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Everything posted by ThreeBlessings

  1. Thank you so much! :) I just purchased 4 sets, $90 worth of items and only spent $40 because I had a swagbucks $5 certificate and also the order qualified for free super saving shipping. Awesome!
  2. I guess my kids do appreciate me guess again Mid-way to whatever and half way to nowhere Alright, help me out here! No! You shouldn't have gotten in there to begin with. Could you use some good news? No, I prefer mine bad. Merry Christmas you've been served... a delicious grandma made dinner, yum! I vaguely remember someone posting about Sorry I've faintly forgotten. What do you think of this conversation? If we're being honest, I've had better. REALLY stuck my foot in my mouth today... Ouch! Was it hard to remove? Going with coming without How do you know if your child is The same way I know if my child isn't. Need Math advice please 2 + 2 = 4 How long to read Tale of Two Cities Preferably to the end. The Long Walk Home could be a short ride.
  3. Definitely cranberry juice. Knudsen's is the best imo if you can find it. It is pure and it is strong. You can water it down to taste as drinking water helps flush out the bladder as well. Don't buy a cocktail or a juice with sugar. I've heard some people use apple cider vinegar, but have no experience with that. You could google for info. Also there are cranberry pills, but again I have no experience with them and I have no idea how effective they are. I always drink Knudsen's cranberry juice when I feel a uti coming on and it knocks it out in a day. Be sure you tell the doctor she has been drinking the juice in case it might affect the test when they check her urine. Hope she feels better quickly.
  4. I could be mistaken, but I don't think there is a code. The holiday catalog only has certain items and the free shipping is only for those items. So if you order items from the catalog you automatically get free shipping.
  5. My dd is in 6th, ds in 4th. They are both on the same level in Math. Right now they are working their way through Lial's Basic College Math. I plan to start Lial's PreAlgebra when they finish BCM. They'll likely finish BCM sometime next school year. Is there any reason not to have ds start the PreAlgebra next school year in 5th grade? I'm not sure what else we'd do because that is where he is progress wise, but I don't want to start him in it if there is a good reason not to.
  6. I have a bunch of the Math Mammoth pdfs that have teaching in them. I'll have to go take a look at the other series and the Key to Series, thanks. The Developmental Math looks to be a bit out of my price range right now, probably a new printer too, but I 'll look into them anyway for future reference. Thanks everyone! :)
  7. I'm looking for Math workbooks arranged by topic, similar to Kumon, but hopefully cheaper or with more pages and for more advanced topics. I've been printing worksheets from worksheetworks.com for review problems. I hate using so much ink, but it is exactly what I want otherwise. I print off 3-4 worksheets for each week, for example one for adding fractions, one for multi-digit multiplication, one for solving binomials, one for simplifying expressions. Then I assign one horizontal row per sheet per day, which usually works out to be 10-15 problems. The review topics can change each week. So what I need is workbooks that can take the place of printing those worksheets and answer keys(which even have some color!). Then I could tear out pages to assign instead. I know I could do without the answer keys, but I really need the time saving.
  8. If this were true there are a lot of neglected, abused children in this world and have been a lot of neglected, abused children throughout the history of humankind. I think we fail to realize not everyone lives in *our* world. Even in the United States there are impoverished areas with less opportunity, where values differ and people regard hands on working skills over education because those are the skills most needed for survival and quality of life. I think it is very important to be able to step back and not throw out a huge blanket statement like this. I really feel too many people are willing to judge and decide whether other people's choices are right or wrong. Walk a mile in another man's shoes and all that.
  9. I have not read this whole monster of a thread and I am not going to devote the time to do that. I wanted to give my opinion on what little I have read. I would NOT think it was my job, duty, or business to report the parents given the information I've read. Educational neglect would be defined dependent on their state laws and standards. It sounds to me like the parents are providing an education of their choice. I doubt the op has sat in on school sessions at the family's residence. I wouldn't expect another grown adult to give in explicit detail their homeschool plans. They could be doing ANYTHING, regardless of whatever comments they've made. It most certainly does not sound as though they are allowing the children to reach adulthood without being able to read and do basic Math. It definitely sounds like they are far away from anything I would choose to do with my children, but barring seeing a child who was being truly neglected, being neither provided nor allowed any education I would not even consider reporting. It is most certainly not my job to judge how someone else educates their child and I wouldn't report whether I thought they were up to par of state standards or not. I would draw the line at a child who was being neither provided nor allowed any education. I would see that as neglect.
  10. I was bitten by a radioactive hedgehog and I have no control over when the super powers kick in, sigh. :) Seriously though, it is definitely a lot to do with the child. You sound like you have an active one on your hands. Ds was like that. It was a trial mostly between 1-2. He was into everything, climbing everything, etc, but was also super sweet. It does help to try to remind yourself of all of the wonderfully positive things. :) My dd who is almost 4 stopped napping before she was two and when she did nap before that I had to hold her and usually rock and/or nurse her the entire time to get her to sleep. I was actually glad for naptime to go!
  11. :grouphug: It totally depends on the child, environment, etc. You'll find ways to cope and grow as you do. For me 2-3 has been harder mostly because my youngest dd is not the extremely active, climber, get into everything type (otherwise I'm sure 1-2 would have been harder). She is a very bright girl and I've found it hard to give her my best and my time when school has to happen for the older two, and dinner must happen, and cleaning must happen, well you get the point. I have found I have to make plans for her for the week on Sunday just as I do for the older kids. I set up workboxes for her, make file folders, gather match games, counting cubes, board games she can play with me and have activities set out for us to do together. She loves worksheets also, lol, so she will sit with us when she wants and do school as long as I set that up as an option for her. She's almost 4 and I have a pretty good handle on things now, so long as I pay attention, plan ahead, and use my super hero mommy skills. :)
  12. I am using Singapore 5 and Lial's BCM right now. I need suggestions for what next! I was starting to consider Saxon, but I'm really nervous to buy it without being able to see the books. I like the way Lial's BCM is laid out fine and looked on amazon to see what other books come next. There are so many editions and different titles I don't know what I'm looking at. If you used BCM, what did you use next?
