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Everything posted by OhM

  1. (My question was a little tongue-in-cheek there;) ) But actually - I do think it's completely related in that their arrangement works so well AND they are the "happiest most in-tune couple that we know" BECAUSE of the nature of their relationship. And for that reason ANY arrangement they have would probably work great. What about their relationship causes these great effects? I have no idea! But I do know that they're a couple we love to be around - we vacation with them for a week each year!:001_smile:
  2. Ha - this is what I need! If they were pre-printed, it would save me the trouble!:D Haven't read all the responses, but in our household, it's a joint account (we both used to contribute about equally; now it's more him-80%, me 20%) but I've always managed the bills. Within the last year, he opened his own account, and direct deposits a small amount each month, to handle his reimbursible expenses from work, and other personal things. My friend and her dh have never co-mingled their $$$. They split up the bills to pay, and have always been happy doing that. We've always been a bit mystified by that, but in recent years we've noticed that they seem to be the happiest, most in-tune couple among all that we know - could be related?
  3. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Is this them? Reminds me of Surviving the Applewhites! (Well, in that there are homeschoolers and there is a musical staged...)
  4. And so if I understand correctly, what you're saying is THIS IS NOT A PHASE!!!??? They won't grow out of it? It's just going to progress? Well, if ya can't beat 'em... The phan-------------tom-of-the-o-per-a-is-there inside your mind (yeah, tell me about it.):001_smile:
  5. show tunes! Well, not "discovered" - they've always liked musicals. But now they've started *learning all the words* and *belting them out constantly* *while I'm trying to drive!!!* The youngest (10) had a friend stay over last night, and now they've indoctrinated her as well. We picked up two of the elder's friends to drive to a GS event this morning, and they spent the ride watching this spectacle in stunned silence. So whatever your kids are doing to drive you crazy, give thanks that at least they're not singing "Part of Your World" for the 1000th time, or "Do re mi" again. :blink:
  6. Ha - for me, "baby" is now 10yo! (Never too late!) Really, in my case, it was "homeschooling weight". I put on about 10-20lbs (more) when I quit working to stay home.
  7. Jean and Emmy have made good points. My friend rec'd a kidney from her sister. It was (relatively) safe for the donor, but the recovery was, as Emmy said, significant.
  8. Sparkpeople.com! I'm a carb addict, too, and I never felt deprived or hungry with their 1200-1500 cal. plan (7 grain servings per day!) The general plan looks like: Breakfast: 2-grains, 1-fruit, 1-dairy, 1-"extra"(sugar/fat) Lunch: 2-grains, 1-vegetable, 1-protein (meat or beans) Snack: 1-grain (smaller than normal serving, I think), 1-fruit Dinner: 2-grains, 1-protein, 2-veggies, 1-dairy, 1-"extra" I've "paused" at -20 lbs - trying to get 10-20 more off, eventually. The most important thing has been overhauling my eating habits - I try to stick with their general outline even when I'm not watching calories so closely, and the pounds are still (slowly) coming off.
  9. I agree with letting her skip - but here's something to consider: my dd started in the fall and her "cycle" is highly irregular. (As in, she's had 4 so far.) Maybe many other people here have seen otherwise (and would tell us), but her doctor said that this is more common than regular cycles for the first year or so. It may not even be an issue one month from now. ETA: Oh, I see this is already mentioned! (Going to get some coffee...)
  10. And isn't there anyone else in the libertarian-right quadrant? (Pretty much where I thought I'd land - although not quite as libertarian (-.62), but moderately conservative (3.75) What an oddball.:D
  11. You mean like most of the presidential candidates?
  12. Dh is pres. of the congregation at our church. He decided against phoning lovemonkey@... for an interview for the secretary's position.
  13. And not that some of the algorithms haven't been around for hundreds of years! One of the first classes I took when I was thinking of getting my teaching certification was Math for Middle School Teachers. (Never mind that I had taken 8 quarters of math in the course of my engineering degree - I hadn't taken the middle school math course!) In it we learned to deconstruct the algorithms and explain why they worked (so the class was actually useful - and fun!) But I was amazed at how many teachers in this class had saved it until last - they were just hoping to scrape a passing grade so that they could get the diploma and get into the classroom. A majority (I'd say 75-80%) truly did not understand most of the concepts. And I really felt it was because they told themselves they can't do math, and don't get math, and couldn't understand it! And they'll be communicating that fear and ambivalence to their students!
