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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Silica aids in hair growth and makes the hair strong and shiny. The amount of silica that your body holds tends to decline with age. Good food sources include: beets, leafy green vegetables, bananas, and whole grains. Sea salt – particularly Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salts – are full of minerals- 84 compared to 2 in refined table salt. If there is one thing lacking in modern diets, it is minerals, far more so than vitamins. Use Seaweed Gomasio to season your food, rather than iodized salt. Seaweed Gomasio has a good source of iodine, which is essential for healthy hair. Available from amazon Increase your iodine intake with mineral-rich sea vegetables (agar, hijiki, kombu, nori, and wakame) at least twice a week. Hijiki Seaweed has properties that are helpful for maintaining healthy hair. You can eat as much seaweed as you want. Brown seaweeds are highest in iodine. They include all forms of kelp. Fucus, also known as Bladderwrack, is considered to be the best for underactive thyroids. Hijiki and Sargassum are two other forms of brown seaweeds. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss, and Gracillaria. Since toasting doesn’t affect seaweed’s iodine content, you can eat it dried or dried and toasted. Toast some in the oven or in a dry frying pan to see if you prefer that taste. You can also powdered seaweed to your food or add larger pieces of seaweed to soups, grains, or vegetables. Seaweed should be an enjoyable addition to your diet, not an unpleasant experience. If you simply don’t like its taste, you can get it in capsules. Use 5-10 grams of mixed brown and red seaweed for thyroid problems. This is about 1 ½ teaspoons per day. Not all seaweeds are safe to eat. Some come from polluted waters. Be more cautious and talk to a naturopath if you’re on thyroid meds and want to try seaweed. Eat more of the following foods rich in B Vitamins and other needed minerals and vitamins essential for hair. Beef Liver Brown rice Bulgur Cabbage Citrus Fruits Eggs Leafy Greens including Spinach Lentils Nuts Oats Rice Bran Salmon Sunflower Seeds Walnuts Wheat Germ Unprocessed Whole Grains Make sure that your diet contains ample essential fatty acids. Eat fish 2—3 times a week (not deep-fried) - salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel Zinc strengthens and aids the natural oils that coat the hair shaft. Zinc is found in lean meats, nuts, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds and yogurt Juicing veggies is very beneficial, for overall health also. Juicing is one of the best things you can do for your health and beauty. Try to juice as often as you can.
  2. I have hair loss tips here. Sorry that they're long and overwhelming. Do with them as you wish. As far as the swelling in your ankle goes - yes, listen to your chiro, even seek out other alternative practitioners if you can - acupuncture is superb, holistic doctors, etc. I know this sounds silly - but are you drinking enough water and/or having too much salt and processed foods? You probably know all this already. ----- When carrying out any of these methods, remember to be patient. Normal hair growth should resume within 6 months after starting any supplement or making any dietary or other change. EAT MORE The healthy condition of the hair depends, to a very large extent, on the intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet. Hair is made of protein and adequate protein is necessary for luxuriant hair. Protein makes up the building blocks of healthy hair. Women require 60 grams, men 80 to 90, adolescent boys and girls 80 to 100 grams of protein. It is supplied by plain yogurt, tofu, soy milk, eggs, cheese, poultry, meat and fish. According to Adelle Davis, a world famous nutritionist, "Increasing the intake of protein, particularly of liver, wheat germ and yeast, and supplementing the diet with a teaspoon of inositol daily usually stops a man's hair from falling, and I have seen three or four persons whose hair became thick after these improvements were made." Persons with a tendency to lose hair should follow a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods which in combination should supply all the essential nutrients. It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables, and fruits would provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. Each food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal. These foods should, however, be supplemented with certain special foods such as honey, wheat germ, yeast and liver. A lack of vitamin A may cause the hair to be coarse and ugly. A deficiency of some of the B vitamins, of iron, copper and iodine may cause hair disorders like falling