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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Your doctor is annoying me and I haven't even met him. Considering that most MDs barely cover nutrition in med school and really don't know much about it at all, I think it's all rubbish. Carlson's and Nordic Naturals are superb. The supplements you listed are great. Yes, quality is key. Doctors should, IMHO, generally avoid giving advice on nutrition and supplements. I have yet to meet one who's truly knowledgeable. Here's some info on supplements you listed, etc. WHAT I LIKE TO AVOID Many “one-a-day†formulas - Theragram-M, Geritol, Centrum usually: • Have such long ingredient lists (a red flag for me!) with synthetic coloring, waxes, and other undesirable ingredients – this is my main reason for avoiding them • Are too low in potency – most one-a-day formulas cannot possibly give you high enough potencies of nutrients. Peela said this: There simply isn’t enough room to pack a lot of nutrients into a single capsule. Do be aware that a good multivitamin and mineral formula requires that you take it in larger quantities – from 3-6 capsules daily. This may seem like a lot, but it’s not. When it comes to herbs, and often minerals and vitamins, most of the time, the quantity and potency is so very, very low, that it really isn’t going to do anything much at all. I prefer to research all the brands and see which has the highest dosage, or I have found that I may need to double or triple the dose. I have to admit that due to financial constraints, I seldom do this these days, unless I'm focusing on a specific health concern. I do believe that nutrition (healthy diet) is first and foremost. • Are often poorly absorbed Anything that is multi-marketed. Supplements from multi-marketed companies are obviously going to cost much more. The supplements may be good, but remember that you’re paying for a wealth system that may play on people’s greed. Any supplement (usually they are minerals) that has the word “oxideâ€. The oxide form of any is the cheapest source of that mineral. Most of the cheaper brands include oxide to cut down on costs, but these brands do our bodies no good, since they’re barely absorbed. Any supplement that has vitamin E as dl-alpha – dl-alpha is synthetic and junk. Any supplement that has calcium carbonate – ditto, as above Most brands at Walmart, Costco, etc. But this doesn’t always apply. Some brands at these larger stores are fine. You'll have to do your own research to know. Just because the supplement is sold at Walmart or Costco does not that it’s necessarily bad. You need to look at the ingredients. are the same.
  2. The only one that I keep re-reading is The Geography of Bliss – non-fiction, very insightful, humorous. Wish he would write more. Other books I've loved other than many that have already been mentioned: The Help The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende and anything else by her, but this is her best. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Allende The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy .. but the first book is quite boring and confusing in the first 60-70 pages. Hang in there. It does get better! Yes, they are graphic. But I tend to look beyond that and just focus on the story Roots by Alex Haley
  3. Love all of these. The only one I haven't yet read is Mansfield Park. How do you put hearts on your posts? Yes, all of these also. Although I do prefer A Thousand Splendid Suns to Kite Runner.
  4. Love Maeve Binchy, and yes, I also prefer her earlier stuff. I keep adding this to my wish list and taking it off. Not sure if I'll like it or not.
  5. Me too. :) All of these. I grew up on Jilly Cooper :lol:. I also used to love Jackie Collins. :D Never thought I would say that here. ;) I've loved both of these. Going to probably get Rebecca again and see if dd would like to read it. I read it when I was 14. Love this. Need to read it again.
  6. Me too. :) All of these. I grew up on Jilly Cooper :lol:. I also used to love Jackie Collins. :D Never thought I would say that here. ;) I've loved both of these. Going to probably get Rebecca again and see if dd would like to read it. I read it when I was 14.
