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Everything posted by Negin

  1. VITAMIN D3 Vitamin D helps everything—your bones, your immunity, your emotional well-being, your mind; it even helps prevent cancer. If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day. If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption. Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency VITAMIN E If any multi or Vitamin E supplement has dl-alpha, rather than d-alpha, I stay away from it. D-alpha is the good and natural kind. Dl-alpha is synthetic and not processed by the body. FISH OIL Make sure to get a good, high-quality fish oil – such as Carlsons’s. You want to avoid fish oil that may come from polluted sources or that may be high in mercury. Other good brands are Nordic Naturals, Enzymatic Therapy, and Metagenics. Fish Oil is good for your heart partially because it decreases blood clotting and reduces blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or other signs of heart disease, 3-5 grams may be helpful. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking medications to make sure there are no negative interactions. Fish oils thin the blood just like aspirin, gingko biloba, and garlic. You don’t want to thin your blood so much that it causes bleeding. For all others, 1 gram (1,000 mg) is fine. Stop taking fish oil and any EPA supplements 2 weeks before surgery – as well as possibly avoiding a fish dinner the night before any surgery. Do not take fish oils if you are on any blood thinner. GLUCOSAMINE The cheaper glucosamine hydrochloride form is totally useless. Only glucosamine sulfate has been scientifically shown to have any efficacy whatsoever. But, glucosamine HCI is really, really cheap
  2. Now here's info on specific minerals and vitamins, etc. B COMPLEX Any good multivitamin or B Complex needs to have at least 10 mg of B vitamins. It's a red flag if the B vitamins are at very low levels. When lower than 10 mg, they’re insignificant and unhelpful. VITAMIN C Best if taken as Ester-C – this is a patented form of bio-available vitamin C CALCIUM I think there is a very big difference not only in the brand but the type of calcium you use. The major types of calcium are: Carbonate, Citrate and Bone Meal. 1. Calcium carbonate (also found in coral calcium) is the hardest calcium compound for the human body to break down and absorb. You’ll find it in a lot of supplements because it’s inexpensive. The Carbonate (like Tums) is basically like taking chalk board chalk. It may alkalize your body, but it does almost nothing for your bones. 2. Calcium citrate is slightly better than calcium carbonate, since minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used. It is a little bit more bio-available, but still not the best. 3. Bone Meal is the best source for bones and has one of the highest bio-availabilities. Just make sure it's from a clean source, and the animals it came from weren't given hormones or antibiotics. KAL from New Zealand is good and I get it from vitacost or amazon. 4. You can also get an herbal calcium source that is also bio-available and easily absorbed. CHROMIUM PICOLINATE ChromeMate is a bio-available form of chromium picolinate. COPPER Try to avoid multivitamins with copper. Research has shown that even tiny traces of copper from water pipes can lead to heart disease, as well as diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Over time, even small traces of copper can contribute to the production of excess damaging oxidant radicals. The study recommended that anyone over 50 should avoid supplements containing copper (and iron – more info on iron below). A good form of zinc will lower copper levels in the body. Copper overload can also cause: Depresssion Fatigue Food Cravings Poor Liver Function Weight Gain Yeast Infections
