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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Wow, that is interesting and rather odd :confused:. Thanks for finding that out. :) Charleigh, you're doing great :grouphug:. Just some of my thoughts: 1. Most don't weight or measure veggies. That's one thing that most eat lots of. 2. Most use lotion, etc. 3. Mine are also made in the USA. I think that all the hhcg pellets are. Great job with you and your dh also. :D Yes, most realize that 23 days is not enough. Most need 46. If on homeopathic, many go on for longer. Never heard of this. Was she on homeopathic? Never heard of such a thing. Yes, many doctors do advocate this diet, since the risks of being obese or extremely overweight are often great too. Many feel much healthier and better overall. This is not for life. It's for 26 or 43 days. When I'm on it, I feel better and lighter. Love that feeling. Sheer bliss. No achy joints. No feeling out of breath. And actually more energy. :)
  2. :iagree: It certainly does make a nice change. :D I respectfully disagree. It's meant to be a funny night, this once a year event. I didn't think anything about it was inappropriate. The President has an incredible amount of class. The person who lacks class is the racist one who demands his birth certificate all the time. Racism is certainly not class. We all know that if he was white, no one would ask for his birth certificate. Plus, class is being able to laugh at oneself and have some humor. :) If he can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. This is the nature of being in the public eye and attending the Correspondent's Dinner.
  3. :iagree: What a lovely weekend. In fact, what a great week. :D First, the wedding with Beatrice and Eugenie's hats and outfits. Then, the President's speech and The Donald's expression. Brilliant. :smilielol5: :lol: :smilielol5:
  4. IMHO, not nearly as good as The Book Thief, but still very good and worth reading. One of my favorites. I just love all of his books - Tuesdays with Morrie - every one of them. The movies are fabulous also. Very well done. My dh and I enjoyed them a lot.
  5. :iagree: Dh and I were saying how The Donald must be fuming. Absolutely livid :cursing:. If we know him, things could get pretty ugly. :ack2:
  6. MY FAVORITES The Help The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende and anything else by her, but this is her best. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Allende :D The Geography of Bliss – non-fiction, very insightful OTHER BOOKS THAT I HAVE LOVED (not in any particular order) The Five People You Meet in Heaven - if you're in the mood for a very, sweet and easy read - as are all of his books - Tuesdays with Morrie - and pretty much any other Mitch Albom book – we even got the DVDs of three of his books and really liked them Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg and most of her books - very sweet and light - and quite funny :) Funny in Farsi - if you need a nice laugh as well as her other book Laughing without an Accent Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett The Secret Life of Bees Harry Potter books Books by Maeve Binchy – light, fluffy, but also very accurate about human interactions and relationships OTHER BOOKS THAT I HAVE LIKED (not in any particular order) Dave Barry’s Only Travel Guide You’ll Ever Need – funny, funny, funny The No. Ladies Detective Agency series
  7. I just placed my first DHC order and am excited. Looks really good. :) I also LOVE Paula's Choice. :D I use the BHA gels at night. Love them so much. Not every night for me. Just every few nights and when I remember and am not feeling lazy.
  8. The rice and oat milks here have soy in them. I prefer to avoid soy also. Almond and goat's milk don't have soy or dairy.
  9. Thanks for finding these and linking them. My search button must have not been working when I tried. Yes. The minimum amount of time for P2 is 23 days. Amanda's right. There's some kind of protocol if you reach your goal before the 23 days.
  10. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: and there should be absolutely zero guilt. You deserve it. We all do.
  11. :iagree: It's not exactly like I wanted to invite him over to tea. :lol: The world is so full of injustice. A little bit of justice from time to time is nice. :)
  12. Now that's interesting. I wish all college professors would do this. Fabulous series. :)
  13. What's UBL? Is it to do with Pakistan? Thanks for sharing that today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Rather timely that I'm currently reading Night.
  14. Bill, it's all because of you, and also because of all the hoopla and hype with the Royal Wedding and all ... that after about 14 years, I'm soon going to re-read The Royals by Kitty Kelley. Pure trash, I know. But I cannot seem to resist. :lol: If anyone has any good book suggestions, please share.
  15. Added this to my wish list. Looks good. :) My dh's cousin wrote this :D. She's the sweetest, nicest person. She blogs from time to time on Huffington Post. I didn't like this one much either. I finished it, but not that great of a book. Quite a let-down after Book Thief. I really like the Guernsey book and The Book Thief. I'm sure I'll read Sarah's Key eventually. :)
  16. This is what concerns me also. It's not just Osama. There are plenty of others. It's wonderful that he's dead, but this is not just about one person. I wish it were as simple as that. And I hope it is as simple as that. Everyone thought Iran would change once Khomeini died back in 89 or maybe it was '90. Nothing has changed there. Iran is still the same. If not, much, much worse.
  17. Yes, this is not a book that I will easily forget. Thanks for the movie suggestion. :) Will look into it. This looks very good and I've added it to my wish list.
  18. Reading an extremely painful book, which I keep thinking that I should not be reading since I'm such a wimp. Very important nonetheless. The Holocaust, history of Israel, Anne Frank ... all of that fascinates me and gets me going. I just love, love, love Israel and cannot wait to re-visit there in a few months. :) Yet, this book is horribly sad. :( :( :(
  19. Well, after all that, the grocery store didn't even have goat's milk this week. The weekly shipment brought no goat's milk. :lol:
  20. Please, please, please share that link with me. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. Being here. :) Talking to dh. Groceries. Reading. Exercise, or thinking about it. ;) Sorry, but I haven't yet had time to thoroughly read your post. I will. Interesting question, but my initial reaction to your question was "nothing, I mean really, who has time for anything other than homeschooling and housekeeping?" :lol: The latter usually gets neglected in my case.
  22. Grace, great job on your loss! :grouphug: :D I think that the old threads have all been deleted. I disagree with that decision, but I respect it nonetheless. I would prefer it if they would be locked, but not deleted. No one, and I mean no one, that I know of or read about, has suffered side effects from HOMEOPATHIC hcg and it is most certainly allowed. I suggest that anyone who's interested visit the hcg forums and do their own research, particularly since we're not allowed to talk about it here. Again, I respect that, but I disagree. We're only trying to get healthy. That should be a noble goal in today's world. :) All it is is homeopathic, for crying out loud. Maybe next, ALL homeopathic threads will be banned? :confused: Using homeopathic cures for colds and flus and such. :confused: And it is funny how one weight loss OTC product All-e or whatever it's called - has horrible, horrible side effects - leaky bowels, etc. - yet it's okay to talk about that. :confused: We were allowed to talk freely about hcg here until someone incorrectly stated that homeopathic is not allowed. All because of that one person and that one statement. :rolleyes: Where is the fairness in that? Aren't we all intelligent people capable of doing our own research and making our own decisions? It surprises and disappoints me that that one person and her statement can sway the ultimate and final decision.
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