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  1. This is not to say that these methods will definitely cure any or all of the above, but they certainly cannot hurt and may prove very beneficial. I know, from my own personal experience, that they have really helped me. DRY BODY BRUSHING (skin brushing) helps to get rid of toxins from the body’s largest eliminatory organ, the skin. Some of its many benefits: Improves lymphatic drainage and detoxification – helping to carry toxins and waste products out of the body Increases energy in a big way! Helps to really take care of your skin – your skin starts to glow and becomes more smooth and less rough - dry skin is nourished. Breaks up fatty deposits and helps areas of cellulite Stimulates circulation and blood flow to increase nutrient delivery to cells Assists in exfoliation – removing dead, dry skin cells Feels fabulous! Great for preparing the skin before shaving, waxing, or other hair removal methods – also great a few days after – helping with possible ingrown hairs You can get one like this from amazon, Target, or any good health store Dry body brushing is really quite simple and takes about 3-7 minutes every morning. I usually have a song playing and brush from the song’s start to finish. Brush either before a workout or before a shower – whichever comes first. The main lymph nodes are located in the groin, the armpits, the neck and the chest. Start with the soles of your feet and work your way up. Brush all over – your feet, up your legs, up your stomach to your breasts, over your buttocks, to your waist, your neck and chest area. You don’t have to do the entire body every day. I prefer to focus on different areas each day – upper body or lower body – due to time limitations. Use circular or long sweeping motions – do whatever works best for you.
  2. Yes, you should see your doctor ASAP. :grouphug: Swollen lymph nodes are very common. I've been learning more and more about the lymphatic system in the past few years. I find it fascinating. Given that you are okay overall, there are definitely things that you can do, that all of us should ideally try to do, since a healthy lymphatic system is essential for overall health. When I studied beauty and massage therapy in Britain (many years ago!), the lymphatic system was taught to us endlessly and talked about all the time. In Europe, stimulation of lymph flow is the 4th most commonly prescribed medical treatment. Yet in the U.S., it is seldom considered and its essential role in preventing illness is largely ignored. Some of the organs that are part of the lymphatic system are lymph nodes and lymph veins, the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and the spleen. These organs are essential for overall health and wellbeing. The lymphatic system can be likened to your body’s garbage can. A healthy lymphatic system rids you of toxins such as trapped protein, bacteria, viruses, dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other forms of junk cast off by the cells. Many people have badly congested lymphatics and don’t even know it. Symptoms of congested lymphatics and blocked lymph nodes are many. Just some of them include: Allergies Arthritis Asthma Bacterial infections Cancer Cellulite Chronic Sinusitis Ear or balance problems Eczema and other skin conditions Edema Excessive sweating Fatigue Fibrocystic disease Headaches Heart disease High blood pressure Inflammation Loss of Energy Low back pain Lupus Multiple Sclerosis Obesity Parasitic Infections (repetitive, possible sign of weak immunity) Prostatitis Puffy eyes Rosacea Skin Problems Sinus Congestion Swollen Glands Swollen Lymph Nodes Thyroid Disorders Viral infections Weakened Immune System The lymphatic system needs help in order to circulate efficiently. Since it isn’t connected to the heart, lymphasizing (methods of boosting lymphatic circulation) are essential and should be done regularly and as often as possible. These methods help to cleanse you out and involve any of the following: Dry Body brushing Deep breathing Rebounding/Bouncing on a trampoline (children love to bounce on beds!) Massage Swinging – as in sitting on a swing (again, think why children love swings. They know what's good for them!)
  3. We had them several months ago and I had no idea what they were. None of us knew. Then when it got really bad, a quick search online told me what it was. I went to war. Major war. :D Put items prone to weevils into the freezer for 4 days. This will kill the microscopic larvae and prevent any weevils from hatching. Do this with your flour, corn meal, grits, rice, spices and similar items. Store things you can't put into the freezer for four days in sealable glass or plastic canisters or in sealablel plastic bags. These include cereals, dried fruits, crackers and cookies. Weevils can even invade seeds that are stored for planting, decorative corn, bean bag toys or chairs and other inedible items where seeds and grains are used. If you have a weevil problem in a box of cereal or bag of popcorn it will be contained in one sealed bag (the store bags are not OK once they're opened) that you can throw out or empty-outside-and clean. Throw away anything infested by tying it closed in a plastic grocery bag and taking it outside immediately. Throw out everything that you know to be infested. For items that you aren't sure about, put all of these that you can in the freezer for that four day period. Wash your pantry cupboards down with very hot soapy water, making sure that you get the hot suds in all the nooks and crannies. If you have shelf paper it would be best to take it out and replace it--again, throwing it away outside. Rinse the cupboards with clear hot water and a sponge or dish rag. Let the cabinets dry and then spray them well with an insecticide that says on the label that it kills weevils. Ask at your home store or hardware store if the local department store doesn't carry this. Spray into all those nooks and crannies and then close your cabinets for four to six hours. Wipe the area with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil to discourage weevils from resurfacing. Make it a habit to put staples into the freezer for four days whenever you buy them. Place a dried bay leaf in each container or bag of stored flour. This will discourage weevil infestation. Use flour regularly. Leaving flour in the pantry too long will encourage pest infestation. The faster it is used, the fresher it is, and the fewer the chances for infestation. Purchase only the amounts of flour that you'll use within a month or two. Any more than this and you risk weevil infestation. Rotate older products to the front and newer ones to the back so that you're always using up older products first. To deter future infestation, place a few bay leaves in both the cabinet and the canisters. Do not throw contaminated food away in a kitchen. Throw it outside, or else your problem may come back. Don't microwave the flour; weevils survive and simply run everywhere.
  4. Chemicals, Drugs, Heavy Metals Harsh Chemicals and Hair Dyes Drugs – such as those used in chemotherapy High concentration of Metals in the body Radiation Exposure Many Medications – those to treat arthritis, cardiovascular problems, depression, gout, high blood pressure Antibiotics Anti-seizure drugs Excessive alcohol consumption Circulatory Problems Poor Circulation to the Scalp (daily scalp massage, brushing, lying on a slant board, yoga all help with this) Skin Problems Eczema Ringworm and other Fungal and Skin Infections (biotin may help here) Scalp Infections Other Causes Aging Genetic Predisposition Stress Surgery Sudden Weight Loss – yo-yo diet and years of constant dieting Tight ponytails WHEN TO SEE A PHYSICIAN If you are losing large amounts of hair, see a physician. It is normal to lose 50 to 150 hairs a day. If your hair appears to be dramatically thinning, it might be a sign of an underlying condition. While culprits can be as serious as thyroid disease and lupus, hair loss is most often caused by poor diet and stress. GOOD BOOKS The Hair Loss Cure: A Self-Help Guide by David H. Kingsley How to Beat Hair Loss by Antonio Alvi Armani, MD TO REVERSE DRAMATIC HAIR LOSS by 40 percent or more – virtualrealityhair.com helps particularly in cases of severe alopecia or cancer treatments The treatment is very expensive - $400 – and lasts for only a month (even through swimming, however). It can cover sparse patches with real hair that has been inserted into a nearly invisible second skin.
