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Everything posted by M&M

  1. I have been thinking of changing the focus of our TOG studies by putting more emphasis on Literature. I have been toying with the idea of using LToW for years, once I read the Circe thread I knew it was time to take the plunge. So now I have LToW and TOG sitting here and I have having trouble deciding how to marry the two. If you use TOG along with LToW, how do you structure your studies? Do you use the Lit questions in the SAP? Do you use the Frameworks and Poetics? Do you just work through LTW and just cover the basics of who the author is, and what the historical setting is and then just do the ANI? If you don't use TOG, what do your literature studies look like?
  2. Our family of 7 survived quite well with one bathroom, now we share a house with the in-laws. We have 2 full baths and a toilet in the unfinished basement and we now are 9 in this house. Works fine.
  3. Your choice, either would work....or both. If your regular onions are really strong, I'd leave them out.
  4. Laurie I am so happy that you are well! I am very sorry for you loss and thank you for sharing in such a public way. I have two friends who have fought bc and are also doing well. I think that both of them would liked to have known in advance if their hair loss could be permanent. I think the re-growth of hair is a milestone for cancer survivors, ((hugs)) that you cannot have that milestone.
  5. Yes. We used it this school year. The more we did the more they liked it.
  6. We love it! I try to coordinate it with our Tapestry studies, we watch a lesson and then discuss it. I just picked up her American history video as well. Prof. Carol is so passionate about music that it makes the lessons fun for my children.
  7. Would you share your list? We are probably going to do something similar. I have never studied dystopian lit, and am planning to study this summer to prep for the fall.
  8. Dh and I were both 40 when our last dd was born. We lost one after that and dh would have been 43. He would still love to have more.
  9. This fall I'll have a 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 11th. I this this coming year could be more challenging than this past.
  10. If that is the case then I would look for ways to incorporate math into everyday life. Can your husband help by playing math games or just any games as a family? I don't even necessarily mean board games just fun number play or everyday life math like measuring or reading mathy picture books. I found that having good number sense is a good way for my dc to understand math better.
  11. I have 5 dc, and each one does math differently. My oldest needs to take things slowly at her own pace. We tried many programs and approaches to math until we found one that fits for her. She was in 5th grade and I had her start MUS from the beginning. She is in high school now and though she may not be "caught up", but she understands what she is learning. She will graduate with all the math credits she needs to go to college. Dc#4 gets math. He does has completed 1.5 MUS books a year and has caught up to his sister, dc#3 who also works at a different pace. Math is really a developmental thing. Mastery and understanding is more important than the number on the book. I have learned that the hard way. When I pushed a child(at the time I didn't see it as pushing and thought I was trying not to) it resulted in dc#3 completely shutting down. I also stared him from the beginning withMUS and now he is "ahead". I now follow my children's cues and math is much more successful for everyone.
  12. I also have had very forceful vomiting followed by bleeding. Ds is 8 and sleeping peacefully right now in bed. Try not to worry, you probably bruised your cervix.
  13. I have met some amazing friends at homeschool conferences including some people from this board. By deciding to attend HEAV in Va, I was able to meet a very dear friend and spend some time with SWB, have lunch with Voddie Baucham, and get a chance to really see things I might want to purchase. I was sold on AG by attending the author 's workshop and have picked up some great resources that I would not have know about. I also like to hear speakers that challenge me and helpe to focus on the big picture. I am hoping to go to CT. I am looking forward to seeing SWB, the Sommervilles, and I plan to spend a lot of time at the CIRCE booth. I'm still debating if I will go to ENOCH. Maybe I'll see you there!
  14. I don't know what the largest fine I have ever paid, but yesterday I paid $12 in fines, $1.25 to the parking meter and since the meter expired 5 min before we came out of the library , I now have a $ 25 parking ticket to pay! Amazon is starting to look good again!
  15. I have purchased many, many Latin programs we have had no success until Visual Latin came along. Dwane is very funny and ds now willingly does Latin daily! If you look at the free lessons offered, he gives a lot of good advise for learning any language. You do not need any previous Latin to do Visual Latin. We have tried Rosetta Stone for Spanish and French and I have nothing good to say about RS.
  16. This is how it is in our house as well. I love to read! Growing up my best friend's mother was a librarian, I always had/have my nose in a book. Dc so far take after my engineer dh, they read for utility more than pleasure. These last few threads have made me think a lot about our reading selections and my focus.
  17. Could you look for used copies? I have found the old Ballentine issues used. They are the ones I originally read as a child and I love them.
  18. Some things I did with a toddler who wanted all my attention. I would pull the highchair up to the school table and either have a snack or activity - fingerpainting with pudding, the above mentioned activity bags, cheerios. Toddler would be on one side of me dc who needed my attention on the other side. I got an Ergo carrier and put toddler in it and walked around from on dc to the other dc helping with school work while bouncing baby on my back. Circle time was a great thing to include all the dc in an activity together. Kendra at http://www.preschoolersandpeace.com has lots of great ideas for homeschooling with littles. When all else failed, we would pack up the stroller or jump in the car and go to the park, library or we would just take a break. On better days, I would work on training toddler to start playing more independently in playpen ...this worked with some dc and not so well with others. Just keep swimming!
  19. I had the same problem two weeks ago. The tech guy I spoke to said it was a glitch in the system. He was able to fix it while I was on the phone with him. Sometimes the licensing portion doesn't apply to your account. I think they are working on it. I hope you get an answer soon!
  20. :iagree: I am on my 4th time through Opgr with youngest dd. I stared with 100EZ Lessons and then used PP. Once OPGtR came out, I sold the others. I know some don't like the script and the font, but I dont read the script, I just teach the lesson. Sometimes we read from the book, sometimes I write out the sentences to read on a whiteboard or an index card. OPGR take dc through 4th grade reading level, the others are no so complete.
  21. I am very thankful for all your replies. This has been wonderful. I listened to to workshop tha Sebastian linked...it was fascinating. I was so annoyed yesterday, but the Lord with some help from the Hive has turned this into something very good in our house. My teens and I talked about this issue all afternoon. I have been listening intently many of the Circe talks and have read that great thread on classical ed. The scales have fallen from my eyes. I have gotten caught up in curriculum, requirements for high school, and the bustle of a multi-generaltional household of nine. Truth, beauty and virtue will be my focus. Yesterday we looked for it in Mathmatics. I can't wait to see what today will bring!
  22. This!! Thank you. I am printing this out and I am going to share this when sit down with these adults and discuss the impact of Youth leaders on young minds! (with you permission of course!) I just had a talk with my Father, who just happens to be a physicist, and what I have come to see -with a little help from the hive- is that we use Algebra without realizing it. I asked my son "Once you have learned something, how can you be sure that you are not using that information to solve problems?" I think that these folks see Algebra as an equation that is written out like they had in their highschool textbooks. Off to listen to that workshop and print up some math problems!
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