  3. WHAT I PREFER Bio-available when possible – these are best absorbed. Many bio-available forms are patented and identified on the label. Anything with a short ingredient list – no soybean oil, no sugar, starches, colorings, soy, etc. – the less things in it, the better! With vitacost, you can click on side bar buttons to say that you're looking for something without soy, etc. MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE – IF I COULD If I lived in the U.S., I would try my utmost to get as much as I could from Standard Process - which you have to buy from an alternatiave health care practitioner. Standard Process is wonderful. But they don't have every single supplement. They're very specialized. ALKALIZING MULTI VITAMINS AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS Most of us have systems that are overly acidic. Working towards a system that is balanced or more alkaline is the key to overall health. These supplements are said to be very good for alkalizing the body. • http://www.auntiegs.com/index.php 12 Systems Synergistic Multiple – one tablet per meal • Vita Lea (Shaklee) – one tablet with each meal • Bio Strath – One teaspoon with each meal or tablet as indicated – I saw it on vitacost AFTER THAT I prefer searching for good brands on vitacost or amazon – reading reviews, and looking at brands. The following are brands that I like and trust: Carlson’s Nature’s Way Twin Labs KAL Enzymatic Therapy Green Magma – for green, alkalizing drink Solgar Source Naturals Rainbow Light Solaray NOW Swanson UniKey (do a google search) New Chapter Organics Brands I've heard good things about, but have not yet tried, and don’t yet know enough about: Aerobic Life Products Blue-Green Algae Country Life Darwin’s Gaia Herbs Health from the Sun Jarrow Kyo-Green Member’s Mark Metagenics Nature’s Plus Nature’s Sunshine Nordic Naturals Planetary Formulas Pure Encapsulations Puritan’s Pride Shaklee Trace Minerals Research Vitamin World Zone Perfect
  4. You're on the right track. Here's some info I have. Hope it's not too overwhelming. Ideally, diet should be good and healthy. Supplements are great, but are secondary. WHAT I LIKE TO AVOID Many “one-a-day†formulas - Theragram-M, Geritol, Centrum usually: • Have such long ingredient lists (a red flag for me!) with synthetic coloring, waxes, and other undesirable ingredients – this is my main reason for avoiding them • Are too low in potency – most one-a-day formulas cannot possibly give you high enough potencies of nutrients. There simply isn’t enough room to pack a lot of nutrients into a single capsule. Do be aware that a good multivitamin and mineral formula requires that you take it in larger quantities – from 3-6 capsules daily. This may seem like a lot, but it’s not. When it comes to herbs, and often minerals and vitamins, most of the time, the quantity and potency is so very, very low, that it really isn’t going to do anything much at all. I prefer to research all the brands and see which has the highest dosage, or I have found that I may need to double or triple the dose. I have to admit that due to financial constraints, I seldom do this these days, unless I'm focusing on a specific health concern. I do believe that nutrition (healthy diet) is first and foremost. • Are often poorly absorbed Anything that is multi-marketed. Supplements from multi-marketed companies are obviously going to cost much more. The supplements may be good, but remember that you’re paying for a wealth system that may play on people’s greed. Any supplement (usually they are minerals) that has the word “oxideâ€. The oxide form of any is the cheapest source of that mineral. Most of the cheaper brands include oxide to cut down on costs, but these brands do our bodies no good, since they’re barely absorbed. Any supplement that has vitamin E as dl-alpha – dl-alpha is synthetic and junk. Any supplement that has calcium carbonate – ditto, as above Most brands at Walmart, Costco, etc. But this doesn’t always apply. Some brands at these larger stores are fine. You'll have to do your own research to know. Just because the supplement is sold at Walmart or Costco does not that it’s necessarily bad. You need to look at the ingredients. are the same.
