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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. I had the diva...and just got a lunette...and I prefer the lunette of the 2! But every person is different.
  2. There is a cruise group called Autism at Sea that does select cruise where they have autism specialists on board...also supposedly they have trained all the kids club staff to work with autistic children...but I would check to see if Autism at Sea has a Disney cruise at a date you are thinking about.
  3. My daughter was not diagnosed High Functioning until 5.5 and that was will A LOT of pushing from us...and everyone except her therapist didn't think she acted autistic...she was just oppositional...the ADOS did not show autism...but everyone said she was odd and unusual and not like other kids they knew....we did get a pragmatic semantic language disorder diagnosis at 4...but it took almost 4 years to get someone to believe us that is was more than just a hyper oppositional kid. So yes it could be autism or it may not...we went to THE AUTISM Dr out here and even his team was divided 50/50 the first time they saw her...but agreed the second (when she sat in the room completely covered by a blanket refusing to interact with anyone). Her play has always been off and is still awkward.
  4. I am planning on leaving...I think I will use up my current points and money and then walk away....it costs so much anyway to mail books that I just can't fathom spending more to get rid of my books...there are used book stores and thrift stores that I can give them too also.
  5. I got a couple inches...and it appears to be done where we are...originally we were told up to a foot but it seems to be way less than expect...but we still are not planning on going out and about...the roads are a mess because schools were closed so they don't plow as much.
  6. We usually stay in Stamford (which I noticed other mentioned) we like Marriotts and just took the Taxi from the station at midnight after an evening show.
  7. There is a free iPhone app called We Read Too that has lists of books with children of color by authors of color.
  8. I have driven to CT and stayed at a Marriott that is close to the Metro...then we take the Metro in and out of the city...mostly because I am scared of driving in the city and don't have the money to stay at the hotels there. It has worked all 3 times we have gone to the city (including the day we finalized our son's adoption in the city).
  9. I have found that for myself if I let my self get too hungry then I am hungry all day and start wanting sweets...but if I eat every 2-3 hours something that is protein rich along with fruit or vegetables (low calorie so I eat as much as I want of the fruit/veg)...The protein thing is essential for me! It keeps me satiated until the next meal. So I add protein powder to my green smoothen in the morning. I am tracking everything on My Fitness Pal and am finding it helps me eat less because I am weighing what I want to eat with my remaining calories...but honestly I don't feel hungry most days! I feel content not stuffed...and now when I overeat I feel it! Oh and I allow myself to cheat! One night we ended up going to McD's for dinner and I had a hamburger and didn't worry about calories (I entered them but didn't freak that I went over calories that day)...tonight I am going to my husbands work party where there will be lots of yummy food...and I will eat what I want there and enjoy it...because that is part of eating the social aspect...as long as it is not everyday.
  10. Monterrey in CA...the aquarium and all the beaches...lots of boutique shopping...although warm is relative there...it will be warmer than new england more than likely.
  11. I just asked to join...my big girl is high functioning.
  12. Also you could use a back up service like CrashPlan to store everything including your photos then just use a photo viewer for viewing. I am a Mac girl and love iPhoto, but I have heard Picasa is good and so is ACDSee.
  13. I love my 6 but my husband got the 6+ and I don't find it so crazy awkward...the changing of the power button to the side is really the difference. So basically which every on you get I think you will enjoy it :) (Hows that for noncommittal). I am small and prefer 6 because I am a phone in the pocket/drop and break phones regularly kind of person.
  14. Also look at the photography package...it is just photoshop and Lightroom for 10 bucks a month (see if Amazon has a special they did in Dec that had a free gift card attached)
  15. I did the dance off campus thing for almost all 4 years of BYU and found it not too bad. I read/did homework on the bus. The only hard part was making sure all my classes ended early enough in the day since most studios cater to after public school times and college classes go all day. I found it beneficial and really made me figure time management out really fast! It also got me out of the bubble!
  16. You could have her try the BYU folk dance summer camp to see if she likes the other stuff they do.
  17. BYU has a folk dance major that (last I heard) did have some irish dancing....it was not exclusively irish and I don't think the program was more than beg/int and advance classes but it might be an option. I don't know about close local studios but Utah has a ridiculous amount of dance studios so might be worth the look...but I recommend checking the thread about nonLDS students going to BYU.
  18. LDS went to BYU...found I enjoyed spending time with the nonLDS kids more than with the LDS kids...50/50 for the ones who stayed with it past freshman year vs left....Some things that may help are making sure she has a connection to the local Catholic church and ride every week before she goes...that way she has a connection. Also make sure you have looked at the religion requirements...(as I was looking to see what was offered I discovered that they are changing them) so here are what she would be required to take it appears http://universe.byu.edu/2014/10/29/major-curriculum-changes-to-affect-byu-religion-requirements/ ....which may or may not be better than the old way they did it (requiring 2 semesters of Book of Mormon). ETA: the link was messed up but I fixed it.
  19. I changed my password too...just to be safe...but until there is more information I am waiting to determine if I need to do anything else.
  20. How many books did you read and did you meet your own personal goal? 141 as of today...not sure I will hit my goal of 156 but that is ok Are you ready to do it all over again? YES!!! maybe I will make it longer than June with the thread this year Do you have any goals to check out different genres or authors, read translated books or stories in another language for 2015? I plan to try for 152 book again this year!
  21. Underwear is not a gift...but it is a stocking stuffer in my home...both kids got undies in the stockings....I was the kid who to granny panties from my grandma (so not even cute nice ones just big white ones) and it was embarrassing! But undies in stocking not weird at all...but stockings also get opened all the same time so someone was not watching the opening of the undies.
  22. So I know many Christians celebrate Christmas and Hannakuh is celebrated during December by Jewish people. I guess many non religious people do a secular Christmas at least in the US. From what I have gathered some members here celebrate Solstice which i would love to know more about. But do Muslims celebrate any special events at the end of Dec beginning of Jan? Or do they tend to follow the secular events of where they live? Or??? Are there any other religious/non-religious groups that have special celebrations at this time of year? Just curious realized I didn't know a lot more than Christmas and Hannakuh for this time of year.
  23. I would only see a Dr to get an inhaler...then the next time just use the inhaler and if it doesn't work then worry. I tend to get reactive when I am sick and will wheeze at night and have found that the inhaler totally helps with that...so basically I saw my Dr the 1 time to get the inhaler and now I just use it whenever I am sick...then I only have to worry when it doesn't work which so far hasn't happened...this is also our philosophy with my DD asthma...she will start breathing really really fast when sick but as long as the neb works we don't do the Dr. (I think some people would disagree with this approach but we have been dealing with this for years and I know the neb works so as long as it continues to do its job we just wait at home rather than the ER).
  24. Another momma to a puker over Christmas...poor baby girl couldn't keep any of the Christmas Eve yummies down. At least she slowed down a little due to being sick which makes my holidays a little less crazy. But she is sad she can't try out her new roller skates.
  25. That's the same one I ordered from...hoping this is a one time blip because I really like the planner but I hate that I ordered it months ago (Oct too) and did it for Christmas for my sisters :(
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