  5. Try to Avoid: • Hard brushing • Tight braids • Pulling hair back too tightly can make the hair thin in the front • Pulling hair too hard when blow-drying • Blow drying if and when you can • Commercial shampoos or rinses with artificial colors, preservatives, and dyes • Any shampoo with Sodium Laureth Sulfate. It's the ingredient that makes the shampoo foam up. • Harsh chemical products and hair spray • Pantene products causes hair loss for many • Never use a curling iron on wet or damp hair. This can cause serious breakage and damage in that spot. It is best to blow your hair all the way dry and not leave any wetness, not even a little. • Avoid backcombing or teasing hair. It is damaging, plain and simple. • Do not wash your hair with too hot water. • Do not wash your hair more than twice a week. • Do not comb the hair backwards. Use a good quality brush/comb. Avoid excessive brushing. CAUSES Dietary/Nutritional Taking large doses of Vitamin A (100,000 IU or more daily) for a long period of time Poor Diet and Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies – particularly iron, protein, biotin, and other B vitamins Iron Deficiency (Up to 90 percent of women who experience hair loss also suffer from low iron levels) Eating raw egg whites Hormonal and Other Health Problems Androgens (male hormones) Discontinuing Contraceptive Pill Female Hormone Deficiency Menopause If one is experiencing "male pattern baldness" type hair loss, where the hairline begins to recede and is thin only on top and not all over, it can be caused by Metabolic Syndrome. Fat distributed around the waist can actually cause a rise in androgens (male hormones) causing this problem. It can also revert back to normal if you can get the fat off your waist. Pregnancy Autoimmune diseases – the immune system attacks the hair follicles Diabetes or High Insulin Levels High Fever Imbalance in Gut Bacteria Acute Illness Low Stomach Acid or Digestive Enzyme Insufficiency Thyroid problem – especially if you have dry skin, weight gain, and fatigue Thyroid dysfunction is a major factor in thinning hair. If you’re unable to lose weight but are losing hair (particularly in the eyebrows), consider a Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) test, which many have found to be a much more reliable guide to thyroid status than conventional blood tests. Using a small sample of your hair, TMA reflects how much thyroid hormone is utilized at the cellular level over a 3-month period, as opposed to blood values of thyroid (TSH, T3, T4) in the bloodstream at just one time. Your hair is literally a blueprint, metabolically speaking. Tissue Mineral Analysis is a simple, noninvasive way to determine mineral imbalances—like too much copper—that can depress thyroid function and lead to hair loss. PCOS can cause male-pattern baldness – one cause of PCOS is estrogen dominance. This hormonal imbalance is also associated with abnormal blood sugar levels, fat gain, and low adrenal function. Simply put, estrogen dominance occurs when there is more estrogen than progesterone in the system. Estrogen-like chemicals in the environment, emotional factors, stress, menstrual changes, and even lack of dietary fiber, which binds to excess estrogen to help move it out of the body, can all lead to this kind of hormone havoc. Environmental sources of hormones include parabens in cosmetics, pesticides, plasticizers, and the estrogen-laden feed given to livestock to fatten them up. The trouble is today’s factory-farmed food fattens us humans up as well! In addition to organic and grass-fed meats, a low-carb diet has been found effective for both PCOS and women going through perimenopause and menopause. Cutting out sugar and the reactive and processed carbs in grains will help immensely. Exercise helps normalize insulin and balance hormone levels, too! Severe lack of natural progesterone—which is the flip side of estrogen dominance—may be the primary culprit. Starting in the teens and 20s, a skipped period (indicating the failure to ovulate, which is somewhat similar to what happens when women begin going through perimenopause and menopause) can cause the adrenal cortex to secrete the steroid androstenedione—instead of progesterone. An alternate chemical precursor to the production of other hormones, this steroid hormone is associated with some male characteristics, one of which is male-pattern baldness.
  6. Don’t overlook hormonal factors in hair loss. Lower levels of progesterone, particularly during perimenopause and menopause, increase the impact of androgens (male hormones) on the hair. A good natural, non-synthetic, organic, bio-identical progesterone cream, such as Emerita, is successfully used by many women to balance hormones, helping with myriad symptoms for women of all ages. By using a good bio-identical hormone cream, you can lessen hormone havoc as well as help prevent thinning hair. Not all progesterone creams are alike. Ann Louise Gittleman also has one called ProgestaKey. I don’t know much about it. Please keep in mind natural does not imply organic. Many of these creams have not only the main ingredients based on phytoestrogens, but also have the toxic xenohormones, parabens and mineral oil too. They are far from organic. So be aware and ask questions about your creams! Apply ¼ to ½ teaspoon of the progesterone cream directly to your breasts morning and evening. More progesterone is absorbed into breast tissues when it’s applied to them directly, and that’s ultimately where you want most of the progesterone to go. Do not apply it to other areas, even if the instructions tell you to do so. Progesterone receptors are only found in the breasts (and ovaries), so apply directly to the breasts to decrease vascularity. For those who turn up their nose at progesterone creams, do know that that Prempro is very different from progesterone. The former is a synthetic, the latter natural. The effects on the body therefore are much different. Also, many women who took Prempro also took Premarin, which aggravated everything. When you raise your progesterone levels with a bio-identical progesterone cream, which is absorbed transdermally in the fatty layer beneath the skin, your adronstenedione levels will gradually decline. The hair on your head may begin to grow back normally. Regardless of age, practically every woman who takes a Salivary Hormone Test has been found to be extremely progesterone deficit. An acupuncturist can help develop an herbal formula that is tailored specifically to you, in addition to using the traditional needles to help restore hair growth. Herbs have a greater synergy with acupuncture, so you may see a greater benefit if you use both. Using a satin pillowcase may help because your hair is less likely to catch and pull on it as it would on a cotton pillowcase. A side benefit is that it helps save your hairstyle for another day, so you aren't pulling out more hair in the styling process. You can get them on amazon. Use the most natural hair products you can find. Look for ingredients such as biotin, silica, Aloe Vera gel, vitamins C and E, jojoba oils, chamomile, marigold, ginseng, or passionflower. Most health-food stores carry a variety of natural hair care products. Hair is fragile when it is wet. Gently pat your hair dry and squeeze out remaining moisture with a towel. Calm a hectic schedule. Stress signals the body to produce cortisol, which elevates levels of hair-loss-promoting hormones. There are several brands of sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate shampoos are said to cause hair loss in many people. Traite by Mastey Pureology Onesta Alter your hairstyle and part in order to avoid constantly pulling your hair in the same spot or direction. Amish women, who wear their hair pulled back tightly the same way every day of their lives, experience baldness at their part. Hair loss is often from the eternal ponytail.