  5. I love planning and organizing and would love your feedback on how often to do different types of workouts. Unfortunately, I'm no longer able to or should run. Knee problems. So running is out. I just ordered 2 Pilates DVDs and am waiting on those. I love yoga. Love it, love it, love it. Have many DVDs - Leslie Sansone walking stuff, weights routines, cardio, Tae Bo/Billy Blanks (hard on knees), yoga DVDs, and so on. I also have magazine routines that I've saved over the years and have organized into a folder. Oh, I also love swimming. The only downside is that it increases my appetite temporarily. But it is fabulous for back fat and overall toning. To me, swimmers have the most incredible bodies. Swimming just feels good. Rebounding is great also. Plus, I have a Bosu Ball for balance. So, if you were me, what would you do? Would you do a completely different workout every day, or would you say, do pilates x number of times a week, and so on? I read these and thought to share: Mix your workouts. It’s easy to get bored with the same workout every day. Aim for variety. This prevents a weight-loss plateau because your body is never given a chance to adapt. And it prevents you from overtraining the same muscles by doing the same exact workout every day, and causing injuries that could sabotage your goals. The more you vary the intensity, duration, and even type of exercise (walking, jogging, biking, swimming, hiking) the more physically challenging each workout will be and the more calories you will burn. Further, the more you alternate the types of exercise you do, the less likely you are to suffer from repetitive stress injuries. Your body adapts to everything. This applies to your diet and exercise, or lack of it. If you start walking a route in your neighborhood and think you can just do that forever- wrong! Ever noticed you start on new cardio equipment at the gym and it is hard to get through 20 minutes, but after a month you are hardly out of breath? That means it is time to mix it up and do something new. Try rowing, or stairs. Three days per week of cardio, in conjunction with three days per week of strength training and a conservative reduction in calories (while emphasizing optimal nutrition), is a great way to get started on your weight-loss goal. 3 KEYS TO SLOW DOWN AGING IN ALL YOUR BODY’S CELLS: Exercise for half an hour a day - At least 20 of these minutes should ideally be spent in any activity that leaves you breathless. This will help you live longer and function better physically and cognitively as you get older. You will lessen your chance of heart disease, cancer, neurological disease, and infections. It will keep your immune system young. You can get as old as you're willing to be. When you turn 60, exercise is doubly important, when you turn 70, even more. I try (but don't always succeed) to do some form of exercise every day. Whatever you enjoy – just do it. There is no one way to exercise. Just move most days. Ideally, a variety is good- cardiovascular (bike riding, brisk walking, jogging etc), weight lifting and weight bearing, and stretching. But something is always better than nothing. Fresh air is also important. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (and low in fat and refined sugar) Eat well, mostly plants. Spend 20 minutes to an hour a day taking part in stress-reducing activities Something that helps you unwind: yoga, stretching, napping, knitting, praying, meditating, or reading Yoga improves blood circulation to skin, feeds skin cells, and makes the skin glow. It improves skin’s elasticity, strength, and firmness and is also great for hair health. Exercise is wonderful for preventing all sorts of diseases – heart disease, cancer, diabetes, protecting the bones, lifting one’s mood, boosting metabolism, and so on. But in general, for weight loss, I have found that exercise is not all it’s made out to be. Lots of research has shown this. In terms of weight loss, diet and aerobic exercise provide only a very marginal benefit when compared to diet alone. I have numbers to prove it - since I weigh and measure on a weekly basis - the times that I have lost the most weight are when I exercise moderately (not for an hour or more a day, like I used to) and eat MUCH, MUCH less. My body has changed. It's not the body I had in my teens, 20s, or early 30s. I used to be able to eat that slice of cheesecake AND run 4 miles the next morning AND not ever gain. I can’t do that anymore. I have more recently found that that when I exercise intensely for 45 minutes or more per day, my appetite increases. I get the most results from eating much less and exercising moderately – for about 30-45 minutes per day, or at least most days. That's just my experience. Again, I have numbers to prove it. For me, weight loss is pretty much 80% what I eat and 20% what I do. As with most things in life, the usual 80/20 Principle applies. My dh (and others have said this also), say that it may be more like 90% what I eat. I'm actually am agreeing with that more and more. When it comes to weight loss, intake is the major factor. When it comes to overall health and longevity, exercise is essential also. I no longer exercise for 90 minutes a day, and sometimes not even every day, since it’s not always possible. I tell myself to exercise for health not necessarily for weight loss. Exercise is not a weight loss solution. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
  6. Whatever you do, be very careful with apartment in Paris. Many don't have such positive experiences. And whatever you do, do not, I repeat, not, ever, ever go for a Parisian B&B. Unless you really don't care, of course. ;) Best of luck. Prices should be better now. We were there in the summer. The good thing about Paris is that it doesn't matter too much, since you're hardly ever in your room. :D Paris is fabulous.