  14. Or the one at our local Meijer that wraps it all in the plastic bags first, so that nothing spills in them!
  15. Two of my favorite LOST forums were down as well. Made me wonder how many are hosted out of that same data center? (In Houston, I believe?) So who else lost their favorite places to go on Monday? (Made us all get off here and get something done, didn't it?)
  16. Yep - they're wonderful - when I remember to bring them. (Seriously - much easier to get the groceries into the house!)
  17. I was just lectured about this by a coworker this week. "You know, the thing you'll really have to watch out for as a homeschooler is to make sure your kids have enough exposure to other kids." Sigh. I gave him my David Guterson argument ("Well, actually, it's kids in the public school setting should be more concerned with socialization. They're sequestered with 20-30 of their peers and limited, stunted interaction with a small group of adults. My kids interact with a wide range of ages, generations, and cultures in real-world setting.") He was reduced to stuttering for a second and then redirected the conversation. But then, he's the kind of guy you have to hit with both barrels or he won't go away. :glare: Seriously, I usually just stare, dumbfounded, at these people. These conversations almost always take place with my kids running around with other kids at some or other group meeting, class, or event. And I'm usually exhausted anyway from keeping up with church events, 4H, girl scouts, county youth choir, cheerleading, spending the night at friends', and/or swim team! (Whew!)
  18. Oh my - leaving Ohio for Michigan! As if being uprooted isn't traumatic enough...:D I bet you'll make your new house a wonderful home in no time! And here's to discovering the peculiar charms to country living!
  19. Thanks! Everything looks so good - I think I'll do a variation of Michelle's with what's on hand. That strawberry recipe looks to die for - don't have everything I need right now, but I'll definitely be trying that soon!
  20. Having guests tomorrow - marinated pork loin on the grill; grilled veggies - want a yummy pasta salad to go with. And easy, summery dessert ideas, too, if you have any! TIA - Michelle
  21. You may want to check out David Guterson's book - Family Matters. It's been some time since I've read it (maybe 10 years or so), but his take on "socialization" put the issue to rest for me. A sample: "(Mass schooling) in essence removes adults from (students') lives or rather puts them there at a ratio of one to thirty and in an authoritarian role not entirely conducive to the forming of meaningful relationships." I think he also makes that point that by sending kids to the ps system, we're essentially "institutionalizing" them for the better part of 13 years. In my mind, public school has a problem with socialization, not homeschooling! I usually point out the above-mentioned facts, and then explain that my children are out in the world interacting not with a closed group of same-age peers, but with younger children (who they can mentor), older children (who they often look up to), and adults from many generations, backgrounds, and cultures. I don't know if I've ever convinced anyone, but I leave no doubt that I think my kids have had superior "socialization" opportunities! OTOH, it sounds like you're on this panel to foster good relations - maybe this isn't the place to attack such an entrenched institution!
  22. 13yo watches with me (actually, 10pm is too late for her - but she watches online the next day). She started watching last season, and caught up with seasons 1&2 on DVD. DD10 isn't interested yet, which is great - the violence and s*x is a bit much for her right now.
  23. and, drat it - kids' swim practice will make me miss the first 15-20 minutes!!!! I have a feeling the last 10 or so will be the critical part - the jaw-dropping paradigm shifts they're so fond of! (At least I hope so!) With their pattern of "backing up" the perspective each season - has anyone thought about how next season will look? Will they be showing us O6's perspective and whoever is left on the island (if anyone:eek:) (Already I can't wait until next season!!!! What will I do when it's all over?)
  24. (Because I'm about to get off here and go do it!) Heat a small bowl of vinegar (maybe 1/2 cup or so?) for about 1 min. in the microwave. Very easy to wipe out the splattered stuff! (I think I actually learned that here!)
  25. Plaid Dad's book recommendation looks great. Just the other day, reading my very first Brother Cadfael book (recommended here!), I found on the first page something to the effect of: People are variable, fallable, and to be humored. That's been stuck in my brain ever since, and it sums up what I try to remember when I'm tempted to harbor bitterness. The other thing that helps is being deliberately aware of just how much others have "humored" me, and shown me much more grace.
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