  13. If I order Saxon Algebra 1/2 what all should I buy? Would this homeschool kit from Rainbow resource be sufficient? I can't even tell exactly what is included in the kit as the description doesn't say. It doesn't look like they have a teacher book? Also if I have two students would I need two kits or just an extra test packet? Thanks!
  14. KarenNC- I would have them take the placement tests, but they won't be in the same place now that they will be after finishing Singapore 5 and Lial's Basic College Math, kwim? I'll have to go and look through the contents of BCM and the Saxon 8/7 and Algebra 1/2. I definitely don't want to get too repetitive, boring, or not have them progressing, which is why I don't want Singapore 6 or Saxon 7/6. I'll check out the link, thanks.
  15. I'm considering switching from Singapore to Saxon. We've used Singapore for years and love it. I have found the kids need constant review which leaves me adding in Math Mammoth and other worksheets for review. I do love how Singapore presents Math and I'm afraid I won't like how Saxon does, but I can't find any good samples online. Everyone says Saxon builds in continual review. This would seem to simplify Math for us. Also I'm not sure if I should choose Singapore 6, NEM 1, Saxon 8/7, or Saxon Algebra 1/2. Before I start any of these the kids will finish going through Singapore 5 and Lial's BCM because I have them. I am getting ready to order from Rainbow Resource now for Christmas and want to order the next Math we'll use now to take advantage of free shipping. Any advice?
  16. Etsy.com has wonderful play silks that have been hand dyed at home. It is always good to support people who are supporting themselves by working at home. :)
  17. Have you watched any videos by Maria Miller, the maker of Math Mammoth? She has a video which outlines a specific process to use with helping students memorize facts. I used her process slightly tweaked with my kids last year and it really helped. Here is the multiplication drill video. There are also videos on strategies for addition and subtraction if she needs those, plus many more. I do think MM could be a good choice. Also I would go to a website like worksheetworks and just print off a bunch of drill type sheets to be used on a daily basis. Using those facts daily will get her memorizing them. If she is having a really hard time with the drill I'd probably let her use a multiplication chart in the beginning as even copying those facts again and again will help with memorization. Same thing for addition and subtraction if she needs help with those.
  18. I'm open to any ideas. Thanks for the book suggestions, I'll check my library for them. I did read Playful Parenting years ago, but again I don't remember much. I find it really hard to find time to read these days, so it takes me ridiculously long to read a book, lol. I usually read at bedtime, but fall asleep shortly with book in hand! I'll definitely take the time to pay attention to our screen time, junk food, sleep, and routine these next few days and evaluate if any changes could be beneficial there. I'm in Ohio and thanks for the suggestions! :)
  19. Has anyone read Teacher Effectiveness Training (same author as Parent Effectiveness Training)? I read P.E.T. years ago when my big kids were little. I can no longer remember the book or what I got out of it as its been a long time and I was on a kick of reading gentle discipline books. I couldn't say what I learned from which, lol. I'm on about page 40. The author's tone 'could' possibly be seen as slightly condescending, but I'm not taking it that way. So far I like the message. It has reminded me that I'm human and I will never be what I see as an ideal teacher. We often set ourselves up to feel like failures by expecting too much of ourselves. I do this not just in my role as a teacher, but as a mother as well. When my big kids were younger and I hadn't had the little one yet homeschooling seemed easier. The kids were excited to do school, they enjoyed school, and their behaviors were easier for me to accept because of their ages. Now that they are 10 and 11, and I have a three year old as well, things seem a lot rougher. The big kids often have attitudes (not always). They no longer like most of school. They bicker enough for it to take away from our schooling. They will show displeasure at a subject they dislike in small ways, rolling eyes, sighing, frowning, etc. I don't enjoy teaching someone when they are having a negative attitude. I've been having a hard time juggling the roles of mother, teacher, and housewife. I often feel the little one should have more of my time than she gets. I feel guilty and like I'm failing fairly often. I'm hoping to be able to work through some of the issues I'm having and adjust my attitude toward schooling and parenting. I want the joy back and I'm pretty sure the key to that lies within shifting something within myself. I'm just not entirely sure what? I'm hoping this book will help with some of my issues. Does anyone have any parenting books or other books they could recommend to help me evaluate my life, my roles, my issues? I'm open to any suggestions, not just books. Things are not drastically terrible, we all have our health, we laugh and find joy together, etc, but all too often I'm feeling negative about dealing with their negativity. I know there is a good possibility I will be dealing with a lot in the future considering their ages. Being a teen can be tough and a lot of issues come up in that age. I want to be sure I have a good relationship with them and I'm not totally feeling it right now. I'd like to reverse this before permanent damage is done.
  20. I was wondering if anyone has found anything worth getting at Currclick's stock up sale?
  21. Miracle on 34th Street, The Story of the Nutcracker, and of course The Christmas Carol. :)
  22. Thanks boscopup! This actually looks similar to what I've been making for our Spelling. I like how it asks you to manipulate the words, build them and take them apart. To build the words correctly you need to understand the rule. The words do look really easy though, is that the beginning of workbook 3? Did you say the words do get harder? Mid-book? Towards the end? Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. :)
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