  7. OTHER TIPS/THINGS TO CONSIDER Massage Scalp 1-3 Times a Day Press the bristles of your brush on your scalp and make several strokes from your hairline to the base of your neck. Then make small circles over your entire scalp. Alternate these methods for 90 seconds. Massage your scalp with a mixture of essential oils daily for at least 7 months. Add 8 drops each of Rosemary, Thyme, and Lavender essential oils to 8 ounces of shampoo. Pour a small amount of the mixture into your hands and rub it into your hair, gently massaging your scalp. Let the mixture sit for three minutes and rinse thoroughly. Massage the scalp with a mixture of 1 tbsp olive oil and 15 drops of rosemary essential oil. This helps to improve circulation to the scalp and nutrient flow to the hair follicles. Frederic Fekkai More Nighttime Follicle Boosting Treatment from sephora.com The niacin-derived compounds stimulate blood flow and activate cell receptors that influence hair growth. After applying these compounds for 6 months, 69 percent of women with hair loss saw significant increases in fullness. The most effective among home remedies is a vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will activate the sebaceous glands and energize the circulation of blood in the affected area, making the hair grow healthy. Massage the scalp vigorously for 10 to 15 minutes (until you start to feel hot there) after bathing it with water. This stimulates the blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles in the scalp. Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss. Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with limewater and lime juice on the hair, prevents loss of hair and lengthens them. Apply a paste of hot olive oil, honey, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath and keep on for 15 minutes. Treat your hair gently. Try not to use chemical hair dyes, use only natural products and a soft brush. Do not towel dry or heat dry your hair. Rinse your hair 2-3 times a week with a combination of sage and rosemary tea. Lie Upside Down Lie on a slant board OR have your head hanging off the edge of the bed for 15 to 20 minutes per day. This will cause blood to flow to the scalp. Blood flow and improved circulation are very important in preventing and treating hair loss. You an also massage your scalp while in this position. Yoga The regular practice of yoga and certain inverted poses help a lot in slowing down and preventing hair loss by boosting circulation. Specific Poses include: Supported Shoulderstand Downward Facing Dog Camel Big Toe Child Dolphin Extended Puppy Extended Triangle Fish Half Moon Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Intense Side Stretch Legs-up-the-Wall Plow Revolved Head-to-Knee Seated Forward Bend Side Plank Standing Half-Forward Bend Standing Forward Bend Upward Plank Wide-Legged Forward Bend
  8. D3 If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day. If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption. Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency PROTEIN POWDER Hair is made of protein and adequate protein is necessary for luxuriant hair. Protein makes up the building blocks of healthy hair. Women require 60 grams, men 80 to 90, adolescent boys and girls 80 to 100 grams of protein. It is supplied by plain yogurt, tofu, soy milk, eggs, cheese, poultry, meat and fish. It’s very difficult to get enough protein from food alone, hence why many get great results from a good protein powder. IRON SUPPLEMENTS Up to 90 percent of women who experience hair loss also suffer from low iron levels. Iron is a double-edged mineral for women. Menstruating women lose iron-rich blood every month, plus pregnancy, nursing, and strenuous physical exercise dramatically increase the need for this mineral. But later in life, excess iron, which accumulates in the body after menopause, may increase women’s risk for cancer and heart disease. Iron supplements may be used by tumors to promote their growth. Iron oxidizes. If you take too much supplemental iron, it can lead to cancer. This is why there are few multivitamin formulas for postmenopausal women that contain iron. Yellow Dock drops are said to be the best and healthiest source of iron. Drops, I think, are usually better absorbed than capsules. Alcohol-free ones don't taste as foul. Spirulina – 5-10 grams a day or up to 20 capsules per day Ferrophos is an inexpensive homeopathic iron supplement Iron supplements should be taken only if you are diagnosed with iron deficiency. If you must supplement, it is best to avoid staying away from the often-constipating prescription iron supplements. If you must supplement your diet and if you aren't using iron cookware regularly, for example, try taking 10 to 15 milligrams of elemental iron a day - Jarrow Formulas IronSorb Elemental Iron From Protein Succinylate -- 18 mg - 60 Vegetarian Capsules Take the herb astragalus, which is a very good source of vitamin B. Take digestive enzymes with meals to aid absorption of nutrients. You may also benefit from taking probiotics, as the beneficial bacteria in the gut produce some B vitamins needed for hair health. Magnesium is needed for hormone balance. The most absorbable forms are: Magnesium Citrate Magnesium Glycinate Magnesium Taurate Magnesium Aspartate Magnesium Malate Magnesium Succinate Magnesium Fumirate Supplementing with agnus castus may help in cases of female hormone imbalance.
