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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Bill, stop right now. :lol: :D I'm so jealous of everyone who lives close to a good International food store, r Persian market, or Persian restaurant. I love ashe-e-jow. Mind you, I've never made that one. My mom makes it. I like your Grenadian-Persian touch. :lol:
  2. Have had no time to really read and look through all the posts. I absolutely love threads like this. Stacia, thank you for starting it. :D 1. Bel Canto 2. Five Quarters of the Orange 3. The Matchmaker of Perigord 4. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake 5. The Shadow of the Wind 6. Fair Game 7. The Thirteenth Tale 8. The Likeness 9. Blood Feud 10. Wench I have LOTS and LOTS of books on various wish lists. Fiction alone is 4 pages long. I also have some non-fiction, not so much self-help. As well as some fun style and fashion books. :D Can't wait to soon read all the other posts. :)
  3. :iagree: Your words are gold. :) Two things that come to mind: Are you looking into this for weight loss or for overall health, toning, firming, strength, etc? If it's the former - I believe that diet/intake are far more important than any DVD or workout program. Sad, but true. If you want fast and effective weight loss, as did I earlier this year, hcg is an option that many like. I'll be starting another round hopefully in a few months. If it's the latter - there are many other short and super-effective programs - Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is a great one. Super time-efficient and effective for many. There have been lots of threads on that here. It helps to have strong knees and ankles OR you can always do different moves in those parts, as others have done. There are some others that take 30 minutes or less - Billy Blanks has some or at least one that I know of. It really depends on what you want, what your ultimate goal is. These are from previous posts from here about exercise and weight loss. In Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes debunks the myth that exercise equals weight loss (and the old calories in, calories out myth). While exercise has many other benefits, to promote exercise as the solution to weight loss exclusively is doing people a great disservice. People who are more than a few pounds overweight, insulin resistant, or diabetic really need to concentrate on a permanent change to their diet -- and I mean severely reducing their carbohydrate intake. A nice long walk along and strength training are far more beneficial to this group of people than cardio. Wait to do cardio until you are thin, you are doing it for fun, and it is less stressful to your joints. "Great bodies are made in the kitchen and improved in the gym."
  4. :grouphug: :D I just posted a recipe for Nutella Waffles in this week's book thread. :) Lucky you. Wish I was doing the same. ;) BTW, I re-read your post to dd this morning and we were both having a fabulous laugh. :lol: I did the same exact thing with P90X pretty much and with the Chalean DVDs (whatever they're called). Turbo Jam?
  5. :smilielol5: Here goes. I really love making breakfast and usually go all out on a Sunday morning. I got this recipe from pinterest but I changed it, since their recipe was a bit too dry. I have a standard waffle recipe and I fiddled around with it until I came up with this. DECADENT NUTELLA WAFFLES Serves 4-6 3/4 cup melted butter or margarine 4 eggs (room temperature) 1 1/2 cups flour 3/4 tsp salt 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tbsp sugar 3/4 cup sour cream 3/4 cup milk 1/2 tbsp oil 1 tsp vanilla 4-5 heaping tablespoons Nutella Bring eggs to room temperature and separate. Beat the whites until stiff like whipped cream. Melt the butter and set aside. Mix flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder in a separate bowl and set aside. Mix sour cream, milk, vanilla, oil, and egg yolks Mix in melted butter and Nutella and mix just until combined. Do not over-mix. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients. Stir just until moistened. Do not worry about the small lumps in the batter. Do not beat the batter vigorously. Gently fold in the beaten egg whites. If you can, cover and chill overnight in a 8-cup glass bowl. The batter can be used right away, however. Let the batter set for a few minutes before starting to cook the waffles, so it thickens just slightly and isn't as runny. The batter should be thick, yet easily pourable. Use a vegetable oil and a basting brush or a paper towel and cover the surface of the waffle iron lightly. Preheat it. Pour and drizzle batter into the waffle iron in a constantly moving stream Pour into the waffle iron and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. It’s important to make sure that you time the cooking phase. Five minutes seems to be the optimum cooking time. If you remove the waffle too soon, you end up with something the looks like a waffle but tastes more like a pancake. If the waffle is darker or lighter than you like, adjust the baking time by a half-minute if your iron is the type that has no "darkness" control. If it does, adjust the control a half-notch but keep baking for 5 minutes. Yes, the happiness one is stressful. This morning as I was ordering a page-a-day calendar (which I love having on my desk), I saw this and laughed and thought of you. ;) I don't remember the Feng Shui author's comment about the photo. Now I have to go and see what she said. :D The book is in our classroom ... I think :tongue_smilie:.
