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Everything posted by gpsings

  1. :iagree: It scares me sometimes. :( I honestly couldn't care less what grown-ups are doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms. I don't even think marriage should be a legal contract. (that's another thread altogether...) but I worry about minors.
  2. My 4th grader struggles with remembering facts. The only thing that seems to help is daily flashcards and speed drills. That's why we switched from Horizon math to CLE. It does seem to help having daily repetition.
  3. Well, right now they can't consent, but maybe after enough marches and rally's and famous spokespeople...moderate examples of mature underage lovers, etc...we know the laws could change. I'm just wondering how far into the future we'll see that?
  4. I wonder if this is all well and good 'as long as they're happy'...how far of a jump would it be for relationships with minors? When will the pedophiles come out and start fighting for the rights of minors to decide to be in a sexual relationship? Just sayin. How much farther?
  5. CLE math is what sold me on the rest of the CLE program. My 10yr old dd has improved so much since starting. We tried MUS too, but it's wasn't a good fit for her for the same reason. I highly recommend CLE.
  6. My middle dd didn't talk AT ALL until she was 3. We tried to get speech therapy, but couldn't afford it. Turns out, she was just late. She's ahead in all her subjects...so we know she's bright, and we seriously can't shut her up now. She's the most outgoing of all of my kids. I wouldn't worry just yet.
  7. Usually we do, unless my husband works late. We try to make a point of having at least one meal a day together as a family.
  8. I LOVE this. Who wants to do it with me? My husband deserves this. http://www.reviveourhearts.com/pdf/30DayChallenge.pdf
  9. Us too. My girls are 10 and 6. I love how everything is all set out for you already, planned etc. It's a HUGE time saver. If you want to do something outside of the notebook you still can....the only improvement I could see would be that I'd like to get it in a 3 ring binder instead of spiral so you could add things to it as you go. I do LOVE the personal person set up and the crossword puzzles, copywork, etc. It was well worth the extra money this year. (we always made our own notebooks in the past for Apologia)
  10. Yep. It's just easier to do all the plates at the same time. He usually gets the drinks and rounds up the kids. It's not subservience, it's just convenient. Also, I like to make sure there is enough of everything left to pack his lunch the next day.
  11. Thank you. It really helps to come here and get sound logical advice in the midst of my personal storm. Thank you. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. I actually have that book too! I liked it, but the forum board was harsh. This. This is what I needed to hear. This. Thank you. :grouphug: And this. Thank you. I'm gonna have to talk to dh about this, and begin the implementation.
  13. I'm not trying in any way to shoot you down but would you believe I've already read L&L AND Shepherding a Child's Heart? (Not the other one...) I really didn't grasp the application of either of them. I couldn't think of 'choices' fast enough for L&L and Shepherding was just vague. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this. I really have lost faith in myself as a parent, and I don't know if I have the confidence to carry through with anything. I guess I just wanted a 'formula' or something.
  14. I'm at a loss right now, and really stumped. I thought I was a good mother, I always put my kids needs ahead of my own, I used time-outs and sometimes spanking...though I was never comfortable with spanking, and time outs really do eat up my day when you have a 3 year old who's in 6 times a day and won't stay put... But I digress... Over the last few weeks I'm realizing that my kids are spoiled rotten. They are nice around strangers, but to me they are rude, disrespectful, demanding, demeaning, assuming and selfish. I won't go into all the specific behaviors, but today I lost it. They didn't finish their schoolwork until almost 4:00 which was too late to do errands, so I asked them to do some chores -which they kinda halfway did- and then said they could play the wii while I fixed dinner. I swear, all they did was fight, whine, tattle and my 10 year old is giving me major attitude. I spanked my son for hitting, my 10 year old gave me a dirty look and told me I'm the one teaching him to hit! I finally screamed at them that I couldn't take it and they were all a bunch of spoiled brats and told them all to go to their own rooms until I could deal with them again. Here I am. I don't know how to deal with them. (a little background: I was abused as a child and spent the latter half of my childhood in foster placements. Mostly group homes and residentials, so...no parental role models) Please, someone, I've read so many books, why am I not getting this parenting thing???:crying:
  15. I asked this question recently at a women's group, and I was told that we (our church which is Presbyterian) is Calvinist...she (being Baptist) is more Arminianist? Meaning, we believe that God romances His chosen people until we turn to Him, but Arminianism teaches that everyone has a choice. Whatever that's worth. :001_unsure:
  16. A normal day...he leaves for work at 10 after 6am and comes home between 6:30 and 7pm. It's a LOOOOONG day. :(
  17. I'm reading your thread, just nodding my head in understanding. I have a 3 year old boy, and he's making me bonkers as well. I think it's just the season. Soon they will be older, and we'll miss this, believe it or not, so just know that it will pass, and enjoy how cute they are when you are bald from pulling your hair out, and when they come up and head-butt you and then tell you 'I love you, mommy' and run away...someday it will just be a memory. Take it easy on yourself. The house can wait. :hugs:
  18. We love CLE, but it sounds like R&S might be a better fit for you. I think either of them are great programs though!
  19. My 10 year old is going through this. We also have lots of buddies in our homeschool group who aren't as close as we'd like. It's hard at this age, and I've been trying to encourage her by telling her that everyone -regardless of how they are schooled- is going through it. I used to hide in the bathroom at school when I was younger because the other kids were so mean.
  20. Hmm. I can appreciate your arguments. I have a six year old (7 in December) who's literally in 2nd grade. I started her early because she wanted to start, and she's handled the workload I've given her. We use CLE, so it's pretty easy to determine grade level by diagnostic tests. If she's doing all 2nd grade work, then I say 2nd grade. She's earned it. She loves to accelerate, and if she's earned it then I'm not going to hold her back.
  21. I'm trying to keep up with this thread, so forgive me if these questions have already been answered, but what are the homeschooling laws like in Canada? Are there curriculum requirements that are tighter than the current US requirements? Religious freedom (Please forgive my ignorance I have never been to Canada, and I'm truly curious) Also, In regards to healthcare, does it include alternative medicine such as acupuncture, chiropractic or natural medicine? Can you opt out of vaccines or are they mandatory? I really don't know anything about the freedoms there or lack thereof...please tell me. :lurk5:
  22. We have Direct because of the sports channels, and DSL. I honestly have no problems with either of them.
  23. I have a complete mistrust for authority in general. Strangely, I have blind loyalty for those who win me over. Chock it up to a bumpy childhood, I guess. I have to temper my rebellion and remember who I am in the scheme of things, but I'm glad to have a mind of my own as well!
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