of hair and premature greying. • Brown Rice • Lentils • Sunflower Seeds • Oats • Quinoa These all contain B vitamins and Biotin needed for healthy hair growth Up to 90 percent of women who experience hair loss also suffer from low iron levels. Iron builds red blood cells, carries oxygen, and aids in hair growth. Eat at least 3 daily servings of iron-rich foods Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by as much as 30%. So drinking orange juice, eating strawberries, tomatoes, green peppers, etc. along with your iron-rich foods is a good idea. Iron-rich foods include: Eggs Fish Liver Meat Poultry Leafy green vegetables Whole grains Almonds Raisins Cumin is very rich in iron (above 66 mg. in each 100 grams) which is more than 5 times the daily requirement of iron for an adult. Cumin boosts energy. It’s also anti-inflammatory and inhibits the buildup of harmful protein deposits in the brain to boost mental energy. Raw liver - I have done this and may do it again Cut into chunks and put in freezer for 14 days if possible to kill any minute germs that may be on or in it. Pull out a chunk each day and cut into tablet size pieces when frozen (easier to cut while frozen). Voila - frozen liver tablets, with much more oomph than any liver capsules you can buy, also way cheaper! Frozen – there is no taste or smell Chug them down with water or citrus-based juice (which increases iron absorption) It's easier to cut into small pieces while frozen. You can have up to 10 liver 'tablets' a day - or more if you want! A lot of people turn up their noses and reject the idea outright, but hey, it works - you don't get constipated, and energy recovery is very immediate (liver has an unexplained anti-fatigue effect). If you know that you will need lots of energy for the day, you can have twice the normal dose. If you’re worried about toxins in liver, remember that the liver is a filter of toxins, not a toxin storage area. The liver shunts the toxins off to other areas to be stored or excreted. Of course, it is more ideal if you can get organic grass-fed beef liver, but any healthy liver is better than none at all. I have the liver daily, and have never had any problem. Cooking liver makes it slightly less usable by the body for increasing ferritin. You have to have 4x the amount of lightly cooked liver to have the same effect as raw. Foods rich in Biotin, B6, and B12 These 3 B vitamins promote growth from the follicle. Eggs are the best source, oral B-12, and or taking a good multi B vitamin. Cheeses, salmon, nuts and nut butters
  3. Thank you. I'll be sure to get it. Also need to look at It's Perfectly Normal.
  4. Factual, not cutesy, might be hard :confused:. Secular, I think these are secular. I haven't bought them yet, but they've been in my amazon cart for a while. The Boy's Body Book What's Happening to Me? There's a girl's edition also. This is a very good book on sexuality, but it's probably too cutesy. Looking forward to seeing what others recommend.
  5. :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: I can't spend more than a minute or so on that site without getting a headache and irritable. :001_huh: Layout, grammar, etc. - if any of those annoy me, I leave. :leaving:
  6. :iagree: I never understand why some moms are fixated on an age when it comes to issues of personal hygiene. I allowed my dd to shave her legs when she felt the need. It's not that big of a deal, IMHO.
  7. All of this. :) I love Color Me Beautiful. Helped me a lot in my teens and twenties. I wish they would update their book, etc. I get my brows done once a month. Flat irons are fabulous. I seldom use mine, however. Noticed hair loss. Only use it for special occasions.
  8. Agreeing with all that you said. Great reminders. I have grays, more and more of them, now that I'm 43. I never really wanted to color. Don't know if I should. Dh prefers my grays. My dd does not. :confused: My hairdresser loves my grays. As far as color goes, I once read that the most flattering hair color is what our natural hair color was at the age of 2. :)
  9. Yes, demand depends on where she plans to live. I was an esthetician in my former life ;). I left home at the age of 16 and studied for one year in the U.K. Ran my own business at the age of 17-20. It wasn't very lucrative at that time in Grenada, back in the '80s. Plus, I was very, very young. I would not encourage my dd to do this unless if she really and truly loves it. Can she possibly spend some time "shadowing" or being with an esthetician?
  10. :iagree: This was our experience also. Dh and I both loved Crazy Stupid Love. In fact, dh saw it first and really wanted me to see it. I was skeptical. We also loved The Help - dd included. To me, they did a great job of it and the book is one of my all-time favorites.