  7. Julia, just wanted to mention that I really liked it. As Stacia mentioned, very sweet, some sadness, and some humor all mixed in. Stacia, thanks for this link. Will check it out. Yes, I read that also. That many read less than 5 or so. Gosh, that would be like torture for me. Most adults that I know IRL are like that. :lol: Sorry ... The Kitchen House looks very good. Added it to my ever-growing wish list. :D Do yourself a favor, :grouphug:, watch Tale of Two Cities instead and feel no guilt. :D This is a fabulous one. Hope you find the library copy, however. There have been many Charles Dickens stuff - where so far, I've only seen the movie. Sometimes, although this totally goes against my way of thinking, with Dickens, it has helped many to see the movie first. I couldn't for the life of me get into Martin Chuzzlewit. Kept trying and trying. Finally, saw the DVD and we loved it. Thank you so much. I have a Kindle and love it. Never thought I would. Most of the free books, however, are not books that I like very much. The ones that I love and really want to read are still quite costly on Kindle. Good to know. Thank you. Robin, thanks ever so much. I may take you up on your very kind offer before any trips to the U.S. That would cut down on shipping costs. Since we put everything in a barrel. If you were to mail them to me, I'd have to pay you a lot for postage. :grouphug: You've been in my thoughts and prayers a lot. Thanks, Nikki. Yes, we use Book Depository a lot. But the government charges a minimum of $10 US per package that arrives here. :glare: No second-hand bookstores, etc. here. Sometimes I feel that I'm the only one on the island who reads. I know that's not true. But I feel like I am. Good to know. I woke up this morning and this was one of the first things on my mind. I kept wondering what your user name meant. :lol: I hadn't even seen this thread.
  8. Thinking again about your post. Maybe the fact that he was on a juice only diet for 4 weeks. I've never done that. I could see how that could make some people constipated. Also, the type of juices are important also. Variety is needed.
  9. :iagree: I don't subscribe to Mercola's emails. I read the occasional article by him. Sometimes I learn a lot or it leads me into a great new direction. An open mind is helpful. I'm not impressed with most doctors these days. In all my 43 years, I can probably count on one hand the number doctors I've been happy with. Me neither. Last resort for me. :iagree: I cannot stand Quackwatch. :glare:
  10. That is interesting. Is he drinking enough water as well? If he's often constipated, one of the best supplements ever is Triphala. Fabulous stuff. Take two to four 500 mg tablets just before bedtime – for a total of 1000-2000 mg per day Benefits of Triphala: Bowel-regulating formula – because it operates as a bowel tonic rather than a laxative, it is safe to take every day and for life Anti-inflammatory properties Anti-bacterial properties Anti-cancer properties Immune enhancing properties Treats entire digestive system Helps with constipation, hemmorrhooids, diarrhea, indigestion and bloating Helps with liver detoxification and cleansing Wonderful cleansing agent
  11. The Anti Cancer book cites a few studies showing the correlation between milk and acne. I love that book. You can also do a search online. Milk is probably the #1 acne culprit when it comes to dietary causes. I wish I'd known that in my teens and twenties. I used to drink it like it was going out of style, thinking I was doing myself a favor.
  12. Thinking of you and hoping that all is well. I love Emerita. :)
  13. I do so wish that skirts would be sold/suggested/displayed with matching/suitable tops. I have the hardest time finding tops to go with skirts. Because of that, I seldom buy skirts. Drives me nuts.
  14. Julia, yes, I'm enjoying it. A Duty to the Dead looks very good also. I loved all the HP books and look forward to someday re-reading them (for the 3rd time!). I love HP so much, that I have a whole board dedicated to it on my pinterest page. :D :iagree: Stacia, I've often wondered as to whether I'll like Rule of Four or not. I loved Da Vinci Code. Great job! :grouphug: :D I've reluctantly decided to have my personal goal be 26 books per year. I'm not thrilled about this at all. Two reasons: 1. time - I guess I could make the time, but I am getting more and more busy - aren't we all, I guess. 2. main reason: $$$ - the lack of a decent library here - I simply can't afford to buy 52 books per year. 26 is hard enough. No paperback swap to this part of the world. :confused: Nothing like that. Oh well, at least I can do 26. I've already attained that goal for 2011.
  15. I added this to my wish list. I assume that it's funny - something I always enjoy. :)
  16. Robin, also thank you for reminding us about Banned Books Week. Very good to know. Can't believe it's that time of year already. The year is flying by OR I'm just getting older. ;) You're sweet and you're most welcome. :) I hear you. That's always hard. I've spent the past 2 days going through my wish list on amazon - decluttering the list and organizing it. In the comments section, I added in who recommended a particular book or who loved one, etc. I have one right up there on the list that you recommended - the letters written in the Depression-era one. :)
  17. Robin, I so look forward to this weekly thread and am grateful to you for starting it. :D :grouphug: I'm reading The Tower, the Zoo, and The Tortoise. Liking it a lot so far. It's particularly enjoyable since we were just there. Our hotel was only a few blocks away.
