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Everything posted by justme

  1. Oh, and have you ever seen an unattractive drug sales rep? That is no accident, either.
  2. Everyone must read the book 'Our Daily Meds' to see just how the pharmaceutical/medical system works. It will turn your stomach and open your eyes. And yes, drug reps are allowed access to all kinds of patient information- from going through charts to drug stores and insurance companies selling them records. the drug reps are literally experts in psychology- being coached in what to say based on a doctor's personality/interests/gender, keeping records of their families, interests, food and entertainement preferences, previous conversations, prescribing practices, etc... Some reps 'shadow' doctors as they see patients (patients think it's an intern or something), then suggest prescribing regimens using their product! Oh, and most doctors will say "Oh, I know what they're doing, I just accept the food , trips and freebies but I'm not influenced" BS!
  3. We have slowly progressed over the years to being totally fluoride free. When my oldest was little, we even did the fluoride tablets because we had well water and thought we needed it! After much research and thought, I switched us to fluoride-free toothpaste, then asked that the fluoride treatment at the dentist be stopped. I don't know if this is just a coincidence, but when my dd was younger, she would always have a lapse of poor behavior after going to the dentist. It was like clockwork. Flouride is a neurotoxin and you can absorb quite a bit(of anything) through gums and mucosa. Ever since switching no fluoride treatments, we haven't had that issue. coincidence? I don't know, but I'm not going back to it. The hygenist is supportive of our decision and likes to talk about 'alternative' toothpastes that we use. The dentist doesn't say much (I think he is biting his tongue), but if he ever confronts or argues with me, it will be adios.
  4. I would definitely say no to the dinosaur ride at AK. My 10 and 8yo dd's wouldn't even go on it. My 5yo ds(at the time) went and survived, but did not go again when we went the next year. It was very dark, bumpy and LOUD, with a life-size dinosaur roaring about a foot from your face. I know people have gone with dc of all ages, including babies. We went for the first time when dc were 10,8 and 5 and I thought that was perfect. I was afraid we had waited too long (especially for the oldest), but I now realize that any younger with her (there were some neurological/behavior/sensory issues at the time) would have been a total disaster and I would have been very angry and disappointed at all the money, time and planning wasted. So if you are feeling pressure that now is the time to go when your kids are very young, rest assured that waiting another 3 years or so might be even more fun. Of course, if it is something you really are excited about and want to do now and feel every one will enjoy, by all means go. I just feel many people feel they 'need' to go when their dc are 5 and under, but I feel 5-10 is much more rewarding and fun for all involved.
  5. I have also noticed smaller portions at restaurants- for the same price as what you used to get, though! Last time I ate at Outback Steakhouse, I ordered what I always do- the shrimp griller. I was never able to finish an order- it was like 3 whole kabobs on a mountain of rice. Last time it was two much smaller kabobs with more vegetables than shrimp on a small serving of rice. I was able to eat it all and was still even a little hungry. This was at least 8 months ago, already, so that's when I started noticing the trend. My kids have even noticed their hamburgers getting smaller at certain places. I like McDonald's egg McMuffins (one of the few things I like there) and my dh and I have literally watched them shrink before our eyes in the past year. Now one is literally 3 bites and you would need two to even be remotely satisfied whereas one used to be plenty. My appetite has not grown that much!
  6. Nobody has mentioned Kit Kittredge. I went along with my girls reluctantly, but it was actually a very good movie. Everyone I have talked to has said the same. Even my parents just went by themselves (no kids) and liked it! there were quite a few adults without kids in the theater when we went to see it. Dh almost fell asleep in Wall-E, but we all enjoyed Journey 3D. If you like musicals, Mamma Mia is a blast! I took my friend for her birthday and she loved it.
  7. Wow! I'm surprised that so many voted for hate them. I always thought I was kind of strange in that regard, but I guess I'm in the majority. The funny thing is, if so many people hate crowds, why are there crowds? Wouldn't most people stay away from crowd-attracting events, thus making them not crowded (or at least not AS crowded)? I always try to go at 'off' times for shopping, movies and even vacations because crowds ruin anything I do, no matter how fun intended event is.
  8. Yes, I would suspect that adding glycerin would help with the 'gunking up' problem. That happens to me, too. I just remove it with a wet hand before pumping the dispenser. The Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap would probably make a great and refreshing soft-scrub. I just always buy the unscented because I like adding my own different fragrances (including peppermint!).
  9. My dh and I saw the stage version two years ago for our anniversary and loved it and we plan on seeing the movie as well. Yesterday was our movie-date day, but the Batman hype was just too much for my dh to resist, so I relented and saw that instead. I'm actually thinking of taking a girlfriend for her birthday this week.