  9. IODORAL More than 90% of us are low in iodine. Today's environment makes it almost impossible to get the amount of iodine you need. 1. There's very little iodine in the soil. So unless you're eating a ton of iodine-rich foods like kelp, seaweed and shellfish, you're not going to get much iodine from your diet. 2. Many salt companies have stopped adding iodine to table salt. While commercial table salt usually contains iodine, this is not the best way to boost iodine intake. In fact, “salt iodination, which is performed routinely in many countries, may increase the incidence of overt hypothyroidism,†a new Greek study concludes. Kelp and other sea vegetables are excellent sources of natural iodine. 3. Food manufacturers have stopped using iodine in baked goods and are using bromine instead. Bromine (a halogen) competes with iodine to get into your cells. So the more bromine you consume, the less iodine you get. Unfortunately, many foods today (primarily baked goods) are loaded with bromine. 4. Our water supply contains chlorine and fluoride, both of which are halogens. Again, halogens compete with iodine to get into your cells. And you can't avoid chlorine and fluoride simply by drinking filtered water. That's because you get a hefty dose any time you bathe, shower, soak in a hot tub, or swim in a swimming pool. 5. Most conventional doctors never test for iodine deficiency. They figure there's no need to test iodine levels when they can just test your thyroid function instead. The problem with this is that the most widely used thyroid test, the TSH, is wildly inaccurate. Reason: While the TSH measures thyroid hormone, it can't tell the difference between active thyroid hormone with iodine and de-activated thyroid hormone with bromine or chlorine or fluorine. So the test shows you have plenty of thyroid hormone. But most of the thyroid hormone isn't doing its job! I think it was Dr. Nan Fuchs who wrote: “I've had women come into my office who look like the poster child for underactive thyroid. They're overweight, they're losing their hair and eyebrows, their skin is dry, and they tell me they feel cold all the time. Yet when their doctor gave them a thyroid test, it came back normal! When I put these women on iodine supplementation, their conditions improve dramatically. Their skin improves, they stop losing their hair, and they finally lose that excess weight — and keep it off.†The RDA for iodine is 150 mcg. This amount was set based on the amount needed to prevent goiter. This amount will prevent goiter but it will not prevent other problems related to iodine deficiency. The average consumption of iodine from seaweed by the mainland Japanese is nearly 14 mg. They have some of the lowest incidence of iodine-deficiency diseases like goiter, hypothyroidism, and cancers of the reproductive system (breast, ovaries, and uterus). Some forms of iodine are harmful. Iodoral is not. All of us need a combination of iodine and iodide, the two forms of iodine used throughout our bodies. Iodoral and Lugol are the only supplements containing these two nutrients. Lugol, however, tastes foul. You may need 1 to 4 tablets of Iodoral, a combination of 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. Additional research finds that vitamin C improves the transport of iodine in the body, so it may be best to take Iodoral with Vitamin C. Studies show that women who weigh about 110 pounds need at least 5 mg of iodine a day. If you’re heavier, you probably need more. Start off slowly over a 4 week period. Take 1 pill for 30 days Then 2 pills for 30 days Then maybe 3 for 30 days Then 1 in morning and 1 in evening for 30 days Can then go back to taking 1 or 2 a day to maintain Your body will know. Learn to listen to it. One Iodoral tablet provides 12.5 milligrams of iodine/iodide which is about the amount the average Japanese consumed in 1964 in their everyday diet. Iodoral is the best way to get the recommended amount of iodine.
  10. SUPPLEMENTS Don’t depend only on supplements. Diet is very important. I get most of my supplements from vitacost or amazon NATROL BIOSIL is well-absorbed by the body and proven to deliver key proteins like keratin and collagen directly to the hair roots to increase growth and thickness. Great for skin, hair, and nails For severe hair loss: I would take 3 capsules per day for at least a few months. Then go down to 2 capsules for another few months. For maintenance and long-term use, 1 capsule per day should be fine. HORSETAIL is a good source of silica which aids in hair growth and makes the hair strong and shiny. The amount of silica that your body holds tends to decline with age. Take 60 mg daily. B COMPLEX – 50 mg twice a day or 100 mg once a day with meals. B vitamins are essential for the health and growth of the hair. B vitamins run low during high-stress times and are essential for healthy hair growth. Try to get a good B Complex that includes Biotin, Inositol, Choline, and PABA. Avoid B Vitamins that are less than 10 mg. It's a red flag if the B vitamins are at such low levels that they are insignificant and unhelpful to the human system in creating a strong basis for protection. BIOTIN plays a key role in forming keratin, a protein that comprises healthy hair. It helps in preventive treatment for baldness It is interesting that biotin levels fall progressively throughout pregnancy (and that is when many women lose hair). Taking a 5-10 mg supplement can thicken hair shafts and encourage new growth. Not everyone needs to take that much unless if they're concerned about hair loss. Most B-complex supplements have sufficient biotin otherwise. There are no known cases of biotin toxicity, particularly since it is water-soluble. Biotin is rapidly metabolized and excreted, so it’s easy to be deficient. CARLSON’S LIQUID FISH OIL - or any other good fish oil. Healthy hair needs essential fatty acids. ZINC protects and strengthens hair and may helps with hair loss. 15-50 mg daily, but do not supplements with more than 100 mg daily. Use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption. L-OptiZinc is a patented form of bio-available zinc. Bio-available means best absorbed GLA SUPPLEMENTS are a type of omega-6 fatty acid that’s essential for healthy hair. They’re found in black currant oil or evening primrose oil. Take it on a full stomach in 2 divided doses, equally spaced during the day. Take up to 500 mg EPO 2-3 times daily or 2000 mg total daily. Expect to wait up to 8 weeks to see results. Don’t use GLA if you take an antiseizure Rx. VITAMIN E – improves hair health and enhances hair growth. Take 400 IU of vitamin E a day. Take d-alpha, NOT dl-alpha Vitamin E is most effective when taken with selenium.
  11. Lack of inositol causes loss of hair. Any person having trouble with hair should eat foods rich in inositol such as yeast, liver and molasses. Research has, however, shown that women have a low requirement of inositol. Although this vitamin may help to stimulate the growth of a woman's hair, its lack is probably not a major cause of slow growth. Women are generally deficient in iodine and vitamin B1, either of which can slow down circulation to the scalp to such an extent that hair may fall out and new hair grow in very slowly. Women who keep their diets adequate in iodine, the B vitamins and iron have a better growth of hair. Essential Fats are needed for healthy hair and follicles: • Oily Fish • Nuts • Seeds Aim to eat fish 2-3 times per week and eat 2-3 tbsp of seeds per day. Take warming herbs and spices to improve circulation – such as small amounts of cayenne pepper, as well as ginger, cinnamon, and cumin. Add them to soups, stews, and casseroles. EAT LESS The Standard American Diet is too rich in foods that actually starve the hair, such as fat, sugar, and refined foods. Eastern medicine says that eating too much meat can cause hair loss. This might very well be true. Cut down on sweets. Eastern medicine says that eating too much sugar can cause baldness on the sides of the forehead. Sugar is often a contributing factor in hair loss. After sugar is removed from some people’s diets, the hair-loss process is either halted or totally or partially reversed. Sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol can all raise blood sugar and insulin levels, which can have a negative effect on hair follicles. Avoid wheat bran, tea, and coffee. These can interfere with the absorption of minerals, such as iron, needed for hair growth.