  18. Good for you :D. My suggestions: Do make sure to load properly, Very, very important. Read, read, read. Those who have not done the above have not done very well on hcg. Best of luck to you. :)
  19. I prefer very specific lingerie stores. I didn't have much luck at Nordstrom's at all and was very disappointed. I had better luck at VS and Soma's, but neither was incredible either. I went to a very specific lingerie-only store in Wales and she was great. I like those kind of stores, like the ones you see on Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. I envy those who have access to those places. So think: smaller independent specialist lingerie shops. Someone wrote that in such a place the bra fitting lady was so good she actually told her her bra size just by looking at her. She did the proper measurements after to prove it & was spot on. I had the same experience in Wales. When you go in be sure to ask specifically for the fitter - not just any sales associate. If they just stick a tape measure over your clothes, they’re most likely not very knowledgeable at all. Be prepared...a good bra fitter is not shy about just reaching her hand right in and adjusting everything. Make sure the person fitting you can tell you why she is recommending the bras she shows you and ask -and expect to receive good answers. Walk out (nicely, of course) if you have doubts - you don't have to buy to please them - just you. :) Here are some tips: Measure your bra size every year - more frequently if you have major body changes (e.g., weight loss or gain, pregnancy, etc.). Replace your bras every six months. Most bras get worn out from laundering and wear after about six months. Check your bras occasionally for signs of wear and tear like stretched out straps and/or underwires that poke, which signal that a bra is ready for retirement. Just a Few More Bra-Shopping Tips When you look at yourself in the mirror the band should be level all the way around. Most women don't wear the band low enough in the back. In the side view the center of your br@asts should be about halfway between your shoulder and your elbow. The bra should be level. The part just below the br@ast should be level with the part on your back. This gives you support and lift. Women are generally wearing their bras too high on their backs. Speaking of the sides, if your cup runneth over and your br@asts are pushing over the sides of your bra, go for the next larger cup size. Your bra should be level front to back so you get a lift and it looks beautiful in the front. The biggest part of the br@ast should be between your armpit and your elbow. There are obvious clues your bra is the wrong size: If your cups runneth over, it's time to go up a cup size. If your cups dimple, it's time to go down a cup size. If you have the dreaded back fat, you probably think your bra is too tight, but you're wrong—your bra is too big. Wearing the bra lower on your back with a smaller band size will completely eliminate the back fat. If your strap falls down, that means your bra band is riding up and you probably need to go down a band size. Buy a bra that fits when you put it on the first set of hooks. That way as it ages and stretches you can keep moving in on the hooks and still have a great fit. If your straps leave deep, red marks or dig into your shoulders, you probably need more support. Look for a bra with wider straps, a wider band at the bottom and more support at the sides, too. • If you have big br@asts - it's essential to wear a bra that fits you properly; a good bra will lift the boobs and give definition to the waist. • Balcony bras look great on girls with large chests. • Avoid thin back straps unless you are totally fatless or you will end up with unsightly back bulges under your clothes. Finally, just to add a bit of humor to the whole experience, I read this on the SL forums years ago. A homeschooling mom wrote how she was in Budapest or maybe somewhere else in Hungary. She was at one of those outdoor market type places. Now imagine a rosy-cheeked, round-faced, plump Eastern European lady selling bras. Homeschooling mom is looking at them. Eastern European lady doesn't speak English and the mom doesn't speak Hungarian. Hungarian lady grabs her br@easts (all in the public and outdoors mind you :lol:), hands her a bra. She buys it with some skepticism. Then she wrote that never, ever did a bra that fit so perfectly as that one. :lol: Guess we all need to find that lady in Hungary :D :lol:.
  20. Many that have already been mentioned: Waking Ned Devine - Irish Chocolat - not sure if it was foreign or not - don't think it's particularly kid-friendly
  21. This is my dh's favorite film of all time. :) I love it also.
  22. Being Iranian, I appreciate your suggestions. :) Dh and I saw Gabbeh before having our dc. Have not seen Baran. Mind you, I really dislike the depressing stuff. Have you seen: Offside (fine for kids - we all love this) Lizard Maxx (fine for kids and very funny)
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