  6. Thank you so very much for taking the time to write me such a helpful reply. I really do appreciate it :grouphug:. I've copied and pasted your post to read and decide what to order. :)
  7. This is so very helpful. Thank you. :) Are these the DVDs? Any specific one you recommend the most? Are these the Lotte Berk ones? Want to make sure to get the right one. Is this it? I assume that it's fairly easy to do? I'm not extremely coordinated. I'm not into dance and big-time dance moves. Yoga, pilates-type stuff, etc. are fine. I can even follow Billy Blanks stuff when I'm fit, that is. But if anything requires too much coordination and dance, I'm :leaving:. Thank you again. :grouphug:
  8. You're a girl after my own heart :smilielol5:. Thanks for giving me a great laugh this morning. :D :grouphug:
  9. Just thought to add that one of my very favorite books is Food Rules If one could focus on just one rule each week or month or whatever and make that into a habit, I really believe that overall health would improve greatly.
  10. INTERVAL TRAINING When you increase your pace you’ll burn more calories and target belly fat. 10-MINUTE BURSTS OF WALKING RIGHT AFTER (OR EVEN BEFORE) EACH MEAL Ab exercises alone will not really help. What does help is decreasing your insulin levels. You do that by regular exercise - such as 10 minute bursts of exercise right before or after each meal. It's hard for me to do the 10 minutes right before or after mealtimes, but I am trying. Typing this up is a good reminder. BALANCE WORK Standing on one leg or using a wobble board or inflatable disk helps target and tone every little muscle. When you narrow your base of support – like balancing on one foot – you may have less stability, so your body naturally engages all of your core muscles to prevent you from falling. Try balancing on one leg as you do upper-body moves such as biceps curls and overhead presses. POSTURE Keep your abs active all day as you stand, carry groceries, sit, do your hair, and exercise. You’ll stand taller and your abs will get firmer. Someone here shared this: "Great bodies are made in the kitchen and improved in the gym."
  11. CUT BACK ON SALT The more sodium in your diet, the more bloating in your belly. Instead, garnish w/herbs, spices, and citrus juices. Sodium makes you retain water and puffs up your belly. Most of us eat more than twice as much sodium as we need. Stop salting your food at the table, and check for sodium on the labels of packaged foods. CUT BACK ON SUGAR It has been my personal experience that belly fat is related to sugar intake. When I cut out sugar and soda my stomach goes down fast, within a week there is a big difference and when I do go for sugar, to many carbs etc I get more of a belly. I do not believe this is the case for all people but for me it is directly related. MORE WATER Not drinking enough water will leave you bloated. You need enough water to flush out water and salt in your tissues, so you can be lighter and not be bloated. An easy way to tell whether you're getting enough water is to check the color of your urine: If it's pale yellow, that's good; if it's dark, dehydration may be an issue. And watch what you drink. Too much alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you, because they're natural diuretics and can cause you to lose body fluids. AEROBIC EXERCISE gives definition to the stomach muscles and helps lose actual inches. REBOUNDING/SKIPPING/JUMP ROPE MOVEMENTS for 5-30 minutes help Cardio burns fat In fact, a recent study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, showed cardiovascular exercise is especially effective in reducing midsection weight gain. STRENGTH TRAINING Strength training builds up the core muscles - in one study, women who lifted weights for an hour twice a week lost 15 percent more abdominal fat than those who didn't. One of the fastest ways to firm your middle is through strength training for your entire body. Only resistance exercises boost your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn fat where it builds up. To burn belly fat and start seeing some abdominal definition, you need to burn calories. That’s really the bottom line. Full body strength training exercises that train movements, not muscles, is the way to go. The reason is that big movements have a greater metabolic cost (that is, burn more calories) than small movements. That’s because they recruit more muscle, oxygen, and thus require more calories to complete the necessary exercise. Which do you think would burn more calories…. Ab crunches OR front squats? Sit ups OR lunge walks? Leg lifts OR dumbbell cleans? In each case, if you said the 2nd option, you’re right! Abdominal exercises do nothing to help lose stomach or get a flat six pack. Another way to work your abs while toning the rest of your body: Hold a light weight overhead during moves like lunges and squats. Your core is the main connection between your upper and lower body. By creating more length from your center to your fingertips, your abs have to work extra hard just to keep you upright. That creates a firmer, stronger midsection.