  12. Foods rich in Biotin, B6, and B12 These 3 B vitamins promote growth from the follicle. Eggs are the best source, oral B-12, and or taking a good multi B vitamin. Cheeses, salmon, nuts and nut butters Silica aids in hair growth and makes the hair strong and shiny. The amount of silica that your body holds tends to decline with age. Good food sources include: beets, leafy green vegetables, bananas, and whole grains. Sea salt – particularly Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salts – are full of minerals- 84 compared to 2 in refined table salt. If there is one thing lacking in modern diets, it is minerals, far more so than vitamins. Use Seaweed Gomasio to season your food, rather than iodized salt. Seaweed Gomasio has a good source of iodine, which is essential for healthy hair. I get mine from amazon. Increase your iodine intake with mineral-rich sea vegetables (agar, hijiki, kombu, nori, and wakame) at least twice a week. Hijiki Seaweed has properties that are helpful for maintaining healthy hair. You can eat as much seaweed as you want. Brown seaweeds are highest in iodine. They include all forms of kelp. Fucus, also known as Bladderwrack, is considered to be the best for underactive thyroids. Hijiki and Sargassum are two other forms of brown seaweeds. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss, and Gracillaria. Since toasting doesn’t affect seaweed’s iodine content, you can eat it dried or dried and toasted. Toast some in the oven or in a dry frying pan to see if you prefer that taste. You can also powdered seaweed to your food or add larger pieces of seaweed to soups, grains, or vegetables. Seaweed should be an enjoyable addition to your diet, not an unpleasant experience. If you simply don’t like its taste, you can get it in capsules. Use 5-10 grams of mixed brown and red seaweed for thyroid problems. This is about 1 ½ teaspoons per day. Not all seaweeds are safe to eat. Some come from polluted waters. Be more cautious and talk to a naturopath if you’re on thyroid meds and want to try seaweed. Eat more of the following foods rich in B Vitamins and other needed minerals and vitamins essential for hair. Beef Liver Brown rice Bulgur Cabbage Citrus Fruits Eggs Leafy Greens including Spinach Lentils Nuts Oats Rice Bran Salmon Sunflower Seeds Walnuts Wheat Germ Unprocessed Whole Grains Make sure that your diet contains ample essential fatty acids. Eat fish 2—3 times a week (not deep-fried) - salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel Zinc strengthens and aids the natural oils that coat the hair shaft. Zinc is found in lean meats, nuts, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds and yogurt Juicing veggies is very beneficial, for overall health also. Juicing is one of the best things you can do for your health and beauty. Try to juice as often as you can.
  13. Lots and lots and lots of tips here. When carrying out any of these methods, remember to be patient. Normal hair growth should resume within 6 months after starting any supplement or making any dietary or other change. EAT MORE The healthy condition of the hair depends, to a very large extent, on the intake of sufficient amounts of essential nutrients in the daily diet. Hair is made of protein and adequate protein is necessary for luxuriant hair. Protein makes up the building blocks of healthy hair. Women require 60 grams, men 80 to 90, adolescent boys and girls 80 to 100 grams of protein. It is supplied by plain yogurt, tofu, soy milk, eggs, cheese, poultry, meat and fish. According to Adelle Davis, a world famous nutritionist, "Increasing the intake of protein, particularly of liver, wheat germ and yeast, and supplementing the diet with a teaspoon of inositol daily usually stops a man's hair from falling, and I have seen three or four persons whose hair became thick after these improvements were made." Persons with a tendency to lose hair should follow a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods which in combination should supply all the essential nutrients. It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables, and fruits would provide adequate amounts of all the essential nutrients. Each food group should roughly form the bulk of one of the three principal. These foods should, however, be supplemented with certain special foods such as honey, wheat germ, yeast and liver. A lack of vitamin A may cause the hair to be coarse and ugly. A deficiency of some of the B vitamins, of iron, copper and iodine may cause hair disorders like falling of hair and premature greying. • Brown Rice • Lentils • Sunflower Seeds • Oats • Quinoa These all contain B vitamins and Biotin needed for healthy hair growth Up to 90 percent of women who experience hair loss also suffer from low iron levels. Iron builds red blood cells, carries oxygen, and aids in hair growth. Eat at least 3 daily servings of iron-rich foods Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by as much as 30%. So drinking orange juice, eating strawberries, tomatoes, green peppers, etc. along with your iron-rich foods is a good idea. Iron-rich foods include: Eggs Fish Liver Meat Poultry Leafy green vegetables Whole grains Almonds Raisins Cumin is very rich in iron (above 66 mg. in each 100 grams) which is more than 5 times the daily requirement of iron for an adult. Cumin boosts energy. It’s also anti-inflammatory and inhibits the buildup of harmful protein deposits in the brain to boost mental energy. Raw liver Cut into chunks and put in freezer for 14 days if possible to kill any minute germs that may be on or in it. Pull out a chunk each day and cut into tablet size pieces when frozen (easier to cut while frozen). Voila - frozen liver tablets, with much more oomph than any liver capsules you can buy, also way cheaper! Frozen – there is no taste or smell Chug them down with water or citrus-based juice (which increases iron absorption) It's easier to cut into small pieces while frozen. You can have up to 10 liver 'tablets' a day - or more if you want! A lot of people turn up their noses and reject the idea outright, but hey, it works - you don't get constipated, and energy recovery is very immediate (liver has an unexplained anti-fatigue effect). If you know that you will need lots of energy for the day, you can have twice the normal dose. If you’re worried about toxins in liver, remember that the liver is a filter of toxins, not a toxin storage area. The liver shunts the toxins off to other areas to be stored or excreted. Of course, it is more ideal if you can get organic grass-fed beef liver, but any healthy liver is better than none at all. I have the liver daily, and have never had any problem. Cooking liver makes it slightly less usable by the body for increasing ferritin. You have to have 4x the amount of lightly cooked liver to have the same effect as raw.
