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Everything posted by Negin

  1. :party: :iagree: Very good advice. Nope. Not me. Only a few headaches in the 2nd round and on the first few days. Some experience headaches and/or itchy skin in the first few days. Magnesium supplements, drinking enough water, and getting enough rest all help with the former. Dry body brushing before showering helps with the latter. Your body's getting rid of toxins, that's why some get itchy skin. I actually have more energy while on hcg. Everyone's body is different.
  2. Would you say this book is worth reading if I know the general gist of the story? I keep wondering about this. I read Half Broke Horses a few months ago. Liked it a lot. Glass Castle is very good, but also very painful for me at times. I'm a wimp when it comes to reading about this sort of stuff. Movies, well, I'm even worse when it comes to movies. Welcome. I don't think you have to join this list. I never did. I just started posting ... :) I read I Am a Messenger about a year or so ago. Not as good as The Book Thief, I thought. No surprise there. It's hard to outdo The Book Thief. But it was good nonetheless. It was really very different to The Book Thief. Can't really compare the two.
  3. Depends. I would say the Cadbury's, but the Mars is heavenly also. The Mars one is a bit less sweet, I think. They're both joy, absolute joy! :D
  4. I love the Mars Eggs also. :D I think that in the U.K., they have all of them year-round, not just at Easter ... I think. ;)
  5. Not really very hungry on the 1st round (a round is each time you go on it). This time, the 2nd round has been a bit more difficult. Yes, it's not really physical hunger, at least not for me. More mental. When the whole family gets to eat what they want - pizza, Nutella with waffles ;), ice cream, whatever ... you do feel a bit deprived. But the good thing is that it's not so much physical hunger. I can now pretty much tell the difference, which is a good thing for me, since I am very, very much an emotional eater. It hasn't been for me, but everyone is different. I guess you won't know unless you try it, or read up more about it. I do want to add that I've seldom succeeded on diets, at least not for many, many years. I've been the poster girl for anti-diets and moderation in all things - just exercise more and eat less, I used to say. But that approach wasn't doing much for me at all anymore. Just felt healthier, but wasn't losing anything. I was constantly in the maintenance or gaining mode. Strong as an ox. But not doing too well in the weight or even clothing size department. Just saying what worked for me. Maybe something else will work for me in a few years' time. Weight will always be an issue for me. I've come to accept that. Not complaining. Just pointing it out. :) :party: Great job! To me, whatever works is great. :D
  6. Love them, love them, love them. :D Anything Cadbury's, Nutella, Toblerone or Lindt ... heaven. :D
  7. Just started The Glass Castle This is not the cover of the edition that I have. I just happen to like this cover more. :)
  8. Joanne is right. Did you get my PM? My suggestion: sit down when you have time and are uninterrupted. For me, that means waking up before everyone. Get a cup of tea and read, read, read. Or, better yet, if you can, copy and paste the posts that are of interest to you. As well as other info online. I spent months reading on it before diving in. :)
  9. One thing that I have often read and that seems to help me is that whatever dandruff shampoo you use, to leave it on for at least 15, but preferably 30 minutes, to really let it soak in. Other tips for dandruff in case anyone's interested. Good reminder for me also, since I suffer from this from time to time. Get your Omega-3s – oysters, beef, pork, chicken legs. 3000 mg Omega 3s. Flaxseed Oil/Fish Oil – helps to relieve itching and inflammation. But make sure to get a good, high-quality fish oil, such as Carlson's. Dandruff is connected to an unhealthy digestive system – eat more plain yogurt, garlic, and oregano. Take some good probiotics. Get more zinc. Zinc is essential for healthy hair and for preventing and treating dandruff. Get zinc from foods such as lean beef, chicken, and chickpeas. B12: Liver, beef, pork, eggs, yogurt Vitamin F: Vegetable Oils, Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts B6: Liver, Legumes, Whole Grain Cereals, Fish Selenium: Bran, Wheat Germ, Broccoli, Onions, Tomatoes, Tuna Avoid/Watch Out For: Dairy Products (other than yogurt) Irritating Shampoos or Soaps Sugar Fried Foods Chocolate Do not pick or scratch your scalp.