  7. Would this be like the books I have on my amazon wish list? I just redid mine the other week. So excited about the books I plan on reading. Many are recommendations from here. :)
  8. This morning, in the very early morning hours, I finished Middlesex. I never thought I'd care for this book much. I absolutely loved it and am so happy that I finally read it after first hearing about it a few years ago. Didn't want it to end. All I can say is, "Wow!" :D
  9. What a resourceful and wonderful husband you have! :D Sounds like mine. I googled the same thing when we were visiting Wales, of all places, this summer. I had THE best fitting done. Yes, everyone should ideally get a professional bra fitting once a year. Ideally. Larger bre@sts need them, for sure. Very, very important. The right br@ size can make your waist appear smaller, etc. Everything looks so much better. Some more tips/info for anyone who's interested: Measure your bra size every year - more frequently if you have major body changes (e.g., weight loss or gain, pregnancy, etc.). Replace your bras every six months. Most bras get worn out from laundering and wear after about six months. Check your bras occasionally for signs of wear and tear like stretched out straps and/or underwires that poke, which signal that a bra is ready for retirement. Just a Few More Bra-Shopping Tips When you look at yourself in the mirror the band should be level all the way around. Most women don't wear the band low enough in the back. In the side view the center of your bre@sts should be about halfway between your shoulder and your elbow. The bra should be level. The part just below the bre@st should be level with the part on your back. This gives you support and lift. Women are generally wearing their bras too high on their backs. Speaking of the sides, if your cup runneth over and your bre@sts are pushing over the sides of your bra, go for the next larger cup size. Your bra should be level front to back so you get a lift and it looks beautiful in the front. The biggest part of the bre@st should be between your armpit and your elbow. If the cup puckers it's too big, if you spill out it's too small. There are obvious clues your bra is the wrong size: If your cups runneth over, it's time to go up a cup size. If your cups dimple, it's time to go down a cup size. If you have the dreaded back fat, you probably think your bra is too tight, but you're wrong—your bra is too big. Wearing the bra lower on your back with a smaller band size will completely eliminate the back fat. If your strap falls down, that means your bra band is riding up and you probably need to go down a band size. Buy a bra that fits when you put it on the first set of hooks. That way as it ages and stretches you can keep moving in on the hooks and still have a great fit. If your straps leave deep, red marks or dig into your shoulders, you probably need more support. Look for a bra with wider straps, a wider band at the bottom and more support at the sides, too. • If you have big bre@sts - it's essential to wear a bra that fits you properly; a good bra will lift the boobs and give definition to the waist. • Balcony bras look great on girls with large chests. • Avoid thin back straps unless you are totally fatless or you will end up with unsightly back bulges under your clothes. When you go in be sure to ask specifically for the fitter - not just any sales associate. If they just stick a tape measure over your clothes, they’re most likely not very knowledgeable at all. Be prepared...a good bra fitter is not shy about just reaching her hand right in and adjusting everything. Make sure the person fitting you can tell you why she is recommending the bras she shows you and ask -and expect to receive good answers. Walk out (nicely, of course) if you have doubts - you don't have to buy to please them - just you. Smaller independent specialists lingerie shops - I found the smaller shops to be the best. The lady was so good she actually told me my bra size just by looking at me. She did the proper measurements after to prove it & was spot on Finally, just to add a bit of humor to the whole experience, I read this on the SL forums years ago. A homeschooling mom wrote how she was in Budapest or maybe somewhere else in Hungary. She was at one of those outdoor market type places. Now imagine a rosy-cheeked, round-faced, plump Eastern European lady selling bras. Homeschooling mom is looking at them. Eastern European lady doesn't speak English and the mom doesn't speak Hungarian. Hungarian lady grabs her br@easts (all in the public and outdoors mind you :lol:), hands her a bra. She buys it with some skepticism. Then she wrote that never, ever did a bra that fit so perfectly as that one. :lol: Guess we all need to find that lady in Hungary :D :lol:.
