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Basketmaker Amy

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Everything posted by Basketmaker Amy

  1. Since 1993 when my oldest was born. I was a SAHM before I was a homeschooling mom. My oldest went to a Christian school from K-8th. My middle from K-5, and my youngest from k-2. We love homeschooling now.
  2. Praying that God's will be done. God is faithful. (((Hugs)))
  3. Violin - $25 per half hour at her home. Guitar - $18 per half hour at the church's music school. Piano - $23 per half hour at our home. We live on the West Coast of Florida.
  4. An interesting note---I found out from my school district that they will accept the College Board SAT as evaluations. My 7th grader took it this year, as well as my 9th grader. My 4th grader is going to take the Stanford SAT at the Christian school he attended two years ago. I think Pinellas County is very accommodating as far as what they accept for evaluations.
  5. Look at http://www.hargitthousefoundation.com. The program was given to my son by my parents when he was 9 and still wetting. It requires a lot of discipline on the types of food the child can have, but after about 6 weeks, he was completely dry....and hasn't had a problem since! (Praise the Lord). I learned that bedwetting is really more of a sleeping disorder. My son REALLY sleeps hard and wasn't waking himself up to go. The food choices also factor into the equation. (Now he doesn't have to watch what he eats.)
  6. We've had a really good year....more hits than misses! (I omitted things that were just "okay") Hits: SOTW II (with Biblioplan)---loved the knights and castles!, IEW-Medieval Lessons, Vocabulary Cartoons, Latin in the Christian Trivium (I and II), Latin Prep I, Jacob's Algebra and Geometry, IEW's Fix-It!, Simply Spelling, Singapore 4A/4B, MUS, Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox, Apologia's Astronomy, Biology, and General Science Misses: Spelling Workout, LCI
  7. Oh my is right. You poor dear. I will be praying for you and your family.
  8. Hey,:iagree: These are fun little guys!:party: Have a great day!:seeya:
  9. Margaret in CO has a dd there now. I remember her posting (on the old board) what her daughter did to get accepted at all the academies. My ds (15) is a freshman and has dreams of going there. I am giving him a solid background and will let him take a lot of classes at the community college. He is taking a drama class at the local high school here and was in their fall musical. He is also on their cross country team. He is an Eagle Scout and will probably go on to Sea Scouts. He has gone to several USNA functions in the area. He was fortunate to sit at the Superintendent of the Naval Academy's table for lunch in January. We visited Annapolis on vacation last summer and he loved it. Whenever he complains that I'm requiring more than his ps high school friends, I ask him if he really wants to go to the academy...it would be so much easier getting in a state university!!! You can glean a lot of information off their website. They are looking for well rounded individuals.
  10. Funny! I'm not a knitter, but a basketweaver! Buy more reed and patterns....:) Thanks for the smile.
  11. I started using it a couple of weeks ago. I like that it reminds me that my "holds" are ready for pickup.
  12. If you check out the FPEA website (http://www.FPEA.com), you can see the resolution. They also have some special tours and events planned for that day in Tallahassee. My boys have never been to Tallahassee and I thought it might be a good time to see it. I don't know if we will participate in all the events, however.
  13. (((Barb))) Prayers for you and your family. Please see a doctor and keep us posted.
  14. Thanks for your advice. Your trip to Italy sounds wonderful...especially the wine tasting!!! I like the idea of a base camp, too.
  15. Thanks for your input. I kind of like the idea of using a city as a base camp. Our boys are kind of split about where they want to go. Two want to go to Rome and Florence and one really wants to do France. I would like to see Italy, Switzerland and Austria. My husband doesn't have a preference. I wish we had more time to do it all! Thanks again!
  16. Hang in there! Be thankful you were debt free before this happened! Do as much as you can to stay debt free.
  17. We save a lot using the Grocery Game. (http://www.thegrocerygame.com) We have more food in our house and we are saving at least 40% each trip to the store. You could sign up for a 4 week trial (use my e-mail as a reference, please!) For a family of five (with 3 growing boys), our grocery budget is $400-450 a month (includes everthing...paper products, personal hygiene products, etc.) We were spending probably twice that before. Hope that helps.
  18. I was wondering about car vs rail. I'll be doing a lot of research! Thanks!
  19. Thanks for the advice. We are kind of "let's do all we can while we are here" kind of people, too! I will keep your suggestions on hand! Thanks!
  20. My boys leave a trail of dirty socks and stinky shoes. I'd rather have post-it notes!
  21. Hi, We are in the "dreaming" stages of going to Europe next summer with our 3 ds. I looked at the Rick Steve's Best of Family Europe Tour (14 days, $3595 plus air, less $200 per kid) and it looks great (except the price!) I was wondering how much we would save if we planned the trip ourselves? I wouldn't mind spending the time researching everything and we wouldn't mind lugging our stuff around (the boys would be 16,14, and 11). Anybody been there, done that? What kind of ballpark figure would I be looking at spending for a budget/moderate trip to Europe? As far as places we'd like to visit...Ancient Rome, Florence, Venice, some castles somewhere in Germany?, Switzerland, Austria, Paris. (I'd love to visit Greece and Spain...but don't think I could do that in 2 weeks. We are self employed and really couldn't be gone longer than 2 weeks) Thanks for any planning advice you can give. I have placed a request for Rick Steve's Best of Europe guide book, as well as his Back Door to Europe book. Back to dreamin'.....:):):)
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