  10. :iagree: This is very interesting. Copying, pasting, and will be reading this info. Thanks for sharing, Rosie. :grouphug: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: Pretty much everything that everyone has said so far. My favorite book (and to me, if most people followed it, most would get healthier and lose weight) is Food Rules. I keep telling myself to make a plan and just focus on one new rule each week or each month or whatever, until it becomes a habit.
  11. Anything by Paula's Choice. Love her stuff. I really like how one does not need a separate eye cream when getting her moisturizers. Paula really knows her stuff and is amazing. Lately, I keep hearing fabulous stuff about this line and I just placed an order.
  12. Soooo many ... these days it's stuff by Eminem, Pink, you name it. Our kids have made me more trendy. :) Otherwise, love anything by Queen - Radio Ga Ga - especially his live performance at the Live Aid concert. Man, could he do music. :D
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm making Belgian Waffles this morning. The family likes them with strawberries, whipped cream, and Nutella. :D
  14. Pretty much every single Billy Joel song reminds us of driving in Long Island one weekend. Radio stations there play him a lot for obvious reasons. Total Eclipse of the Heart reminds me of the town where I grew up in South Wales, since Bonnie Tyler is from the same town. This one we just love - so very Caribbean. :D And my dh's record company just produced . :D This is pure Grenada.
  15. Our courtship/dating period - dh picked me up at the airport in San Diego. :D And this song was playing. It's been one of our songs ever since.
  16. :iagree: :iagree: Listened to this this morning while making bfast. :D Have you seen this video? :D I like this song a lot. As our dc have gotten older, my tastes are changing with them. Yep. Yes, these also.
  17. Yes, lots of contemporary music. We're Baha'is and there are all sorts to choose from.
  18. I agree. When I'm good and motivated, we do this also. My poor dc, they have no choice in the matter. :lol: :lol: :iagree: I take a long nap pretty much every day. It's an acquired taste. There are many juicing books with great recipes. But ideally, you don't want to make them too sweet. It's fine at first. But later on, it's better to have more veggies in the juice and less fruit. Juicing has so many benefits that raw veggies don't. Raw veggies are fabulous and more important. But juicing veggies has its special place also. Thanks, Peela. Your comment about "nothing very exciting" made me giggle. :lol: I often wonder if my iron levels are low. But each time I'm tested, I'm fine. I need to remember to eat liver more often. Liver is amazing for me. Whenever I have it for breakfast, I'm ready to zoom through the day. :D
  19. I fully agree that the French and Mediterranean diets are very healthy. I wish we ate like that all the time. But sadly, it's not necessarily true, that breast cancer rates are significantly lower in France. As the world moves more towards fast food and a Western diet, breast cancer rates also increase - as do all cancers and other health problems. Sad, sad, sad.
  20. He could try making changes in as many areas as he can and see how it goes. Give it a few months. If his blood pressure doesn't improve, which, to me, is unlikely, then he could very slowly cut back on the number of cups. He may not need to give it up entirely. Just have slightly less and monitor it throughout. I'm a big believer in moderation, except when drastic measures need to be taken, which is oftentimes rare. Thanks for clarifying that. You said it far better than I would have. :) Love this. Love it when natural stuff works. :D
  21. I went to Devon as a child and loved it. Would love to go back. And I can just taste the cream tea right now. :D Wish we could go on this trip - not enough time and it's further out than Wales. No good bookstores here. Yes, I did lots of research on Trip Advisor before booking. :)
  22. :iagree: Dd made some clothes at a recent fashion show. She was the youngest designer there and the song for her selection was "Firework". :) All the ones you mentioned are amongst my favorites also.
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