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Everything posted by gpsings

  1. It seems to me like she might have been one of the ones doing the bullying in her school. Maybe that's her way of brushing off any guilt about it. The MIL comment was just stupid. Kinda seems like she was giving you a hard time.
  2. My 10yr old dd is using CLE for everything except science. She is getting depressed and starting to do sloppy work. After being grounded for the weekend for lying -about finishing her work- she broke down crying telling me that her schoolwork seems endless. :( I like CLE grammar and math and don't want to change those, and I like it for reading, but I'll switch if it will help...but I think I'd like to change history and Bible and possibly switch to something that's either online or a computer program, or something that's a little easier for her to get into/ enjoy. I hear MOH has a cd so I wouldn't have to sit and read to her, has anyone done this? Does anyone have any ideas or recommendations?
  3. We don't let ours play in the front unless we're with them. :( BTW, the predator lists don't mean squat. A lot of actual predators don't register at all. Ask me how I know this. Pedophiles don't want to get harassed (they say) so a lot of them will move rather than register, or live with someone, etc. Also, there's a first time for all of them, right? Maybe I'm overprotective, but I've seen to much in my lifetime. I don't want my kids to become a statistic.
  4. My MIL. We actually call her the 'One-Upper'. My dh actually tagged her that. She one-ups my kids when they tell her they read something. It's pathetic. I really haven't seen that from anyone here. ;)
  5. I've seen Halloween threads. There are several every year on the Christian boards... I'm not even going into why...but I am personally convicted not to celebrate it. Our family tries to do something un-halloween related together on that night. We prefer to leave the house, as NOBODY seems to respect that one house that didn't stock up on Snickers bars for their children to beg for. So, instead of risking an egging, we just go to a movie or something. I have christian friends who don't agree, and try to have this argument every.single.year...I have chosen not to participate anymore. Pass the bean dip. We don't do it. That's why. ;) Oh, and Carli's right. The kids really don't care. They find it obnoxious too. I think they totally prefer the quality family time.
  6. It's shocking, yes, but I don't see the link to drugs. It's still just basically saying to 'just say no' just a little stronger. That's just my 2 cents
  7. I had a foster mother who did that when I was a kid, and I thought she was really mean...but she did it for months at a time. I can see how it could be effective. It's not fun not being allowed to communicate. She's all cheery now, and being very productive. It's like she knows I'm armed now. :lol:
  8. Thanks. Excellent ideas. She just came back down, and is a little better. This is a regular problem for her, so I'm going to def. have to do something different. (definition of crazy and all that) I like the 'no speaking unless permitted' idea. I think next time there's an issue, I may have to implement that.
  9. bump....wow that went to the bottom fast!
  10. ATTITUDE from almost 7 year old dd is out of hand. She's snarky and disrespectful to me, and rude and contentious with both siblings. She's constantly whining, tattling, complaining and mumbling under her breath. It's like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and never snapped out of it. I have sent her to her room until she makes a DECISION to change her attitude (we've discussed this) and I'm at a loss for what to do with her from here. This is the third time today. She'll come down again when she gets bored up there and start again. Ideas?
  11. Yes. Every night to the little one, the other ones are allowed to read for about 30 minutes before lights out. We also read a book at nap time.
  12. Cussing....and the over dramatic 'woe is me' everyday. Negativity on a constant daily basis is a downer. Everybody deals with that stuff, why do I have to pat someone on the back everytime one of her kids won't do their homework, or whenever she's got a headache?
  13. We have always used Easy Grammar up until this year when we switched to CLE. I have to say, it's so much more complete! With Easy Grammar, I also supplemented with Writing Tales and Spelling Workout...CLE has it all, and seems so much more - palatable. That's my opinion, but I did love Easy Grammar, so it's nice to know there's so many neat programs out there!
  14. Honestly, I had no idea there were 'non-schoolers' out there. I guess it just never occurred to me that someone would do that to their child! I've actually had debates with non-home-schoolers about the validity of that argument, because I was sure that was ridiculous. Why would someone keep their child home instead of just sending them to a government imposed daycare if they are that lazy? Why would someone want to have their kids around if they didn't care about them? I guess you learn something new every day, but this one saddens me. I hope we in this movement can confront this when we see it, because it does affect us and the general opinion of all homeschools.
  15. *silently* wonders how these people feel about apologetics? I wouldn't even respond. I'd ignore them and if they pressed on, I'd say "I don't know if there really is a response to such an ignorant argument" Of course...that's me. I'm always antagonizing...
  16. I just wanted to add, for homeschoolers...the store is small enough, that I can give each of my girls a list, and some money, and they can go off on their own and shop. In what other grocery store could you safely do that? The employees are super friendly, and they always remember us. Can you tell I'm a fan?
  17. Aldi (the chain) is owned by the same family that owns Trader Joes...who also has their own brand. I LOVE Aldi. Yes, I've been there a couple of 'not so great' times, and seen some 'not so good' things, but I know what a bad cucumber looks like, and I just don't buy it. ;) When the produce is good, which is 98% of the time, it's really good. I like that I can shop every two weeks, and the produce stays fresh in my fridge for that time, unlike Walmart where it would be bad within 2 days. I LOVE the prices. Everything fluctuates, so mushrooms might be 1.19 today, but .69 tomorrow. Watch for falling meat prices! We've gotten HUGE pork tenderloins there for 5.00 and ribs for 5.00...always chicken legs for 1.50 if you watch for the red tags. I don't buy milk there, because I'm careful about hormones and I don't know enough about their milk, but it's always super cheap. One time I bought a bag of apples there, and one was bad. They gave me a whole new bag of apples, no questions asked, and didn't even want the other bag back. The rest of the apples were good! Just use your brain. You know if something doesn't look right, and they are really good about returns and exchanges if you get a 'surprise'. FTR, my average grocery bill there is about 100-130 bi-weekly for a family of 5. Just sayin'. ;)
  18. This. :iagree:I was thinking that as I was reading the article. It blows my mind how someone could do such things to their own child, though. I still don't understand it. :cry: That's frightening.
  19. Have you had your thyroid checked? Make sure you go to a good dr that specializes in hormones. I just found out that I was hypo, and since medication, I've had a bit of trouble staying asleep.
  20. Congratulations!!! It sounds like it was beautiful. :cheers2: (there wasn't one with wine-glasses, so consider this a toast!)
  21. I'm deficient currently. My dr just prescribed 5,000mg a day supplements for me two days ago. I honestly don't know what causes it. :( I wish I could help more. :grouphug:
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