  10. These are some that I haven't yet tried. PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS 1/2 c butter or margarine, softened 1 c sugar 2 eggs 1 c canned pumpkin (without spice) 2 c all purpose flour 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp soda 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp ginger 1 c semi-sweet chocolate chips Cream butter and sugar in mixing bowl. Add eggs, stir until smooth. Stir in pumpkin. In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. Stir to m ix. Pour into mixing bowl; stir until moistened. Fold in chocolate chips. Spoon into greased or paper-lined muffin cups until three-fourths full. Bake at 350* for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. VANILLA RICOTTA MUFFINS 1 1/2 cups unbleached flour 1/2 cup dry milk powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/4 tsp cinnamon A pinch (or a few grates) of nutmeg 2 Tblsp (packed) light brown sugar 1 cup ricotta cheese 1/2 cup milk 2 large eggs 1 Tblsp Vanilla extract 4 Tblsp (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Lightly spray 8 standard muffin cups with non-stick spray. Combine the flour, powdered milk, salt, baking powder, granulated sugar, and spices in a medium-sized bowl. Crumble in the brown sugar, rubbing it with your fingers to break up any clumps. Stir until thoroughly blended. Place the ricotta in a second medium-sized bowl, and beat in the milk. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well with a medium-sized whisk after each addition. Stir in the vanilla extract. Pour the ricotta mizture, along with the melted butter into the dry ingredients. Using a spoon or rubber spatula, stir from the bottom of the bowl until the dry ingredients are all moistened. Don't overmix; a few lumps are okay. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups. For smaller muffins, fill the cups about four-fifths full. For larger muffins, fill them up to the top. If you have extra batter, spray one or two additional muffin cups with non-stick spray and fill with the remaining batter. Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until lightly browned on top and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove the pan from the oven, then remove the muffins from the pan and place them on a rack to cool. Wait at least 30 minutes before serving.
  11. SINFUL CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS :D 1 egg 1 stick softened butter – melted and cooled 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 cup chocolate chips (6 ounces) 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional) Beat together eggs, butter, milk, and vanilla yogurt. Stir flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar together. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  12. MANGO MUFFINS yields 12 large muffins In small bowl mix together, just until blended: 1 egg ½ C sour cream OR yogurt ½ C milk 1 t vanilla ½ stick unsalted butter, melted and cooled Gently stir in 1 ½ C diced ripe mangos (or peaches) In a large bowl mix together: 2 C flour ½ C sugar 1 T baking powder ¼ tsp baking soda ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp cinnamon Make well in center and add mango mixture. Fold together just until moistened and evenly blended. Mixture will be lumpy. Bake at 400º for 25 to 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out with a few crumbs. Cool in tin for 5 minutes before removing muffins. PEACH MUFFINS 1 3/4 cups flour 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup pecans or walnuts (optional) 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1 cup fresh, canned, or frozen peaches 2 eggs 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1/3 cup buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla In large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients. In another bowl, mash peaches with fork or in blender. Stir in remaining ingredients. Add to flour mixtures and stir just until moistened. Spoon into muffin cups Bake 15-20 minutes or until tops are golden.
  13. My family's all-time favorite. They actually protest if I experiment and make other types of muffins. ;) BERRY CREAM MUFFINS This makes a LOT (about 24 standard-size muffins), so you could halve the recipe if you wish. 4 cups flour 2 cups sugar 3 tsps baking powder 3/4 tsp salt 3 cups fresh or frozen raspberries or mixed berries 4 eggs (when making muffins and pancakes, I always separate the eggs. I beat the whites quite well and add them in LAST. This makes my muffins/pancakes lighter and fluffier). 2 cups sour cream (sometimes I do 1 cup sour cream and 1 cup plain yogurt. You could do just plain yogurt also - healthier). 1 cup vegetable oil 1 tsp vanilla Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add berries. Toss gently. Combine egg yolks, sour cream, oil, and vanilla. Mix well. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Add beaten egg whites. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 mins or until muffins test done.
  14. You're most welcome. Good reminder for me also. :grouphug: Very interesting. Thanks for the update. Thinking of you a lot. Yes, as you already know, definitely get it checked out if it's still swollen.