  11. Stacia, yes, Ryan Gosling is a great actor. He's on one of my pinterest pages Thanks for the link to the thread. Will check it out soon. And yes, it was nice to see Kevin Bacon as well as Marisa Tomei. We really liked the cast.
  12. Is anyone having trouble rearranging their boards on pinterest? I've been trying for more than a day or so and it keeps giving me a failed message. :confused: I want my boards to be in a different order. Is that asking for too much? :tongue_smilie:
  13. Stacia, thank you. Hoping we can see it here. Sounds really good BTW, on a completely different note, did you and your dh get to see Crazy Stupid Love? At first, I didn't care for it, but once the movie get going, I really liked it. Thought of you since you and your dh see quite a lot of movies :D.
  14. Thanks for clarifying. :) :lol: I love that site for a good laugh. :lol: I also don't care what others are wearing, but that site makes me laugh all the time. And yes, there has been many a time when I've laughed till I've cried. I absolutely love the comments section too - the descriptions - dripping with funny sarcasm :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. No, I've never heard of it until now. Thank you. Will look into it. :) Yes, I agree. I read it a while ago, but I tend to mainly prefer her older stuff. I've always loved Maeve Binchy for my light reading.
  16. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I was glued to the TV watching it while living in the U.K. He was THE BEST. Miss him so much. This is one of our favorite performances of his. Amazing. :D
  17. Carlson's is our favorite. Our kids take the teen version - gel caps. Dh takes gel caps also. And I take the liquid.
  18. True. I agree. :iagree: I've seen some pretty interesting (scary) things and I'm not even one who stares. :lol: What's a whale tail? :confused:
  19. check out Google today. :D It's worth hitting "play". I LOVE Google images. Love, love, love his music. He was an absolute genius. For those who can't get it on Google, .
  20. Thank you for reminding me not to. BTW, your avatar always makes me smile. This is one of our all-time favorite books. I'm going to put in on my pinterest board later. We are huge Bill Peet fans. :D
  21. I finished The Good Earth yesterday. I liked it much more than I thought I would. I hope that dc will read this when they're older, or maybe we'll read it together. Dh read it many years ago and has been wanting me to read it for what seems like forever. Me too. :D Not sure what book I'll be starting this week. First I want to finish my copy of National Geographic. Love Nat Geo. :) Right now I'm reading about orphan elephants. Fascinating, sad, and very interesting.
  22. As far as I know, yes. :iagree: but then as someone reminded me, it's better than the alternative ;). :grouphug: So very sorry. Can you give waxing another try? I can understand not wanting to. There are certain tips to make waxing less painful and sensitive. I can share those if anyone's interested. Nope. :) Not if it's done correctly. You need to do your research beforehand. One of my last choices. Me personally. My preferences in order if I can remember them correctly: 1. Electrolysis - no tweezing in between treatments! 2. Waxing 3. Threading (or maybe this is 2 - I just don't have much experience with it, but have heard great stuff) 3. Depilatory Creams - but I really don't like them 4. Shaving 5. Tweezing - I hate tweezing since it irritates the follicle - but sometimes it needs to be done :glare:
  23. If your budget allows and if you're patient, electrolysis is my absolute favorite. I studied all this many years ago. Trust me, it works. But you do have to be patient. Gone forever. Bye bye hairs, hello happiness :D! ETA: I would never, ever shave my facial hairs. Stubble. My dh would complain that it's like kissing a man's beard. It wouldn't work for me. I'm too hairy to shave and 5 PM shadow. Yuck. I used to tweeze every other day for many years. Big mistake. They eventually, after MANY years, grew back thicker and stubblier. Hair removal creams were a pain for me. Waxing is okay and I do it for underarms, etc. and even my brows, but not for upper lip/chin hairs. My skin there is more sensitive. Laser is not something I like and it wouldn't work well apparently on my coloring. Every time I've gone for electrolysis - my unibrow in my college years - and my upper lip more recently - the hairs never, ever grew back. Perfect! But again, you need to be patient. If you need tips and details, let me know.
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