  14. This from other WTM posters: A high protein/low carb diet Regular exercise might want to be careful of overdoing the animal protein. That seems to contribute to insulin resistance problems
  15. Substances that interfere with iodine Chlorine – present in most city water supplies – unless you de-chlorinate your water, you are being exposed to thyroid-lowering gases whenever you bathe, shower, or have a drink of water. Fluorine Bromide or Bromine – found in some pesticides – try to eat organic whenever possible Bromide is even used in some asthma drugs Mountain Dew, Fresca, and orange Gatorade all contain bromide in the form of brominated vegetable oils. Drinking beverages with bromide causes low thyroid function in some people. These toxins are in our water, hot tubs, non-organic foods, and some soft drinks. If you don’t have enough iodine, chances are you have too much fluoride and bromide. Sufficient iodine pulls these toxins out of your body. Aspirin, blood thinner meds, and steroids can result in iodine deficiency thyroid problems. If you’re taking these, ask your doctor to check your thyroid function. This is from Ann Louise Gittleman: Facial hair can be the bane of women as they grow older—right around the same time, sadly, when their “crowning glory†starts to become thinner and grayer. One recent study shows that 10% of menopausal women complain of facial “fuzz,†but unwanted hair can start sprouting as early as perimenopause. Women who are younger with facial hair, in their 20s and 30s, may have another—more serious—concern, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), especially if they’re overweight, experience menstrual irregularities, and/or acne. While the direct cause of PCOS is unknown, a new study in Environmental Health Perspectives links neonatal exposure to the endocrine/estrogenic disrupter bisphenol A (BPA)—found in plastic bottles, the lining of food cans, and dental sealants—with hormonal disruption in rats that mimics PCOS in humans. The most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, PCOS can cause infertility and lead to long-term complications like cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and stroke, insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, male-pattern baldness, ovarian cysts, and (according to recent research at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) even endometrial cancer. One cause of thinning hair and/or excess facial hair in women of all ages—including those with PCOS—is a condition known as estrogen dominance. This hormonal imbalance is also associated with abnormal blood sugar levels, fat gain, and low adrenal function. Simply put, estrogen dominance occurs when there is more estrogen than progesterone in the system. Estrogen-like chemicals in the environment, emotional factors, stress, menstrual changes, and even lack of dietary fiber, which binds to excess estrogen to help move it out of the body, can all lead to this kind of hormone havoc. Need Progesterone? Sometimes, a severe lack of natural progesterone—which is the flip side of estrogen dominance—is the primary culprit. Starting in the teens and 20s, a skipped period (indicating the failure to ovulate, which is somewhat similar to what happens when women begin going through the “changeâ€) can cause the adrenal cortex to secrete the steroid androstenedione—instead of progesterone. An alternate chemical precursor to the production of other hormones, this steroid hormone is associated with some male characteristics, one of which is male-pattern baldness. According to the late John R. Lee, MD, the body normally produces 20 mg of natural progesterone during a menstrual cycle. Besides its role as a precursor to other important hormones, natural progesterone helps balance blood sugar, combat fuzzy thinking and irritability, prevent water retention and fat gain, and even boost your libido. When you raise your progesterone levels with a bio-identical progesterone cream, which is absorbed transdermally in the fatty layer beneath the skin, your adronstenedione levels will gradually decline. Facial hair will start to diminish, while the hair on your head will begin to grow back normally. For older women who are no longer menstruating, progesterone deficiency can also result in excessive facial hair. But do beware of synthetic progesterone (progestin), which won’t work the way natural or bio-identical progesterone does. Your body has difficulty breaking down this synthetic form, used in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy, so this altered form creates a potential for toxic effects. In fact, after progestin was added to HRT, women’s cancer risk increased! Regardless of age, practically every woman who takes a Salivary Hormone Test has been found to be extremely progesterone deficit. To help restore natural hormonal balance, Ann Louise Gittleman typically recommends applying about ¼ teaspoon or 1 pump (20 mgs) of ProgestaKey, an all-natural progesterone cream, to different areas of the body each day. This helps to avoid saturating the receptors beneath the skin in any one part of the body. Apply to soft skin, rich in capillaries, on the most suitable areas like your neck, upper chest, breasts, inner arms, abdomen, backs of your hands, and even your face. Not only does ProgestaKey help encourage hair growth in the right place, but it will also burn body fat as fuel and act as a natural diuretic to help control weight. I formulated this bio-identical hormone cream for my personal use when I was going through perimenopause—but it’s effective for younger women as well. Menstruating, perimenopausal, and menopenopausal women will find the specific protocol for application right on the label. I’m not at all surprised that researchers are linking PCOS with other endocrine disrupters in today’s increasingly “chemical world.†Environmental sources of hormones include parabens in cosmetics, pesticides, plasticizers, and the estrogen-laden feed given to livestock to fatten them up. The trouble is today’s factory-farmed food fattens us humans up as well! In addition to organic and grass-fed meats, a low-carb diet has been found effective for both PCOS and women going through the “change.†A University of Alabama at Birmingham study shows that low-carb diets significantly improve insulin and cholesterol levels in women clinically diagnosed with PCOS—without affecting circulating levels of their reproductive hormones. Cutting out sugar and the reactive and processed carbs in grains will help immensely. Exercise helps normalize insulin and balance hormone levels, too!
