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Everything posted by OhM

  1. My result: "Your generation stuck mine with a motherload of cultural horrors (bradys! disco! plaid! roller skating!). -30% for being a yuppie. 5 point bonus for telling me where you saw this. Thanks! Final Score: 56.8" -30%????!!!!!! So does that mean I'd really have an 86 if I wasn't born in the late 60's? (Indignantly) And I was never a yuppie! Graduated in 85 - had a lot of misheard lyrics in there! (So close...)
  2. We have the same problem here with a hardback grammar book - answers written right in the student text. DD & I curse the previous owner (not nice, but we do!) every time we scrub a lesson "clean". Several were actually in PEN! Aaargh! I really should have worked something out w/the previous owner. Consider this a plea to all who are intending to sell the books later - don't work the problems in the textbook!!!
  3. It's week 5 or 6 of the third quarter, so that would be week 24. (We started in August when the ps started.)
  4. But one mom in our GS troop has the funniest response whenever our hs-ing comes up - her eyes get very big and she plasters a very creepy-looking smile on her face. (She really looks as if she's watching me sprout another head or something) and says some variation of "that's ni-i-i-ice" coupled with a form of "well, let's get away from this topic right quick!" I never know if she's trying so hard to bite back a negative comment, or if she's fighting some internal bias that she holds against homeschoolers. Maybe she's not fighting a bias, and she's just trying to be nice while thinking, "I knew they were weird!"
  5. Didn't he call Locke "Col. Kurtz" a couple episodes ago? Locke is definitely off the deep end. Aaron - wow. But somehow I don't think he'll figure into the O6. And the "line" that Jack was repeating at the trial - 8 survivors, landed in the water, Kate rescued them all. Why 8? Why not 6, if only 6 get off the island? Hmmmm. Any guesses as to Daniel's memory issues? Pretty meaty episode.
  6. It's a surprisingly good and fast: 6-8 chicken breast halves 1 jar salsa low 6-8 hours. We have it over rice.
  7. Dd10 got a surprisingly good pic just by shooting her Kodak EasyShare out the window on an automatic setting! I think she turned off the flash, but that was it. It's not fantastic, but recognizable.
  8. I was grousing to dh yesterday about the time required to manage the Girl Scout cookie sale for our troop. (I received and distributed 163 cases - that's 1956 boxes! - of cookies in the last three days.) I told him that we'd finally given up trying to get Latin done and spent the time sorting cookies instead. His response: "Giving up Latin for cookies? Sounds like public school!" :)
  9. you could tell it knock-knock jokes for a half-hour straight. :D (ba-dum bum)
  10. 13yo dd watched with me last season and spent Christmas break catching up on seasons 1 & 2 (Christmas gift!) She's pretty adept at following the characters and shifting allegiances, and likes to speculate about the mysteries. 10yo dd is hooked just from listening to the rest of us speculate. They've been staying up to watch with me since the season started. (Though they are immediately sent to bed if they TALK during crucial dialog bits!)
  11. Was it the Ray Charles song - Fifty Nifty United States? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifty_Nifty_United_States DD12 learned it when she was in ps in 4th grade. Cool song!
  12. Admiring the lady's spunk. She obviously feels she's in the right here, that her church is worth the fight, and that she's willing to endure the abuse the pastor will undoubtedly pile on, because she says she'll be back.
  13. GG - I didn't mean at all to disagree with you! (What, do you think I'm crazy?) I think the way it was handled was horrible, too, and definitely not "Christian-like". I just wanted to add (anecdotally) that 71-yr-olds are entirely capable of gossip (like the rest of us) and in some cases, and for perfectly understandable reasons, can be worse (isolation, boredom, etc.) And tell a funny story, gosh darn it! :D
  14. Ha - it was difficult. But really, the entire situation was so un-funny it was hard to look at them at all. The gossip situation in our church has improved dramtically since then. There is really a spirit of love and cooperation within the membership. It really has to do with the pastor, who continually points us to Jesus. And GG - it's a tough situation for the church in the article. It's easy for me to imagine the lady being horrible to the leadership, because I've seen that plenty of times. At the same time, it's unthinkable that a pastor would call the police to have such a person removed! It's not a civil issue - it's a spiritual issue within the church. But she's obviously not deterred by the action - she says she'll be back.
  15. I don't always "get" irony and sarcasm - so forgive me for asking, but ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!???? (I also skipped ahead to answer this post, so forgive me if I missed pertinent responses.) In every church I've been in (only 3, but still) there were the "little old ladies". They were brutal when it came to gossip! One memorable (and I thought funny) episode: When the single 30-something pastor of our church started dating a woman who didn't meet the approval of the "little old ladies", they started all kinds of rumors about her. (Yeah, that part is NOT funny.) One of the rumors was that she didn't wear underwear. I had visions of these prim and proper and none-too-mobile ladies scooting under the pews on their backs to obtain this bit of information! So the situation with gossip in the article sounded very familiar to me. It was the way the pastor dealt with it that was "out there".
  16. We do something similar for Latin, but we've progressed from me writing out the sheet and handing it to the kids, or looking at the posters on the wall to the kids writing it out from memory at the start of a lesson. I'll have them write out examples of 1st, 2nd declension, 1st, 2nd conjugation, and imperfect/future tense endings. They're making their own "cheatsheet" without cheating!
  17. (hee hee) No, really - when students take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam around here (for licensing purposes) they are no longer permitted to bring in any book they wish. They are handed a handbook to use. It's called The FE-Supplied Reference Handbook. So how about Grammar Reference Sheet? (pretty boring for all that, wasn't is?)
  18. We spend $480-$550/month for family of 4 - including dog food, cleaning products & toiletries. It could be tightened a good bit still. I do use grocerygame, which makes it go pretty far.
  19. I always say, "Tell me the principal parts." And like you, I don't remember deliberately learning this, but I've used it all my life to find the proper past or present/past perfect tenses.
  20. Maybe some of you have seen it already? The timing was uncanny - shortly after e-filing my taxes I found two messages in my spam folder purporting to be from the IRS telling me I have a refund due, if I just link to this page and fill out some information (I'm guessing SS#, checking account info, etc.) FYI, here's the snopes page on the scam: http://www.snopes.com/fraud/phishing/irs2007.asp
  21. Some people are gifted in starting new ventures - they have the creativity and enthusiasm to see something from nothing (creators!) Others don't have the vision or energy to start the venture, but can run it efficiently once it's underway. Visionary people rarely have the patience to last long in this mode - the next great idea is probably percolating and its only a matter of time before they need to be off starting something new. I think you're identifying something great about yourself - now you can focus your energies in the best way to use your talent! Maybe the trick is to identify the person most likely to keep the project running after you pull away and work in tandem with them when starting a new venture?
  22. The dr. just changed dd's prescription. She's worn bifocals for about 3 years now. She hasn't rec'd the glasses yet, though. Does your daughter have hers yet? Has she had any complaints?
  23. I used to drink it w/sugar and milk (my grandmother taught me that.) (We used to drink Earl Grey, too, Kelli!) I take it with just a bit of sugar now. It's strong & spice-y (cloves, among others).
  24. From Crate and Barrell a few years ago when our Williams Sonoma set was too chipped to tolerate. http://www.crateandbarrel.com/family.aspx?c=80&f=12670 They've held up fantastically well - not even a chip on any of them. And we like the retro style. But they are, well, diner plates.
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