  10. I felt the same about appropriateness for children (even young teens!). They said the only way it escaped 'R' was that the violence was 'bloodless' in that as many people get killed in various ways, you never actually see blood/gore. It really pushed it, though and I was squirming in a few scenes. It's hard to believe this and Crystal Skull (which we took all three dc to, including 8yo) were both PG-13- totally different levels of violence and psychological fear. I was upset by the previews, as well- totally inappropriate for the under-13 set that will obviously be in the audience. Totally. I usually hate superhero/comic book movies and honestly the only reason I went with dh was because I was intrigued by Heath Ledger's role as the Joker, and it did not disappoint. It was my favorite of the movie by far. As evil as he was, he understood human nature and was the most honest of them all. Yes, he used it for evil rather than good, but you can't say he was a phoney. I was actually rooting for him in a strange kind of way. Characters like Batman bore me to tears- always so righteous and predictable. Bleh.
  11. I actually own season one, and yes, I would wait and watch them in order. I just loved it. But lest you think it might be a good series to watch as a family because of its historical context- DON'T! Very, very racy. Good, but even my dh was shocked by some of the scenes. Definitely an 'adult' series.
  12. Well, even though this wasn't my thread, I'm glad I read the replies, because it has helped me feel better about my decision to keep my dc home until high school. Every year (especially around this time and until the beginning of school), I wonder if I should have put them back in for middle school or go ahead and put them back in now (7th and 8th grade). Just the other day my dd13 told me how her friend already had her backpack and all her supplies bought. No one has pressured me really to put them back, I guess it's just my insecurities nagging that somehow middle school would be so much more fun and enlightening, when I know better. Thanks for boosting my confidence in my decision!
  13. For automatic dishwasher detergent, I use 1c washing soda, 1C Borax, 20 drops (or so) of Lemon essential oil (can use any of your choice). Mix well in a container and keep a 1/2 tablespoon in it for measuring. Per load: 1/2 scoop in the prewash and 2 in the regular. I also fill the rinse dispenser with vinegar rather than purchased rinse aid. Homemade 'softscrub': 1 c baking soda, 1/3-1/2c Dr. Bronners organic liquid soap. Slowly mix in the soap until you get a nice 'soft-scrub' like consistency. You can also add a few drops (about 10) of essential oil of your choice. I fill soap dispensers with the Dr. Bronner's and add 10 drops of essential oil per cup. 1 teaspoonful vegetable glycerin per cup added is supposed to be good, but I haven't tried it yet. Not a recipe, but for laundry, I use vinegar in the softener dispenser, sometimes with essential oil. I stopped using toxic and expensive dryer sheets a while ago and instead bought 'Dryer Balls' at Bed, Bath and Beyond for 9.99. They are awesome- cuts down on static and fluffs up the clothes. You can also dampen a washcloth and put about 10 drops of an essential oil on it if you want fragrance. Lemon and lavender are good together fro a soothing, but uplifting scent. I personally like making my own cleaning and personal care concoctions. I feel thrifty and creative and enjoy creating my own scents with oils.
  14. Customer service? What's that? I haven't seen/experienced any anywhere in a very long time. At a local chain grocery store, I have experienced the following: 1. cashier waiting until I have 1/3 of my cart unloaded on the belt to turn off her light and say she will be closing after current customer. 2. I choose a lane with a bagger, only to have the bagger mysteriously go on break as soon as I am unloaded and ready to pay. A replacement is never called or appears, so I do it myself, kids in tow. Cashier just stares at me as I bag. 3. The bagger standing at the lane next to me with no customers just watches me struggle with bag upon bag, and when I pause and give him a look like 'a little help please', he just walks away to stare out the window. 4. Right in the middle of ringing up my order, the cashier stops to call for back-up because it is break time and I guess she just can't go on for another second. So I wait as she leaves and a replacement comes to finish my order. 5. Right in front of me, cashiers and baggers act as if I'm not there and air their litanny of complaints about their job, co-workers, life and how tired they are and can't wait until their shift is over/it's break time, etc.... 6. When I do have an entire order bagged, I get home to find eggs cracked, fruit bruised and bread smooshed. Getting help out to a car? HAHAHAHA. Not in a million years. And these are just the stories from ONE grocery store chain. I'd be here all day if I listed all the bad service I get everywhere. If I get even mediocre servic I am surprised.
  15. We took our dc (13,12 and 8) to it on Friday (in 3-D) and everyone enjoyed it. Nothing offensive, a lot of action and overall a pretty good story. I daresay I enjoyed it more than Indiana Jones. All the kids immediately said they wanted to see it again (which at 9.75 for a matinee ticket (3-D) is not happening!)