  16. Dianne, here's my info on PCOS. PCOS is a disorder marked by elevations in “male†hormones – Menstrual irregularities Increased Waist size Raised Testosterone Levels Pinnitol restores ovulation and decreases testosterone levels. Acupuncture eases symptoms of PCOS. It soothes overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can spur unhealthy hormone production. IODINE More than 90% of us are low in iodine and PCOS is often linked to an iodine deficiency. Today's environment makes it almost impossible to get the amount of iodine you need. 1. There's very little iodine in the soil. So unless you're eating a ton of iodine-rich foods like kelp, seaweed and shellfish, you're not going to get much iodine from your diet. 2. Many salt companies have stopped adding iodine to table salt. 3. Food manufacturers have stopped using iodine in baked goods and are using bromine instead. Bromine (a halogen) competes with iodine to get into your cells. So the more bromine you consume, the less iodine you get. Unfortunately, many foods today (primarily baked goods) are loaded with bromine. 4. Our water supply contains chlorine and fluoride, both of which are halogens. Again, halogens compete with iodine to get into your cells. And you can't avoid chlorine and fluoride simply by drinking filtered water. That's because you get a hefty dose any time you bathe, shower, soak in a hot tub, or swim in a swimming pool. 5. Most conventional doctors never test for iodine deficiency. They figure there's no need to test iodine levels when they can just test your thyroid function instead. The problem with this is that the most widely used thyroid test, the TSH, is wildly inaccurate. Reason: While the TSH measures thyroid hormone, it can't tell the difference between active thyroid hormone with iodine and de-activated thyroid hormone with bromine or chlorine or fluorine. So the test shows you have plenty of thyroid hormone. But most of the thyroid hormone isn't doing its job! CORRECTING AN IODINE DEFICIENCY: I think it was Dr. Nan Fuchs who wrote: “I've had women come into my office who look like the poster child for underactive thyroid. They're overweight, they're losing their hair and eyebrows, their skin is dry, and they tell me they feel cold all the time. Yet when their doctor gave them a thyroid test, it came back normal! When I put these women on iodine supplementation, their conditions improve dramatically. Their skin improves, they stop losing their hair, and they finally lose that excess weight — and keep it off.†The RDA for iodine is 150 mcg. This amount was set based on the amount needed to prevent goiter. This amount will prevent goiter but it will not prevent breast cancer or its precurser fibrocystic breast disease or other serious diseases and symptoms listed above. Breast tissue and other reproductive organs require much more iodine than the thyroid gland. Many researchers now believe that you may need 100 to 400 times the RDI. The average consumption of iodine from seaweed by the mainland Japanese is nearly 14 mg. They have some of the lowest incidence of iodine-deficiency diseases like goiter, hypothyroidism, and cancers of the reproductive system (breast, ovaries, and uterus). Increase your intake with mineral-rich sea vegetables (agar, hijiki, kombu, nori, and wakame) at least twice a week. You can eat as much seaweed as you want. Brown seaweeds are highest in iodine. They include all forms of kelp. Fucus, also known as Bladderwrack, is considered to be the best for underactive thyroids. Hijiki and Sargassum are two other forms of brown seaweeds. Red seaweeds include dulse, nori, Irish moss, and Gracillaria. Since toasting doesn’t affect seaweed’s iodine content, you can eat it dried or dried and toasted. Toast some in the oven or in a dry frying pan to see if you prefer that taste. You can also powdered seaweed to your food or add larger pieces of seaweed to soups, grains, or vegetables. Seaweed should be an enjoyable addition to your diet, not an unpleasant experience. If you simply don’t like its taste, you can get it in capsules. Use 5-10 grams of mixed brown and red seaweed for thyroid problems. This is about 1 ½ teaspoons per day. If you’ve been told that your thyroid is borderline-low, eating seaweed makes sense. But remember, you need to eat seaweed every day or take iodine in a different form. Not all seaweeds are safe to eat. Some come from polluted waters. Be more cautious and talk to a naturopath if you’re on thyroid meds and want to try seaweed. Use iodine-rich Seaweed Gomasio to season your food. Instead of using seaweed to boost your iodine levels, you might consider taking an iodine supplement. Iodoral is a very good one. I get mine from amazon. You can read reviews there. You may need 1 to 4 tablets of Iodoral, a combination of 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. Additional research finds that vitamin C improves the transport of iodine in the body, so it may be best to take Iodoral with Vitamin C. Studies show that women who weigh about 110 pounds need at least 5 mg of iodine a day for normal breast function. If you’re heavier, you may need more. Start off slowly over a 4 week period. Take 1 pill for 30 days Then 2 pills for 30 days Then maybe 3 for 30 days Then 1 in morning and 1 in evening for 30 days Can then go back to taking 1 or 2 a day to maintain Your body will know....listen to it... One Iodoral tablet provides 12.5 milligrams of iodine/iodide which is about the amount the average Japanese consumed in 1964 in their everyday diet. Iodoral is the best way to get the recommended amount of iodine. When we take 50 mg of iodine/iodide a day, it acts as an adaptogen, regulating various body functions.
  17. Yes, in a good way :lol: :grouphug:. No, I wouldn't change my user name if I were you. :) Lucky you! I wish I could get PBS here.
  18. I've read about 90% of all the great replies. Very interesting thread. I will always struggle with my weight. Right now, I'd be happy losing anywhere from 5-20 pounds. I've been 80 pounds overweight (post-partum). Dieting stinks. I love to exercise, but dieting truly stinks. I realize that I am happier when I'm slim and healthy - not skinny - just healthy, energetic and slim. When overweight or obese, my health insurance rates are higher. Plus, more worries about bre@st cancer, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain, you name it. Being overweight is hard and not good for overall health. At the age of 43, it's no longer just a looks issue, health comes into play. This is from my pinterest page. :)
  19. Me too. :glare: I realize that I'll have to be on some kind of a diet for the rest of life, except when on vacation. Seriously. Whenever I relax and let go, all hell breaks loose. :glare: I love, love, love food ... :tongue_smilie: I also love to exercise and could do it for hours at a time, but once you reach my age, eating all you want AND working out just doesn't cut it anymore.
  20. I always remember this advice from WTM and have always followed the long nap rule. In the heat here, plus the fact that I'm a very early morning type, I can't imagine not taking a long nap almost every day. Long, mind you. No power naps for moi. :D
  21. THE MOST IMPORTANT SUPPLEMENTS – in my personal order of preference – this may vary for each person, of course! – these are my top if $ is a concern Fish Oil Vitamin D3 Magnesium Probiotic Green Magma (or other high-quality green drink – if you don’t juice veggies regularly) and/or Capra Mineral Whey – these are important, very, very important to help balance our body’s pH – a healthy pH is essential for overall health. My husband refuses to touch the Mineral Whey. I love it, however. Since I juice veggies often, we don’t need Green Magma very much. On days that I have little time for juicing, we take the Green Magma. Mushroom Extract A good multivitamin/mineral formula Overall, most of us are far more deficient in minerals than we are in vitamins. When budget is a concern, as it for most of us, focus much more on minerals and a healthy diet, than lots and lots of vitamins. TIPS ON TAKING THEM My naturopath friends have always told me is that it's good to take 2 days off most or all of your supplements every week, preferably any two days that are back-to-back. So, if you need to take them on weekends. Fine. You could try skipping them on any other 2 days of the week. Another thing I do, based on what I have read and played around with - is take a break from some supplements for an entire month. Not all. Just some. They work so much better for me, when I get back on them - 5-HTP, Melatonin, even probiotics, whatever you want or think that your body could do well to take a break from in order to be more effective. The body sometimes becomes overly efficient and not challenged by supplements. That’s why taking a break and going back on them, in my opinion and experience, helps them to become much more effective.
