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Everything posted by Findley2

  1. :iagree: My mom was 22 when she had me and a single mom. I know she did the best she could and I don't consider her to have been a bad mom. However, when I saw how she was with my younger siblings I got a little jealous. She adopted them when she was 38 & 40.
  2. I had my last at 33 and I would say early 40's would be my cut off. I love being pregnant and nursing and ideally I would like to have 2 or 3 more. I have always wanted a large family. However, my DH was done before our 2 girls and he is 7 years older than me. He has agreed to one more, eventually, when we are more secure financially.
  3. Which books did you use to teach yourself? Are you using the same to teach your dd?
  4. My sisters are black and they said that they did not find the ad racist. They saw it as commenting on her being a diva not her being black. My one sister said that if the ad had said " Move over Naomi there is a new CHOCOLATE diva in town" then it would have been offensive.
  5. I found them on Amazon and Borders used books.
  6. I totally understand this or having to run out late at night in pj pants. I don't get wearing them in public during the day.
  7. Unfortunately, they are where we live. Of course so are holey sweatpants, no br@, tank tops with your br@ showing, sleep shorts, etc...A trip to the grocery store can feel like a pajama party. I understand wanting to be comfortable, but really how hard is it to put jeans and a t shirt on. Ok, I'm done.
  8. It's the website. I tried it and kept getting error messages.
  9. :iagree: When I was pregnant with DD2 my aunt said "You did this on purpose!" :001_huh: and my mom said "Oh No!" and cried. I finally got tired of all the negativity and told them that I wasn't going to apologize for being pregnant and I was going to be happy about the baby. I fully intend to have more children and be excited about every one. Even if circumstances aren't ideal, at the time. Congratulations
  10. :iagree: This was what my mom went through. Even some of our family turned on her. People kept telling her that if she loved the kids more they wouldn't have problems. People can be so stupid.
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry. I have four younger siblings with RAD and it is so awful. I agree with others you HAVE to find someone trained in RAD. I watched my mother go through hell trying to raise my siblings and get them help.
  12. :iagree: The thought of having to deal with my dd's dating nearly sends me into a panic attack. My Dh has very different views on dating than I do.:eek:
  13. I love this thread. I always thought I was a freak because I sucked my thumb well into jr.high. I don't remember when I quit. My Dh tells me that I sometimes suck my thumb in my sleep.:blush:
  14. Nope! My husband would put me in camo and take me out in woods. He thinks camo is sexy. :glare:
  15. We have the audiobook of the Hobbit. My dd5 listened to it and loved it.
  16. Wow, here in Michigan you don't have to notify anyone. Certainly something to keep in mind.
  17. Keep it warm. A heating pad works good under some towels. Make a nest with the towels so it helps keep the heat in. I would set the heating pad on low. You can buy replacement formula for kittens and feed it with a dropper or you can buy a bottle. Hope that helps.
  18. I know they say 24 hours but in my experience that is to soon. I caught strep from extended family who had been on antibiotics for a few days.
  19. I love this book. It has a lot of recipes. They are listed according to their uses, and each recipe gives the shelf life. http://www.amazon.com/Green-Clean-Environmentally-Sound-Cleaning/dp/1595910042/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1301152373&sr=8-3
  20. In the next year or two my DH and I are thinking of moving to Iowa. I would love it if anyone who lives, or has lived, there could tell me what it is like. How are the homeschool laws? What is the cost of living? Our preference is to live in a rural area. We want to be able to have chickens, goats, and a decent size garden. Any info would be appreciated.
  21. I went to public and private schools for 13 years and came away from it scared of my peers. I was really, really shy and awkward. I dreaded going to school everyday, because of the teasing. So I think it is safe to say that SCHOOL is not the panacea that we are told it is. I can easily imagine what would happen to my free spirited daughter in public school.
  22. Six months ago we moved into a laundromat and we also run it. My dd 5 has never been in daycare, preschool, or public school. So this is her first experience interacting with different people on a daily basis. She loves to meet and talk to new people. We have to watch her carefully because she is so friendly. Customers often compliment us about how engaging and well mannered she is. Many of our customers are regulars so they see a lot of her. When they ask her about school she tells them "my mommy teaches me". This one lady, a retired schoolteacher, told me that I needed to put her in school BECAUSE she is so social and friendly.:confused: She told me that if I didn't I could seriously harm her in the future. She said that dd "needs" the daily interaction with other children that school will provide. I politely thanked her and went inside my apt. to share her words of wisdom with my dh.:cursing: Looking back I find it funny and if anything it helped reinforce my commitment to homeschool.
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