  15. This is very helpful. Thank you. I didn't even know that such a thing was possible. :)
  16. You had your appointment today, right? Thinking of you a lot. :grouphug:
  17. I used to take Soy Lecithin Granules for years and years. My parents also. I strongly believe that it helps in reducing cholesterol, based on all that I have read. Mind you, I never had a problem with cholesterol, but my numbers did go down. My mom, however, did have a cholesterol problem. Hers went down mainly as a result of soy lecithin and reducing sugar. Sugar is a big problem when it comes to cholesterol. We both stopped taking soy lecithin once we realized that soy products can greatly raise the risk of bre@st cancer. There are many other supplements and dietary changes, etc. that can probably reduce cholesterol just as effectively and more safely than soy. If I were to take it, I would only recommend non-GMO and a very good organic-type brand. Many believe that cholesterol in and of itself is not the end-all and be-all of cardiovascular health. I agree. Cholesterol is often overrated. This has been talked about a lot here and you can probably google something like "myths of high cholesterol" or whatever.
  18. Do please keep us updated. :grouphug: Let us know if you need any tips. Thinking of you.
  19. Amy, sorry you're feeling this. I'm sure it'll be my turn soon. Here's some info I have. Not sure if they'll work or not. All of these methods (all natural methods) need at least 6-12 weeks in order to see any difference. Hot Flashes are periods of sudden intense heat, while flushes include the obvious flushing or redness. While they usually come and go for a year or two, some still have hot flashes for 10-15 years after menopause. Hot flashes and flushes can last for a few seconds or up to five minutes. WHAT HELPS HEALTHY EATING Heat-producing foods can trigger hot flashes – limit fatty foods, sugars, caffeine, and very hot spicy foods Cooling foods and plant estrogens help reduce hot flashes – fruits, vegetables, yogurt, goat cheese – these all cool the body More salads Fewer cooked foods Drink plenty of water throughout the day When dietary changes are not enough, it’s time to look into supplements. SUPPLEMENTS Hesperidin is found in the skin of lemons and oranges. It works like a miracle for many women, eliminating hot flashes and night sweats. Take 500 mg morning and night. You most likely will need that much to reduce hot flashes. Although hesperidin is a bioflavonoid, you can’t get enough of it in bioflavonoid supplements. Look for a hot flash formula with high amounts of hesperidin. PHYTOESTROGENS are plant-based estrogens that curb hot flashes, weight gain, and other complaints. Look for a multiple-herb formula with • Chaste-tree berry (normalizes hormone secretion and helps balance estrogen and progesterone) – 40 mg daily – quite frankly, this is the only one I think I will try from this list of phytoestrogens. The rest are of concern to me, since there is a likelihood that they may raise breast estrogen levels. • Black cohosh • Red clover • American ginseng • Milk thistle Nothing has been found to be nearly as effective for menopause symptoms as Black Cohosh. Many Black Cohosh supplements are less potent than they appear. You need to get 540 mg daily. Studies have shown that in sufficient doses, this herb can help alleviate menopausal symptoms in as little as 4 weeks. Puritan’s Pride Black Cohosh 540 mg One study found that women who took Black Cohosh were 47 percent less likely to have breast cancer. Black cohosh can reduce hot flashes by 85%. 40 mg daily of Remifemin Black cohosh treats hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, vaginal dryness, and anxiety OVERALL RELIEF Daily Balance Harmony Enzymatic Therapy AM/PM Menopause Formula Gaia Herbs Phyto-Estrogen NOW Foods Menopause Support Solgar Herbal Female Complex SAGE has been used since ancient times to stop hot flashes and helps reduce all kinds of excessive perspiration. Sage tea and sage tincture helps hot flashes and night sweats. 