  12. Thought to share some of my notes, although I have to admit that the tips everyone has included here are far more helpful. Also, most of the following are more related to abs as opposed to a thickening waistline. I think it's pretty much the same thing, but it's too early for me to think straight ... For me, it's much, much more about eating less than it is about exercising more. I hate that fact and am not particularly thrilled about it. It’s just that I know that when I eat less I lose far much more weight than when I exercise for hours and hours (and don't necessarily watch what I eat). My waistline and abs also get smaller. Lots of exercise often leads me to have an oversized appetite. 80% eating healthy and less 20% lifting with intervals and cardio. As the old saying goes..."Abs are made in the kitchen"! EAT LESS AT NIGHT Consume 2/3 of your daily calories before dinner. For your dinner, eat lightly and skip dessert (easier said than done). BULK UP ON FRUITS AND VEGGIES These are low-calorie stomach fillers. Have 5-9 servings a day. The more fiber I include in every meal and snack, the better. Raw foods – fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in their natural form – are rich in the natural enzymes found in all foods. Naturally, this means that each food has the appropriate enzymes to digest itself. Thus, when you eat raw foods, they are much more easily digested and utilized in your body. That means less food stored as useless fat. Not only will they help you lose weight and belly fat but you’ll have so much energy and better health than you ever thought possible. INCLUDE LEAN PROTEIN IN EVERY MEAL Moderate amounts of eggs, fish, meat, poultry, low fat yogurt, and legumes help you feel sated. We lose muscle as we age. So even if you are working out but not eating properly, you are not doing your muscles any favors. Getting enough protein also helps to keep weight down. Losing muscle decreases resting metabolic rate, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat.
  13. Thank you for this thread. I've been concerned also. Reading up on all the great tips. This may be more do-able for me. I'm pretty sure that I don't have gluten issues (yet). I don't think I could go completely gluten free unless if I had serious health issues. So true. Fabulous reminder. Especially about portion sizes. Wish this weren't true. :glare: Off to search for some ballet-based workout DVDs. Challenging yoga also. I have lots of yoga DVDs, but not very many challenging ones. I just got two pilates DVDs. Thank you for your tips. :) Wonderful suggestions. I had no idea that crunches cause bulking up. :glare: Wish I'd known that sooner. How nice of them to tell us :001_huh:. If anyone can recommend some great ballet-based and/or intense yoga DVDs, please do share. Thank you.
  14. :grouphug: This looks interesting. :) Haven't read Patterson in years. Do you like the Henrietta Lacks book or is too early to ask? I think I must be the only one who hasn't cared for this book, although I may give it another go. We'll see. Thanks. :) BTW, am loving all the smiley dudes - the weird ones you posted. :lol: The other week, I made Decadent Nutella Waffles. They were sooo good. :D :smilielol5: Oh my ... it's so bad that I think if I had to choose, I'd go with the Feng Shui one, although that's really not saying much at all. ;) I love it when everyone's free to say that they don't like a book. The Marriage Plot is on my wish list. I won't read it for a while - need a break from authors. :)
  15. Both. Perspiration, I don't mind as much. But stink, nothing has worked for more than a few hours, max. :glare:
  16. The other Oprah books that I liked - it's been years since I read them. I read them back when she recommended them - in '96 or '97. I wouldn't mind re-reading them at some point. I gave up on Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I might try it again in a few months. Stacia, will add Vonnegut to my wish list. Any specific recommendations? Good to know. :D Books are so subjective. I feel that I may be the only one that I know of who didn't care for Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. And Stacia, remember how we were one of the few who didn't care much for The Happiness Project? :lol: I love Nutella anytime. My week's going fine, but I just love Nutella at. all. times. Wow. :eek: Although I haven't read this one, I do like the one for children a lot. I might read the one for teens soon. I'm just not into the self-help mode these days. Parenting books make me feel really bad. These days. They were fine to read before kids. ;) Not necessarily, but you are making me smile. :D :lol: I was waiting for you to rant also, Stacia.
  17. So glad it turned out well. I'm taking notes about the applesauce, especially the berry applesauce. Happy for your daughter. :)
  18. I wish that by 2011 they could come up with a natural deodorant that would actually work. :glare: I've tried them all, including homemade - nothing really works.
  19. Will always love this as well as many others listed already. Yesterday, we kept playing . Love it. :DCaution: Video may be offensive to some. I just love the song. That's all. :)
  20. Oh. my. goodness. :D Some of you may not know that we're Persian and just love, love, love Persian food. Love Kashk. fesenjoon, you name it ... :drool: Alas, no Persian markets in this part of the world. We do try to stock up every time we visit the U.S. I'm envious. :D For those who don't have a Persian market, there might be a good Persian restaurant near you. More so in big cities. There's a fabulous Persian market in Irvine - huge!
  21. Wise move. :D I love the way you list them - bed, car, etc. :lol: Stacia, never read Vonnegut, but dh has mentioned him to me at times. Nice to know that you also enjoyed Poisonwood Bible. Looking forward to reading your review of the Queen Noor book. When I was about 9 while skiing in Iran, I saw King Hussein from up close. This was in the late '70s. Think it was around the time he married Queen Noor. I think ... Nice to know. Seems like so many like it. Again, I'm just loving it.
  22. :iagree: I was never able to get into this one either. Some of Oprah's books were exactly as you describe them. Others, I thought, were good. I had to stop reading her recommendations for the longest while. But again, there have been a few that I've liked a lot: She's Come Undone Stones from the River Middlesex are 3 that come to mind.