  22. GLUCOSAMINE The cheaper glucosamine hydrochloride form is totally useless. Only glucosamine sulfate has been scientifically shown to have any efficacy whatsoever. But, glucosamine HCI is really, really cheap IRON I prefer to avoid iron in supplements. I always take iron-free multis and try to get my iron from natural sources instead. If you want natural iron alternatives, there are some supplements. I can share info on that. Stored iron normally increases as we age, and accumulates in the body after menopause and may increase women’s risk for arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Iron supplements may be used by tumors to promote their growth. Since it oxidizes, if you take too much supplemental iron, it can lead to cancer. If you have had cancer, or if there is a high incidence of cancer in your family, you may want to take a formula without added iron unless a blood test determines that you are iron-deficient, in which case, natural sources may be far superior. Iron supplements should also be avoided if you have arthritis. MAGNESIUM Magnesium is a key mineral that many are deficient in. Anything that is tight, irritable, crampy, and stiff -- whether it is a body part or an even a mood -- is a sign of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium and many other minerals are best absorbed when they are bound to an acidic carrier such as citrate, aspartate, picolinate, or amino acid chelate. The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good. Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements). If I see these in a multi, I avoid it. Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision. MUSHROOM EXTRACT Look for a formula that combines the immune-boosting and anticancer properties of reishi mushrooms, the blood-sugar balancing and cancer-fighting properties of the maitake mushrooms, and the cholesterol-lowering abilities of the shiitakes. Fungi Perfecti is very good, but expensive, however. PROBIOTIC Any probiotic you take should contain at least 1-5 billion colony-forming units (CFUs). Good probiotics include: Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics 12 PLUS is known to be the one of the strongest, most effective probiotics Udo's Choice Adult's Probiotic – 12-36 billion CFUs New Chapter Organics Probiotic All-Flora – 8 billion CFUs Jarrow Formulas Enhanced Probiotic System, Jarro-Dophilus EPS – 5-20 billion CFUs Puritan's Pride Probiotic Acidophilus – 3-9 billion CFUs Jarrow Formulas femdophilus – 5-10 billion CFUs Advocare Probiotic Restore – 2-4 Billion CFUs Kyo-Dophilus – 3 billion CFUs Nature’s Way Probifia Pearls Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls ZINC L-OptiZinc is a patented form of bio-available zinc
  23. B COMPLEX Any good multivitamin or B Complex needs to have at least 10 mg of B vitamins. It's a red flag if the B vitamins are at very low levels. When lower than 10 mg, they’re insignificant and unhelpful. VITAMIN C Best if taken as Ester-C – this is a patented form of bio-available vitamin C CALCIUM I think there is a very big difference not only in the brand but the type of calcium you use. The major types of calcium are: Carbonate, Citrate and Bone Meal. 1. Calcium carbonate (also found in coral calcium) is the hardest calcium compound for the human body to break down and absorb. You’ll find it in a lot of supplements because it’s inexpensive. The Carbonate (like Tums) is basically like taking chalk board chalk. It may alkalize your body, but it does almost nothing for your bones. 2. Calcium citrate is slightly better than calcium carbonate, since minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used. It is a little bit more bio-available, but still not the best. 3. Bone Meal is the best source for bones and has one of the highest bio-availabilities. Just make sure it's from a clean source, and the animals it came from weren't given hormones or antibiotics. KAL from New Zealand is good and I get it from vitacost or amazon. 4. You can also get an herbal calcium source that is also bio-available and easily absorbed. CHROMIUM PICOLINATE ChromeMate is a bio-available form of chromium picolinate. COPPER Try to avoid multivitamins with copper. Research has shown that even tiny traces of copper from water pipes can lead to heart disease, as well as diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Over time, even small traces of copper can contribute to the production of excess damaging oxidant radicals. The study recommended that anyone over 50 should avoid supplements containing copper (and iron – more info on iron below). A good form of zinc will lower copper levels in the body. Copper overload can also cause: Depresssion Fatigue Food Cravings Poor Liver Function Weight Gain Yeast Infections VITAMIN D3 Vitamin D helps everything—your bones, your immunity, your emotional well-being, your mind; it even helps prevent cancer. If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day. If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption. Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency VITAMIN E If any multi or Vitamin E supplement has dl-alpha, rather than d-alpha, I stay away from it. D-alpha is the good and natural kind. Dl-alpha is synthetic and not processed by the body. FISH OIL Make sure to get a good, high-quality fish oil – such as Carlsons’s. You want to avoid fish oil that may come from polluted sources or that may be high in mercury. Other good brands are Nordic Naturals, Enzymatic Therapy, and Metagenics. Fish Oil is good for your heart partially because it decreases blood clotting and reduces blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or other signs of heart disease, 3-5 grams may be helpful. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking medications to make sure there are no negative interactions. Fish oils thin the blood just like aspirin, gingko biloba, and garlic. You don’t want to thin your blood so much that it causes bleeding. For all others, 1 gram (1,000 mg) is fine. Stop taking fish oil and any EPA supplements 2 weeks before surgery – as well as possibly avoiding a fish dinner the night before any surgery. Do not take fish oils if you are on any blood thinner.
  24. WHAT I PREFER Bio-available when possible – these are best absorbed. Many bio-available forms are patented and identified on the label. Anything with a short ingredient list – no soybean oil, no sugar, starches, colorings, soy, etc. – the less things in it, the better! With vitacost, you can click on side bar buttons to say that you're looking for something without soy, etc. MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE – IF I COULD If I lived in the U.S., I would try my utmost to get as much as I could from Standard Process - which you have to buy from an alternatiave health care practitioner. Standard Process is wonderful. But they don't have every single supplement. They're very specialized. ALKALIZING MULTI VITAMINS AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS Most of us have systems that are overly acidic. Working towards a system that is balanced or more alkaline is the key to overall health. These supplements are said to be very good for alkalizing the body. • http://www.auntiegs.com/index.php 12 Systems Synergistic Multiple – one tablet per meal • Vita Lea (Shaklee) – one tablet with each meal • Bio Strath – One teaspoon with each meal or tablet as indicated – I saw it on vitacost AFTER THAT I prefer searching for good brands on vitacost or amazon – reading reviews, and looking at brands. The following are brands that I like and trust: Carlson’s Nature’s Way Twin Labs KAL Enzymatic Therapy Green Magma – for green, alkalizing drink Solgar Source Naturals Rainbow Light Solaray NOW Swanson UniKey (do a google search) New Chapter Organics Brands I've heard good things about, but have not yet tried, and don’t yet know enough about: Aerobic Life Products Blue-Green Algae Country Life Darwin’s Gaia Herbs Health from the Sun Jarrow Kyo-Green Member’s Mark Metagenics Nature’s Plus Nature’s Sunshine Nordic Naturals Planetary Formulas Pure Encapsulations Puritan’s Pride Shaklee Trace Minerals Research Vitamin World Zone Perfect
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