1-3 cups of sage tea can reduce your hot flashes OR take the herb as a supplement Sage tea is the safest and least expensive solution. Allow the tea to cool down for best results. Drink 1-3 cups a day in between meals. You can increase this amount, if you like, to 4-5 cups a day. You may need much less. In fact, just 1 serving of sage tea can cool down some women within two hours and last for a day or more. Tinctures or capsules containing sage are good options if you don’t want to drink the tea. WILD HOPS reduces hot flashes and night sweats, anxiety, and helps muscles relax. Wild hops can help you sleep 30-120 mg at bedtime Has to be dried to have any medicinal effect Often used in combination w/valerian and lemon balm. SAFFRON promotes calmness and reduces irritability and hot flashes 1 pinch stirred into hot, cooked food daily Some have said that the combination of Chinese Bitters (taken before breakfast) and Fem-Mate (taken at bedtime) is very helpful for alleviating hot flashes. In one case, a 60 year old woman was on HRT for 10 years and was told to stop her HRT immediately because of her vaginal bleeding. When she stopped, her hot flashes became unbearable, and she tried all manner of remedies to no avail. When she took Chinese Bitters and Fem-Mate, her hot flashes became manageable in only 4 days, although it took 3-4 months before her hot flashes disappeared. This remedy works because Chinese Bitters decongests and cleanses the liver while Fem-Mate stimulates natural progesterone and estrogen production by stimulating the adrenals. For some women, whose hot flashes are relatively mild, Chinese Bitters alone is enough to eliminate their hot flashes. In some cases, the complete program of liver and gallbladder cleansing may be necessary because HRT is known to cause gallstones. Daily morning exercises such as stretching and deep breathing can also help by "activating" the liver in the morning. OTHER TIPS Sleep on right side. Sleeping on right side prompts relaxation and decreases blood pressure – which can help calm you during hormone-related symptoms such as hot flashes. Soak your feet in cold water to prevent hot flashes during night
  20. More effective than antibiotics, salt can prevent sinus problems in the first place. Combine ½ teaspoon of non-iodized salt (or ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon baking soda) in a cup of lukewarm water and use this mixture in a sterile eyedropper or neti pot. Rinse your nasal passages twice a day until the infection clears—or whenever you feel sinus pain starting up again. If your throat is sore too, gargle with warm salt water. Many aromatherapy oils—eucalyptus, oregano, tea tree, and thyme are helpful. Use one of these healing essential oils in a room diffuser or add a few drops to your bath water—the steam will help keep your sinuses clear. Soak in warm bath – steamy air helps to drain and thin the sinuses Saline nose drops Nasal Sprays such as Xlear Eucalyptus Oil – found in Vicks Vapo Rub – clears even the most stubborn congestion. Put a couple of drops on a tissue, and hold it near your nose. Take 4-5 deep breaths to pull the vapors far into your lungs. If the congestion returns, replenish the oil. OR Put a few drops of the oil into a bowl of steaming water, cover your head with a towel, and hold your head over the bowl. Humming can clear sinuses. Hum several times a day. Sinupret Plus is good if you continually suffer from sinus infections. Lay off dairy for one month or so Homeopathic Remedy – Belladonna BOOKS “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Sinusitis†by Alan Hirsch “The Sinus Cure†by Murray Grossan Low-level congestion and pain – try a saline spray – such as Simply Saline Sterile Nasal Mist More advanced sinusitis symptoms – pressure, intense pain, difficulty sleeping – try irrigation Bettipot.com Don’t use a spray containing oxymetazoline for more than 5 days in a row. Never exceed the recommended dosage. These nasal sprays can exacerbate symptoms. Many yoga poses and the regular practice of yoga help relieve symptoms of sinusitis. yogajournal.com is a great site with poses for different conditions.
  21. Thank you. I love it when people tell me something definitive like that. Added it to my wish list. :) I'm liking Middlesex more and more. Not sure if you'd like it. I'm only about a third of the way through. Looks great. :D Looks good. Added to my wish list. Again, do you think I'd like it? :D :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
  22. Yes. I haven't read the book, but we saw the movie also. We have family members who went through very similar stuff, if not, worse.
  23. Thank you so much for the really helpful review. Have added it to my wish list. I'm very, very slow these days with non-fiction, but I'll get there eventually. :D
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