  23. This book has a very interesting chapter on Switzerland. I absolutely love this book and have read it at least two (or maybe three :D) times.
  24. Fibroymyalgia and muscle pain are often components of chronic fatigue. We all get tired at times, but the fatigue that is part of CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome) hits suddenly and is deep and debilitating. Along with this fatigue come: • Difficulty concentrating • Headaches • Pain in muscles and joints • Digestive problems • Anxiety • Low-grade fevers • Depression Rest takes care of most types of fatigue, but not if you have CFIDS. It never goes away. The fatigue may let up for a while, but then it returns. If you have extremely sensitive and painful points on various parts of your body, or simply ache constantly, you could have fibromyalgia. Sometimes fibromyalgia begins after a physical trauma, but a hereditary or biochemical imbalance may also cause it. Or it could be connected to another health condition. Unfortunately, NSAIDS like Motrin, Advil, and Naprosyn can only treat the pain, not the underlying cause. And what’s more, they can actually create fibromyalgia by increasing intestinal permeability, also known as “leaky gut syndrome†resulting in additional inflammation. NSAIDs are like a Band-Aid contaminated with bacteria that make your sore worse. BOOKS Fibromyalgia: A Journey Toward Healing by Chanchal Cabrera Many people with FMS get hooked on acupuncture, and for good reason. Numerous studies show the positive benefits of acupuncture for pain relief. One landmark study appeared in the June 2006 Mayo Clinic Proceedings. This randomized, controlled trial, led by David P. Martin, MD, an anesthesiologist from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota, reports on 50 FMS patients, half of whom received acupuncture; the remaining 25 received sham acupuncture, which involved needles inserted at non-therapeutic points. After just six treatments spread over three weeks, the acupuncture patients reported significant improvement in symptoms, particularly fatigue and anxiety, lasting up to seven months. One month after treatment, those treated with “true†acupuncture had less fatigue and fewer anxiety symptoms than the sham acupuncture group. Exercise more, stress less A regular, gentle, exercise routine stands out as indispensable for FMS—to increase flexibility and reduce pain and stress. The severe pain that usually accompanies FMS makes it difficult for many sufferers to begin and maintain an exercise program. That’s why programs with gentle stretches and movements, such as therapeutic yoga, Pilates, and t’ai chi, are often a good fit for FMS patients. Shomon finds tremendous relief with Pilates. “My body was often a knot of aches and pains—especially in my neck, shoulders, and lower back,†she says. “But I started Pilates for two one-hour sessions a week. It was life-changing. Gradually, I gained strength, my constant body pain faded, and I was able stop my daily doses of ibuprofen.†Shomon has been doing Pilates for about four years and says she rarely has body pain. Yoga also eases muscle pain and stiffness. In a six-week randomized pilot study, researchers looked at a yoga program modified for FMS chronic back pain. The program improved balance and flexibility and diminished disability and depression.
  25. Use iodine-rich Seaweed Gomasio to season your food. Instead of using seaweed to boost your iodine levels, you might consider taking an iodine supplement. Iodoral is a very good one. I get mine from amazon and love this stuff. You may need 1 to 4 tablets of Iodoral, a combination of 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of potassium iodide. Additional research finds that vitamin C improves the transport of iodine in the body, so it may be best to take Iodoral with Vitamin C. Studies show that women who weigh about 110 pounds need at least 5 mg of iodine a day for normal breast function. If you’re heavier, you may need more. Start off slowly over a 4 week period. Take 1 pill for 30 days Then 2 pills for 30 days Then maybe 3 for 30 days Then 1 in morning and 1 in evening for 30 days Can then go back to taking 1 or 2 a day to maintain Your body will know....listen to it... One Iodoral tablet provides 12.5 milligrams of iodine/iodide which is about the amount the average Japanese consumed in 1964 in their everyday diet. Iodoral is the best way to get the recommended amount of iodine. When we take 50 mg of iodine/iodide a day, it acts as an adaptogen, regulating various body functions. Substances that interfere with iodine Chlorine – present in most city water supplies – unless you de-chlorinate your water, you are being exposed to thyroid-lowering gases whenever you bathe, shower, or have a drink of water. Fluorine Bromide or Bromine – found in some pesticides – try to eat organic whenever possible Bromide is even used in some asthma drugs Mountain Dew, Fresca, and orange Gatorade all contain bromide in the form of brominated vegetable oils. Drinking beverages with bromide causes low thyroid function in some people. These toxins are in our water, hot tubs, non-organic foods, and some soft drinks. If you don’t have enough iodine, chances are you have too much fluoride and bromide. Sufficient iodine pulls these toxins out of your body. Aspirin, blood thinner meds, and steroids can result in iodine deficiency thyroid problems. If you’re taking these, ask your doctor to check your thyroid function.
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