  16. I'm not the least bit surprised, and I would keep giving it if I were you. Essential fatty acids (fish oil among them) are used for ADHD, seizures and other neurological disorders with great success, so why not sleep? Two capsules most definitely does not seem like too much, but if you're not already, you might want to look into a children's capsule and check the dosage. They make chewable forms and flavored oils for children as well. Also make sure it is a good quality oil (molecularly purified, mercury free, etc...).
  17. Several people have mentioned 'Lady in the Water' and I would have to agree. Painfully boring and pointless. Also to add: any baseball themed movies (Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, the one with Robert Redford, etc...) They are just like a sedative to me. I could probably undergo surgery while watching one and wouldn't even know it. On my refuse to see with actor/actress: Julia Roberts! Can. Not. Stand. Her. Period. Jim Carey, Jack Black, Adam Sandler (except Wedding Singer). Don't like over-the-top stupid humor.
  18. My dh took ds, 8 to see it today. Ds apparently enjoyed it, but dh said he almost fell asleep during the first 45 minutes of no dialogue. I, on the other hand, saw Kit Kittredge with my dd's and we all loved it. Very cute, clean and entertaining. there wer many older adults (60+) in the audience who seemed to really enjoy it as well.
  19. All of the Star Wars prequels would have to qualify. Some of the worst acting I have ever seen, besides being cheesy. I turned off Moulin Rouge after 20 minutes, and I really thought I would like it!
  20. There are many. It depends what kind of 'worst' we're going for- stupidest plot, worst acting, most boring, most cheesy, etc.... some off the top of my head are: Dick Tracy with Warren Beatty. We watched this with another couple on a New Year's Eve long ago and I literally leapt off the couch to go do my friend's dishes just to get away from it. I don't even remember what was so bad about it, but I couldn't stand another minute of it. Any Batman movies, but especially the one with Danny Devito as the Penguin. Spiderman and any other 'superhero' movies drive me up the wall, as well. They are always the 'must-see' summer blockbuster, but you couldn't pay ME to see them. I'll think of more....
  21. I like him in SMALL doses. Often I find it too loud/obnoxius and over the top. However, I do have certain favorites that almost bring me to tears. All I can say is that one of the writers had to had worked for a large, bureaucratic company at some point because they make fun of that mentality a lot. My dh and I like that aspect because it rings so true to us. My favorites: Band Geeks- what can I say, I was in tears laughing the first time I saw it. The one where Squidward gets Crusty Crab employees to go on strike and has to teach a reluctant Spongebob to 'fight back against oppression'. Employee of the Month- (Squidward to Spongebob:"Don't you know that's just a gimmick to get you to work harder for no more money" LOL, so true! Crusty Towers- Mr. Crabs gets the idea that he can make money by opening a hotel and charging people outrageous prices for mundane things. His motto is 'We will deny no guest even the most ridiculous request", but then it gets turned around on him. If you knew where I worked, you would know why I find this so funny. Especially the part where he tells Squidward to take a ton of luggage up to someones's room using the 'employee elevator'. He pushes the button, the doors open and it's just stairs. Absolutely classic and hilariously true. At the end he gets a hospital bill and after seeing $10 for an aspirin, decides he will open a hospital next!
  22. Wow, I'm kind of surprised that many other feel like me about avoiding it. I feel exactly like Doran about Western medicine. It is is impersonal, inconvenient, expensive and uninspired(meaning very rigid, not open to change and very stuck in their ways and on their egos). I also find it very demeaning. Ever notice how everything about a visit puts you in a very subordinate/vulnerable position? The long wait in the reception room designed to let you know how much busier and important the doctor is, being shuttled into a stark, cold room where you have to wait even more in a flimsy paper gown just to feel more powerless and exposed. The psychology of it is actually very powerful. then you are poked, prodded, interrogated and often lectured if they find something not to their liking. It makes me feel like an animal. Anyway, as to the question of even I'm 'scared' of cancer? The answer is no. I have zero risk factors, no woman in my family has ever been diagnosed with any kind of cancer (most live to 100 or more), and I take care of myself. I guess I feel that I have good genes on my side and a history of good health. It just doesn't enter my mind. I feel so much of those 'Health statistics' are just propaganda designed to scare and badger us into consuming more health care/tests/diagnostics.
  23. It's been18 months and counting. I went three years between them last time, and plan to do so again. I absolutely HATE going to doctors for anything. Even if it's just a check-up, then I'll get the guilty speech about not coming more regularly, and that REALLY irritates me. I'll go when I want and/or think it's necessary. I hate being made to feel like I owe it to them to come in more often. Of course, it's just about looking out for my health- riiiight.
  24. You didn't mention it, but I assume you use reusable bags(everywhere, not just the grocery store!). I have been doing it for several months and it feels so good not to have all those plastic bags in my home. I'm pretty proud of that. Plus changing to 'green/nautral' cleaning and laundry products. This is a good site for bags and other environmentally-friendly products: http://www.reusablebags.com/
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