water, that do not have chemical softeners in them. You may have better luck with those. I would talk to your water softener supplier or do a little online research and find products that are made for soft water, before I gave up on the softener altogether.
  19. According to this study, 53% of 2006-2010 college grads have full time jobs. 1/3 are not working in areas they trained for. 56% of 2010 college grads secured a job by this spring (2011) Median starting income of degreed students is $27,000/year 6 in 10 owe student loan money upon graduation, and the median debt amt. is $20K. More details in the link. http://www.heldrich.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/content/Work_Trends_May_2011.pdf
  20. The fact that this statement remains here, unedited, undeleted and virtually unchallenged for over 16 hours, leads me to conclude that this libel expresses a prevailing sentiment among the members here. I've seen outrageous posts here critiqued, refuted, flamed and dissembled for 10+ pages, but except for a few, in this case all I here are crickets. If it is going to be first assumed that because I'm a man, I'm inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid, then I'm obviously not welcome here. Have fun. :glare:
  21. :lol::lol: join the club! :lol::lol: I think we're all guilty at times of expecting a written reaction to everything we say...
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